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Op-Ed Articles

  Our message to American citizens as we approach the 2014 mid-term election is to never give up your effort to elect honest candidates for office who will cut government spending—less government!!  The future is still unlimited for the Republic we strongly support; we believe it will be hard work to support and elect patriotic candidates in the 2014 election.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with the message to the American people outlined in our Mission Statement above and promoted by conservatives Americans in the nation.  Do not let the left of center liberal media establishment succeed in convincing you that the conservative philosophy this nation was founded on is wrong; it is more valid today than ever before.  By clicking on the below listed link sent to me by one of my Naval Academy Classmates, Cdr Bill Brunelle ’62, you will be able to listen to an excellent message from Bill Whittle that we strongly support and believe in.

The Socialist philosophy of the Obama Administration has failed everywhere it has ever been tried.  It failed in Stalin’s Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, it failed in Hitler’s Nationalist Socialist Party in Nazi Germany, it failed in the Socialist Republics of Eastern Europe…

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       The below listed opinion explains why the potential selection of Senator John Kerry as the next Secretary of Defense will negatively affect the moral and Combat Effectiveness of the US Armed Forces.   The article was written by Don Bendell who authored 26 books, is a 70% Disabled Combat Veteran, was a courageous Green Beret A-Team member who was embedded in the Phoenix Program, is an authentic American Patriot, and a fellow Vietnam Veteran.  Don’s comments are about John Kerry who only spent 4 months on a boat, patrolling in the middle of rivers in South Vietnam, where there were very few other operating US military forces.  Yet Kerry testified that he saw many wide ranging atrocities perpetrated by all US military personnel; he testified to incidents he professes to have seen, that never really happened.  No military man could have possibly witnessed all those atrocities, even if he spent 2 years at the point of the spear of combat operations in many different villages throughout South Vietnam.  The reason Kerry lied about witnessing so many atrocities by US military personnel, toward the South Vietnamese children they were actually protecting, was to promote his political capital with the leftist antiwar movement in the US in the 60s.  Then as a junior officer in the US Naval Reserve he had the audacity to travel to Paris to meet directly with the enemy and negotiated directly with the North Vietnamese delegation in support of their objectives; he did that…

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Veterans, at one point in their lives, wrote a blank check made payable “to the United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their life.  On Veterans Day and every day, we Honor, respect, and extend a sincere thank you to all Veterans and active duty personnel for their service to the Republic.   We especially Honor all Wounded Combat Veterans, and the families of all Fallen Veterans who gave the last full measure of devotion to the Republic.  We are encouraging all Americans to reflect upon what the US Military leadership did, in order to save one American life, in days gone by; please click on the below listed link to watch the video and comprehend the important message.


It is the responsibility of the National Command Authority to do everything possible to protect Americans who are sent “Into Harm’s Way”.  Now kindly remember how the current resident of the White House and his Secretary of Defense reacted while they watched a live visual feed from a drone flying over the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya for 7 hours, compare that to Roger Locher’s rescue.  During the Al Q’ieda coordinated attack on the US Consul in Benghazi, two US Navy SEALS and the US Ambassador were urgently and repeatedly requesting protection from the White House Situation Room, the Pentagon, the CIA, the…

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The above listed Mission Statement outlines the principals upon which the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC was co-founded in August 2009 by Congressman Barry Goldwater (Ret) and Capt Joseph R. John, USN/FBI (Ret).  Its purpose is to endorse fiscally conservative Combat Veterans For Congress who would work to rein in the out of control spending, will protect the freedoms provided to us in the US Bill of Rights and the US Constitution, and who previously demonstrated their willingness to “Go In Harm’s Way” to protect and defend teammates engaged in combat. The PAC is a stand-alone organization, and has no affiliation with any political party; it seeks out Combat Veterans, and after they agree to support the above listed Mission Statement, a background investigation is completed on a potential candidate.  In order to be endorsed, the Combat Veteran is further evaluated to ensure they manifest the intelligence, common sense, integrity, honesty, and willingness to govern in accordance with the precepts laid down in the US Constitution.  Over the last 4 years, from 2009 to 2012, 326 Combat Veterans from 50 states were interviewed; 81 Combat Veterans For Congress from 35 states were endorsed to run for Congress both in the 2010 mid-term and in the 2012 election.   Conservatives, Independents, and Republicans were endorsed; no Democratic has ever agreed to endorse our Mission Statement.  

During the 2010 primary season, 27 of the 46  endorsed…

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The below listed message was forwarded to us in an E-mail from a strong supporter, donor, and Senior Advisor to the Board of Directors of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, the former Commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission, the Honorable Orson Swindle, III, Lt Col USMC/Ret (Vietnam POW), the below listed message he forwarded was written by  another strong supporter and donor to the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, the former National Security Advisor to President Ronald Reagan, the Honorable Robert “Bud” McFarlane, USNA Class of 1959, (Col USMC/Ret).  The Honorable “Bud” McFarlane relays his thoughts and concerns which are the concerns of most Americans, and he gives voice in a video which you can view by clicking on the below listed link about Obama’s “Dereliction of Duty” the worst in history by any Commander-in Chief.

The 10,000+ supporter in our data base are upset that after 7 weeks there is an Obama cover up about what happened in Benghazi, he is capable of doing that because of the complicity of the left of center liberal media establishment.  Col McFarlane states in the below listed article, that the current resident of the White House has not only…

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The below listed comments are from an FBI associate, whose investigative antenna went up when the left of center liberal TV news moderator, Cathy Crowley, jumped in to defend Obama at the end of the second Presidential debate, after previously repeatedly interrupting, and cutting Governor Romney’s responses off, 28 times, in order to flagrantly protect Obama from having to deal with many issues and the truth at the end of the debate.  That last interruption was the most egregious intentional attempt to pull the rug out from under Governor Romney when he stated a very basic and valid know fact, that Obama maintained for 14 days that the attack was a result of a little known video.  We now know, that within 24 hours of the assassination, all US Intelligence Agencies, the US State Department, the Government of Libya, International Investigative News Reporters, and the US Military  knew that the Assassination of the US Ambassador, two Navy SEALs, and an aide was the result of an attack by 200 Al Q’ieda terrorists who executed a well-planned, rehearsed, and coordinated commando attack using mortars, RPGs, and heavy weapons.  I cannot identify the source, but here are his thoughts and comments.

Thoughts from an FBI colleague:

 “The other night during the Presidential debate I considered myself to be the

Second person in the interview, listen and observe.  A gentleman from Long

Island asked a question about the Benghazi attack.  …

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In the below listed article, an endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress with 3 tours of combat duty, Congressman Duncan Hunter, Capt-USMCR (R-CA-52) joined Congressman Thomas Rooney, Cpt-USA (Judge Advocate General Staff) (R-FL-16) in sending

a letter dated October 10, 2012 to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff questioning why LTC Mathew Dooley, USA, USMA ’94, a highly decorated US Army Combat Veteran with 6 operational and combat tours of duty in Bosnia, Kuwait, and Iraq was given a negative Officer Evaluation Report (OER) on grounds that his instruction in a course on Radical Islam was offensive to Muslims and Islam. LTC Dooley was teaching military officer about the true threat posed to them by Islamic Radical terrorists from lesson plans approved by the National Defense University (NDU), taught the course as he was directed to do so, performed his classroom instruction well within the scope of NDU’s professional guidelines, and did not violate any established NDU practices or DOD Regulations to merit a negative OER. LTC Dooley’s OERs going back many years paint a picture of an outstanding Army Combat Officer with unlimited potential.

The question that should be answered by the Chairman is what civilian appointee at DOD instigated the reprimand, and why DOD got involved in the minutia of evaluating an instructor at NDU; normally Department Heads draft OERs, not even the President of the National Defense University gets involved… Read More

The below listed report on the heroic action of two Navy SEALS during the Benghazi assault by Al Q’ieda terrorists, when the US Ambassador, the two Navy SEALS, and the Ambassador’s aide were assassinated, was forwarded to me from ADM James A Lyons, Jr., USNA ‘52, USN (Ret) former Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet and Senior US Military UN Representative. The two Navy SEALS were not part of the Ambassador’s security detail, as was misreported by the White House, but were in the Consul Annex working on a project for an different Agency of the government, and they jumped into the breach to try to save the Ambassador’s life.

If the current resident of the White House had been getting his daily Intelligent Briefings from the CIA, like every other Commander-in-Chief has done before him (President Bush didn’t miss one brief for 8 years), and had not missed 65% of those briefs because he was too busy campaigning and playing golf, he would have learned that the Consul in Benghazi had a hole blown in the wall by terrorist, that the Red Cross compound was attacked by terrorists, that the British Consul had been attacked by terrorists, that 58 terrorist strikes had been made leading up to the 9/11 Anniversary. Any clear headed, competent, and up to date Commander-in-Chief, would have ordered the State Department to increase security to protect the life of the Ambassador---especially because of aggressive terrorist activities leading up to the 9/11 anniversary.…

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The first formal movement for a Navy came from Rhode Island, whose State Assembly passed on August 26, 1775, a resolution instructing its delegates to Congress to introduce legislation calling "for building at the Continental expense a fleet of sufficient force, for the protection of these colonies, and for employing them in such a manner and places as will most effectively annoy our enemies..." The US Navy was finally established during the Revolutionary War on October 13, 1775 by the Continental Congress thru the efforts of the Navys patron, John Adams. The Continental Congress authorized the purchase of the first two ships of the line to be commissioned, the frigates USS Alfred and the USS Andrew Doria, of eventually 65 frigates to be commissioned to defend the colonies from the British fleet ( only 11 frigates were still afloat at the end of the Revolutionary War). The Long Blue Line includes the Father of our Navy, John Paul Jones, who was the Continental Navys first officer to be appointed to the rank of 1st Lieutenant, and the many famous Naval heroes/personalities who followed in his footsteps, they included Preble, Lawrence, Perry, Decatur, Barry, Porter, Hull, Dahlgren, Farragut, Bancroft, Mahan, Bainbridge, Luce, Dewey, Peary, Carney, King, Halsey, Nimitz, Spruance, Leahy, Rickover, Burke, Holloway, Bagley, Moorer, and so many more. We honor and remember the many Patriots who served the Republic in the US Navy and the US Marine Corps over the past 237 years,… Read More

Both in 2008 and in 2012, there have been allegations that foreign donors have funded and are funding the Obama Campaigns, which is in violation of Federal Law. The Government Accountability Institute (GAI), in the below listed article, released a 108 page GAI Investigation Report concerning foreign and Internet fraudulent campaign donations in support of US Federal Elections.

ACORN International, based in China, receives credit card donations which do not require donors to enter their credit card security code when they make the donations (known as the firewall, the CVV code), eliminating the requirement to insert the CVV code with the donation prevents banks from tracking foreign/fraudulent donations---however, if you want to purchase an Obama T-shirt, you must insert the CVV code.

The Web site is not owned by the Obama Re-Election Campaign but rather by Obama bundler Robert Roche, a U.S. citizen living in Shanghai, China, the unusual Web site redirects traffic directly to a donation page on the Official Obama Re-Election Campaign’s Web site, Mr. Roche, who is originally from Chicago, is a co-chair of the Technology Initiative for the Official Obama Re-Election Campaign. The Web site is managed by a small Web development firm, Wicked Global, in Maine. One of Wicked Global’s employees, Greg Dorr, lists on his LinkedIn page his additional employment with Peace Action Maine and Maine…

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A Russian nuclear-powered attack submarine armed with long-range cruise missiles operated undetected in the Gulf of Mexico for several weeks and its travel in strategic U.S. waters was only confirmed after it left the region, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.  It is only the second time since 2009 that a Russian attack submarine has patrolled so close to U.S. shores. The stealth underwater incursion in the Gulf took place at the same time Russian strategic bombers made incursions into restricted U.S. airspace near Alaska and California in June and July, and highlights a growing military assertiveness by Moscow. The submarine patrol also exposed what U.S. officials said were deficiencies in U.S. anti-submarine warfare capabilities—forces that are facing cuts under the Obama Administration’s plan to reduce defense spending by $487 billion over the next 10 years. 

Admiral James A Lyons, Jr. ‘52, USN (Ret) strategic review should concern every American; the US Navy no longer has the ships to protect lines of communication at sea, to properly protect the Continental United States, and Obama has allowed Iran to place missiles in Venezuela that can strike the US.  President Kennedy made the Russians remove their missiles in Cuba that could strike the US by imposing the Cuban blockade, while threatening the invasion of Cuba.  However,…

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The President of the United States is required by the US Constitution to enforce and abide by all federal laws.  Unfortunately, once again, the current resident of the White House is violating federal law, this time with regard to enforcing the federal laws concerning illegal immigrants.  When Congress did not do Obama’s bidding by providing amnesty for illegal immigrants, Obama simply bypassed them, and used another one of his 126 Executive Orders to accomplish de facto amnesty for illegal immigrants anyway; that Executive Order is effectively instituting the DREAM ACT that Obama couldn’t get through Congress.  He has repeatedly abused the use of Executive Orders by issuing Executive Orders to get around the  US Constitution (a sample of some of the Executive Orders are listed below; they should give every American pause, because there is no legitimate need for issuance of those Executive Orders).   Since de facto amnesty will allow 3+ millions illegal immigrants, ages 16 to 30,  to avoid deportation, an expert on federal law enforcement, who is also a writer/author for many Police and Security Magazines, expressed outrage in the below listed link.

               Outrage! De facto amnesty for…

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These two short videos document the concerted effort by an organization to promote illegal voting.  We encourage you to view them, and kindly pass them on to those in your address book who support the federal law that permits American Citizens to only vote “once” in any election, and precludes illegal immigrants from voting as they have been recruited to vote in previous elections.

Congressman Paul Ryan selection as Governor Mitt Romney running mate was an excellent choice because of his in depth knowledgeable of complex fiscal/budgetary issues, and because for his 7 terms in Congress, he has consistently been a “very strong supporter” of US military personnel in Combat, has protected the DOD Budget from unwarranted cuts like the proposed sequestration cuts being considered, and has supported Veteran’s benefits without fail.  If you click on the below listed link you will be able to view Congressman Ryan discuss why the flawed Obama Healthcare Bill fails Barack Obama’s own deficit test; his respectful presentation about the cost of the Obama Healthcare Bill to the current resident of the White House displays his thorough grasp of the long range negative impact the flawed Obama Healthcare Bill will have on healthcare for our children and grandchildren.  "I will not sign a healthcare plan that adds one dime to our deficits -- either now or in the future." (Remarks by Obama to a Joint Session of Congress on September 9, 2009)

VIDEO: Paul Ryan took apart Obama and Obamacare -- in 6 minutes!  

Congressman Ryan opposed the transfer of $716 billion from the Medicare Trust Fund to bankroll the flawed Obama Healthcare Bill, because the transfer of $716 billion from the Medicare Trust Fund by the Obama Administration has effectively decimated Medicare.  Unfortunately, it is the…

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On July 17th, 2012, the Obama for America Campaign Committee, the Democratic National Committee, and the Ohio Democratic Party filed a lawsuit in Ohio seeking to overturn decades of military voting protections.  Specifically, in an attempt to gain more time for their supporters to vote in early voting, the Obama campaign and the national and Ohio Democratic parties argue that it is, “unconstitutional,” “without rational justification” and “arbitrary” to provide military voters more time.  Really?

The Combat Veterans for Congress PAC was founded to elect Congressmen and Senators who not only served in combat in our nation’s defense, but who are also dedicated to preserving and defending the Constitution of the United States.  And we believe that the most fundamental of Constitutional rights is the right to vote.  How ironic that the current Commander-in-Chief, who swore himself an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, is now arguing in court that the men and women he commands do not deserve any more time to successfully receive, cast, and return their ballots.

What’s even worse is that his minions at the Obama for America campaign issue dishonest press releases to completely misrepresent what the Obama campaign is doing, and how it can completely disenfranchise the US military; not only in the state of Ohio, but in every State and Territory in the Union.

That is why Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is joining 15 National…

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The Free Enterprise System in these United States has built the most effective economic engine in the history of mankind, and for over 236 years the opportunities in the Republic has been a magnet for those who immigrate to the United States with the promise of freedom and economic success.  That hope for economic freedom has been immortalized by Emma Lazarus’ sonnet “Give me your tired and your poor, your huddle masses yearning to breathe free.”  The legal immigrants from all over the world have immigrated because of the opportunity the Free Enterprise System has provided for individuals who are willing to “work” to attain success.

Unfortunately, the current resident of the White House has been dividing Americans, creating class warfare by portraying financially successful Americans, who attained their success by hard work and self-sacrifice, as greedy.  Obama continues to sow the seeds of class warfare by telling those at his rallies that very successful Americans have earned enough, and calls for tax increases on hard working Americans, so their earned incomes can be redistributed.  He doesn’t tell his followers, that if the entire incomes of the top 2% of American income earners were confiscated, it would only fund the government for 8 days.  The Marxist philosophy of redistribution of wealth has never worked.

For over the last 90 years, Socialism has been an economic calamity and its failure has been demonstrated by the…

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In light of what drug & human smugglers and potential terrorists are willing to do, it would seem that securing the US borders, as the nation did during WWII, would be one of the most pressing National Security issue facing the Republic.   The below listed letter from a retired US Border Patrol Officer's to Us Senator Frist should be a reality check for all clear thinking American citizens, and it should have motivated Congress to finally take action to secure the US Borders, but it has not.  Unfortunately, Congress continues its inaction on this issue; the attached video documents how “Drug Mules” jack up a border fence, in order to smuggle drugs into the US. 

Arizona took action to protect its border, and should have been supported by the current resident of the White House.  However, most recently the Obama Administration has decided to punish Arizona for being granted the right, by the US Supreme Court, to have Arizona Law Enforcement Officers check the identity of illegal immigrants during a lawful traffic stops to determine if they are illegal immigrants and if they are listed on ICE’s national data base of criminal elements.  The Department of Homeland Security has been directed to prevent Arizona Law Enforcement Officers from working closely with ICE as they have in the past, when they used to check the identity of illegal immigrants to determine if they were potential terrorists, drug cartel smugglers, repeat criminal…

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Before we endorsed a Combat Veteran For Congress we ask them if they approve of and would agree to support our Mission Statement.  One of the precepts in the Mission Statement is to “rein in the out of control spending by Congress.”  Since 2009, we have endeavored to encourage Congress to rein in their reckless and out of control spending that has severely undercut the fiscal stability of the Republic over the last 25 years.  With the support of the Congress, the Obama Administration continues to shift the burden of repayment of $17+ trillion in debt onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.  We encourage you to click on the below listed link, to view and listen to Pierre Poilievre, a member of Canada’s Parliament, as he recounts how the US Congress recklessly continues to damage the security and financial stability of the Republic, and how he commends Canada’s leadership for not following the unsound and reckless example of the Obama Administration and the US Congress.

Very soon, we will again witness the lack of leadership of both parties in Congress, they will soon demonstrate their continued irresponsibility and lack of courage by putting off the vote to increase America’s debt limit, until after the November election, when they will…

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The Fourth of July is also the birthday of every American Patriot; it is also “your” birthday each year.  When the opportunity presents itself, I encourage you to thank a Veteran for their service, and wish them a Happy Second Birthday on annual celebration of the “The Birth of The Nation”.  The vast majority of Veterans are respectful, hard-working, family oriented, and unassuming true American Patriots; for over 236 years Veterans have been an important part of the fabric that is the foundation of the Republic.   At one point in their life, a Veteran wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their life.”  We all know of military personnel who have given the last full measure of devotion to the Republic; and as you know, others have been seriously wounded and will be suffering with those disabling injuries for the remainder of their lives.  If more members of Congress were as dedicated to protecting and defending the US Constitution and to watching out for the welfare of the Republic as American Veterans have sworn to do, the Republic probably wouldn’t be in the very serious financial difficulty it finds itself in today because of the irresponsible out of control spending by Congress. 


 Americans Just Don't Understand Their Military…

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The below listed article is an outstanding analysis of the flawed Law of the Seas Treaty (LOST) by Admiral James A. Lyons, Jr., USN (Ret).  LOST encompasses and takes control of economic and technology interests in all the oceans of the world, and will “REDISTRIBUTES WEALTH” from the developed to undeveloped nations, will restrict freedom of navigation, will impact the maritime security of the US Navy by establishing exclusive economic zones, will pre-empt the 2nd Amendment by allowing the confiscation of privately held firearms of all US citizen’s under this anti US Constitution UN Treaty mandate, and will suppress the Free Enterprise System by creating oppressive environmental regulations for the Republic.  The resident of the White House has agreed to do what no other US President has ever agreed to do; he has agreed to transfer islands off the coast of Alaska with the surrounding territorial oil rich waters that the United States has sovereignty over to Russia for no reason or for no compensation.  The United States sovereignty would be subjugated, in many of the oceans of the world, to the supernatural government that is chartered by the United Nations under the 1982 Convention.   Admiral Lyons thorough analysis discusses the flaws, dangers, and reasons why the United States Senate should not ratify the LOST Treaty.  Ratifying this LOST Treaty will not only take away the “Liberties and Freedoms” our Founding Father provided for us and our…

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No individual in their right mind would give control of 2/3rd of the earth’s surface to a small committee in the UN controlled by land locked Third World nations. That is the latest lame brained scheme being pushed by the Obama Administration.  The UN annually will charge the US untold millions of dollars for permits to do prospecting for seabed mineral mining, exploring and drilling for oil, and for fishing rights, as well as requiring payment of taxes on a percentage of the profits generated from the efforts of US firms involved in the Free enterprise system.  The US should be free to develop ocean resources as all nations have done for over 4000 years.  In addition the LOST Treaty will transfer islands and territory off the coast of Alaska, rich in oil to Russia.

We encourage all Americans who believe in the independence of the Republic and want to retain their freedoms as outlined in the US Constitution, to inform your US Senators that you strongly oppose the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST).   You and American citizens like you are the fundamental strength of this Republic, please pass this E-mail on to all those in your address book who will join you in opposing this LOST Treaty.   Your US Senator should be informed that the American voters want to retain the basic freedoms that our Founding Fathers gave us 236 years ago, we want to continue to be independent, and oppose being dominated by the UN.

For the third year in a row, the Democrat controlled US Senate, in league with the Obama Administration, has refused to propose a formal budget for the US Government in clear violation of federal law.  If any business entity applied for a loan and asked to borrow 43 cents of every dollar they proposed to spend, without presenting the bank with a budget to outline proposed spending, the application would be rejected—yet for the third time in history, the current Democrat controlled Senate has refused to present a budget for their banker, the American people, to confer with the proposed House budget over the last three years.  Out of control and irresponsible spending has driven the Republic into an additional $5 trillion in debt over the last 3 and ½ years, and unless the American people can rein in spending by the Congress and the Obama Administration, our grandchildren will never be able to repay or extricate the Republic from the mounting debt.  By the end of his 4th year in office, the current occupant of the White House will have driven the nation into nearly $6 trillion in additional debt—more debt than all US Presidents collectively have spent in the 236 year history of the Republic.  The out of control spending is the most dangerous threat facing the survival of the Republic.  In November 2012, every members of Congress, who has failed to resist the out of control spending, should be removed from office by American voters who care about the nation’s future and the…

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 A commentary to “Never Forget” the extraordinary service in Combat by US Navy SEALS and the US Armed Forces by Jenna Lee, a Fox News Anchorwoman.

Two of the 36 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, GySgt Nick Popaditch, USMC (Ret) and Senator John McCain (POW), were seated on either side of Gov Mitt Romney at a Memorial Day Tribute, where 5000 Veterans and supporters gathered at the Veteran’s Memorial adjacent to the Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego.  If you click on the below listed link, you will be able to view GySgt Popaditch’s address reminding those in attendance to “Never Forget” the long history of extraordinary service in Combat by US Marines.                           

While you are reading this message, that truly extraordinary service in Combat continues now by all members of the US Armed Forces, in Afghanistan and on other foreign shores; let us “Never Forget” their dedicated service in defense of the Republic.                         

The below listed link to Gen Anthony Zini, USMC (Ret), former Commander, US Central Command, is an outstanding presentation that should be viewed by all family members of Vietnam Veterans.  In reflection when we returned from multiple tours of duty in Vietnam, we were faced with a hostile left of center liberal media establishment, abusive demonstrators with that peace symbol created in 1958 by Eric Austin of Kensington for the Communist Party to falsely portray peace (while their true objective was our defeat in Vietnam), but as shocking as those offensive demonstrators were, there were also many Americans who didn’t seem to care about the returning Wounded Warriors, Veterans with multiple tours, the well-being of incarcerated POWs in Hanoi, or the sacrifices our families were going thru.  On this Memorial Day and often, we remember and “Honor” all who served in Vietnam, especially those who have now passed on.  One fine example is a courageous US Marine, Col John Ripley (Navy Cross/Silver Star/Bronze Star/Purple Heart), who made that now famous stand in the annals of the US Marine Corps on the Bridge at Dong Ha.  Only 1/3 of the Vietnam Veterans who answered the call to duty survive.   We remind all Americans this Memorial Day that the US Military never lost a major engagement in Vietnam, then had a Democrat controlled Congress vote to cut off financial support for ammunitions while we were actually still in combat, we were often spit upon when we…

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Combat Heroes do not seek credit!

It is Combat Heroes who put their lives on the line! 

True Combat Heroes do not politicize their acts of valor! 

The current resident of the White House continue to employ mass TV advertisements, continues to do multiple TV specials/interviews, and initiated a live national broadcast from the “safety’ of  the largest secure combat base in Afghanistan, about what “I”. “Me”, “HE” did.  While those personnel in the Special Operations community of the military know, President Bush initiated a well-coordinated program 10 years ago, to execute a worldwide intelligence gathering mission, to approve a skillful enhanced interrogation operation to patiently & persistently extract information from captured terrorists in the Brig at the US Naval Base in Guantanamo Cuba, and it took many years of training and dangerous combat operations for members of SEAL Team SIX to become fully prepared for the operation he continues to brag about.  According to senior Flag Officers in the Pentagon, it was the skillful planning by SEAL Admiral William McRaven, Commander of the Joint Operations Command (JSOC), and many weeks of painstaking precision rehearsals by SEAL Team SIX, that led Admiral McRaven “to decide” to execute the mission.  That…

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In Investor Business, it was reported that President Obama plans to share sensitive Aegis ballistic missile defense data with Russia; this was very disturbing article for me to read after the loss of so many of my classmates and men I served with in defense of the Republic.  In the follow on letter dated March 26, 2012, Congressman Mike Turner, Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, asks the President for an “urgent explanation of [his] comments to President Medvedev in Seoul, where the president stated in regard to missile defense in Europe that “this is my last election, and after my election I'll have more flexibility.”  “As the Chairman of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee, which authorizes U.S. missile defense and nuclear weapons policy, I want to make it perfectly clear that my colleagues and I will not allow any attempts to trade missile defense of the United States to Russia or any other country,” wrote Turner.

Congress has included in the FY 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, which the president has signed into law, a provision constraining his ability to share classified U.S. missile defense information with the Russian Federation. Congress took this step because it was clear based upon official testimony and the Obama Administration’s comments in the press that…

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By clicking on the below listed link of a press release from the White House Press Office, you will be able to read the Presidential Executive Order that was released late on Friday evening.  This new Presidential Executive Order is different in context and definition from similar Presidential Executive Orders issued by previous residents of the White House.  It includes an overly broad definition of National Defense, and for the first time in the General Provisions section of the order, Part VIII, Section 801 (j), it allows for emergency preparedness activities conducted pursuant to title VI of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5195 which permits the President to declare Martial Law when the country is not in times of war.  The Republic can still be safeguarded by Congressional action if the Congress is able to come together to act, and if the media establishment will do its duty to alert the American people in advance of the enactment of Section 801 (j).

"There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our (the United States) overthrow.  Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter.  From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their…

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We have witnessed the 568 ship US Navy that President Reagan authorized and built, being reduced to a 230 ship Navy by President Obama according to a recent Wall Street Journal’s analysis.  Obama’s actions, in light of China aggressive naval shipbuilding program.  The Department of Defense’s quadrennial review, completed by President Obama’s own Pentagon appointees, reported that at a very minimum the US Navy should not be reduced below 345 ships.   If the American people return President Obama to office, the number of US Naval ships will certainly be reduced further, in his continuing program to reduce $1 trillion from the US Military establishment, in order to employ those funds to expand his social welfare programs. 

Military retirees, reservists, and active duty military personnel will have to come up with $13 billion to cover their health care costs over the next 5 years.  While others in the nation will receive free medical care—including 20 million illegal aliens and the 48% of civilians in the nation who pay no taxes and never go “In Harm’s Way.”  In order to cover the cost of free medical care for illegal aliens and for the 48% of citizens, who pay no taxes at all, requires that the Obama Administration seeks funds for another one of its Social program, by extracting those funds from the pay of active, reserve, and retired military personnel.    Unabated 

While President Obama is forcing active military, military reservists, and…

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Under a new ordered Obama Health Care Bill mandate, that was just issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), HHS is mandating that religious employers provide health care coverage for contraception, including abortion-inducing drugs at no cost -- thereby trampling upon the religious employer’s constitutionally guaranteed free exercise of religion.  If you review the below listed article, the Social Experiment On Diversity driven by the civilian appointees of the Obama Administration at the US Defense Department (DOD) continues to expand; it is now forcing US Army Chaplains to violate their religious consciences and freedom of speech by preventing them from telling their parishioners from the pulpit that they oppose mandating catholic run institutions to provide contraception, sterilization, and abortifacient drugs for their employees at the religious institution’s own expense, even though their religion opposes that action.  That is a clear violation of the freedom of religion that the U.S. Constitution guarantees.  The Social Experiment On Diversity is also responsible for Military Academies’ admission policies that are a clear violation of a Supreme Court’s ruling, that entering students at all institutions of higher education shall no longer be admitted by allocating acceptance percentages using race and gender as one of their criteria. 

If you have a daughter or granddaughter, this latest, never ending expansion by the Obama Administration’s Social Experiment on Diversity in the below listed article, driven by the Obama Administration’s civilian appointees at the Department of Defense will concern you.  Assigning women to direct combat will eliminate the rational why the US Supreme Court exempted young women from Selective Service registration, which the court upheld as Constitutional, because women were not assigned to direct ground combat.   By changing the policy, the Department of Defense is inviting another ACLU lawsuit challenging young women's exemption from Selective Service registration.   Every day another shoe drops in the never ending Social Experiment on Diversity driven by the Obama Administration; the constant assault on the US Military establishment is negatively affecting combat effectiveness and continues to skew the admission policies forced upon the Boards of Admission at US Service Academies.