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Op-Ed Articles

In the below listed article, the World Health Organization (W. H. O.) is contradicting the Obama administration appointed bureaucrats at CDC who keep telling the American people, that sending 3000 members of the US Armed Forces to fight Ebola in Western Africa will not negatively affect their health.  

CDC has also been assuring the American people that there is no need to control entry of all people arriving from West Africa or canceling those flights, when other countries health care professionals are controlling entry of people trying to entry from West Africa and cancelling all flights from West Africa.  


Any infectious disease initiative in West Africa should have been initiated by the United Nations, mobilizing representatives from W. H. O. who are well-trained healthcare workers, doctors, and nurses specializing in infectious disease control.  Controlling Ebola in the world is not a US Military mission.


Lt Gen William Boykin said. “At a time when our military has been at war for 13 years, suicide is at an all-time high, [post-traumatic stress disorder] is out of control and families are being destroyed as a result of 13 years of war, the last thing that Obama should be doing is sending people into West Africa to fight Ebola.” 

Lt Gen Boykin pointed out that there will be no inoculation for Ebola prior to troop deployment. Defense Department spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby said that the only preparation service members will…

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On September 25, 2014 the Obama administration announced it would, once again, act unilaterally to provide Illegal alien “DREAMERS” with the opportunity to join the U.S. Armed Forces and be rewarded with an expedited pathway to United States citizenship.  While US Military at the same time, personnel serving in Combat in Afghanistan began receiving pink slips.  The Obama administration is planning to discharge 90,000 American citizens who are members of the US Armed Forces, many of whom are fully trained Combat Veterans, and speak, read, and comprehend fluent English.  Obama is intent on replacing hose American citizens in the US Armed Forces with Illegal aliens, many of whom can’t properly speak, read, and comprehend English.  Please review the below listed article by William Hamilton, J.D., and Ph.D.

Obama is planning on replacing loyal American Combat Veterans, who need their paying billets, with Illegal aliens at a time when 40 million Americans are unemployed, on food stamps, and would gladly join the US Armed Forces to obtain a paying jobs.  This program of replacing US Citizens in the US Armed Forces with Foreign Nationals, who can’t properly speak, read, or properly comprehend English.  That latest Obama initiative is extremely dangerous to the National Security, of the Republic, and is being supported by leftist and Marxist elected members of Congress.  


Consider the fact that under the provisions of …

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Please read the below listed article by Col Lawrence Sellin, Ph. D, concerning the history of the progressive political correct propaganda programs first developed by the Communist Party and promoted by progressives in the US since the early 50s.  Over the last 6 years the progressive movement has been implemented by the Obama administration by integrating progressive and politically correct policy in all Government Bureaus with the help of 45 czars appointed by Obama who were never confirmed by the US Senate.  The progressive and political correctness indoctrination has been force fed to the captive US Armed Forces negatively affecting Combat Effectiveness, unit cohesiveness, and moral.  While this has been on going, the left of center liberal media establishment has been promulgating progressive political correctness in their media, in order to indoctrinate the American people.  At the same time, the Obama appointees at the Department of Education have promoted Obama’s progressiveness and political correctness in the new anti-American Common Core teaching curriculum for secondary and college educational courses, in keeping with the progressive indoctrination of unsuspecting students by leftists college professors that has been going on since the early 60’s. 

Unsuspecting students at all levels of education are being indoctrinated with this new progressive political correct Common Core agenda approved by the Obama administration which has eliminated civics…

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The below listed speech is the most important speech, in support of the Republic, that I have listened to, since I listened to many important speeches by President Ronald Reagan over a 14 year period.  I believe I can speak with a degree of authority and confidence, because of my association with President Ronald Reagan and the Reagan administration over that 14 year period.  The below listed keynote speech was given by Dinesh D’Souza, author and producer of the most successful documentary film in history, “America”; the address was given on September 6, 2014 at the Town and Country Hotel in San Diego, California during a Gala Event to introduce the Combat Veterans For Congress to the national press corps.

I was very fortunate to work with and for President Reagan, on and off, for a 14 years period.  I began my association with former California Governor Ronald Reagan during his campaign for the Republican nomination for President, when he was running against President Gerald Ford.  That campaign took us to the Republican Convention in Kansas City, where Gov Reagan lost what was until then, a very close nomination race, but because of the power of incumbent who was able to offer delegates from key states with certain benefits, Gov Reagan lost.  I continued to work with President Reagan during his two terms and for 2 years after he left office; when his staff in Century City would ask me if I would volunteer to do advances for the former President, when he was…

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While China and Russia are upgrading their nuclear weapons inventory and are going forward with advance nuclear weapons research, and while Iran is developing nuclear weapons, the Executive Branch of government has been degrading its once superior and advanced nuclear weapons technology capability.  The once most powerful US nuclear weapons research facility in the world is rapidly falling behind Russia and China.  Please read the below listed article by VADM Robert R. Monroe, USN (Ret).

Sandia Laboratory scientists have ceased doing exploratory and research work to avoid technology surprise by other nuclear powers, and work on new smaller and more effective design nuclear weapons has ceased all together. The US‘s unilateral cessation of safe underground testing has prevented scientist from testing our aging nuclear weapons, and allowing the United States with the ability to replace them with modern smaller, more effective, and safer weapons---it leave the Republic at the mercy of the Chinese and the Russians who have no such limitations and are progressing rapidly.   

“Peace thru Strength”, a policy that the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress support, could be achieved by having a modern and more effective nuclear weapons inventory; that policy has been shouted down by leftist and Socialist supporters of the Obama administration in the US Congress.  The endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress listed in the attachment who are running for election in 2014…

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In the Middle East, for the past 3 years, Obama has avoided exercising traditional US leadership in the world community to mobilize support for the prevention of the continued slaughter of Christians (by his inaction, by taking no action, he has signaled ISIL that it is safe to continue slaughtering Christians.  Obama continues to state almost daily, that there will be no boots on the ground in the Middle East; ISI has become emboldened by his telling them what he will not do.

Instead of inserting boots on the ground with small Special Operations units in the Levant of what used to be Iraq, to coordinate command & control, US air operations & strikes, and gathering of actionable intelligence, and instead of putting 3000 military boots on the ground along the southern border to stem the massive influx of Illegal Immigrants, drug smugglers, human smugglers, and terrorist flooding across the southern border, Obama is executing a very dangerous plan to deploy 3000 US military personnel to the Ebola infected jungles of Liberia.  Obama has placed the 3000 military personnel under the command of the State Department not the Defense Department..  


Helping contain Ebola is not the duty for the US Armed Forces to perform, the US Military is not an organization that contain contagious and infectious diseases that have no cure.  It is something the UN Health Organization together with the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Disease at the…

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All Midshipmen and Cadets, while matriculating at one of the US Service Academies, are taught to fight to “Win” in academics, on the athletic field, and ultimately in combat---they learn that there is no substitute for victory!!

Unfortunately, the resident in the Oval Office’s plan to defeat the Islamic State in the Levant (ISIL), is not a serious plan; there is no consistency, no clarity, and no obvious will to “Win”  Allies have observed that Obama is calling the world to ride to an uncertain trumpet when he is not committed to it.  The failure to execute an effective air campaign (the 150 air strikes over many weeks should have occurred on the first day of air campaign and everyday thereafter).  The repeated statements by Obama that there will be no boots on the ground, and failure of the air campaign to strike supply lines, long convoys of armed terrorists, and weapons depots in Syria has signaled ISIL that the plan is not a serious plan. 


The allies have watched over the last 6 years as Obama walked away from the victory in Iraq & refused to leave a residual US military force in Iraq overriding his own generals, Obama walked away from air strikes in Syria 3 years ago when Assad crossed the red line, he took out a friendly leader in Libya then walking away from a destabilized Libya that resulted in Al Q’ieda taking over Libya, walked away from the friendly Egyptian Army Junta after it removed the Moslem Brotherhood Mosci who was killing…

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The assault on Americans Citizen’s rights to own and bear arms in accordance with provisions of the Second Amendment of the US Constitution is being threatened by the Obama administration’s support for the UN Small Arms Treaty.  This UN Small-Arms Treaty threatens individual firearm ownership with an invasive registration scheme.  

The below listed Op-Ed by Admiral James A Lyons’52 USN (Ret) (former Commander of the US Pacific Fleet and the Senior US Military Representative to the United Nations) is a warning all Americans of the threat posed by Obama to void provisions of the Second Amendment by signing the UN Small-Arms Treaty, allowing the UN to control small arms in the United States.  
Obama has the support of the elected Democrat Senators to approve the UN Small Arms Treaty.  Those Democrat Senators who agree with Obama, standing for re-election in November should be defeated at the polls.   The endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress listed on the Endorsements page, running for election in 2014 (three of whom are running for the US Senate), support the rights of all Americans to acquire and bear arms in accordance with the US Constitution. 


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The third major event in five years to promote the candidacy of endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress with the National Press was held in San Diego on September 6th at the Town and Country Hotel.  Seventeen media representatives from throughout the nation attended, received Press Credentials, and represented 40+ outlets.  The media representatives and journalists made press releases, will periodically release follow on articles, and over the next two months will be airing video presentations on their TV Networks about the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress. 

The event gained the endorsement and attendance of nationally known Patriotic Americans most of whom addressed the gathering-----Writer and Producer of “America” Dinesh D’Souza, Texas Governor Rick Perry, National Syndicated KABC Radio Talk Show Host Larry Elder, One American Network News Anchor Rick Amato, Tea Party Express National Strategist Sal Russo, FOX/CNN/CNBC Commentator Gary Berntsen, Congressman Barry Goldwater, Jr.  Congressman Kerry Bentivolio, Actress/ Singer/Producer Connie Stevens, Singer/Producer Pat Boone, the Thomas More Law Center Director of Mission Advancement Thomas Lynch,  and the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress who were able to break away from their tightly contested races in 21 states. 


Patriotic Americans from Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Michigan, Montana, Florida, Illinois, Wyoming, and California traveled to San Diego to support the event, including the…

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By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to view Texas Governor Rick Perry's statement of support for the Combat Veterans For Congress at the third Gala event to introduce the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress to the national press corps on September 6, 2014.


The American people have less than 60 days until the most important Congressional election in 238 years.  Voter Fraud will again be one of the major tactics employed by the opposition in November 2014.  In the 2012 national election, 7 million people voted in two states.  All Americans who have concerns about Voter Fraud should join their local poll watcher organizations to guard against Voter Fraud.


The below listed article is a penetrating and alarming evaluation of Obama’s intentions, written by a decorated Combat Veteran, Col Lawrence Sellin, PhD.  It outlined what Obama has intentionally been doing to divide the American people along racial, gender, and economic lines, and how he has intentionally destabilized the nation financially, while allowing criminals and illegal Immigrants form Middle Eastern countries to flood across the wide open southern border, while at the same time, he continues to hollow out the US Army to pre-World War II levels and the US Navy to pre-World War I levels of less than 200 ships (the CNO, ADM Greenert, just testified before Congress that the Navy requires at least 450 ships to safeguard the Republic).  

Yet while Obama hollows out the US Armed Forces, we witness Russia, China, Iran, ISIL, and Al Q’ieda not only building up and modernize their military armed forces, but they are taking overt aggressive action in Ukraine, Japan’s off shore Islands, Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Gaza.  Not only is the occupant of the Oval Office, sitting on his hands while the Middle East is in flames, but for nearly 6 years, he and his appointed czars have been working overtime to make the House of Representatives irrelevant with his Executive Orders that circumvent federal laws and the Congress.  Obama’s refusal to enforce the laws of the land, and his failure to abide by the provisions of the US Constitution, that he swore to uphold, while hollowing…

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David Horowitz was raised by Communist parents and used to be one, until he saw the light; he was well trained and indoctrinate by his parents to know what Marxist programs are.  His below listed comments on the Obama White House and Obama’s true agenda should be passed on to all Patriotic Americans.  There is an old saying that the left of center liberal media establishment has ignored for nearly 6 years: “Don’t listen to what a person says, look at what one does.”

HOROWITZ: The Hell That Is The Obama White House


Commentary David Horowitz
Let me begin by acknowledging that this inspirational title is lifted from a tweet by screen actor James Woods. And now I will explicate his tweet.

Every sentient human being whose brain isn’t stuffed with ideological fairy dust can see that Obama is behind every major scandal of his administration from Benghazi to the I.R.S. disgrace. How can one know this? Because the culprits haven’t been fired. Moreover, if they are serial liars like Susan Rice, they’ve actually been promoted to posts where their loyalty to the criminal-in-chief can do America and its citizens even more damage, if that is possible.

A president faced with a scandal created by underlings behind his back would…

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Unfortunately, Obama used his civilian appointees to prevent Chaplains from reading letters from their Cardinals from the pulpit to their parishioners in violation of “Freedom of Speech”: and “Freedom of Religion.”
Then Obama used his civilian appointees to have Military Chaplains make their Chapels available for same sex marr5iage ceremonies in violation of the Chaplain’s deepest held religious beliefs.
Then Obama used his civilian appointees to restrict Chaplains from distributing Bibles in military hospitals to wounded warriors, in violation of “Freedom of Religion.”
Then Obama had his civilian appointees order base commanders to provide US Armed Forces Color Guards in Full Dress, to march in gay pride parades in violation of US Military Regulations, that prevents members of the US Armed Forces in uniform from participating in political events.:
In the below listed article, Obama used an atheist’s complaint as an excuse to have his civilian appointees make the Navy remove Bibles from all Naval Base hotels in violation of “Freedom of Religion.”

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The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has been sitting idly by without resigning in protest, while for over 4 years, Obama effectively fired over 200 of the brightest battle tested flag and general officers and senior officers. 

The Chairman didn’t resign, in protest, when Obama refused to issue “Cross Border Authority”, thereby preventing the US Military from launching a rescue mission to attack the 125 to 150 Al Q’ieda terrorists, in their rehearsed and coordinated commando attack on the US Mission in Benghazi, killing 2 US Navy SEALS who could have been easily saved.  Dempsey covered up the fact that armed Air Force F-16s in Aviona, Italy, 480 miles away, sitting on the tarmac on “Awareness Alert” were less than 2 hours of flight time away from Benghazi, and if they were launched and simply broke the sound barriers above the attacker’s, the attackers would have scattered and they would have saved the lives of the two Navy SEALs..


For over 4 years the Chairman has sat idly by without resigning as he watched civilian appointees of the Obama administration restrict the “Freedom of Religion” of members of the US Armed Forces by restricting the issue of bibles, preventing Chaplins from exercising their ”Freedom of Speech” in the pulpit reading letters from their Cardinals to their parishioners, forced Chaplins to allow same sex marriages in their Chapels in violation of their deepest held religious beliefs, forced commanding officers of various…

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The hardest thing to explain is the glaring evidence which everybody has decided not to see - Ayn Rand

In the privacy of your thoughts, you may have you come to the conclusion that the world order, as you have known it in your lifetime, is unraveling.  The skewed coverage by the left of center liberal media establishment of the Obama administration’s scandals and the chaos those scandals created, may have had you wondering if you may be mistaken about you interpretation of events, because of the double speak coming out of the Obama administration. You are not alone.  American citizens have been intentionally and deliberately been presented with misleading information and lies by the Obama administration, the Democrats leadership in Congress, and the left of center liberal media establishment as they continue to try to cover up and hide heinous criminal activity, fraud, lawlessness, violations of Federal Laws, and violations of provisions of the  US Constitution.  Some of the unraveling scandal and chaos being covered up are as follows:


Fast & Furious, The Battle of Benghazi, IRS scandal, Obamacare, voter fraud, and Veteran’s deaths because they can’t get doctor’s appointments


The attempt to restrict American’s right to bear arms by trying to abide by a UN International Small Arms Treaty in violation of the 2nd Amendment


Restricting Freedom of Religion of members of the US Armed Forces by restricting the issue of…

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Please read the below listed article about Senator Jeff Session’s (R-AL) warning to all Americans from a WND Exclusive report.  We encourage all Americans to contact their Congressional Representatives in the US Senate and the US House and firmly demand that they not approve the current $3.7 billion Border Bill being proposed by Obama to ease the massive increase in costs associated with the 90,000 Illegal Immigrants children, gang members, adults posing as parents, criminals, and Middle Eastern terrorist flooding across, what was formerly the Southern Border of the United States, without certain safeguards

The leadership of the Republican led Congress should have opposed Obama’s DREAMERS Executive Order in 2012, instead of sitting on their hands, by using the power of the purse on so many funding issues that the Obama administration required.  Now once again the leadership of the Republican led Congress should take action, using the power of the purse to get a provision in the Border Bill that states Obama can no longer violate Federal Immigration Laws with Executive Orders, and demand as a condition of passage, that Obama does what President Truman and President Eisenhower both did in the past.  Obama should be required to-seal the US Southern Border with federalized National Guard troops, to back up US Border Patrol Agents, so they can be freed to enforce Federal Immigration Laws and arrest coyotes, drug smugglers, human smugglers, criminals, gang members, and…

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All American citizens who hold their FREEEDOM dear, and support family values should watch the below listed video entitled “AGENDA: Grinding America Down.”   We’ve received thousands of E-mails each week for 5 years; “AGENDA: Grinding America Down” is one of the most significant presentations we’ve viewed over these past 5 years.   

The video is about the values you want to ensure your children & your extended family members benefit from, it supports the different religious faiths that provide the foundation upon which human values are based, it’s about supporting the members of the US Armed Forces---many of whom gave their last full measure of devotion in order to defend the Republic---it is mainly about the FREEDOMS accorded to all American citizens in the US Constitution by the Founding Fathers.. 


AGENDA: Grinding America Down



Using Obama’s own words, when he said that he fully intends to “fundamentally transform” our 238 year old Republic; we now have witnessed his true goal to create a Socialist State by any means necessary.  By repealing President Clinton’s requirement that welfare recipients must work for financial aid from the government, over the past 6 years, Obama has managed to enroll a record number of Americans and illegal immigrants in government welfare…

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Eric Holder has not been fulfilling his responsibility to protect and defend the US Constitution and Enforce Federal Laws passed by Congress; he is threatening the Separation of Powers upon which the Republic was founded, as explained in the below listed article.  Holder sued Arizona for trying to secure their wide open southern border and protect the citizens of Arizona from entering criminal Illegal Immigrants, drug smugglers, human traffickers, gang members, and terrorists. Holder has refused to investigate the criminal activities by employees of the IRS for restricting the ability of conservative Americans to participate in a Presidential election campaign.  Holder continues to file suit against any state that passes a law requiring that voters show their photo IDs in order to vote, even when the state offers to provide the photo IDs free of charge.    

Holder, Obama, and Rice supported the release of the 5 most dangerous terrorists in the world for an Army deserter (one of the terrorists was involved in the “death” of CIA Officer Mike Spann in the Qala-i-Jani Fortress in Afghanistan).  Rice lied on 5 Sunday morning TV news shows to cover up Obama’s “Dereliction of Duty” during the Battle of Benghazi for refusing to issue Cross Border Authority that led to the “death” of four Americans. Holder’s Justice Department covered up the illegal gun running operation to Mexican drug cartels entitled Fast & Furious, that led to the “death” of a Border Patrol Agent by…

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The illegal immigration can be halted in about 5 days by doing what President Truman did after WWII and President Eisenhower did after the Korean War, when they employed the federalized National Guard to seal the border.  The Governors of Texas and Arizona and law enforcement officials across the nation have asked the Obama administration to seal the border.  Unfortunately we are the only country in the world that has a wide open border allowing about 800.000 illegal Immigrants, terrorists, drug dealers, human smugglers, Middle Easterners, Chinese citizens. and criminals to enter the nation each year.

The numbers of Illegal immigrant children being encourage to illegally enter will increase to 160,000 next year—there is no excuse for this lawlessness on the part of the Obama administration.  Each child is carrying notes on them that tells the Border Patrol Agents where they want to be sent to meet up with Illegal Immigrant relatives in the US. 

The crisis at the border is not an insignificant issue.  No country in the world under competent government would allow its borders to become utterly useless in protecting its citizens from harm (just try to enter Mexico illegally and see how quickly you land in jail).  This manufactured crisis is about failed governance, it’s not about poor innocent children who are being used as pawns.



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Obama is sending Federal Marshall and his political operatives are encouraging Illegal Mexican Immigrant organizations to mount a major protest against American citizens, in order  to suppress peaceful protestors in Murrieta, CA tomorrow.  The American citizens who are residents of Murrieta have been opposing, this the third attempt, to dump Illegal Immigrant children, some of whom unfortunately have dangerous contagious diseases (further described in the below listed article) into their community to infect the school children in local grammar schools and their families. 

We encourage you to support the Patriotic and courageous Americans at 11:00 AM tomorrow on July 7th, who will be exercising their Constitution right to oppose the Obama administration’s agents acting as human trafficking coyotes by transporting thousands of infectious diseased children throughout the Republic in disregard of Federal Immigration Laws.  The assembly of peaceful protestors will be located at the Murriet Border Patrol Station---the Border patrolmen are with the demonstrators.


Murrieta Border Patrol Station

25762 Madison Avenue
Murrieta, California 92592
(951) 816-3000


We encourage you to forward this message to all those in your address book who live close to Murrieta to gain support for the residence of that city that is under…

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We celebrate the 4th of July weekend, by acknowledging a True American Patriot. 

John Wayne did well in school both academically and in football. John Wayne was exempted from military service after the attack on Pearl Harbor due to his age (he was 34 at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor) and because of his family status, he was classified as 3-A (family deferment).  By many accounts, John Wayne's failure to serve in the military was the most painful experience of his life. 


He became an American film actor, director, producer, and an Academy Award-winner, Wayne was among the top box office draws for three decades. An enduring American icon, he epitomized rugged masculinity and is famous for his demeanor, including his distinctive calm voice, walk, and height.  John Wayne starred in 142 pictures, primarily typecast in Western films. During the filming of Green Berets, the Degar or Montagnard people of Vietnam's Central Highlands, fierce fighters against communism, bestowed on John Wayne a brass bracelet that he wore in the film and during the filming of all subsequent films. 

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Each 4th of July I’ve always shared my views with my daughters, family, and friends that we are so lucky to be citizens of this great country, and that the 4th of July is a second birthday for all Patriotic Americans. 

We encourage you to support the election of the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress listed in the attachment, they repeatedly demonstrated their courage in combat in support of the Republic.  The courage of the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress was appropriately described by King Philip of Macedonia who once stated:

     “Here is courage, mankind’s finest possession.  Here is the noblest prize.”   


Kindly encourage those in your address book to support the election of these more responsible members of Congress who will protect and defend the US Constitution and will rein in the out of control spending by irresponsible members of Congress.


     Celebrate the 238th anniversary of the 1776 publication of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain, by clicking on the below listed link, to enjoy light hearted comments by President Ronald Reagan, whom we sorely miss today:

We and the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress wish all Patriotic…

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Please read the below listed article on Obama’s the radical Cloward-Piven maneuver to create massive confusion and chaos at the border.  The United States no longer has a southern border with Mexico, it is a wide open area with very little controls.  The United States is the only country in the world that doesn’t enforce its border to protect its citizens.  Obama has instigated the arrival of thousands of Illegal Immigrants to enter the Republic, and has no intention of securing the border with a fence that would work.  The massive invasion of Illegal Immigrants could be halted in the matter of days if Obama did what President Truman did after WWII, and President Eisenhower did at the end of the Korean War---they closed the southern border with Mexico, and deported 13 million Illegal Immigrants to help veterans returning from combat duty to obtain employment following their Honorable Discharges.  The occupant of the Oval Office can easily federalize and deploy the US National Guard and/or the US Army Reserve to close the southern border almost immediately.  The only reason a comprehensive Immigration policy has not obtained support in Congress, is because the President refuses to seal the southern border.


Obama has changed the US Border Patrol from a Law Enforcement Agency into a babysitting agency.  Border Patrol Agents have been telling the American people that the Obama administration’s policy of open borders is allowing thousands of Illegal Immigrants to…

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By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to view an outstanding video in support of Religious Liberty in the Republic.  Freedom of Religion as outlined in the 1st Amendment  to the US Constitution is critical to the functioning of a Democracy, that is why the sacred religious teachings and family values have been under relentless assault for nearly 6 years by the Obama administration. 


Freedom of Religion in the US Armed Forces has been under relentless attack by Obama administration’s civilian appointees in the Department of Defense (DOD).  Those civilian appointees have written directives forcing the Social Experiment on Diversity into the conservative US military culture, knowing full well that Flag and General Officers must follow the orders of DOD civilian appointees, and that they can’t oppose those directives that violate their religious beliefs; the only way to protest is by resigning.


Although military regulations specifically prevents members of the US Armed Forces from wearing uniforms to any political event, recent DOD directives have been promulgated by civilian appointees at DOD, in violation of…

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Please click on the below listed link to watch and listen to a video that will provide you with specific details about the intentional abandonment of 4 Americans by the Obama administration during the Battle of Benghazi, it is worth every minute:

Now please read the below listed article that provides previously unrevealed details about how a conversation between Obama and Hillary Clinton at 10:00 PM East Coast time, on September 11, 2012, during the night 125-150 Al Q’ieda linked terrorists, launched a preplanned and well-coordinated commando operation, to attack the US Mission and the CIA Annex in Benghazi, Libya, and how that conversation sealed the fate of 4 Americans killed in The Battle of Benghazi. 


The below listed article prints excepts from a newly published book “Blood Feud” written by Ed Klein that every American should read.  It explains why Obama, coordinating with Hillary Clinton, intentional abandoned Americans being attacked in Benghazi.   A military rescue mission could not be launched, that would have saved the lives of 2 Navy SEALs who were killed 8 hours after the attack was launched, because Obama refused to execute “Cross Border Authority” that was required before the military could launch a rescue mission.


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If you have young children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, are an educator, are a therapist, are a religious leader, are an elected official of any party, or care about very young children getting an excellent education in grades K thru 12, you should take time to listen to the below listed recordings by Dr. Duke Pesta, a professor at the University of Wisconsin, by clicking on the three below listed links.  Dr. Pesta’s discusses the indoctrination of students in the Common Core curriculum.  It will take about 6 years to fully implement the entire Common Core curriculum and the complex testing, they are starting with the math curriculum; the last curriculum and most controversial curriculum that will be taught will the sex education program.  Common Core does not encourage students to read the greatest novels in history, it’s not about teaching students to think outside of the box, nor is it about teaching students to excel beyond the capability of the fellow students in their grade, and it is not about mentoring gifted students like we do today in the GATE program.

 According to Dr. Petra, Common Core teaches students it is not fair for some students to highly achieve beyond the ability of their fellow students---it is about teaching students that everyone should achieve equally and collectively, resulting in students’ progressing at the lowest possible common denominator so no one is left behind.  Common Core is the plan by the federal government to take over the…

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The US Mission in Benghazi, Libya was coordinating gun running via Turkish ports to the rebels in Syria.  At the same time, according to the below listed article, the US was also training the rebels in Syria to use the weapons they were receiving in the Benghazi gun running operation.  Many of the Syrian rebels who obtained those weapons from the gun running operation, were also being trained by the US in Jordan and in Turkey; many of those Syrian rebels the US was training were affiliated with Al Q’ idea. 

Today those Syrian rebels the US trained are using the weapons received in the gun running operation from Benghazi, to form an alliance with Al Q’ieda called the ISIS, to attack Iraq.  Recently Obama gave Iran the approval to deploy the Quid Force Republican Guards to enter Iraq, to support Nouri Al Moakley Iraqi Army to fight the Syrian rebels and Al Q’ieda alliance fighting in Iraq. 


The Middle East policy being directed by the Obama administration’s National Security team has resulted in the current state of affairs.  The Obama administration is responsible for arming and training terrorists who are a part of the ISISI that are attacking Iraq.  Over the last year ISIS has executed 9450 military operations and 10,033 assassinations in Iraq.  We recently learned Obama gave approval for Iran’s Quid Force Republican Guards to enter Iran as an armed military ground force.  Unfortunately we know, as Iran took over control of the armed forces of Syria,…

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The below listed BREAKING news release was drafted in response to an E-mail I transmitted that you can read by clicking on the following link     It is our position that the unannounced exercises conducted by the Federal Protective Services (FPS) at the VA Medical Facilities in Mission Valley, while Veteran patients were seeking medical support from doctors, was “oppressive” and was being conducted in violation of standard law enforcement practices and procedures (armed individuals wearing black, carrying weapons, wearing bullet proof vests, with leased guard dogs, helmets, dark glasses, while refusing to identify themselves,  threatened Veterans with arrest when they tried to take photos & asked the FPS Officers to identify themselves; there actions patrolling up and own corridors in the VA Medical Center frightened elderly patients & their wives). 

The major concern is for the health of sick and elderly Veterans.  Heart patients could have suffered severe stress or could have had a heart attack from freight, PTSD patients may have been spurred to react in a self-destructive manner later on, very elderly & infirmed patients of WWII or Korean eras may with serious medical conditions were frightened by strange armed men in black walking in the corridors, some of the patients may have been…

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It lacks credibility to believe the Obama administration did not know that prematurely pulling out all US Military personnel from Iraq, before the US Generals in Iraq, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, and the US Ambassador in Iraq said it was safe to do so, and before the US military were allowed to structure a Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq.  Iraq is the only country in US history where the US military had been engaged in a military campaign, where no Status of Forces Agreement was negotiated before all US Military Forces were pulled out of the country.  At that time, Iraq was willing to negotiate a Status of Forces Agreement with the Obama administration, but it was an intentional decision by Obama to leave Iraq without negotiating such an agreement, that agreement would have allowed for leaving a small residual force of 10,000 military personnel to continue to train the Iraqi Army and to booster the confidence of Nouri Al Moakley’s government of Iraq.    


Recent events reveal why Obama failed to provide a small US military residual force on the ground in Iraq that a Status of Forces Agreement would have provided for---the quick exit from Iraq was Obama’s first step in allowing Iran to have develop a stronger influence over the internal affairs of Iraq.  In the below listed article, it is explained that Obama has just effectively improved Iran’s strong influence in Iraq by encouraging Iran to move its Republican Guard Quid Force into Iraq,…

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Obama, fresh off his Rose Garden triumph to free 5 of the most dangerous “international terrorists” in captivity, announced an effort to re-establish a law-enforcement group to prevent “homegrown terrorism,” according to a report in World Net Daily.  The panel apparently will include representatives from the National Security Division of the Justice Department, the US Attorney General’s office, and the FBI.   Reuters News Service and The Washington Times reported that the new panel, to be announced this week, will focus on cases “that involve Americans who may be spurred to violence for political or prejudicial reasons.”  The Obama administration will employ the US military, DHS, and Special Weapons Para –military Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Teams that were created in non-security related Federal Agencies against unrest by “domestic groups.”

For 5 years, the Obama administration’s has been taking unusual steps to prepare to employ military force against American Citizens, those plans have been issued in a Pentagon Directive and tested in large scale military urban training exercises (reported over the last few years by alarmed citizens and  news media throughout the nation).  Pentagon's Directive No. 3025.18, “Defense Support of Civil Authorities" has provisions in it to use military force against domestic unrest. The directive was…

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