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Op-Ed Articles

By Capt Joseph R. John, on April 18, 2016 

National Security has never appeared to be a priority for the Obama.  The torrid pace of Muslim Illegal Aliens migration into the US over the last 7 years is downright alarming.  Obama has been bringing them in from 49 Muslim nations (including but not limited to Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iran, Indonesia, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Libya, Morocco, Algeria, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, etc.).  The FBI has informed Obama that their backgrounds or identities cannot be verified to determine if they have terrorist ties, yet Obama continues continue to flood them into the United States with “reckless” disregard to the National Security of the United States.  By the end of the year, DHS will have issued 925,000 green cards to Muslim Refugees whose identities cannot be verified.  Obama has a very dangerous, 7 year pattern of admitting massive numbers of Muslim Refugees, despite the fact that ISIS has said they would be smuggling Radical Islamic Terrorists into the US with those refugees.     


At the same time, he opens the interior of the nation to the entry of Radical Islamic Terrorists, and he continues to “hollow out” the strength of the US Armed Forces, while especially decreasing the strength of the US Marine Corps.  …

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 By Capt Joseph R. John, on April 4, 2016

The mass genocide in Cuba when Castro came to power, resulted in the murderous stone cold Communist Executioner, Che Guevara, brutal summary execution of hundreds of thousands freedom loving Cubans before firing squads, Che’s mass executions were similar to those Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, and Mao perpetrated when they came to power.  Che was a murderous thug and stone cold brutal killer of any opposition to the new Cuban Communist Dictatorship.  President Eisenhower, immediately suspended recognition of Cuba and recalled the US Ambassador, because of the mass murderous execution of respected Cubans.  Obama stood in front a large mural of the murderous blood cold Communist Executioner, Che Guevara, in order to have his picture taken for the world to see, with him standing proudly beside the Cuban Communist Dictator, Raoul Castro.  There couldn't be a better example of Obama's true loyalty to a bloody murderous Communism Revolutionary Marxists Stone Cold Executioner Thug, and for his enormous support for the oppressive Communist Police State of Cuba. 

Two years after Iran’s terrorist front group, Hezbollah, established a terrorist training camp in Castro’s Communist Cuba, Castro began training & exporting FARC terrorists to Columbia to destabilize the elected government of Columbia, and regularly exported Radical Islamic Terrorists to the US, and the rest of the Western Hemisphere.  Obama lied in his campaign…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on March 28, 2016


Massive immigration without assimilation is an invasion!!!!!!


The below listed article explains that from 2009 through 2013, the US issued 680,000 long-term residency visas or green cards to the UN Muslim Refugee Resettlement Program.  From 2014 through 2015 Obama brought in and resettled throughout the US 75,000 Muslim Middle East & African Refugees/year, increasing the number of Muslim refugees to 830,000, and when the 85,000 Muslim Refugees that are being admitted in 2016, the number of Muslim refugees brought in by Obama will reach 915,000; Obama has been doing the bidding of the Muslim Brotherhood and their Muslim Brotherhood Front Groups in the United States.  The United Arab Emirates banned the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim American Society (MAS), the Muslim Student Association (MSA), and other Muslim Brotherhood Front Groups because it promotes, incites, and finances terrorism.  The MB overthrew the legally elected government of Egypt, violently cracked down on its opposition, perpetrated brutal genocide on all Christians in Egypt, and then overthrew the government of Libya with Hillary & Obama’s help.  Saudi Arabia, Syria, Bahrein, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Russia have all designated the MB as…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on March 14, 2016

The governments of the United Arab Emirates has designated the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim American Society (MAS), the Muslim Student Association (MSA), and other Islamist organizations as terrorist organizations that promote, incite, and finance terrorism.  The MB overthrew the legally elected government of Egypt, violently cracked down on its opposition, perpetrated brutal genocide on all Christians in Egypt, and it has now been banned in Egypt.  Saudi Arabia, Syria, Bahrein, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Russia have all designated the MB as an international terrorist organization.  Israel, Canada, and the United Kingdom have announced that they are close to designating the MB as an international terrorist organization as well.  MSA is a college student organization, founded by the Muslim Brotherhood in 1963 at the University of Illinois.  In the early 1980's, the MB created the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), in order for it to be the "nucleus" of the Islamic Movement on the North American continent.  It was formed by many of the leaders who created the MSA, and is in fact an outgrowth of the MSA.  ISNA has become the umbrella organization for all MB Front organizations created by the MB in America. 


In 1980…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on March 7, 2016 

An endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, Congressman Duncan D. Hunter, Maj-USMCR (R-CA-52) in the below article is opposing the transfer of the most dangerous Al Q’ieda Terrorists incarcerated at the US Naval Detention Facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GITMO) to foreign countries and to US prisons on United States soil.  There is a much more sinister reason why the occupant in the Oval Office has been transferring hundreds of Radical Islamic Terrorists from the Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility, for the last 7 years; Obama has been ignoring the fact 30% of released terrorists from the Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility have resumed terrorist activities and/or have returned to the battlefield to kill US Military personnel.  Even though the Al Q’ieda and Taliban Terrorists that Obama has been releasing from GITMO are killing and maiming more American military personnel on the battlefield, Obama has been ignoring those facts, because his ultimate goal is to transfer the US Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay to Castro’s Communist Cuba, regardless of what is required.


Obama promised to shut down US Naval Detention Facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba when he took office, and for 7 years he has blocked captured terrorist suspects from being sent to the US Naval Detention Facility in Cuba.  This, coupled with the US Armed Forces closure of the US Military Detention Facility near the Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan at the end of…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on February 29, 2016                        

America is fortunate to have men serving in US Navy SEAL Teams like Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator Edward C. Byers Jr., USN, (SEAL) who will be awarded the Medal Of Honor in the White House today, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty.  Senior Chief Byer’s will only be the second Medal of Honor recipient who continues to serve on active duty; he will remain on active duty with Maj William D. Swenson, USA who was awarded the Medal of Honor for combat in Afghanistan in September 2009.  Senior Chief Beyer’ profile is outlined in the below listed article.


There are currently 77 living recipients of the United States Military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor.  Of the 77 living recipients, six earned their Medals of Honor in World War II, seven in the Korean Conflict, 54 in the Vietnam Conflict, and 10 in Afghanistan.  Three earned their Medals of Honor while serving in the US Air Force, 51 in the US Army, 16 in the US Marine Corps, and 7 in the US Navy.  


The oldest recipient is Tech 5th Grade Robert D Maxwell, USA, aged 95 who was awarded the Medal of Honor for combat in European Theatre during WWII, and the youngest recipient is Lance Corporal Kyle Carpenter, USMC age 26 who was awarded the Medal of Honor for combat in Afghanistan.  


Three recipients of the Medal of Honor have…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on February 25, 2016


In the below listed Op Ed by Admiral James A. Lyons, Jr. ’52, USN (Ret), former Commander-in-Chief of the US Pacific Fleet, he highlights the latest inept directive degrading the strength of the US Armed Forces.  The “Climate Change” directive is the latest inept directive designed to hobble the US Armed Forces.  It is a policy directive among a whole range of the Obama administration’s same inept policies and directives that have been degrading the “Combat Effectiveness” of the US Armed Forces for the last 7 years.  


Obama continues to issue these directives, with absolutely no opposition from the Republican Leadership in Congress.  The US Congress has the authority and power to oppose Obama’s steady stream of inept directives designed to hobble the US Armed Forces by using the power of the purse to restrict DOD Undersecretaries, and by ignoring their authority to execute their Constitutional authority, as an equal branch of government, enforcing Article 1., Section 8, Clause 14 of the US Constitution "To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the Land and Naval Forces;" to aggressively oppose such an inept policy directive.

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on February 23, 2016

An endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong Chris Gibson, Col-USA (Ret) (R-NY-20) co-sponsored a House Bill with Cong Mike Turner (R-OH-10) that will halt the Obama administration’s plans to drawdown the end strength of the US Army and the US Marine Corps.  The bill will actually increase the strength of the US Army by 55,000 personnel.  

“The assumptions have significantly changed,” Cong Gibson told reporters on Wednesday, adding later: “Stay tuned, in the very near future we’re going to have some legislative action come forward, but we think it’s essential … that this drawdown needs to stop, and that the next president make assessments of what the proper level of land forces should be.”

The bill would revise the Army’s planned end-strength goal from 980,000 to 1,035,000, for a total that falls slightly below the Army's pre-Sept. 11, 2001 troop levels, according to Cong Gibson’s spokesman.  The House Bill would also call for Marine Corps end-strength to fall no lower than 184,000.

After Congressional hearing on troop strength, Cong Gibson appeared with Cong Turner at an impromptu press conference where both lawmakers decried the ongoing military drawdown by the Obama administration.  Cong Gibson stated the world is less safe than it was when the Obama administration announced troop cuts, pointing to threats from the Islamic State, Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea.  

Key Republican lawmakers…

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The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing the 105th Combat Veteran For Congress to run for office in 2016.  He is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to reduce the national debt, to strengthen the US Armed Forces, will support the Free Enterprise System, will work to defeat ISIS, protect the Freedom of Religion guaranteed in the US Constitution, defend traditional Family Values, and will provide “true” representation for the average Americans in Washington, D.C.  He will continue to work toward unleashing the private sector to grow once again, create jobs, stimulate private sector business investment, and will work to stop the out of control spending by the Congress.  SgtMaj Juan M. Hidalgo, Jr., USMC (Ret) who resides in San Diego, CA, served in the US Marine Corps for 31 years and is running for Congress in the 51st Congressional District of California.  

SgtMaj Hidalgo is running for a seat held by two-term Congressman Juan C. Vargas (D-CA-51) and has voted along the party with Nancy Pelosi line 98% of the time, and has contributed to the irresponsible, out of control spending by the Obama administration.  The incumbent voted against repealing the flawed Obamacare Law, voted to reduce Tricare benefits for military veterans & retirees, and voted against extending the requirement of implementation of Obamacare for private citizens.   

Juan Hidalgo was born in San Diego, CA on February 26, 1966.  He spent his youth in National City, CA…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on February 18, 2016 

The below listed article was written by Judicial Watch, after Judicial Watch gained access to messages that were on Hillary Clinton’s server, that the US State Department released over the weekend.  Those messages were on then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private server in the basement of her home (which had no security system to shield the thousands of Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, Top Secret (compartmented) messages from being hacked by foreign intelligence agencies.   


Hillary Clinton and Obama both knew there was an Iranian sponsored Hezbollah Radical Islamic Terrorist training and operating base 90 miles from the US to initiate terrorist attacks against the US and Latin America, before they remove Cuba from the US State Department’s list of nations that sponsor terrorism.  


Before Obama removed Cuba from the US State Department’s list of nations that sponsor terrorism, he had to guarantee to the US Congress there would be no terrorism activities that would emanate from Cuba, and would threaten the Western Hemisphere.  After promulgating another of his bold faced lies, Obama moved rapidly to establish diplomatic relations with the Communist Castro regime.  


For 60 years, ten US Presidents refused to approve airline flights to and from Cuban because of their terrorist activities aimed at the US and Latin America.  Obama just approved round-trip US and Cuban airline…

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Combat Veterans For Congress-----Embedded Integrity    
We encourage you to support Lcdr Paul Chabot, USNR, the 102nd Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress in the last 7 ½ years who is running for election to Congress in the 31st Congressional District of California in 2016.  There will be a major fund raising event held on Capitol Hill, on February 23, 2016 to support the election of Lcdr Chabot.  The event is being supported by another elected Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong Duncan Hunter, Maj-USMCR (R-CA-52), the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, a Director of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC-Cong Barry Goldwater (Ret), another Director of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC--Cong Rob Simmons, Col-USA/CIA (Ret), The Honorable Ambassador John Bolton, Cong Jason Chaffets, Cong Ken Calvert, Cong Steve Chabot, Cong Steve Knight, Cong Dave Reicher, Cong Mimi Walters, Cong Mary Bono (Ret), Cong Jerry Lewis (Ret), the National Defense PAC, and the Republican Jewish Coalition.  We encourage you to attend, but if you are unable to attend, please make a donation to financially support the election of Lcdr Chabot. 

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing a Combat Veteran For Congress who was previously endorsed as the 102nd endorsee in 2014; he is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to rein in the out of control spending by irresponsible members of Congress and the Obama administration, he believes in a strong national defense and… Read More

By Capt Joseph R. John, on February 9, 2016 

The below listed article explains how the occupant of the Oval Office has been presiding over a conspiracy for 7 years to eliminate hundreds of terrorists from the DHS Terrorist Watch List, endangering the National Security of the United States.  That action has been responsible in large measure for the loss of life of some American citizens on the below listed list, especially those in San Bernardino.  In 2009, Obama ordered his appointees at the Department of Homeland Security to delete or modify several hundred records of individuals tied to designated Radical Islamist Terrorist groups from the important federal database of suspected Radical Islamic Terrorists and from the DHS Watch List.


Foreign Radical Islamic Terrorists have effectively been given civil rights by the Obama administration, and for 7 years they have been involved in killing American citizens listed below.  By that action, American citizens civil liberties have been effectively abridged by Obama’s Executive Orders in violation of US Federal Immigration Laws.  The Obama administration has been Shariah-compliant at all costs for the last 7 years, those actions have been engineered by Muslim appointees in the Obama administration.  The Obama administration's number one priority for the last 7 years has been to protect Islam and not to use that name to designate terrorists who call themselves Islamic Terrorists, even when it has resulted in…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on February 2, 2016

By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to view an endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, Cong Ron DeSantis, Lcdr-USNR (JAGC) (R-FL-6), who is currently running for the US Senate seat vacated by Senator Marco Rubio, questioning Ms Burriesci, DHS Deputy Assistant Secretary for Screening Coordination, Office of Policy, who testified on Visa Overstays at a House Hearing.  Ms Burriesci appeared in lieu of the Secretary of Homeland Security who refused to appear, and in the video, she responds to questions about DHS’s failure to pursue nearly 500,000 Visa Overstays in 2015.   By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to view the hearing that Congress was holding in order to seek information about the massive number Visa Overstays who illegally remain in the United States each year.   


During the week of January 18, 2016, a  long-awaited report was sent to Congress by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), confirming that Visa Overstays are a significant source of Illegal Immigration.  The report was published just in time to provide clarity on the issue for the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing held on January 20, 2016.  DHS’…

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An endorsed and elected Combat Veteran For Congress, Congressman Steve Russell, LTC-USA(Ret) (RANGER) (R-OK-5) contacted the Secretary of the Army in September 2015, and requested the Ranger School records for the first two female graduates, Captain Kristen Griest and First Lieutenant Shaye Haver.  Cong Russell concerns had to do with the recent Obama Initiative to force feed women into tip of the spear combat units regardless of how it will affect the “Combat Effectiveness” of Special Forces, Rangers, SEALs, the Delta Force, Green Berets, and Marine Corps Infantry Units.  Obama's agenda for the US Armed Forces for the last 7 years has been destructive, by force feed physically unqualified women into tip of the spear Special Operations units, even if it means negatively affecting the “Combat Effectiveness” of the US Armed Forces and the National Security of the Republic. This new policy is now being driven under the leadership of Obama’s Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, and his civilian appointees at DOD. 

Cong Russell, a Ranger School graduate, who served for 21 years in the US Army, was elected to Congress in 2014. He led the 1st  Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment during its deployment in Tikrit, Iraq; the unit he commanded captured Saddam Hussein.  He is the recipient of the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Medal (with Combat “V” and Oak Leaf Cluster), Meritorious Service Medal (with Silver Oak Leaf for six awards), the Joint Services Commendation Medal, the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on January 15, 2016  

The below listed video, which can be viewed by clicking on the link, explains that a 130 man US Army In-Extremis Force, Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group known as C-1/10, that stages out of Stuttgart, Germany, C-1/10 that was activated, is under the operational command of Special Operational Command Europe.  There was an AC-130H Spectre gunship manned and ready on the tarmac in Sigonella, Sicily, 45 minutes away from Benghazi that could have decimated the Radical Islamic Terrorists attacking the US Mission. There was a squadron of US Air Force F-16 jets armed and ready sitting on the tarmac 2 hours away from Benghazi at Aviona Air Force Base, Italy, that could have broken the sound barrier over the heads of the Radical Islamic Terrorist attackers.  The In-Extremis Force was fully manned and ready on the tarmac in Croatia, 3 hours away from Benghazi.  All US military rescue forces were awaiting orders to launch, but their rescue missions were interrupted and held back on the tarmac for 12 hours because The White House refused to issue “Cross Border Authority.“ 

The Commander in Extremis Force was prevented from rescuing the US Mission in Benghazi, Libya, although they were less than three hours away, and ready to strike the 125-150 Radical Islamic Terrorists who launched the pre-planned and well-coordinated attack against the US Mission in Benghazi, while employing mortars, truck…

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Edits taken from Special Operations Speaks’ Op Ed of January 15 by Capt Joseph R. John, on January 19, 2016


On December 3, 2015, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter relayed orders from Obama to the US Armed Forces to integrate women into tip of the spear combat units (SEALs, Green Beret, Ranger, Delta Force, Marine Corps Infantry, Spec Ops Units, etc.) regardless of whether the current physical qualification requirements prevents the integration—this latest Obama order will negatively affect the “Combat Effectiveness” of the US Armed Forces. 


On January 1, 2016, Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus ordered the US Marine Corps to provide plans by January 15, 2016 for boot camp to go coed. That decision is destructive, and Mabus tried to shroud it in silence. reported that “Mabus also warned US Marine Corps leaders not to openly express any concerns about integrating women into combat jobs as ways to delay the process.” The problems with integrating boot camp to go coed are much more serious problems than integrating the combat arms; the US Marine Corps has not been allowed to talk about it; Mabus is employing a Soviet Style Leadership technique.  


A decorated and endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, Congressman Duncan D Hunter. Maj-USMCR (R-CA-52), who served combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan, called Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus “a greater threat to the Marine Corps than ISIS”; he said he’s eyeing legislation to try…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on January 15, 2016

The below listed video can be viewed by clicking on the link, it explains that a 130 man US Army In-Extremis Force, Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group known as C-1/10, that stages out of Stuttgart, Germany, C-1/10 that was activated is under the operational command of Special Operational Command Europe.  The In-Extremis Force was fully manned and ready on the tarmac in Sigonella, Sicily, 45 minutes away from Benghazi.  They were awaiting orders to launch, but that their rescue mission was held on the tarmac for 12 hours because The White House refused to issue “Cross Border Authority.“

The Commander in Extremis Force was prevented from rescuing the US Mission in Benghazi, Libya, although they were less than one hour away, and ready to strike the 125-150 Radical Islamic Terrorists who launched the pre-planned and well-coordinated attack against the US Mission in Benghazi, employing mortars, truck mounted artillery, rocket propelled grenades, hand grenades, AK-47s, and heavy NATO weapons was never allowed to launch, because Obama “refused” to issue “Cross Border Authority” that Presidential order is required to obtain approval from a host nation (in this case Libya) whenever any US military force is crossing a border to enter any host nation (even to enter a friendly nation like Canada).  


Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of…

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Edited from “News With Views” by Capt Joseph R. John, on January 8, 2016

Children do become what they are taught! This is why it is so important to pay attention to what is being force fed to US children by the Socialist Common Core Curriculum that has been driven into State, County, and City School Boards by Obama’s Socialist Health Education and Welfare Department over the last 7 years.  Not only has HEW eliminated the US History, Civic, and US Constitution curriculum from school books that were once taught in grammar and high schools, but now we have discovered, that with the help of George Soros, they are facilitating the indoctrination of US School children in the Radical Islamic Teachings of Sheikh Mohammed Fethullah Gulen.  

In the below listed article from “News With Views”, it is reported that John O. Brennan’s CIA is supporting a program of Islamic indoctrination of US children.  The program was developed by George Soros’ Center for American Progress NGO, and Sheikh Mohammad Fethullah Gulen, Turkish Gulen Charter Schools.  US school children are now being indoctrinated in Islam in 148 Turkish Gulen Charter Schools in 27 states throughout the United States.  It is really a Soros and Obama administration plan to force feed a program of Radical Islamic indoctrination into the educational programs for US grammar and high school students. Sheikh Gulen also owns and operates over three hundred …

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on January 4, 2016  While family oriented American citizens were enjoying the Christmas holidays with their loved ones, Valerie Jarrett and the occupant of the Oval Office, had the Obama’s Attorney General promote HR 569, which violates the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution.  HR Bill 569 referred to in the below listed article, is another reckless and lawless initiative by Obama.  We encourage you to contact your Congressional Representatives and ask them to oppose this Unconstitutional Bill. The Republican Leadership in Congress has failed to employ the power of the purse and has failed to file legal suits in US Federal Court, to restrain Obama’s violations of US Federal Laws, US Immigration Laws, and the US Constitution for over 7 years.  The serious concerns of American citizens is that Congress, in 2016: (1)   Will continue to refuses to take action to close the wide open southern border. (2)   Will continue to provide $15 billion in financial aid of $351 million to Hamas,  $1.45 B to Libya,  $397 M to Egypt, $622 M to Mexico,  $380 M to Russia, $1.4 B to Haiti,  $463 M to Jordan,  $816 M to Kenya, $870 M to Sudan,  $456 M to Nigeria,  $451 M to Uganda,  $359 M to Congo, $981 M to Ethiopia, $2 B to Pakistan,  $566 M to South Africa,  $698 M to Senegal, $404 M to  Mozambique,  $331 M to Zambia,  $304 M to Kazakhstan,  $1.08 B to Iraq, and $554 M to Tanzania, while cutting financial support for US Military support and manning by $15 billion… Read More

By Capt Joseph R. John, on December 21, 2015 


A member of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC Board of Directors, Connie Stevens, can be viewed singing “Silent Night” with Bob Hope and US Military personnel on the front lines in Vietnam, in a video when you click on the below listed link.  Some of the men viewed in the videos, gave the last full measure of devotion in combat, and were never able to return to their loved ones in the United States. 


The 24 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress in the attachment, and the Board of Directors of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC send a heartfelt thank you, a Merry Christmas or a Happy Hanukkah, and a Happy New Year to the 23 million Veterans throughout the United States, for their service who at one period in their lives, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their lives.”  We also wish a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, and a Happy New Year to all Patriotic American Citizens; we trust they will work with us in 2016, in the most important election in 240 years, to right the “Ship of State”.  


Please view this priceless footage by clicking on the below listed link………..


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By Capt Joseph R. John, on December 18, 2015 

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, and other conservative lawmakers have warned against passing the Omnibus Spending Bill that does not place limitations on the admissions of refugees from the Middle East and Africa to the U.S.

“Congress must cancel the President’s blank refugee check and put Congress back in charge of the program. We cannot allow the President to unilaterally decide how many refugees he wishes to admit, nor continue to force taxpayers to pick up the tab for the tens of billions of unpaid-for welfare and entitlement costs,” said Sen Sessions and Sen Richard Shelby (R-AL), the Chairman of the Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations subcommittee, in a joint statement last week.


In an email to reporters Tuesday, a Senator's Sessions aide listed more the below listed 30 examples of refugees and immigrants from Sudan, Kuwait, Egypt, Yemen, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Morocco, India, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Bosnia, and Ghana admitted to the US who were recently implicated in terrorist activities and arrested by the FBI.  The FBI recently informed the Congress that they have opened 900+ terrorist related cases in all 50 states, and that the Bureau is not adequately staffed to properly investigate and prevent ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorist from future murderous terrorist…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on December 17, 2015 


By reading the below listed article, you will be able to understand just how Speaker Ryan showed his disregard for the American workers, 94 million of whom are unemployed and seeking employment, by jamming through a provision in the 2000 page Omnibus Spending Bill that is allowing over a quarter of a million new low-skilled foreign workers to enter the US and be issued work permits each year and is funding Obama’s ability to migrate 85,000 new UN Muslim Refugees and secretly resettle them in various locations throughout the United States in 2016.


The Omnibus Spending Bill is another 2000 page bill that no one in Congress has read, before they had to vote to pass it----shades of Pelosi.  


The Omnibus Spending Bill would allow more than a quarter-of-a-million low-skilled foreign guest workers to enter the US on H-2B Visas each year, to fill jobs for low income American workers and part time students, allowing the foreigners to fill jobs to work in the construction industry, hotel-motel services, as truck drivers, food processing, in forestry, and many other fields that don’t require a college education.

The bill does nothing to stop the proliferation and restrict the funding of “Sanctuary Cities.”

Passage of the reckless Omnibus Spending Bill demonstrates how completely out of touch House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader McConnell are with the threat American…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on December 15, 2015

Citizens of foreign lands have “no” constitutional right to migrate to the United States, and US Federal Law provides a president with broad powers in deciding which foreigners are permitted to migrate to the US, and which foreigners are not permitted to migrate, especially in wartime.  The Republic is in fact, a nation at “War” with the Islamic State, ISIS, Al Q’ieda, and Radical Islamic Terrorists who have “Declared War” against the United States.  Radical Islamic Terrorists have been killing Americans for over 45 years.  Clear thinking Patriotic Americans await Congress to “Declare War” against the Islamic State, so the US Armed Forces can put an end to ISIS. 

The left of center liberal media establishment, the Washington ruling political class, and the Obama administration are supporting wide open borders and the infusion of mass immigration of Middle East and African refugees, without vetting them to determine if they have terrorist ties.  This migration of 900,000 refugees, in violation of the required vetting process required by US Federal Immigration Laws, has been ongoing on for 7 years.  DHS and the State Department have restricted anyone in government from reviewing the incoming refugees postings on Social Media, to protect the privacy of incoming refugees---with complete disregard for protecting the lives of American citizens; Social Media is what ISIS has been employing to recruit and convert…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on December 7, 2015  

In response to various initiatives by Congressmen, including a bill co-authored by an endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong Ron DeSantis, Lcdr-USNR, (JAGC)(R-FL-6), to halt the entry of Middle East refugees into the United States from certain Middle East and African countries with terrorist ties, until their backgrounds can be vetted to ensure they do not have terrorist ties, a letter signed by well-known members of the Washington Political Ruling Class is asking Congress to back off refugee legislation, which can be read by clicking on the below listed link.…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on December 4, 2015 

Giuliani: Only 'Moron' Can't See Terrorism in Rampage


Only a “Politically Correct Fool” would call the action of two masked terrorist who had a massive cache of weapons & dozens of pipe bombs in their home, who pledged allegiance to ISIS, who had been communicating with radical terrorists worldwide for several years, who destroyed all their electronic communication records before their terrorist attack, who were protected with body armor, who employed modified weapons to illegally make them fully automatic assault weapons, killed 14 people & wounded 21 others, and who left three pipe bombs at the site of the murders that were manufactured in their home, using Al Q’ieda internet pipe bombs blueprints, “Work Place Violence”!!  


California has some the strongest gun controls measures in the nation, how could…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on December 2, 2015


On December 1, 2015, Obama met with Turkey’s President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Europe; Obama said he trusts Recep Erdogan, and said Erdogan had every right to shoot down the Russian SU 24 aircraft that was engaged in counter terrorist operations, attacking ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists.  


Why does Obama trust Erdogan, when for the last 5 years, Obama’s daily CIA Intelligence briefs have provided Obama with the below listed information?


Why has Turkey’s President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, been training ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists with Turkish Special Forces at secret bases in the Konya Province inside the Turkish border?  


Why is Sümeyye Erdogan, the daughter of the Turkish President, running a secret hospital camp inside Turkey, just over the Syrian border, treating wounded ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists, until they are well enough to return to Islamic State, so they can continue prosecuting genocide against Syrian and Assyrian Christians?


Why is Recep Erdogan son, Bilal Erdogan, involved in the illegal oil trade, selling plundered Iraqi oil from the captured Mosul regional oil fields for billions of dollars to Turkish, Syrian, Japanese, and possibly Lebanese oil trading companies?  That smuggled oil is generating billions of dollars, to fund ISIS’ genocide against Syrian and Assyrian Christians, and is also enriching Recep Erdogan and his son, Bilal…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on November 30, 2015

By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to listen to an interviewer asking young people, tongue in cheek, if they would support Hillary’s plan to replace current US Federal Laws with Sharia Laws.  


By the Department of Health Education and Welfare’s (HEW) elimination of the US History and Civics courses, that were once taught in grammar, junior high, and high school classes, and replacing them with the Common Core Curriculum, HEW has negatively affected the nation’s youth’s knowledge of the basis for US Federal Laws and the US History of the Republic. The Common Core Curriculum forced upon all 50 states is simply the re-education of America’s youth, indoctrinating them in a leftist and Socialist philosophy while skewing the truth about US History. 


For 239 years education in the US has "always" been about the local control, in each city, by locally elected School Boards---US education is not about bureaucrats in Washington telling locally elected School Boards in millions of cities, what they can and cannot teach, what politically correct school books they must use, what tests they must give, and in violation of federal privacy laws, demand detailed personal information from each student for insertion into a national data bank.  Education in the Republic has always been based on FREEDOM, STATES RIGHTS, PRIVACY RIGHTS, KEEPING THE COST OF EDUCATION DOWN, and TEACHING THE TYPE OF…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on November 23, 2015 

Despite the fact that an Islamic Syrian Refugee, with a fake passport, was among the ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists who murdered 129 peaceful Parisians casually dining in restaurants and others who were attending a music concert in Paris on Friday night, November 13, 2015, and despite the fact that thousands of the Islamic Refugees are single males of military age from throughout the broader Middle East not just from Syria, and despite the fact that Obama is ignoring the FBI’s repeated warning that because documents do not exist, they cannot determine if the Islamic Refugees have terrorist ties. Obama is doubling down and insisting all the Islamic Refugees, estimated to be over 80,000 this year, must be permitted to enter the US under every condition—they have been entering and resettled non-stop.  It may be helpful for clear thinking Patriotic Americans, who care about their safety, and the safety of their families, to review the following litany of how Radical Islamic Terrorists (many falsely classified as refugees) who were allowed to enter the US, have murdered and/or attempted to murder American citizens.


On May 20, 2010, Faisal Shahzad, a Pakistani Radical Islamic Terrorist, attempted a car bombing in New York City’s Times Square using his dark blue 1993 Nissan pathfinder sports utility vehicle.  Luckily the improvised explosive device's ignition source malfunctioned.   He was arrested after he was…

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Forwarded From Heather Swift to Capt Joseph R. John, on November 19, 2015 


Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the American SAFE Act of 2015, legislation that an endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, Congressman Ryan Zinke, Cdr-USN (Ret) (SEAL), helped author with Congressman Richard Hudson (NC) and House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (TX).  The bill passed 289-137. The American SAFE Act bolsters the refugee screening process to include the FBI and Department of Homeland Security.  Cong Zinke originally introduced the legislation on Monday with Hudson and called on House Speaker Paul Ryan to immediately schedule a vote on the bill. After additions to the bill by Chairman McCaul the Speaker Ryan scheduled the vote for passage today, November 19th.


In October, FBI Director James Comey testified before a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing that they “do see a risk” in the current vetting process for Syrian refugees entering the United States. During House Homeland Security Committee Hearings …

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on November 18, 2015


This below listed recording by Bill Whittle with Stefan Molyneux can be listened to by clicking on the below listed link, and is truly “the most outstanding discussion” of how nations in the past progressed toward “Economic Collapse” and possibly why the great civilizations in history collapsed.  It is also a discussion of the r/K Selection Theory---the “Ks” are the Warriors in the gene pool (I have a great deal of respect for Bill’s ability to cut through the chaff, and evaluate dangerous issues affecting the Republic).  


The discussion of the r/K Selection Theory is also an excellent analysis of the America’s “Free Market”.  The recording goes on to discuss how the “Free Market” contributes toward “Freedom & Success”, how that “Success” develops an abundance of wealth, and how the corrupt leaders of states take that abundance of wealth from the creators of wealth, and distributes that wealth to non-producers who should be required to work to earn the government hand-outs (we are not referring to 10% of the population---the elderly & infirmed who really do need help), and how the unfair actions of leaders of the State, increase taxation, increase spiraling debt, and do nothing about creating fraud, waste, & abuse while distributing the wealth of hard working individuals.  The spiraling debt eventually results in the Economic Collapse of a once abundant nation.  



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