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After Kissing The Venomous Communist Cuban Snake, Much To Obama's Surprise, He Got "Bit"

  • After Kissing The Venomous Communist Cuban Snake, Much To Obama's Surprise, He Got "Bit"

 By Capt Joseph R. John, on April 4, 2016

The mass genocide in Cuba when Castro came to power, resulted in the murderous stone cold Communist Executioner, Che Guevara, brutal summary execution of hundreds of thousands freedom loving Cubans before firing squads, Che’s mass executions were similar to those Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, and Mao perpetrated when they came to power.  Che was a murderous thug and stone cold brutal killer of any opposition to the new Cuban Communist Dictatorship.  President Eisenhower, immediately suspended recognition of Cuba and recalled the US Ambassador, because of the mass murderous execution of respected Cubans.  Obama stood in front a large mural of the murderous blood cold Communist Executioner, Che Guevara, in order to have his picture taken for the world to see, with him standing proudly beside the Cuban Communist Dictator, Raoul Castro.  There couldn't be a better example of Obama's true loyalty to a bloody murderous Communism Revolutionary Marxists Stone Cold Executioner Thug, and for his enormous support for the oppressive Communist Police State of Cuba. 

Two years after Iran’s terrorist front group, Hezbollah, established a terrorist training camp in Castro’s Communist Cuba, Castro began training & exporting FARC terrorists to Columbia to destabilize the elected government of Columbia, and regularly exported Radical Islamic Terrorists to the US, and the rest of the Western Hemisphere.  Obama lied in his campaign to re-establish US normalized relations with Cuba in order to prop up the Communist Dictator nation in the world community of nations.  He did that in overdrive in 2014, when he realized Cuba desperately needed US financial support, because Marxists Socialist Venezuela was on the brink of financial collapse and could no longer fund Castro’s brutal Communist Cuban Dictatorship, wherein the monthly income for an average Cuban sank to $24/month.


Obama falsely certified to Congress, as required by US Federal Law, that he could remove Cuba from the US State Department list of “Nations That Sponsor Terrorism” (just as Obama ignored the fact that Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, when he somehow convinced the Republican leaders in Congress to pass the Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement, so it wouldn’t have to be voted on in the US Senate as an International Treaty).  In his campaign to mainstream Communist Cuba, Obama knew full well that Communist Cuba was allowing Hezbollah to train Radical Islamic Terrorists on Cuban soil, and had been exporting terrorism throughout the Western Hemisphere.  


That did not prevent Obama from lying to Congress and to the American people, when he said he could safely remove Cuba from the US State Department’s list of “Nations That Terror Sponsor Terrorism”, in order to establish diplomatic relations with Communist Cuba.  Over the last 57 years, 10 US Presidents refused to normalize relations with Castro’s Communist Cuba, because Communist Cuba never ceased exporting terrorism and Communism throughout North and South America to destabilize legally elected governments.   


After removal of Communist Cuba from the US State Department’s list of “Nations That Sponsor Terrorism”, Obama established a Bilateral Commission to determine how the U.S. could promote “normalization” and develop agreements to share “science,” mail,  airline flights, and even law enforcement.  The Republican leadership in Congress did absolutely nothing to stop the charade, because Castro continued to export terrorism.  Congress could have used the power of the purse to refuse to fund the new US Embassy in Cuba, and fund Obama’s plans to treat Cubans entering the US through the wide open southern border, as refugees who wouldn’t be vetted by the FBI to determine if they had terrorist ties.


The FBI informed Congress that 250+ newly admitted Muslim Refugees who were admitted as US Citizens through “Obama’s Fast Track Refugee Citizenship Program”, had previously flown to the Middle East and Africa to train with ISIS and participate in the genocide of Syrian and Assyrian Christians.  Those newly admitted Muslim Refugees, who were sympathetic with ISIS, would no longer have to fly to the Middle East to be trained as Radical Islamic Terrorist with the capability to attack Americans on US soil, now they only have to fly to Cuba to be trained as radical Islamic Terrorists by Hezbollah, on Cuban soil, after Obama established round trip airline routes between Cuba and the US.

There was another problem that Obama had to deal with, in order to establish normal relations with Castro’s Communist Cuba; to cover up the torture of 17 US Military Vietnam POWs on Cuban soil by Castro.  It has taken a lawsuit to pry out of the Obama administration details about American Vietnam "Prisoners Of War" who “ had been held captive by the Castro’s Communist Cuban government or its military forces” in Cuba.   The lawsuit by Judicial Watch sought records “depicting the names, service branch, ranks, Military Occupational Specialty, and dates and locations of the capture of all American servicemen believed to have been held captive by Cuban government or military forces on the island of Cuba since 1960.” 

“The fact that we had to sue the Obama Administration to get simple answers as to whether Cuba held and tortured American Vietnam POWs strongly suggests that a cover-up has been underway by Obama,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.  “The Obama Administration admires Castro’s Cuba so much that even the fate of American Vietnam POWs, is of little concern.” 

The suit cites the government’s refusal to comply with a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) on the subject.  The action explains Judicial Watch submitted the FOIA request on June 1, 2015, but the Department of State “has failed to: 

  (1) Produce the requested records or demonstrate that the requested records are lawfully exempt from production; 

  (2) Notify plaintiff of the scope of any responsive records defendant intends to produce or withhold and the reasons for any withholding; or 

  (3) Inform plaintiff that it may appeal any adequately specific, adverse determination.”

The civilian appointees of the Obama administration in the Department of Defense initially claimed to have no records, but in a recent commentary on Accuracy in Media, John Lowery reported about “17 American airmen captured in North Vietnam and then taken to Cuba for medical experiments in torture techniques.” Obama was fearful that the revelations of those facts would derail his carefully developed plans to recognize Communist Cuba—again the Republican Leaders in Congress did nothing to alert the American people to Obama’s cover up of Castro’s Communist Cuba’s torture of US Military POWs.

“Following his release [during Operation Homecoming] Major Jack Bomar, (a POW camp Zoo survivor), described the brutal beating of Captain Earl G. Cobeil, an F-105F electronics warfare officer, by Cuban Major Fernando Vecino Alegret, known by the Vietnam POWs as ‘Fidel,'” the report said. “Regarding Captain Cobeil, Bomar related, ‘he was completely catatonic … His body was ripped and torn everywhere … Hell cuffs appeared almost to have severed his wrists … Slivers of bamboo were imbedded [sic] in his bloodied shins, he was bleeding from everywhere.'” 

Lowery reported: “Much less is known about our 17 captured US airmen taken to Cuba for ‘experimentation in torture techniques.’ They were held in Havana’s Los Maristas, a secret Cuban prison run by Castro’s G-2 Intelligent service. A few were held in the Mazorra (psychiatric) Hospital and served as human guinea pigs used to develop improved methods of extracting information through ‘torture and using drugs.’ 

“If our honor code of ‘Duty, Honor, Country,’ and our national policy of “Leave No Man Left Behind,” are more than meaningless slogans, then before our relations with Cuba were normalized, by Obama, their murderous leadership should have accounted for our 17 US Military Vietnam POWs.” “Leave No Man Left Behind” was also ignored by Obama in “The Battle of Benghazi” where the courageous initiative of two Navy SEALS’ actions saved the lives of 32 Americans, ensuring that they could go home, but they unnecessarily lost their lives, because Obama refused to authorize “Cross Border Authority” in order to allow a combat strike.  There was a squadron armed F-16Cs, with 500 rounds of 20 mm cannon ammo on each aircraft, less than 40 minutes away, in in Aviona, Italy ( 377 miles away), and a fully armed AC-130-H Spectre Gunship manned and ready on the tarmac in Sigonella, Sicily 45 minutes away (420 miles away), that could have been launched to save their lives. 

Judicial Watch noted that U.S. Navy F-4 pilot Lt. Clemmie McKinney’s plane was shot down in 1972 and he was held at a Cuban compound in North Vietnam. “The Department of Defense reportedly said he was killed in the crash, but a CIA document later published included a picture of McKinney standing next to Fidel Castro,” it reported.  Lowery wrote that when McKinney’s remains were returned in 1985, a forensic anthropologist confirmed he died not before 1975 and probably several years later.  In 1999, former POW Mike Benge told Congress, “I have also uncovered evidence of the possibility that American POWs from the Vietnam War have been held in Los Maristas, a secret Cuban prison.”

For 2 years, the Congress stood by and did “absolutely nothing” to stop Obama, when it could have cut off financial support to fund Cuban refugees, and pay for the construction of the new American Embassy in Cuba.  On July 1, 2015, Obama sent letter to Cuban Communist Dictator Raul Castro, that the US would re-establishing diplomatic recognition.  On  March 20, 2016, Presidential One landed in Havana with Obama aboard---there was absolutely “no one” to meet Obama from the Cuban Communist Government---it was the first time in US history that the leader of the United States was snubbed at an official airport arrival.  That venomous “Communist Cuban Snake” was let loose on the American people by Obama.   

Raul Castro working with Obama allowed thousands of Communist Cubans to flood across the wide open southern border.  Those Communist Cubans, flooding across the wide open southern border, have been classified by Obama appointees at DHS as Cuban Refugees, they are not being vetted by the FBI to determine if they have terrorist ties with Communist Cuba, and as designated refugees will receive hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to house, feed, and provide medical benefits for them.  They are simply entering the United States by walking across the wide open southern border, and will be treated just as the 925,000 Middle East Muslim Refugees, who are receiving billions dollars annually from taxpayer funds.  

As a major terror attack engulfed Brussels that killed 31 innocent civilians, including 4 Americans, and wounded 340, Obama made a 2 minute comment about it before he launched into a press briefing in Havana, then Obama stood in front a large mural of the murderous blood cold Communist Executioner, Che Guevara, in order to have his picture taken for the world to see, with him standing proudly beside the Cuban Communist Dictator, Raoul Castro.  Then he did the “wave” with the Cuban Communist Dictator at a baseball game later that afternoon, effectively ignoring the murderous Radical Islamic Terrorist attack in Brussels. 

It was all good, a historic legacy for Obama until the rattling from the attic from Cuba’s out-to-pasture Communist Maximo Leader, Fidel Castro, who loudly put a stop to the festivities.  Castro blasted Obama for his “syrupy” words and then Fidel Castro made a lunatic’s effort to relive Cuba’s Communist glory days of fighting Uncle Sam. 

It wouldn’t support the theory by the left of center liberal media establishment, that there’s a rift between Fidel, who remains the ever the brittle revolutionary, desperate to preserve his own legacy of defying Uncle Sam, and his brother Raul, who saw Obama as a “Useful Fool”, well-suited for squeezing US taxpayers out of hundreds of millions of dollars in US benefits, while offering Obama “absolutely nothing” in return.

After a devious Obama lied repeatedly, and misled Congress and the American people that Cuba was no longer exporting terrorism to the United States, in order to normalize relations with Castro’s Communist Cuba----he kissed the venomous “Communist Cuban Snake” that killed hundreds of thousands of Cubans in the Communist Revolution.  Then Fidel Castro, much to Obama’s surprise, turned around and had that venomous “Communist Cuban Snake” bite him, and the American people, by rejecting Obama’s initiative to normalize relations with Cuba, and brought Obama’s Havana festivities to an abrupt halt!!!   

So much for Obama’s successful international foreign relations over the last 7 years, with Communist Cuba, the Radical Islamic Terrorist State of Iran, the Radical Islamic State of Libya, Iran’s Client Shite State of Iraq, Assad’s Syria State, Communist China, Communist North Korea, Communist Vietnam, Socialist Venezuela, the Radical Islamic State of Yemen, the Radical Islamic State of Sudan, Crimea, Ukraine, Israel, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia,  Egypt, and Mexico.  Kind of makes one proud, doesn’t it?   

Copyright 2016, Capt. Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. This material can only be posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without permission from the author  

Investor’s Business Daily

After Kissing The Cuban Snake, Much To His Surprise, Obama Gets Bit  


It was all so choreographed. President Obama’s “historic” trip to Cuba was prepped and re-prepped so that nothing would go off with a glitch. Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes jetted into Havana for the preparations; and, depending on the news report, Secretary of State John Kerry might have made an appearance there, too.

President Obama spouted his treacly niceties, drew his moral equivalences and blended it all out with a sea of banalities about “the future” in a not-so-disguised effort to create his own Nixon In China legacy thing. Never mind that dissidents were being beaten by Cuban security organs and that “President” Raul Castro offered no concessions toward human rights. 

Obama’s was laser-focused on sending the message of “fun” for the trip. As a major terror attack engulfed Brussels, Obama did the “wave” with the Cuban dictator.

It was all good, historic legacy fun until the rattling from the attic from Cuba’s out-to-pasture Maximo Leader, Fidel Castro, loudly put a stop to the festivities. 

Castro blasted Obama for his “syrupy” words and made a lunatic’s effort to relive the Communist glory days of fighting Uncle Sam. It would support the theory that there’s a rift between Fidel, who remains ever the brittle revolutionary desperate to preserve his own legacy of defying Uncle Sam, and brother Raul, who sees Obama as a “Useful Fool”, well suited for squeezing out U.S. benefits while offering “nothing” in return.

Hard to say which one is worse. 

What’s clear enough is that deference after deference to the Castro brothers and their legacy, the Castros continue to show nothing but contempt. Kiss a snake, and don’t be surprised if you get bit.