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Op-Ed Articles

By Capt Joseph R. John, July 29, 2015

Please watch the two below listed very short videos, by clicking on the link, you will fully understand just how Speaker Boehner and Senate Majority Leader McConnell have betrayed what American citizens voted for in 2014.  By ramming the SECRET 800 page Fast Track Trade Promotional (TPP) Bill and the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) Bill thru Congress, that nearly 4 weeks after it was signed into law, American citizens are still not being permitted to read it.  

TPP and TPA violate the US Constitution and eliminates US Sovereignty in favor of International Tribunals.  The Republican leadership ignored the demands of millions of Americans who have been demanding that Congress to reduce illegal immigration by a substantial majority of 3 to 1 in a national opinion poll, and are treating American citizens as if they have no right to know what law they have passed---hiding the fact that it violates the US Constitution.  Even though the Republican Congress controls the power of the purse, Obama has not lost a single major policy battle since Cong Boehner became Speaker of the House in 2010; in fact, Obama is delighted with Boehner’s Speakership.   On July 3rd, when Obama signed the Unconstitutional SECRET TPP/TPA bills into law, Boehner and McConnell were nowhere to be found, they were hiding during the signing ceremony, that law is a thorn in the side of every American voter who worked tirelessly to give the US House a…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 28, 2015 

It has been twenty-six years, since the American people lived through the Reagan Revolution; and took it for granted that the nation was safe from the domestic threats.  The American people have watched their once safe environment dramatically change over the nearly 7 years that the Obama administration has been in control, there are now dangerous activities that threaten the stability of the nation being conducted by Progressives, Leftists, Marxists, Communist, Black Nationalists, convicted criminal Illegal Aliens, and ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorist.  Domestic enemies have gained strength as they actively try to destabilize the Republic; at the same time the Obama administration is working to effect “CHANGE” in The Free Enterprise System by promoting Socialism.  


America was fortunate to have a steadfast and Patriotic leader like President Ronald Reagan in the Oval Office for 8 years.  He learned from his long life experience and the lessons of history, how to best protect the nation, and carefully guided the Ship of State thru the shoal waters of a dangerous world at the onset of his Presidency.  President Reagan always supported the Judeo/Christian principles upon which the Founding Fathers framed the US Constitution for the Republic in 1776.  Under President Reagan’s leadership, the nation followed US Federal Immigration…

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Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the United States between 1981 and 2005 has written the below listed damning column, in which he compares the Iranian Nuclear deal to the failed nuclear weapons deal with North Korea---and concludes it will have even worse consequences.  The reader doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to fully understand—Obama is knowingly entering into a very bad and DANGEROUS deal for the America people. 

Prince Bandar stated, with regard to the Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement that Obama has damned the United States with, “the strategic foreign policy analysis, the national intelligence information, and America’s allies in the region’s intelligence, all predict not only the same outcome of the North Korean nuclear deal, but (it will be) worse---with billions of dollars that Iran will have access to.”


It is now obvious that Saudi Arabia, in self-defense, will develop its own Nuclear Weapons Program, and other pro-western Middle East allies like Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Kuwait, etc. will follow suite.  By entering into the flawed Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement, Obama has assured Iran that it will be able to develop nuclear weapons, and by doing so he has created a nuclear weapons arms race in the Middle East.


Obama has been working closely with the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, a terrorist regime that has been killing Americans for 35 years, and is determined to destroy the…

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In March of this year, as reported in the below listed article by TPM Livewire, Senator Thomas B. Cotton, Cpt-USA (R-AR-Senate), an endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, sent an open letter to the leaders of Iran, cosigned by 47 US Senators, that said a “flawed nuclear arms agreement” would be dangerous to the United States, and would be nullified by the US Congress.

Senator Cotton, an Iraq Combat Veteran, has been the most vocal opponent of a nuclear agreement with Iran.  In his recent appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” show, Senator Cotton came out swinging, and took issue with the fact that the agreement allows  "where necessary, when necessary" inspections of Iran's nuclear sites rather than "anytime, anywhere" access to those sites, he recently stated:

"This proposed deal is a terrible, dangerous mistake that's going to pave the path for Iran to get a nuclear weapon while also giving them tens of billions of dollars of sanctions relief, even lifting the arms embargo at a time when they're destabilizing the entire middle east," 


The American people stand with Senator Cotton in opposition to this flawed Nuclear Weapons Agreement:


President Reagan famously said in his negotiations with Russia, “Trust, but Verify.”


The American people watched Obama negotiated for three years, while Iran continued to cheat on every agreement they entered into, and as recently as 4 days ago they chanted:

“Death to America…

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My Fellow Americans,


     The most important Congressional election in 240 years will take place in 2016.  It is an election that will determine if America’s Free Enterprise System which built the most effective economic engine in the history of mankind will continue, or if it will be replaced by Socialism.   

    The results of the election will determine whether Obama’s vision of allying the Republic with Iran is fulfilled, or if the US will continue to support and protect its traditional Middle Eastern allies that the US has supported and worked with for over seven decades.  

     The election will determine if Christians in the U S Armed Forces will be protected from discrimination they are faced with for the first time in US history, and if Christians in the Middle East will finally be defended from the genocide being perpetrated by ISIS, Al Q’ieda, and other Radical Islamic Terrorists. 

     This election will determine if repeated violation of the US Constitution and Federal Immigration Laws will be allowed to continue, if 300 sanctuary cities, counties, & states will be permitted to violated Federal Immigration Laws to shielding over 160,000 convicted criminal illegal aliens released into the general population by Obama,  and if the porous southern border will finally be closed like the San Diego Border Sector has been securely closed for many years.  


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In previous Congresses, Congressman Duncan D. Hunter, Maj-USMCR (R-CA-52), an endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, repeatedly tried, without success, to get the Republican leadership in the House to support his legislation penalizing safe harbor sanctuary cities, counties, and states for violating Federal Immigration Laws.  The below listed Breitbart News article, explains Cong Hunter’s proposed legislation, and provides information on the murder of Kathryn Steinle in San Francisco, by Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez, a convicted criminal illegal alien who had 7 previous felony convictions, and had been deported from the United States 5 times.

The Obama administration, inept members of Congress on both sides of the isle, and the left of center liberal media establishment have been covering up the thousands of crimes committed by convicted criminal illegal aliens against American citizens in 300 + safe harbor sanctuary cities, counties, and states.  Sanctuary policies are providing protection for Mexican drug cartels smuggling narcotics, violent criminal gangs from below the wide open southern border like MS-13, Mexican human smugglers, and convicted criminal illegal aliens whose presence in the USA has been harmful and dangerous to American citizens.   Those foreign criminal illegal aliens migrate to, and operate in safe harbor sanctuary cities, counties, and states; they are, for the most part, immune from deportation by ICE and from arrest from local & state law…

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From 2009 to the present,  Obama, with the guidance of Valerie Jarrett, has been involved in clandestine negotiations with Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world.  Americans will recall that on November 4, 1979 Iran “Declared War on the United States” when it invaded the US Embassy in Tehran and took all the Americans in the Embassy as hostages—Jimmy Carter did nothing.  Since then, for over 35 years, Iran has been killing thousands of Americans.    

For 6 years, while Iran was employing Iranian manufactured Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) to kill and maim (for life), thousands of members of the US Armed Forces, Obama has been involved in secret back channel negotiations in Oman, not negotiating to stop Iran from employing Iranian manufactured IEDs to kill members of the US Armed Forces, or in  negotiations to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.  


For over 3 years, Obama has continued to lie to the American people, by saying first Hillary Clinton and then John Kerry have been engaged in negotiations to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons; nothing could be further from the truth.   Obama has only been interested in normalizing diplomatic relations with Iran, regardless of the cost to the lives of US military personnel in combat over a 6 year period,  regardless whether it resulted in giving Iran nuclear weapons to put atop its intercontinental ballistic missiles.


Please read the below detailed…

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 What good fortune for governments that the people do not think."- Adolf Hitler

The majority of elected members of Congress "do think", but have not employed vigorous Congressional oversight to oppose the multiple dangerous programs the consortium of Obama, his 45 un-elected Czars, and the 70 member Socialist/Progressive/Communist Congressional Caucus have put in place for over 6 ½ years, in order to "CHANGE" the Republic into a Socialist Welfare State.  That consortium has loosened up qualifications for welfare, to make it very easy to issue Food Stamps to  46 million illegal immigrants and non-working  Americans, by imposing the highest corporate taxes in the world on US Corporation that have driven them out of the United States, "CHANGED" the most successful medical system in the world into a Social Welfare Medical System with the highest medical insurances rates in US history (40 million low income Americans still have no health insurance at all), created 163,333 pages of anti-business and oppressive environmental regulationsthat are destroying the Free Enterprise System, and is spending 71% of the national budget on entitlements and interest on the debt. Obama, Clinton, Kerry, and Valerie Jarrett have turned the US away from the NATO and Middle East allies it had for 75 years, to support Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, to develop nuclear weapons. At the same time, Obama is courting very warm relationships with Communist Vietnam,… Read More

In order to celebrate the birth of our Republic, on the 4th of July, and to honor members of the US Armed Forces for their dedicated service in the defense of the nation, the Helen Woodward Animal Center is covering adoption fees for military families for pet dogs or cats, but this offer is only valid on July 4th.  

Military members or a military families in Southern California can adopt one of those dogs or cats that have already been screened medically by Veterinarians, whose medical records are up to date on all their vaccinations, and who are even tempered & compatible for very young children.  

Please forward the below listed E-mail to military members or military families who would like to adopt a pet for their young children, but because of the cost have unfortunately been unable to make it happen.  Active and retired military personnel can obtain one of those pets with no adoption fee required, as a courtesy to the current or former military member. 

This is a very generous and patriotic gesture by Helen Woodward Animal Center in support of members of the US Armed Forces who have served the nation; it is actually equivalent to a donation to each military member for up to $350.    

To receive their pet, the military member must cover a mandatory microchip fee of $50 and they will be required to contact the Helen Woodward Animal Center Adoption Department at …

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Each Fourth of July and throughout the year, Americans express their support for the freedoms they enjoy and for the unlimited opportunities they have to improve their station in life because of The Free Enterprise System.  The Fourth of July is also an opportunity for each Patriotic American to celebrate a second birthday.  

Countless generations of Americans fought for and under the American Flag.  The American Flag symbolizes the unity of the American people, is flown on national holidays, and symbolizes the principles upon which the Founding Fathers established the Republic, in signing the Declaration of Independence 239 years ago. 


On the Fourth and every day, Americans continue to demonstrate their support for Military Veterans, members of the US Armed Forces who swore to protect and defend the US Constitution, and proudly served in the defense of the Republic, under the American Flag.  


At one point in their lives, Americans who served in the US Armed Forces, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their lives.”  The courage demonstrated by Combat Veterans who served in the defense of the Republic, can be appropriately described by a quote, made in 352 BC, by King Philip of Macedonia:


           “Here is courage, mankind’s finest possession.  Here is the noblest prize.”   


Kindly click on the below listed link, to listen to an outstanding…

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Very few of the elected members of Congress have taken action to oppose the multiple programs that the Obama administration, Obama’s 45 un-elected Czars, and his 70 member Socialist/Progressive/Communist Caucus have been promoting for the last 6 ½ years, in their well-coordinated plans to “CHANGE” and transform the Republic to a Socialist State.  Those plans include violating Federal Immigration Laws, undercutting the authority of law enforcement officers, leaving the southern border wide open, and issuing unlawful orders to DHS to prevent ICE Agents from apprehending Illegal aliens for deportation.   

On a regular basis, over a  6 ½ year period, the Obama administration has been releasing  thousands of “Convicted” criminal illegal aliens into the general population.  The Republican leadership in Congress have done nothing to stop the destabilizing release of a total of 165,900 convicted criminal illegal aliens into the general population.  Despite repeated requests by County Sheriffs to DHS where the convicted criminal illegal aliens were being released, the Obama administration has refused to provide that information to state, county, and local law enforcement agencies.  Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX) …

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In the below listed link another courageous endorsed and elected Combat Veterans For Congress, Cong Scott G. Perry, Col/PA-ARNG (R-PA-4) who opposed the SECRET 800 page Unconstitutional Fast Track Trade legislation that no member of Congress has read, will give Obama the power to eliminate all Federal Immigration Laws and keep the wide open southern border permanently open for Radical Islamic Terrorists to continue to enter the United States.  The SECRET bill that Boehner, McConnell, and Obama refuses to let the American people see, before it is passed will erode the sovereignty of the United States. 

The Republican leaders in Congress are saying it is necessary to pass this SECRET 800 page Unconstitutional bill that no one has read be involved in “Free Trade” in Asia; this bill is not about “Free Trade.” Asia is desperate to trade with the US, and the Occupant of the Oval Office currently has the ability to negotiate “Free Trade Treaties” with every country in Asia and the world without violating the US Constitution, violating Federal Immigration Laws, and damaging the Free Enterprise System---that is exactly what this SECRET 800 page Unconstitutional legislation does---more importantly it is a nail in the coffin of the Free Enterprise System, and advances Obama’s Socialist policies with the willing and aggressive help of the Republican leadership in Congress.    


When the current leadership of the Republican Congress didn’t have to, they…

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Today Senate Majority Leader McConnell and Speaker Boehner have resurrected the Trans Pacific Partnership Initiative (TPP) again.  Although it did pass last week, the companion bill, the Trade Adjustment Assistance Authority (TAA), was defeated by Congress by a huge margin; so the TPP cannot go forward until the TAA passes.  The TPP and the TAA---are bills that very few members of Congress have ever seen or read; the 800 pages of Obama’s Secret Trade Bills are being railroaded thru Congress just like the Obama Care Bill was railroaded thru Congress by Pelosi.  McConnell, Boehner, and Obama are being so secretive that they are not only keeping the text of Obama’s unconstitutional law secret, they are also keeping the log that lists which members of Congress went into the basement of the Capital to read it private as well, they are following Pelosi’s example when she said “we will have to pass it to see what is in it!”  

The Republican leaders in the House and Senate are continuing to work very closely with the occupant in the Oval Office who has repeatedly violated Federal Laws and the US Constitution, in order to pass his Unconstitutional Fast Track Trade Promotional legislation.  The Combat Veterans For Congress are not against “Free Trade”; Free Trade is one of the many foundations upon which the Free Enterprise System rests. The Free Enterprise System is supported and endorsed in the Mission Statement of the Combat Veterans For Congress, but the Fast Track Trade…

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We are pleased to announce that Col Trent Kelly, MSARNG (R-MS-1) won a special election to Congress on June 2nd; he is the 28th endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress to serve in Congress.  The endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress are all listed on the Endorsements page and Alumni page of this Web site.

Copyright 2015, Capt. Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. This material can only be posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without permission from the author.


For over 6 ½ years Obama’s Department of Health Education and Welfare Department has been using the power of the purse to aggressively centralize changes in decisions on published history books and in changing the US History curriculum that had previously been taught for over 239 years to a more global perspective.  Washington bureaucrats have been systematically taken control of the US History curriculum away from local school boards.  They have been forcing a dysfunctional Common Core math curriculum on students which is confusing both students and parents.   Obama’s Washington bureaucrats have created an oppressive upheaval in teaching by installing endless Common Core testing on state educational departments.  The math Common Core curriculum is damaging the future prospects for students to go into advanced math & science in college (students in Europe, Russia, China & Asia are leaving US students behind in math and science).  The below listed article outlines the drive by the Obama administration, along with their progressive, socialist, and radical leftists allies, to take America out of “US History.”  Progressives and leftists who tend to migrate to the teaching profession have been encouraging students to view the Republic with cynicism, have been attacking “American Exceptionalism,” been degrading the concept of “American Patriotism”, teach of a more global perspective of history, turn students against the Free Enterprise System & profits, discourage…

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The below listed facts about the growth Illegal Immigration were taken from a book written by Ann Coulter; the book will be released on June 1st.  The below listed facts should be shared with all Americans who want to have a free and honest national presidential election in 2016.   

After reviewing the below listed facts, one of the conclusions one will come to is that the 2016 election will be fraught with much more voter fraud in key battleground states than occurred in the 2012 presidential election.  By repeated violations of Federal Immigration Laws over the last 6 ½ years, and by keeping the southern border wide open, Obama has enhanced voter fraud, in order to elect another Democrat President.  The only way the many scandals committed by the Obama administration can be swept under the preverbal rug, is by ensuring that the next President will be a Democrat.    


Voter fraud has been the most destructive issue facing the stability of the Republic, it has been perpetrated to elect politicians who would assist Obama to change the Free Enterprise System into a Socialist State.  Obama’s Department of Health Education and Welfare has been funding organizations that are supposed to increase voters registered, but those organizations have been enhancing and perpetrating voter fraud in key battleground states.  Following ACORN’s conviction in Federal Court of voter fraud, former ACORN organizations in 50 states, changed their names from ACORN to new names…

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Since December 7, 1941 over one million members of the US Armed Forces have been wounded and over 500,000 made the ultimate sacrifice having lost their lives in Combat.  A much larger number of US military personnel  have suffered injuries on active duty.  It has been 70 years since the end of World War II, and still some of the Veterans from that war are seeking proper medical treatment from the Veterans Administration (VA).  Today an average of 23 veterans who served in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan are committing suicide each day.  They may have PTSD, and other afflictions and may have not been receiving the proper medical or psychiatric therapy and treatment thru the VA. We encourage all Americans to support all efforts to provide proper medical treatment for all Veterans from the VA and other civilian medical facilities.   

In 2008, because of the dedicated and steadfast efforts of Col Buzz Aldrin, USMA'51, USAF (Ret) PhD, Apollo XI Astronaut (the second Astronaut to set foot on the surface of the moon), a Law was passed, which can be fully explained by clicking on the below listed link. That law encourages and authorizes all American Veterans, in civilian clothes, to render a hand salute when the National Anthem is played at public events.  It allows Veterans to continue to demonstrate their respect for the National Anthem, and it also allows all Americans at public events to see who the honorable Veterans are who served under the flag of the…

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 On Tuesday the Republican leadership will encourage the House and Senate to vote to pass the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Initiative; the bill is known as “Trade Promotion Authority” or TPA---no one has even seen thousands of pages of Obama’s Secret Trade Bill ---now the Republican leadership is saying “we will have to pass it to see what is in it”.  The Republican leaders are planning to give Obama “Carte Blanche” to enter into “Fast-Track Trade Treaties” in “total secrecy” eventually with future countries such as Cuba, Iran, China, Russia, etc., because Obama will be able to add other countries to this agreement, which is UNCONSTITUTIONAL; it “short circuits the legislative process” which requires a two thirds majority vote of the US Senate to approve Treaties.  Republican leaders are planning to give Obama unprecedented power to curtail Congressional checks and balances on Treaties, even while they have been watching him for 6 ½ years, violate Federal Immigration Laws, the US Constitution, and Freedom of Religion for members of the US Armed Forces.  

 The TPA Bill has many damaging provisions, among them, it will allow millions of foreign workers to be given visas to enter the US at a time when 104 million Americans are unemployed, the TPA will open the way to import dangerous foods products that will negatively affect the health of unsuspecting Americans, according to Congressman Alan Grayson (R-FL-9) it will ship millions of American jobs overseas, it will…

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By evaluating an overwhelming amount of evidence that has been building for 6 ½ years, the obvious conclusion personnel with extensive military experience will come to, is that Obama’s military policies have been degrading the finest US military fighting force in history.  Over the last 6 ½  years, the US Armed Forces has been hollowed out by Obama, his Social Experiment On Diversity has severely fractured unit cohesiveness, his “Politically Correct Policies” have negatively affected unit morale, and the  “Combat Effectiveness” of the US military is being degraded.  Tip of the spear combat units are being compromised by preventing military combat veterans, with a great deal of combat experience, from providing their invaluable operational experience being considered and evaluated, in the debate within the Obama administration, over whether female military personnel should be exposed to hand to hand combat against highly trained enemy infantry units and enemy special operations personnel. None of the below highlighted actions, which have been degrading the “Combat Effectiveness” of the US Armed Forces, for the last 6 ½ years, could have been instituted without the willing support of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who should have resigned, rather than execute Obama’s below listed policies that have been degrading the US Armed Forces.

The Flag and General Officer Corps have been prevented from opposing and challenging the hollowing out of the US Armed…

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America has a Judeo/Christian ethos; 90% of Americans believe in God and 50% of them go to church and synagogue every week.  Christian members of the US military are wondering long and hard about joining and/or making the US Armed Forces a career. This concern by Christians to possibly avoid a US Armed Forces that oppresses Christians appears to fit in with Obama’s Social Experiment On Diversity, in order to minimize Christian influence in the US military.  The Social Experiment On Diversity that has been changing the make-up of the US Armed Forces is seriously eroding unit cohesiveness, unit morale, and  the “Combat Effectiveness “ of the US military.   

Chaplains are having their sermons and even the places where they are allowed to pray controlled and censored to be sure their statements are “Politically Correct” and in keeping with the what the Obama civilian appointees in DOD want them to say.  Chaplains have been prevented from reading letters from their Cardinals in the pulpit to their parishioners.  Chaplains have been prevented from giving bibles to patients in their hospital rooms.  Catholic Chaplins who don’t believe in the use of birth control pills and abortion are prevented from preaching their religious beliefs in the pulpit.  Army Ranger Chaplain Joseph Lawton was punished and served with a “Letter of Concern” for referring to solace and comfort he receives in his darkest moments by reading the Psalms of King David in the Old Testament of the Bible,…

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How fortunate the nation was when it was united under the leadership of a Patriotic US President right after 9/11.

The Yankees played a professional baseball game in an overflowing Yankee stadium, despite a terrorist attack on the nation, in New York City, Washington, and Stonycreek, PA, by Al Q’ieda that killed 3000 Americans; the below listed link will reacquaint you with that memorable baseball game.  

There is a distinct difference today from the unity the nation experienced after 9/11.  This afternoon the Baltimore Oriels will play a professional baseball game against the White Sox in an empty Baltimore stadium.  It’s the first time in the history of the nation that a professional baseball game is being played to an empty stadium, because it is too dangerous to have mixed races attend the game.  It is a result of the racial divisive policies promoted by Holder and the very different occupant in the Oval Office; their racial divisive policies have resulted in repeated racial strife over the last 6 years.


After 9/11 and prior to that date, we never had an…

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The genocide of Syrian and Assyrian Christians by ISIL, Al Q’ieda, and Muslim Brotherhood trained Radical Islamic Terrorists, on the Plains of Ninveh in Iraq, has resulted in 3.5 million Muslim and Christian refugees seeking relief.  In addition to the hundreds of thousands Muslim refugees who have already been given entry into the US by Obama, more than 360,000 Muslim refugees are being targeted for additional resettlement in the US by the UN Resettlement Program.  Obama is encouraging the acceptance of more Muslim refugees, for resettlement in the US, than all the other countries in the world combined.  When the UN Muslim Resettlement Program began, it was run and controlled by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by agencies of her State Department.  Obama directed Hillary to let the Muslim refugees enter the US without slowing the process down, by the time consuming investigation of their backgrounds to determine if they had terrorist ties.  On Obama’s orders, Hillary placed all entering Muslims on a fast track to obtain US citizenship.  Obama ordered Hillary to resettle & integrate the Muslim refugees in communities throughout the US without informing elected state and city officials and local law enforcement officials where they were being resettled; this has been going since Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.  

George Soros’ is funding the resettlement of Muslim Refugees thru his organization, Welcoming America, and Welcome America has been working…

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This Op Ed will explain why Obama is allowing Iran’s Shiite regime to develop nuclear weapons, and what has prompted Obama to undercut and destabilize the security interests of the United States’ traditional Sunni allies in the Middle East, that 12 US Presidents, from President Franklin D. Roosevelt to President George W Bush supported for the last 65 years.  Obama has been extending negotiation deadlines, after deadlines, after deadlines, after deadline, so nuclear weapons talks, that have been underway for more than 2 years, won’t be terminated (every time Iran misses a deadline, Obama just advances the deadline by another 3 months).  By ensuring Iran that there will be no inspections of Iran’s military’s weapons development, Obama has all but ensured that Iran will develop nuclear warheads, if they haven’t already accomplished that feat with the help of North Korea. 

In order to truly understand Obama’s approach to Iran’s nuclear weapons development program, you shouldn’t give credibility to what Obama says in these negotiations, you must understand how the negotiations came about, and you should ignore Obama’s publically stated goals because they keep changing to keep Iran engaged.  These negotiations came about in December 2011, when then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton authorized her close aide, Jack Sullivan, to begin quiet back channel negotiations between the US and Iran in Oman and she continued setting up the nuclear weapons negotiation until she left…

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Just as the Co-Pilot, Andreas Lubitz, in his single-minded madness “Locked Out” the Pilot of Germanwings FLT 9525 from the cockpit, preventing him from altering the course to avoid a major air disaster; the aircraft increased speed to 434 miles per hour as it approached the ground, while the 150 passengers, gripped with fear in the pits of their stomachs, were forced to helplessly ride the aircraft’s 8 minute decent into its explosive destruction. 

Obama “Locked Out” the US Congress and American people in his single-minded madness preventing them from altering his Marxists policies, that are leading the Republic to its destruction.   Patriotic America Citizens have been gripped in fear in the pits of their stomachs as they are being forced to helplessly watch Obama’s 8 year plan to employ illegal Executive Orders, disobey Federal Laws, and violate the US Constitution, in order to destroy the Free Enterprise System that created the most successful economic engine in the history of mankind.  For 6 years, Obama has been aggressively trying to “CHANGE” the Republic into a Socialist/Marxist State, when Marxist/Socialism has failed everywhere it has ever been tried in the last 120 years.


American citizens have witnessed Obama change in policies, as he:


“Locked out” the American people while he destroyed the most successful National Health Care system in US history that worked for 350 million Americans and forcibly replaced it with the failed…

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We wish all participants and observers of this Holy Season a Happy Good Friday, a Happy Easter, and a Happy Passover.  Today's treatment of Christians in a great many nations is disturbingly and reminiscent of the brutal persecution and genocide of the early followers of Jesus Christ; it is a current day “Crime Against Humanity.”  Christian Americans are frustrated by the indifference displayed by the US Government’s in its refusal to join in with world leaders to condemn the persecution, torture, and genocide of helpless Syrian and Assyrian Christians by Radical Islamic Terrorists members of ISIL and Al Q’ieda as the genocide intensifies from week to week.  We are now also observing the religious persecution of conscientious and believing Christians in the United States, led  by the left of center liberal media establishment, because of their refusal to participate in or provide support for religious ceremonies that their well held religious beliefs don’t agree with.



The Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Royal Family in England, the UK Prime Minister, the King of Jordan, the President of Egypt, the President of Kurdistan, the Prime Minister of Japan, the Prime Minister of Australian, President George W. Bush, Reverend Billy Graham, the Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Prime Ministers of NATO nations, the Prime Minister of Israel, Christian Religious Leaders of every…

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An elected Combat Veterans For Congress, Congressman James Bridenstine, Lcdr-USNR (R-OK-1), is one of the principled members of Congress who votes his conscience against very bad legislation, in support of the US Constitution, and regardless of the consequence.  

Regardless of the possibility of retribution, Cong Bridenstine voted his conscience against the Omnibus Funding Bill that provided funding for the budget thru September 2015 for the Obama administration illegal Executive Order that will effectively give Work Permits and Social Security Numbers to 5 million Illegal Aliens.  Cong Bridenstine also voted against re-electing the Speaker of the House of Representatives because the Speaker sought Pelosi’s help in getting her Democrat members to help the Speaker pass the Omnibus Spending Bill against the votes and will of the majority of Republican Congressmen.  Following his votes of conscious, Congressman Bridenstine was removed from the House Rules Committee by the Republican leadership.  That action was uncalled for and we oppose that type of vindictive retribution against a Patriotic Congressman who votes to protect and defend the US Constitution.


Please read the below listed article about Congressman Bridenstine, then click on the link to listen to his interview with Joe Miller on the Joe Miller Show. In the interview, Cong Bridenstine refuses to back down from his principled stands and his votes to protect and support the US Constitution,…

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We’ve received one objection to the Op Ed in the subject Line that alleged, that the Foreign Terrorist Paramilitary Training Communes are now vacant.  We originally researched information on this matter from data available from 1990 to 2010; old intelligence is stale intelligence, so we took the objection seriously.  Our sources are unable to confirm or deny that every one of the 32 Foreign Terrorist Paramilitary Training Communes are no longer operating.  However, in the interest of accuracy and concern for the reliability of this Op Ed and future Op Eds, our comments follow:


If the 32 Foreign Terrorist Paramilitary Training Communes that we have proof were operating have been vacated, that may have occurred because the trainees may have become disenchanted, may have lost interest or quit, or possibilities some of the trainees may have left to join one of the Sleeper Cells that the FBI Director stated are now operating in 50 states.  


It does not relieve our demand that Jamaat al-Fuqra, Iran, and Hezbollah be placed back on the US State Department’s International List of Terrorist Organizations in a document entitled “Patterns of Global Terrorism.”   


It does not relieve our demand that the wide open southern border be sealed like the San Diego Border Sector that has been effectively sealed, and has stemmed the flow of Radical Islamic Terrorists into the US thru that sector, who may have been trained by Al Q’ieda, Hezbollah, or…

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ISIL is now a very serious threat to the American Homeland and 150 US Muslims that they trained have been allowed to returned to the US.  Radical Islamic Terrorist from abroad, some of whom were trained by Al Q’ieda and ISIL have been walking across the wide open southern border of the United States unimpeded for 6 years.  In addition, 32 Foreign Radical Islamic Paramilitary Communes have been allowed to train on US Soil in 17 states, in order to train 3000+ American Homegrown Radical Islamic Terrorists. called “Soldiers of Allah”.  The “Soldiers of Allah” are involved in the most advanced training courses in Islamic Military Warfare—including training in the use of explosives, training on how to murder individuals, to become proficient in firing many different weapons, were being taught the technique of strangling individuals, are being instructed on how to conduct sabotage acts in the United States, instructed on how to kidnap Americans, and are being trained to become proficient in guerilla warfare. Members of the Muslim Brotherhood has been appointed to many powerful positions in the Obama administration, and have been supporting the training in the 32 Radical Islamic Paramilitary Communes; please click on the below listed link to read what their goals are. 

Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, a Pakistani cleric who lives in Lahore, Pakistan, is the spiritual leader of the Pakistan based International Radical Islamic Terrorist organization, Jamaat al-Fuqra.  The…

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For the first time in 36 years, the Annual Security Assessment presented to the U.S. Senate by previous CIA Directors and Directors of National Intelligence, has “EXCLUDED” Iran and Hezbollah from the State Department’s Bureau of Counterterrorism’s List of Foreign Terrorist Organizations.   Without any doubt, at all, the National Intelligence Agencies of over 100 nations, consider Iran the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism.  Iran and Hezbollah have been consistently included on the List of Foreign Terrorist Organizations for 36 years by President Jimmy Carter, President Ronald Reagan, President George HW Bush, President Bill Clinton, and President George W Bush.  

This reckless and very “Treacherous” action by the occupant of the Oval Office, will confuse and handcuff US Intelligence Agencies, the FBI, the CIA, the DIA, NSA, the Department of Justice, the National Security Council, the US Armed Forces, and the US State Department.  This action was authorized while the world is currently watching Iran’s armed military Quid Force flying in thousands of boots on the ground to effectively take over Iraq, militarily, under the cover of defending Iraq from ISIL  Removing Iran and Hezbollah from the List of Foreign Terrorist Organizations was ordered by Obama to support his pro-Iranian and anti-Israeli reckless Middle East Foreign policy, has to date resulted in Iran taking control of Libya, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Yemen, with Afghanistan and Bahrain in Iran’s…

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The hardest thing to explain is the glaring evidence which everybody has decided not to see - Ayn Rand


Only the Arctic cold spell gripping the nation, the State of the Union Address (Obama didn’t want demonstrators to detract), and the facts presented in the Justice Department Report as a result of FBI Agents’ investigating of the Ferguson shooting, temporarily halted the nationally controlled anti-Police street demonstrations after over 6 months.  The Justice Department report, submitted by FBI Agents tasked with the investigation, concluded that the white Police Officer’s shooting of Michael Brown was justified and in self-defense; the report failed to mention Eric Holder’s continued unjustified inflammatory racial bias.  Although Holder’s Justice Department finally agreed with the Ferguson Grand Jury’s decision, the rioters in Ferguson this past Friday, stated they still did not have any knowledge of the Justice Department Report.  

Fifteen minutes after the Ferguson Grand Jury decision acquitted a white Police Officer in Ferguson, MO for shooting a black criminal in self-defense, the nation witnessed Obama on a nationally televised address making inappropriate and subtle comments that fueled the violent street demonstration that erupted followed his comments on TV.   Yet Obama has refuses to go on…

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