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32 Foreign Terrorists Paramilitary Training Communes on US Soil

  • 32 Foreign Terrorists Paramilitary Training Communes on US Soil

We’ve received one objection to the Op Ed in the subject Line that alleged, that the Foreign Terrorist Paramilitary Training Communes are now vacant.  We originally researched information on this matter from data available from 1990 to 2010; old intelligence is stale intelligence, so we took the objection seriously.  Our sources are unable to confirm or deny that every one of the 32 Foreign Terrorist Paramilitary Training Communes are no longer operating.  However, in the interest of accuracy and concern for the reliability of this Op Ed and future Op Eds, our comments follow:


If the 32 Foreign Terrorist Paramilitary Training Communes that we have proof were operating have been vacated, that may have occurred because the trainees may have become disenchanted, may have lost interest or quit, or possibilities some of the trainees may have left to join one of the Sleeper Cells that the FBI Director stated are now operating in 50 states.  


It does not relieve our demand that Jamaat al-Fuqra, Iran, and Hezbollah be placed back on the US State Department’s International List of Terrorist Organizations in a document entitled “Patterns of Global Terrorism.”   


It does not relieve our demand that the wide open southern border be sealed like the San Diego Border Sector that has been effectively sealed, and has stemmed the flow of Radical Islamic Terrorists into the US thru that sector, who may have been trained by Al Q’ieda, Hezbollah, or ISIL but are still easily walking into the United States as they have for 6 years.


It doesn’t relieve our demand that Muslim Refugees entering the US thru the UN Refugee Program, whose backgrounds are not being reviewed by the US Immigration Service for the possibility of having terrorist ties, must have their backgrounds properly evaluated by Intelligence Analysts before they are given access to Obama’s fast track to US Citizenship.


It doesn’t relieve our demand that the 150 new Muslim US Citizens, who previously received the benefit of the Obama’s fast track to US Citizenship, and then traveled to kill Christians with Radical Islamic ISIL Terrorists, and are returning to the US with no restrictions “at all”.  They must be tracked down, arrested, charged with sedition, tried, convicted, have their US Citizenship terminated, have their passports destroyed, be sentenced to prison, and be deported from the United States upon completion of their sentences.


It doesn’t relieve our demand that the Muslims of America, Inc. (MOA), that has been given Tax-exempt Status by Obama’s appointees in the IRS, be removed from the list of organizations with Tax-exempt Status, and be investigated by the FBI as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (The FBI reported the MOA organization “is based on specific and articulate facts giving justification to the belief that they are engaged in international terrorism”).    


It doesn’t change the fact that although 32 Foreign Terrorist Paramilitary Communes may have been vacated, it does not change the fact that Iran and Hezbollah have been killing members of the US Armed Forces for 36 years, that Iran is the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, and Hezbollah is Iran’s terrorist agent executing Christians.  


It doesn’t change the fact that on March 24, 2015, the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the leader of the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, shouted “Death to America” in a major address to his supporters on nationally television, while at the same time Obama is negotiating a Nuclear Weapons Treaty with Iran to give Iran permission to develop nuclear weapons------that will give Iran the ability to rein nuclear “Death to America.”.


It doesn’t change the fact that Obama is providing US Military air cover for the Iranian Quid Force while allowing Iran to take over the military control of Iraq under the cover of fighting ISIL


It doesn’t change the fact that the Al Q’ieda terrorist who beheaded Daniel Pearl is Khalid Sheikh Muhammad who is currently incarcerated in Gitmo (the Al Q’ieda operative was the architect of the 9/11 attacks on the US), and that he should never be freed from Gitmo. 


It doesn’t change the fact that Jamal al-Fuqra is a very dangerous threat to the National Security interests of the United States, and that many of those trained in the 32 Radical Islamic Paramilitary Communes are probably still taking their orders from an International Radical Islamic Terrorist Leader, Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, in Lahore, Pakistan, who can still activate these homegrown terrorists to strike America’s key infrastructure targets at will.