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Op-Ed Articles

By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to listen to a talk radio interview by US Federal Judge Joe Miller, USMA ‘89 the Host of the Joe Miller show, with Capt John, USNA ’62, a former counter terrorist intelligence operative who was on the DOD Task Force after 9/11 which reported to the Assistant Secretary of the Army, served in nine counter-terrorist operations, was recruited as an Arabic linguist by Special Warfare Group ONE in order to deploy with SEAL Team ONE, was an armed Federal Law Enforcement Officer in DHS, and was assigned as an Intelligent Analyst in the FBI after graduating from the FBI Academy in Quantico.  

He voiced his concern that for the past 6 years, the Obama administration’s policies in the Middle East have been destructive for the stability of the region. The Obama administration’s foreign policy has shifted support from the United States’ 60 year traditional alliance with friendly Sunni countries (Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates) to Iran, the world’s number one major sponsor of terrorism with Shite ruling class.  Iran regularly declares that it is enemy of the “Great Satan”, the United States, who has been killing and maiming thousands of members of the US Armed Forces for 36 years.  The Obama administration’s absence of a foreign policy in the Middle East has resulted in Iran filling the void by taking control of Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Lebanon with Afghanistan…

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While the worldwide Radical Islamic Terrorist threat has continued to grow over the last 6 years, the Obama administration has intentionally and systematically violated the 9/11 Commission Report on how to protect the nation from another terrorists attack.  Obama has been dismantling the US Immigration System by violating Federal Immigration Laws previously passed by many Congresses, has illegally ordered all ICE and Border Patrol Agents to violate their regulations by ordering them to cease interior enforcement,  has ordered them to cease the deportation of Illegal Aliens, and has refused to secure the wide open southern border, thru which Radical Islamic Terrorists have been entering the US unimpeded for 6 years.  

Over and above the 1 million “legal” immigrants welcomed into the US each year, Obama has brought in an additional 7 million Muslim Illegal Aliens thru the UN Muslim Refugee Program (accepting more Muslim refugees than all the nations in the world added together have accepted collectively), and Obama has put those Illegal Aliens on a fast track to become US citizens.  Obama has continued to violate Federal Immigration Laws, by refusing to have Intelligent Analysts investigate the backgrounds of Muslim Refugees to determine if they have any Radical Islamic Terrorists ties.  Over 150 of those fast tracked new American citizens from the Middle East have departed with their new US passports to train and fight with ISIL.


Obama has been…

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Immigration reform “starts” with securing the wide open southern border and while at the same time to finally enforcing Federal Immigration Laws.  The 9/11 Commission recommended, in order to prevent terrorists from viciously attacking the Republic in the future, as the Illegal Aliens who were terrorist hiding in plain sight throughout America did on September 11, 2001, that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service, Ice, and the Border Patrol should enforce Federal Immigration Laws and control the borders of the United States like every other nation in the world does.  Fifteen years after 9/11 Congress and Obama have refused to secure the borders.  Obama has issued orders to the US Border Patrol and ICE Agents to cease apprehending and deporting Illegal Aliens and has cancelled the Secure Communities Program that automatically checked state and local incarcerated inmates against the list of Illegal Aliens listed in the Federal Databases to see .if certain inmates should be picked up by ICE for deportation.        

Because of the wide open southern border, the current outbreak of measles is the worst measles epidemic in 60 years and is spreading throughout the US.  WND reviewed the history of measles outbreaks in the US since 1980, and after careful evaluation, determined that almost all of the outbreaks came from overseas, and that California had some of the largest concentrations of measles, as well as the largest influx of Illegal Aliens from across…

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Once America celebrated President George Washington’s birthday without fail, unfortunately his birthday celebration is being virtually ignored today.  Students do not know about “I cannot tell a lie”, the questionable legend of Washington throwing of a silver dollar across the Potomac, as a British Army Major George Washington's courage during the French and Indian Wars, the crossing of the Delaware, General Washington’s heroics in the Revolution, and so much more about the first President who was as humble, as he was courageous.  Americans should remember and honor the Father of the Republic, George Washington, on his birthday and every day.  Except for his briefest mention, because of the editing of school books at the federal level, Political Correctness and Common Core has virtually eliminated the profile of Republic’s fist and greatest president, and eliminated so much of the nation’s important American History.  

The United States was established because of the intelligence and courage of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and many other Founding Fathers, in their  pursuit of “Freedom” from oppressive rule and excessive taxation.  The Republic survived its very shaky beginning because of General George Washington’s leadership in war and in peace. 

In a “Crime Against Humanity” on January 8, 1914 a Jihad was declared by the Ottoman Empire against “all Christians”; it was a government ordered genocide against Greeks, Assyrian, and Armenian Christians, the genocide resulted in the brutal murders of over one million Christians over the next two years.  For over the last 3 years, the world has been witnessing another “Crime Against Humanity”; today the same type Jihad that was perpetrated against Christians over 100 years ago by the Ottoman Turks, is being perpetrated by ISIL and Al Q’ieda in another bloody genocide against Syrian Christians in Syria and against Assyrian Christians on the Plains of Nineveh in Iraq. 

The Plain of Nineveh is the 2000+ year old ancient homeland of Aramaic speaking Assyrian Christians in what used to be Mesopotamia, but is called Iraq today.  The Assyrian Christians pride themselves on being the oldest ethnic Christian community in continuous existence since Jesus Christ walked the face of the earth; they speak the same language Christ spoke, worship in churches the Christ’s Disciples founded, and since Roman times theses courageous Assyrian Christians have been persecuted and murdered for refusing to denounce their faith in Jesus Christ.  The Pope called the Assyrian Church “The Martyr Church.”  Hundreds of ancient Assyrian Christian Churches, some that go back as far as 1800 years are being burned to the ground, along with their ancient religious artifacts and historic bibles…

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Since he came to office, Obama has been ignoring, rewriting, delaying, and breaking the nations Federal Immigrations Laws under the guise of immigration reform.   Immigration reform “starts” with securing the wide open southern border and enforcing Federal Immigration Laws at the same time.  Any member of Congress or candidate for President in 2016, who doesn’t support closing the Southern Border and enforcing Federal Immigration Laws those should be defeated at the polls in November 2016.   

Obama has proclaimed for 6 years that he cares about the American union worker, the unemployed minority workers, and the middle class, yet he gave orders to DHS to issue 5 million Work Permits and Social Security Numbers to Illegal Aliens who would end up taking millions of jobs away from the 90 million unemployed American citizens, union workers, and taxpayers who are desperate for a job.  Issuance of Work Permits and Social Security Numbers would allow Illegal Aliens to obtain driver’s licenses, which will then facilitate them in their ability to illegally register to vote; probably one of the Obama administration’s goals.  


In North Carolina the Registry of Voters did what every state should do; they compared the list of voters who registered to vote against the Federal Immigration Database.  The cross check of the first 10,000 voters, found 1,425 likely non-citizens registered to vote, including 109 Illegal Alien “Dreamers”.  Almost 10 percent of the…

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This Op Ed concerns Iran’s influence on Valerie Jarrett, Jarrett’s influence on Obama, and Obama’s pro-Iranian initiatives that continue damage the National Security interests of the United States

The Houthis, also known as the Ansarallah (Supporters of God), are Shiite Radical Islamic Terrorists operating in Yemen. They currently rule Yemen, and took control of the Yemen in a 2014–15 coup d'état.  The group takes its name from Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi, their former commander, who was killed by the  Yemeni army forces in September 2004.  Badreddin al-Houthi, is the spiritual leader of these Shiite Radical Islamic Terrorists.  The Houthis had been accepting military and logistics support from the Shiite Iranian Republican Guard.  Saudi Arabia had been supporting the elected government of Yemen with less than adequate support from the Obama administration

In November 2011, Houthis took control of two Yemeni…

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This Op Ed is designed to contribute, in some small measure, toward halting the erosion of the unity of American citizens against Radical Islamic Terrorists as the primary national threat America is faced with today. Obama has repeatedly tried to divide and confuse American citizens about their understanding of what the real threat is that has killed and wounded thousands of Americans for the last 36 years----specifically, it is Radical Islamic Terrorists.   

By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to watch a very thorough analysis by Dr. Bill Warner of the 1400 year development and spread of Islam.   Dr. Warner is a scientist who employed scientific logic to do an in depth analysis on the birth and development of Islam from 600 AD to the present day.  He explains, in the video, the spread of Radical Islam from 615 AD (referred to as the 1st Jihad) to the fall of Constantinople in 1452 (referred to as the 2nd jihad), to 1915-1923, when the Turks and Kurds murdered one million Armenian and Assyrian Christians, and to 1979 (referred to as the 3rd Jihad) when for the last 36 years Radical Islamic Terrorists perpetrated 19,000 brutal attacks on Muslims, Christians, Hindus, and Buddhists---they have been killing peaceful Muslims who do not support their 3rd Jihad.  

For over 6 years Obama has been trying to confuse the understanding of American citizens with regard to the true nature of Radical Islamic Terrorists.  Obama has been…

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This below listed intelligent analysis is not intended to offend over a billion kind, considerate, peaceful, supportive, religious, and law abiding Muslims, and especially the Islamic partners of the United States in the Middle East and worldwide who have been our allies and our trusted friends for over 60 years.  Our Muslim brothers-in-arms protected me and my men when we were engaged in military operations in the Middle East, Africa, the Philippines, and in the United States for over a 25 year period, and are still protecting US military personnel in the Middle East.     

Unless the US secures the support of our Muslim allies worldwide, the US will have no hope of ever defeating Radical Islamic Terrorism that is spreading worldwide like wildfire, and will never be able to properly deal with Iran.  Iran is the most dangerous sponsors of terrorists in the world, and is bent on obtaining nuclear weapons to attack the US, Israel, and threaten our allies in the Middle East, Europe, and Africa.

This Op Ed was written is to alert all American patriots of the immediate threat posed by Radical Islamic Terrorists organizations such as ISIL, Al Q’ieda, Iranian Republic Guard, Al Shabab, the NPA, the Muslim Brotherhood, Jamaat al-Fuqra, the Taliban, Hezbollah, Ansar Al Sharia, and so many others too numerous to list here.  Those Radical Islamic Terrorist organizations are using on line tactics to instruct the hundreds of Radical Islamic Terrorists “Sleeper…

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Valarie Jarret, Senior Advisor to the President and Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs in the Obama administration, has also been working very closely with her fellow Iranian countrymen in the Iranian Government for 6 years, she has slowly and stealthily shifted the US’s support to Iran, to the Shiites sect of Islam, and has guided Obama’s shift away from the Sunni sect of Islam and away from the US’s traditional Middle East allies for the last 60 years----- Jordan, Saudis Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrein, Morocco, Oman, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates. 

Obama and Jarret have help facilitate Iran’s development of nuclear weapons for 6 years, while bribing Iran with $20 billion in financial payments so they would continue the shame 14 months negotiations to halt their development of Iranian nuclear weapons.  Those negotiations have been extended twice, requiring additional payments of billions of dollars, and Obama will extend those negotiations again in June when Iran demands the negotiations continue and doesn’t agree to stop developing nuclear weapons----unfortunately, there is absolutely no end in sight.  Obama will continue the shame negotiations  until Iran finally develops nuclear weapon, and with the help of North Korea, will place those nuclear weapons atop their new long range intercontinental ballistic missiles.  Iran will soon be able to threaten NATO, US’s European allies, Israel, and the US’ traditional…

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This is our end of year report and an outline of our future goals; attached is a brief history of the Combat Veterans For Congress is listed on the About Us page of our Web site for your review.  For 6 years, we have recruited, investigated the background, endorsed, and help elect Combat Veterans For Congress.  To date, 27 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress from 18 states have served in Congress, 7 have since retired as described in the attachment (one went on to be elected as Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas, another went on to become a well-known inspirational political commentator).  There are currently 3 endorsed US Senators and 17 endorsed US Congressmen serving in the 114th Congress; they make up 3.7% of the 535 elected members of Congress.

A major strengths developed over the last 6 years, has been our ability to gain the support of a substantial number of the 23 million Veterans at the poles to vote for endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress; we accomplished that goal by providing 42 National Veterans Organization with our stands on various issues with Op Eds we write on a regular basis; our views are passed on to many of their members.  We also have generated the support of 10.000+ committed individuals listed in our data base, and 7000+ followers on Facebook and Twitter.  Over the years, they have volunteered in the Congressional campaigns of endorsed combat Veterans For Congress in 34 states, and many of them have also donated directly to…

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During Obama’s run for the Presidency in 2007, we alerted our supporters that there were photos of Che Guevara plastered on the walls of Obama’s campaign headquarters in Texas.  Che was the hard core Communist revolutionary who was killed while trying to export Communism to Bolivia; he was being lionized by Castro and by supporters in Obama’s presidential campaign.  While Castro’s Cuba is on the ropes economically, Obama is coming to the rescue of such a dangerous and oppressive Communist regime by recognizing Castro Cuba; lifting economic sanctions, supporting tourism, and allowing free trade, without insisting on concessions before recognizing such an oppressive Communist Cuban Government.   

The New Black Panther Party has been receiving instruction in terrorist tactics and bomb making in Castro’s Cuba for the past 6 years, and Obama’s new travel policy will enhance that terrorist training (all terrorist training for the New Black Panther Party must cease prior to recognition).  American Black Revolutionaries, who have assassinated US Police Officers over the years, then fled to Cuba, have been given a safe haven by Castro (their return should be demanded prior to recognition).  There are 100,000 political prisoners in Cuban prisons & labor camps  and Obama should demand that Castro allow fundamental human and religious freedoms for political prisoners (they should be should be freed prior to recognition).  The financial support generated by the new tourist…

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The FBI is aware of 19 Islamic Paramilitary Training Communes operating mostly in remote and wooded areas in 15 states, however there may be as many as 35 affiliated compounds throughout the United States under development.  The paramilitary communes are training indigenous “home grown” Muslim converts; they are Islamic enclaves were residents live under Sharia Law.  The communes are gated no-go zones with armed guards at the entrance; they are off limits to non-Muslims; Police tend to avoid the enclaves.  A shadowy Pakistan-based group, Jamaat al-Fuqra, and its main US front group, Muslims of America, Inc. (MOA) operate the communes and controls the paramilitary training.   

The leader of all the communes is Pakistani cleric, Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, who move to the US in 1979, when he began development of the Islamic Paramilitary Commune network.  Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani was investigated by the Pakistani Government for possible involvement in the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, and he encourages members of the commune to travel to Pakistan to receive religious and military/terrorist training.    

Headquarters for the Islamic Paramilitary Training Communes is in Islamberg, New York.  The Islamic Paramilitary Communes trains and radicalizes young men and women; they are trained in the use of small arms, strangulation techniques, and military tactics.  In 1992 the Islamic Paramilitary Training Commune in Buena Vista, CO was raided and…

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Obama has quietly agreed to resettle 70,000 Muslim refugees throughout the US as part of the UN Resettlement Program, and is putting the refugees on a fast track for US citizenship; the Obama administration has accepted more Muslims than all the other nations in the world combined.  These new Muslim immigrants are posing a major security risk, will cost $10 billion to resettle, and some of the Muslim immigrants may have previously joined ISIL.  Some of the Somalis that were on the fast track program, and received US citizenship have already gone to fight for ISIL in Syria and when they return will pose a serious threat to the United States.  It has been reported that Al Q’ieda is infiltrating the UN Resettlement Program to obtain legal acceptance as US citizens in the US.  

In addition, DHS’s Immigration Service will approve the issuance of Social Security numbers and work permits to 5 million Illegal aliens, without doing the proper investigation required to determine  if the 5 million illegal aliens have resided in the US for 5 year, are not convicted criminals, or have any terrorist links.  The Obama administration has rented new office space, and is are hiring 1000 new employees, with no experience, to accomplish the detailed review and processing of each Illegal alien.  If each of the 1000 new employees reviewed 5 illegal aliens each day on a 5 day week, it would normally take  over 4 years to process the 5 million Illegal aliens, but those new employees will…

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Geopolitical Weekly

January 6, 2015 | 09:00 GMT Print Text Size 

By Michael Nayebi-Oskoui

The Middle East is one of the most volatile regions in the world — it is no stranger to upheaval. The 2009 uprisings in Iran and the brinksmanship of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government were followed by the chaos of the Arab Spring, the spillover of the Syrian conflict into Iraq and a potential realignment of the U.S.-Iranian relationship. Unlike recent years, however, 2015 is likely to see regional Sunni Arab interests realign toward a broader acceptance of moderate political Islam. The region is emerging from the uncertainty of the past half-decade, and the foundations of its future are taking shape. This process will not be neat or orderly, but changes are clearly taking place surrounding the Syrian and Libyan conflicts, as well as the region's anticipation of a strengthened Iran.

The Middle East enters 2015 facing several crises. Libyan instability remains a threat to North African security, and the Levant and Persian Gulf must figure out how to adjust course in the wake of the U.S.-Iranian negotiations, the Sunni-Shiite proxy war in Syria and Iraq, and the power vacuum created by a Turkish state bogged down by internal concerns that prevent it from assuming a larger role throughout the region. Further undermining…

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Andrea Bocelli sings praises to our Lord God with the outstanding accompaniment of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  It might be appropriate, at the beginning of this New Year, to share this video and the below thoughts about the Republic with fellow countrymen.


The American citizens of the nation voted in 2014 to ensure the Congress secured the financial stability of the nation and voted to protect and defend the US Constitution, which has been under relentless attack for 6 years by the Obama administration..  


Unfortunately the Republican leadership in Congress ignored the message and demonstrated their flagrant disrespect for the American voters.  In the next two years the survival of the Republic that was established by the Founding Fathers 238 years ago is at risk, because the Congressional leaders of both political parties, by passing an outrageous $1.1 trillion out of control 9 month spending bill, have demonstrated that they lack both the competency and any intent to carry out “The Will of The People.”  


Over the next two years, it will require relentless vigilance and the active engagement by all concerned American, to rein in the out of control spending by irresponsible leaders of both parties in Congress; for 6 years they have demonstrated that they have no intention…

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Combat Veterans For Congress.   God Bless America!



At a time in the history of our nation,  when the results of national Congressional elections of 2014 signaled a turn away from liberalism to Conservatism. it is wholly appropriate that the 1700 pound, 8 foot statue of the Father of the Conservative Movement in the United States, Senator Barry M. Goldwater, who earned the nick name “Mr Conservative,” will soon be installed in National Statuary Hall in the US Capital of the United States.  

By clicking on the below listed link, Senator Goldwater’s statue can be viewed being moved for shipment from the Capital Building in the State of Arizona, to the US Capital in Washington, DC to represent the State of Arizona.  Senator Barry Goldwater’s statue will be displayed in National Statuary Hall, one of the most popular rooms of the US Capital, and will be displayed among the statues of the most famous Founders Fathers of the Republic, and with many US Presidents.   


Senator Goldwater was truly a renaissance man, a humanitarian who pushed for desegregation of the US Armed Forces,, was very aggressive in maintaining the strength of the US Armed Forces, and in 1960  he Co-Authored “The Conscience of a Conservative.”.  Barry Goldwater was born in 1909; he served in the US Army Air Force during WWII (became a command pilot & eventually rose to the rank of a Brigadier General in the US…

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In the below listed article you can read how Robin Raphel, who was appointed to a number of important positions by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, subsequently committed High Treason.  Clinton’s extremely poor judgment in the appointment of Robin Raphael, and in her failure to protect the US Ambassador to Libya, two Navy SEALs , and a US Embassy Communications Expert in the Battle of Benghazi highlights the fact that she is a one woman wrecking ball.

HIGH TREASON: FBI SPY Probe of Powerful Clinton Ally Robin Raphel

Pamela Geller’s Atlas Shrugs, in FREEDOM OUTPOST

A longtime Clinton ally, assistant secretary of state for South Asian affairs in the Clinton administration, former Ambassador to Tunisia and donor, Robin Raphel, is at the center of an FBI counterintelligence (spy) probe. She was a registered foreign agent for the Pakistani government up until just days before she was appointed to run the U.S. State Department’s Pakistan aid team ….. (read more)

American investigators intercepted a conversation this year in which a Pakistani official said that his government was receiving American secrets from a prominent…

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By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to listen to Bill Whittle, as he reveals the truth about the “Real Race War” that has been going on for 6 years.  The race riots that erupted in Ferguson, Missouri  were instigated by progressive and communist demonstrators who were bussed into Ferguson from New York.  The lawless street demonstrations were not spontaneous, they were premeditated, and initiated to inflict chaos, uncertainty, and danger.  The Street demonstrations were right out of Saul Alinsky’s playbook; and are criminal activities designed to destroy everything in their paths, especially the “truth.”  

The organizations and individuals who have been using opposition to the two Grand Jury decisions, to try to dismantle the nations legal cultural foundation and the authority of local police forces, are: the New Black Panther Party, the Weatherman Underground, SIEU, The Communist Party USA, the Black Guerilla Family, Amnesty International, the Congressional Black Caucus, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Valerie Jaret, disciples of Saul Alinsky employed in the Obama administration, and many of George Soros funded leftist & Marxist organizations (“This Stops Today” ,“The Unified Committee For Police Reform”, ”Black Lives Matter“, “Operation Ferguson”. “We Copwatch”, etc.).  

One of the goals of the progressives and communists is to employ lawless street demonstrations, similar to those often seen in European civil strife…

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The below listed E-mail is from a retired Federal Law Enforcement Officer, who I once served with.  His E-mail outlines how, over a 60 day period this past summer, 4 white Police Officers were murdered by black criminal assailants.  Those 4 Police Officers were murdered while trying to enforce the law, like Police officers throughout the nation do daily, at the risk to their lives.  The report of the Police Officer murders was obtained from the San Diego Police Department News Group. 

Where was Obama, Holder, Al Sharpton, Jesses Jackson, and Farrakhan when those 4 white Police Officers were murdered by black criminals---did they wring their hands, instigate national street demonstrations that are dividing the races, and are they going to insist on 4 federal civil rights investigation by the Justice Department to determine if the civil rights of the 4 white Police Officers were violated by the black criminals?   Many other white Police Officers, who enforce the law daily at a risk to their lives, have been murdered since July 2014.  


The repeated public comments by Holder and Obama about a criminal, Michael Brown, continues to foment racial strife..  Brown weighed 325 pounds, was high on drugs, robbed a convenience store, manhandled the owner of the convenience store, refused to follow the orders of a Police Officer who was dispatched to investigate the convenience store robbery.  Brown then beat the police officer in his own police car while…

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In the below listed article, it was reported that Communist, Palestinian, and Black Panther demonstrators in Ferguson burned an American Flag last night.  The continued demonstrations are a result of the Obama administrations subtle support for them.  The occupant of the Oval Office has not seriously tried to heal the racial conflict that has developed over the last 6 years.  It is the worst racial conflict that has developed in America in over 60 years, because of Obama’s inept leadership, even though he has the unique ability to easily heal the rift. 

The left of center liberal media establishment, has been trying to cover up the fact that Michael Brown, was a criminal, was high on marijuana, first robbed a convenient store, then when a police officer was dispatched in response to the robbery, Brown beat him inside his police car while trying to take his gun, then Brown charged the police officer, the police officer finally shot Brown in self-defense, and the officer’s shooting was found to be justified by a grand jury that was empaneled long before the shooting ever occurred.  


The left of center liberal media establishment also tried to cover up the burning of the American Flag, by not reporting it.  Those communists demonstrators who have been burning police cars and businesses in Ferguson, and burned the American Flag, support Obama, and campaigned for his elections in 2010 and 2012


The communist demonstrators told the National…

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The below listed article presents a viewpoint that the next two years under the Obama administration will be dangerous for the Republic that was established by the Founding Fathers.  Will the leadership of the Republican Congress “finally” step to the plate and use the power of the purse to stop the repeated violation of Federal Laws and the US Constitution by Obama?  The elected Combat Veterans For Congress listed in the attachment will step to the plate and encourage other elected members of Congress to join them in protecting and defending the US Constitution.

This is a CANADIAN WRITER --- Commenting on our recent election. So well written!

 Fasten your seatbelts, Canada, and get ready for the battle for
 America 3

 By Marc Patrone <>, Sun
 News network First posted: Friday, November 07, 2014 03:03 PM MST

 America is on the edge of a second revolutionary war.

 It may not be bloody like the first one, but it will be hugely important.

 Some might suggest it’s more a civil war, but with liberty and the
 constitution hanging in the balance, revolution seems a more
 appropriate comparison.

 There are no British troops or monarchy to fight this time.

 The ‘…

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Please take a few moments to read the below listed heart-warming story on Veterans Day, November 11th.  We honor all Veterans, especially those who gave the last full measure of devotion in defense of the Republic.  Many Veterans who have been involved in combat are still suffering from PTSD, the majority of them have not been able to get proper medical attention or therapy to deal with their PTSD.  Unfortunately and an average of 23 Veterans are committing suicide every day.  If you have the opportunity, thank a Veteran on Veterans Day, and/or as often as you can for their service.

Thanks.  Airline Captain!!!.............

My lead flight attendant came to me and said, "We  have an H.R. on this flight." (H.R. stands for human remains.)   

"Are they military?" I asked.   'Yes', she said.   'Is there an escort?' I asked.  'Yes, I've already assigned him a seat'. 


'Would you please tell him to come to the Flight Deck. You can board him early," I said... 


A short while later a young army sergeant entered the flight deck.  He was the image of the perfectly dressed soldier.  He introduced himself and I asked him about his soldier. 

The escorts of these fallen soldiers talk about them as if they are still alive and still with us.  'My soldier is on his way back to Virginia ,' he said.  He proceeded to answer my questions, but offered no words. 


I asked him if there was anything I could do for him and he…

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By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to listen to an inspirational message from the 36thCommandant of the US Marine Corps,  General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., USMC, on the 239th Birthday of the US Marine Corps, was given to honor the memory of those US Marines who are with us, and those who have gone before us----The Few, The Proud, The Marines  

Each year on November 10th, we recognize Naval Academy Classmates who are US Marines, all US Marines, and especially one Naval Academy classmate who is no longer with us, Colonel John Ripley, USNA ’62, USMC (Ret) (Navy Cross, Silver Star, 2 Bronze Stars, Purple Heart, and many other awards).  The Naval Academy Class of 1962 memorialized Col Ripley’s heroic stand on the Bridge at Dong Ha, South Vietnam, by commissioning a diorama that was installed in Memorial Hall at the US Naval Academy.  

Captain Ripley was serving as a Military Advisor (Covan) with a battalion of less than 700 South Vietnamese Marines at the DMZ.  North Vietnam initiated a surprise offensive on Easter Sunday 1972, Capt Ripley and the South Vietnamese Marines  were faced with a column of 200…

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If you watched Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi, USMC interview with Greta Van Susteren, no matter how tough you are, it will break your heart.  Sgt Tahmooressi is a “Heroic” US Marine, with two Combat Tours of Duty in Afghanistan.  He and his fellow Marines had been fighting for every American.  Sgt Tahmooressi was moving back to San Diego so he could be treated for PTSD at the San Diego VA Hospital; all his belongings were in his truck including his 3 weapons.   

Sgt Tahmooressi made an “INNOCENT MISTAKE” and took a wrong turn at night in San Diego where there were no lighted signs, and he ended up in Mexico.  He explained to the Mexican Border Guards that he made a wrong turn, explained he had all his personal belongings, including 3 weapons in the back of his truck, and asked for directions back to San Diego.  Sgt Tahmooressi was then manhandled Mexican police, and was subsequently incarcerated for 214 days by the Mexican Federal Government, a government with double standards.  The Mexican Government has been encouraging thousands of illegal aliens to “INTENTIONALLY” violate US Federal Immigration Laws, and has supported over 20 million illegal aliens to “INTENTIONALLY” cross the wide open southern border “by foot”; the Mexican government continues to promote the violation of US Immigration Laws because, for the last 6 years, they’ve received a wink and a nod from Obama who by his policies of preventing ICE from deporting illegal aliens, approves and encourages illegal…

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   Last night was remarkable----this is a great day for America-----American citizens have spoken!  Republicans have taken control of the US Senate (by 9 new votes when all the election results are in) away from Reid who prevented 350+ House bills (many that were bi-partisan) from being voted on over a 6 year period.  The Republicans have increased control of the US House of Representatives to a margin of over 245 seats that they haven’t had since 1929.  The Republicans took control of 32 Governorship and state legislatures who will pass voter photo ID laws. The election was a referendum on Obama who told the American people, although he wasn’t on the ballot, his policies were. 

     The American people have expressed their rejection of bloated government bureaucracy that has grown out of control, Obama surrogates using the use of race card in this election, saying the Republicans have a war on women, the hallowing out of the US military, opposition to the largest increases in taxes in US history, opposition to the repeated violation of the US Constitution and Federal Laws by Obama, showing their disgust by the disgraceful failure by Obama to issue “Cross Border Authority” that would have allowed the US military to save the lives of 2 US Navy SEALS in Benghazi, their rejection of so many major scandals perpetrated by the Obama administration (Fast & Furious, IRS, Benghazi, NSA, VA Scandal, exchange of an Army deserter for 5 of the most dangerous terrorists in…

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 In the 2008 Presidential election, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) had 1200 neighborhood chapters with 500,000 members  in 100 major cities across the nation; ACORN was funded by Congress to register voters.  ACORN employed massive  Voter Fraud to get Obama elected.  In 2009, in the wake of the production of video tapes portraying members of ACORN engaged in the registration of illegal aliens, a nationwide controversy erupted.  ACORN was found to be falsifying then filing voter registration forms in Missouri, Ohio, Colorado, Indiana, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Texas, Arizona, Florida, California, Wisconsin, Washington, New York, and Illinois, resulting in felony convictions in Federal Court in those states for Voter Fraud.   As a result, millions of illegal votes were cast by illegal voters, and the previous funding for ACORN to register voters was terminated by Congress.  ACORN was disbanded following multiple convictions for felony Voter Fraud in Federal courts  in multiple states.  The Obama administration morphed the 1200 ACORN chapters into many newly named organizations in 50 states, and those newly named organization employed the same ACORN operatives who are being well funded by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, as they continued perpetrating massive Voter Fraud in the 2012 Presidential election.   

It was reported in the below listed article, that in the 2012 Presidential election, that 6.4% of the 124,…

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Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL-Senate) addressed the US Senate in a 30-minute floor speech and alerted the nation to the fact that after the November 4th election, Obama is preparing, once again, to unilaterally circumvent Federal Immigration Laws by issuing an Executive Order and to change Federal Law, without the consent of Congress, in violation of the US Constitution.  Obama had previously violated Federal Immigration Laws, without the consent of Congress, when he issued an Executive Oder preventing the deportation of nearly 1 million illegal aliens, termed dreamers, thru the Obama administration ill-conceived Deferred Action-Childhood Arrival Program (DACA), in which he gave temporary lawful status to illegal aliens up to age 31, and expedited their rapid pathway to citizenship.  

Although Congressional leaders have the power of the purse, they have done nothing to cancel the funding required to expedite the pathway to citizenship for the DACA program.  After the November election, according to Senator Sessions and the below listed article, Obama is planning to issue another Executive Order, that will provide legal status and work authorization cards to an additional 5 to 6 million illegal aliens in the United States.  He plans to issue work permits to 6 million illegal aliens at a time when 44 million American citizens are unemployed & on food stamps, and while 90,000 members of the US Armed Forces are being given pink slips, requiring them to compete…

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The primary responsibility of the leader of “any” country is to safeguard the wellbeing, security, and health of the citizens of their country.  Current polls indicate that the American people have lost confidence in the elected leader of the United States, because the Obama administration is not taking the necessary steps to restrict potentially infected passengers from Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone in West Africa from entering the United States, in order to safeguard the lives and security of American citizens from being infected with the Ebola virus.  The occupant of the Oval Office responsibility is to protect the health and safety of all Americans from being infected with diseases being carried by millions of infected Illegal aliens flooding across the wide open southern border.

To date 22 countries have imposed travel bans on passengers with passports from West African countries (including the African nations of Togo, Gabon, the Ivory Coast, Senegal, Rwanda, Chad, South Sudan, Namibia, Angola, South Africa, Botswana, Congo, Lesotho, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, and Madagascar) and 14 other countries have imposed travel restrictions on passengers with passports from West Africa.  Yet CDC Director Thomas Friedman and senior Obama administration officials have said restricting passengers, who may be infected with the Ebola virus, from entering the United States would be racist and can’t be done because it would negatively affect the economies of those countries…

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