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Op-Ed Articles

By Capt Joseph R. John, July 27, 2017: Op Ed # 362

Admiral James A. Lyons, Jr., USNA '52, USN (Ret), former Commander US Pacific Fleet, discusses the need to restore the “Military’s Moral Underpinning” in his below listed Op Ed.  It is so appropriate and timely in light of President Trump’s decision to terminate the induction of transgender people into the US Armed Forces. 


Terminating transgender people from serving in the US Armed Forces is another of the President Trump’s important steps, to change the disastrous policies Obama imposed on the US Armed Forces by force feeding his “Social Experiment On Diversity” into the US military over the last 8 years.  


President Trump stated that, after consulting "with my generals and military experts," that the US government "will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 18, 2017: Op Ed # 361

Two Naval Academy graduates, believe strongly that the increasing National Debt, that doubled over the last 8 years, is the greatest threat facing the Republic, and it threatens the future of America’s children.  They are proposing the below listed initiative; they are:


John A. Knuble, USNA ’62, the former Assistant Secretary & Chief Financial Officer, Department of Housing and Urban Development

William “Bill” Owens, USNA ’62,  Admiral, USN (Ret), the former Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff


They have proposed an initiative to rein in the out of control spending by an irresponsible Congress, since the revenue stream is far exceeded by the National Debt.  This is not a Republican or Democrat initiative, it is a Patriotic American initiative to move toward a balanced budget, in order to…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 9, 2017: Op Ed # 360

President Donald J. Trump saw the hat of one of the US Marine Guards blow off his head, due to heavy winds; he chased the hat, bent down, picked the hat off the ground, then put it back on the Marine Guard’s head.  Every American should watch this video of a caring US President’s respect and courtesy toward a US Marine. Amazing!

There is a stark difference in how President Trump treats US Marine Guards, who he always returns hand salutes to, and how Obama…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 7, 2017: Op Ed # 359 

In the below listed opinion piece by nationally renowned Psychiatrist, Dr. Keith Abelow, M. D., about President Donald J. Trump, Dr. Abelow expands in his rebuttal of the non-stop, out of control attacks on the President, by the Progressives, Leftists, the new Marxists Democrats, and Obama’s Organization For Action (OFA).  They continue to mischaracterize every one of the President Trump’s accomplishments, as they move forward in their plan to effect the first Coup D’estat of the President of The United States in 241 years.  

It would be interesting to be able to see psychiatric evaluations of political opportunists who continue to make unfair, frothing at the mouth, out of control vitriol attacks on President Trump; progressives like Maxine Waters, Al Franken, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren (aka Pocahontas), Michael…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 2, 2017: Op Ed # 358

Each year on Independence Day, the Fourth of July, Americans celebrate, express their support for the freedoms they enjoy, and recognize the unlimited opportunities afforded them to improve their station in life, because of The Free Enterprise System.  The Fourth of July is also an opportunity for each “Patriotic American Citizen” to celebrate a second symbolic birthday.  


Countless generations of Americans fought for, and under, the American Flag.  The American Flag symbolizes the unity of Americans.  The “Flag” is flown on national holidays above US Federal buildings, on US Military installations, on US Navy ships, over US Embassies & US Missions, by deployed US military units overseas and by millions of Americans over their residences.  The “American Flag” symbolizes the principles upon which the Founding…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 26, 2017: Op Ed # 357 

In the below listed E-mail Col James C. Harding, USAF (Ret), the most highly decorated US Air Force Fighter Pilot in history, with 90 medals including the following combat decorations, expresses his alarm at Obama’s plan is to take down the President of the United States by any means possible.


Air Force Cross

Silver Star with 2 oak leaf clusters

Legion of Merit with 1 oak leaf cluster

Distinguished Flying Cross with 8 oak leaf clusters

Bronze Star with combat V and 1 oak leaf cluster

Purple Heart with 3 oak leaf clusters

Meritorious Service Medal

Air Medal with 39 oak leaf clusters

Air Force Commendation Medal with 1 oak leaf cluster

Presidential Unit Citation with 4 oak leaf clusters

USAF Outstanding Unit Award with combat V and 4 oak leaf clusters

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 21, 2017: Op Ed # 356

The Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR, International Terrorist Organizations, have managed to get Senate Resolution 118 and House Resolution 257 introduced into the House and Senate.  If those resolutions are passed into law, this law will “Criminalize Freedom of Speech.”  


The Founding Fathers gave Americans “Freedom of Speech" in the US Constitution; CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood are trying to “Criminalize Freedom of Speech.”   


Those resolutions are part of the Muslim Brotherhood’s sinister plan to replace the US Constitution with Sharia Law, through a back door method of passing various laws that chip away at the precepts of the US Constitution.  Those International Terrorists know Patriotic Americans would never knowingly replace the US Constitution with Sharia Law.  


There is…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 14, 2017: Op Ed # 355  

"The American Flag" symbolizes the principles outlined in the US Constitution by the Founding Fathers. All members of the US Armed Forces raised their right hand and swore to protect and defend the US Constitution, and countless generations of those American Patriots have fought for and under "The American Flag."  

Flag Day is another of the many opportunities Patriotic Americans have to demonstrate their respect for “The American Flag,” and to set an example for younger generations that respect for “The American Flag,” demonstrates ones respect for the Republic.

Through the generations, "The American Flag" is the Patriotic banner under which the nation came together to reject the relentless efforts of America's domestic enemies to divide the Republic by race, religion, ethnicity, and gender.

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 12, 2017: Op Ed # 354  

Obama appointed Comey, as Director of the FBI Comey let politics cloud his decisions as Director of the FBI and repeatedly did not operate the Bureau properly according to the rule of law.


Comey constantly engineered multiple misleading leaks to The New York Times that were  a “violation of his FBI Employment and Non-disclosure Agreements.” 


Comey said, in testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, that he leaked information in hopes that a Special Council would be appointed to investigate President Donald Trump in the Russian Scandal.  


Comey, in a press conference, publicly “cleared” Hillary Clinton for repeatedly violating Federal Security Laws by transmitting over 2000 Classified and Special Compartmented E-mail on an unclassified server for 4 years.



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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 7, 2017: Op Ed # 353

Ahmed Musa Jubril, Esq., a convicted felon who served 7 years in prison, is 46 years old.  Ahmed Musa Jubril is the Radical Islamic Terrorist Imam of a Dearborn, Michigan Mosque; he is called the “Preacher of Hate.”  The hateful teachings on his Jihadist Web site includes YouTube videos.  


The teachings of Ahmed Musa Jubril “inspired” one of the three Radical Islamic Terrorists---Khuram But (27 from Pakistani), Rashid Redouanne (30 from Morocco & Libya), and Youssef Zayhba (22 from Morocco), who killed 7 pedestrians and wounded over 50 others on the London Bridge on June 3, 2017; 18 of their victims remain in the hospital in critical condition.  


The three Radical Islamic Terrorists ran pedestrians down with the white van they leased, then when the van crashed to a full stop, they stabbed…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 5, 2017: Op Ed # 352

The unprecedented and reckless illegal spying and surveillance of Donald Trump and his Presidential campaign under the direction of the Obama administration has been unmasked.  

This is the first time in 241 years, a TREASONOUS plot to bring down the duly elected President of the United States and disenfranchise every American who voted for him, had been plotted for 7 months.  The TREASONOUS plot was entered into by a sinister group of individuals and organization under the leadership and guidance of Nazi Sympathizer George Soros and Obama’s Organization For America.  They refuse to accept the fact that the President of the United States was duly elected by the Electoral College, as every other US President in history.  

The sinister group of individuals and organizations include, but are not limited to John Brennan…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 22, 2017: Op Ed # 351

For 11 months, there has been daily “slanderous” and unsubstantiated charges, by the left of center liberal media establishment’s “propaganda”, that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, yet nearly a year later, there is still not a single shred of concrete evidence proving there was a collusion by the Trump campaign with Russia in order to defeat Hillary Clinton for the presidency.  

The unvarnished truth is that an inept and ineffective Hillary Clinton neither had a Presidential Campaign Theme that the press or that no one understood the meaning of, nor did she have an economic agenda—“Hillary defeated Hillary.”  The “False Russian Scandal” is a creation of Nazi Collaborator Soros, the New Democratic-Marxist-Muslim Party, and the Obama’s Organization For America. 


Last week, the Secretary of the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 25, 2017: Op Ed # 350

Each year on Memorial Day we honor American Patriots who gave the last full measure of devotion in service to the Republic, so their fellow Americans could live their lives in freedom.  

Today and every day, we honor American Combat Veterans who gave up their tomorrows, and we honor members of the US Armed Forces, who are often separated from their loved ones for long periods of time, as they go into “Harm’s Way.”  

The nation also solemnly honors Gold Star families for their loss.  Those families feel the loss of their loved ones daily!   

Today and every day, we also honor all Veterans who served in the defense of the Republic.  At one point in their lives, Veterans wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their lives.”  America owes them a debt of…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 22, 2017: Op Ed #349 

In an unusual event in history, on May 21, 2017, the President of the United States addressed an extraordinary meeting of the leaders of 50 predominately Muslim nations who assembled in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.  In a forceful, focused, and coherent speech of clarity and conviction, President Trump, projected the economic and military strength of the United States, and asked the 50 leaders to unite with the United States to stamp out Islamic extremism, drive out Islamic Terrorist from their countries, and work with the United States to create a peaceful world.  He stated that Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, is behind a great deal of the terrorist violence in the Middle East.  

The text of the speech (in the below listed article), signaled a turning point in American Diplomacy, resulted in a $…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 18, 2017: Op Ed # 348

For the first time in 241 years, the Republic and the Presidency is under a serious assault from within. This assault is being perpetrated by career bureaucrats in Washington, members of the intelligence community violating Federal Laws by leaking classified information, and by group of seditious organizations, listed below, who are determined to destroy a duly elected President of the United States. 


Those organizations and individuals include, but are not limited to, Nazi Collaborator George Soros’ Pro-Communist “Open Society Foundation”, 100 Progressive & Leftist organizations that Soros funds for millions of dollars annually, the Marxist Leninist Communist Workers Party’s front, “ANSWER.”  “ANSWER” was funded by “Open Society Foundation”, the Communist Party “Progress Unity Fund”, Al Sharpton’s “National…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 8, 2017: Op Ed #347 

Former Special Agent John Guandolo, FBI, US Naval Academy Class of 1989, (USMC) in the below listed recording, discusses how dangerous the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is to the Republic.  CAIR was founded in 1994 by the Muslim Brotherhood (MB).  Its subversive activities, guided by the MB, are dangerous to the survival of the Republican form of government as outlined in the US Constitution.  The below listed recording is an extremely important recording and we are encouraging recipients to distribute to those in their address book who oppose replacing the US Constitution with Islamic Sharia Law.  The MB created Al Q’ieda, ISIS, Hamas, CAIR, and spawned many other terrorist groups.  They are all Radical Islamic Terrorist groups who have the same objectives—to destroy Western Civilization from within. … Read More

By Capt Joseph R. John, April 13, 2017: Op Ed #344

Back when music was so wholesome and awesome.  It was during World War II that a song helped immortalize Kalamazoo, Michigan. The Glenn Miller Orchestra introduced ‘I’ve Got a Gal in Kalamazoo’ in the 1942 musical ‘Orchestra Wives’ starring George Montgomery, Ann Rutherford, Cesar Romero, a young Jackie Gleason, with a dance number by the Nicholas Brothers. 

With a moderate swing tempo, writer Mack Gordon and composer Harry Warren produced a number one song capturing the wartime mood of a fella longing for his girl back home. 

Originally recorded by the Glenn Miller Orchestra with vocals by Tex Behnke, Marion Hutton, and the Modern Aires; it was on the charts for 20 weeks, and garnered an Academy Award nomination as best song. 

As a result of the popularity of the tune, there really was a gal in Kalamazoo…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, April 24, 2017: Op Ed # 346

The San Diego Unified School District formed a partnership with CAIR, a Terrorist Front Group, to become the first School District in the nation to approve an unhealthy indoctrination of American students about Islam and how to become 100% compliant with anti-Constitutional Sharia Law.  


The “Flawed Judgement” of the Inept San Diego Unified School District Board to partner with CAIR, in order to indoctrinate American students in Islam and anti-Constitutional Sharia Law is sufficient reason to initiate a recall election for the 4 Board Members who approved the reckless policy.  A recall would ultimately lead to a vote to remove the 4 Board members who exercised poor judgment and should be removed from office.  The policy initiated by CAIR would undermine the San Diego’s Public School system.


In 2007…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, April 18, 2017: Op Ed # 345 

The below listed article is a firsthand historic account by one of the 16 pilots who participated in the “Tokyo Raid” against Imperial Japan; the raid was led by Lt Col James “Jimmy” Doolittle, US Army Air Corps. The “Tokyo Raid” was launched in retaliation for the December 7, 1941 surprise attack on Pearl Harbor by the Imperial Forces of Japan.  Seventy-five years later, Americans are still awed by the sheer courage, determination, and grit of the 80 Army Air Corps crew members who participated in the “Tokyo Raid” on April 18, 1942.


Admiral William “Bull” Halsey, USN, was in Command of Task Force 18 which was directed to approach within 480 nautical miles of Japan to launch the “Tokyo Raid” on Imperial Japan.  A Japanese picket boat was spotted 650 nautical miles from Japan; it was sunk by naval gunfire from…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, April 10, 2017: Op Ed # 343

It has been over 75 years since Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, USNA 1904, USN was Commander-in-Chief, United States Pacific Fleet, when on December 7, 1941, the Imperial Forces of Japan attacked the US Armed Forces in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.  After the Roberts Commission investigated the events surrounding the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, Admiral Kimmel was reduced in rank to Rear Admiral, and was subsequently Honorably Discharged in that grade.


Of the nine official investigations of the surprise attack by the Imperial Forces of Japan on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the Roberts Commission was the only investigation that charged Admiral Kimmel with "dereliction of duty."  Indeed, several of the other investigations made specific findings to the contrary.  Recent writings on the subject of…

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 By Capt Joseph R. John, March 28, 2017: Op Ed # 342 

If you click on the below listed link, you will be able to view President Donald J. Trump’s UN Ambassador, Niki Haley, make a short statement at the UN.  Israel recently entered into a defensive alliance with Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Oman, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates.   

The defensive alliance was prompted by the Obama administration's very dangerous Nuclear Weapons Agreement with Iran that is allowing Iran to develop an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) that will be able to strike the US with a nuclear weapon, which the Obama administration allowed them to develop. 

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By Capt Joseph R. John, March 14, 2017: Op Ed # 341

The below listed video is one of the most important videos on the terrorist threat to the US; it explains why Muslim Extremist Groups (like ISIS & Al Q’ieda Sunni terrorists), the Muslim Brotherhood International Terrorist Group & their front groups, and Iran’s Hizballah Shiite Sleeper Cells in the US (collectively referred to as “Radical Islamic Terrorists”), are working together to defeat, what they consider a weak, divided, and vulnerable America, and why they believe they will be successful in destroying America from within, and will replace the US Constitutional form of government with a Sharia Law based government.  


Over the past 80 years, when the Nazi and Communist ideologies tried to destroy America from within, America mobilized its resources under the leadership of 12 US Presidents to defeat…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, March 7, 2017: Op Ed # 340 

Since the 1920s Russian Communists have tried to destabilize US elections, as they are currently trying to destabilize elections in France.  Russian Communists have been very successful in supporting candidates for Congress in the US who want to bring down the US Constitutional form of government.  Over the last 100 years, Russia promoted the philosophies of candidates in the US that resulted in the election of 70 Democratic members of Congress who are Socialists, Leftists, Communists, Progressives, and Muslims (you can easily obtain their names by making a request of Google for the “Socialists, Communists, and Progressives in Congress”).

The goal for all elections in the US should be to prevent the Russians, China, groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, and any other foreign power from influencing US Congressional and…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, March 3, 2017: Op Ed # 339

The 112 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress and the Board of Directors of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC are pleased with the Senate’s confirmation and appointment of four American Patriots who have supported our efforts over the years, to fill four Cabinet positions in the Trump administration.

We congratulate neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson as the Republic’s Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Cong Ryan Zinke Cdr-USN (Ret) (SEAL) (R-MT-1) as the Republic’s Secretary of the Interior, Governor Rick Perry (USAF) as the Republic’s Secretary of Energy, and Cong Mike Pompeo (USA) (USMA ’86) (R-KS-4) as the Republic’s Director of the CIA.

President Donald J. Trump is very fortunate to have such Honorable American Patriots leading four government departments in support of his efforts to make…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, February 14, 2017: Op Ed # 338

The Obama administration sliced the Pentagon budget by 52% over 8 years, putting the security of the Republic and American lives at risk.  A reduced budget imposed upon the US Navy in 2009 began the decline in the US Navy’s strength.  Then the Budget Control Act of 2011 further weakened the US Navy.  The passage of Obama’s Sequestration in 2012 by Republican and Democrat leaders in Congress, gutted the US Navy.  Sequestration could never have diminished the size of Navy’s Fleet to the pre-World War I number of ships, if Republican and Democratic Leaders in Congress hadn’t cooperated very closely with Obama to retain Sequestration, each year, every year, for 5 years.  

Obama appointee holdovers in government are seriously negatively affecting the readiness of the US Navy and hampering the execution of Naval Special… Read More

God Bless the noble souls of those “Honorable” US Marines from the Fifth Division who fought on Iwo Jima, gave the last full measure of devotion to their country on Iwo Jima, those who raised the flag atop Mount Suribachi pictured below, those “Honorable” US Marines who have gone before us, those “Honorable” US Marines still in combat in Afghanistan today, and those who continue to defend and protect the US Constitution!!!  Semper Fidelis. 

72 years ago today

“Not with a rope, but with Blood and Toil is the flag raised, and Devotion only can keep it aloft.”

U.S. Marines of the 28th Regiment, 5th Division raise the American flag atop Mount Suribachi on Iwo Jima, 23 February 1945 

Joe Rosenthal's famous photo of the second flag raising on Mount…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, February 15, 2017: Op Ed # 337 

Nine appointees in the Obama administration, from one or more intelligence agencies, possibly NSA, CIA, or DNI, were involved in leaking sensitive information to the press, that resulted in General Mike Flynn’s resignation as the National Security Advisor.  The 9 individuals were political activists opposed to President Trump; they released transcripts of recorded phone conversations to the press of General Flynn conversations with the Russian Ambassador to the US (by law, the name of any US citizen in such a classified transcript must be redacted, hiding their identity from the press).  


General Flynn did not violate any laws in his conversations with the Russian Ambassador, and there was no collusion during the election.  Unfortunately, General Flynn failed to provide President Trump with complete…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, February 13, 2017: Op Ed # 336 

One of the strengths of the United States is the Republic has been a melting pot for 240 years. The United States is made up of many cultures, including American citizens of Arabic descent who have served Honorably as members of the US Armed Forces since the turn of the 20th Century.  The estimated 7 million American citizens of Arabic descent have always maintained excellent relations with their relatives and many of their associates in friendly Arabic countries. 


American citizens of Christians and Muslims religious backgrounds, who are from Lebanese, Armenian, Assyrian, Jordanian, Moroccan, Egyptian, Bharani, Saudi Arabian, Turkish, Afghan, Omani, Syrian, Kurdish, etc. cultures have stood shoulder to shoulder with other Americans serving in the US Armed Forces, opposing ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, February 6, 2017: Op Ed # 334

In the last 10 days, American citizens have been bombarded with fake news and outright lies, stating that there has never been terrorist attacks in the United States by foreign nationals from the 7 Muslim majority nations harboring Radical Islamic Terrorists, and that it is unconstitutional to prevent foreign nationals from entering the United States (6 times in the last 135 years the US legally prevented foreign nationals from entering the US; details are listed below).  


The fake news and intentional lies have been promulgated by the Democrat leaders in Congress, most national network news anchors (excluding FOX), the left of center liberal media establishment, the Muslim Brotherhood, and left leaning Hollywood celebrities who are making speeches and supporting massive demonstrations opposing the temporary…

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