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Obamas "Dark Government" Threatens The Constitutional Republic

  • Obamas "Dark Government" Threatens The Constitutional Republic

By Capt Joseph R. John, June 26, 2017: Op Ed # 357 

In the below listed E-mail Col James C. Harding, USAF (Ret), the most highly decorated US Air Force Fighter Pilot in history, with 90 medals including the following combat decorations, expresses his alarm at Obama’s plan is to take down the President of the United States by any means possible.


Air Force Cross

Silver Star with 2 oak leaf clusters

Legion of Merit with 1 oak leaf cluster

Distinguished Flying Cross with 8 oak leaf clusters

Bronze Star with combat V and 1 oak leaf cluster

Purple Heart with 3 oak leaf clusters

Meritorious Service Medal

Air Medal with 39 oak leaf clusters

Air Force Commendation Medal with 1 oak leaf cluster

Presidential Unit Citation with 4 oak leaf clusters

USAF Outstanding Unit Award with combat V and 4 oak leaf clusters


Col Harding concerns are that Obama formed the Organization For America (OFA) while he still occupied the Oval Office, and staffed it with 32,525 members, established 250 offices throughout the United States, and set aside a budget from his former campaign of $40 million, which budget is being increased by Obama’s current fundraising drives.  


Obama has developed a shadow government with OFA that has been sabotaging, resisting, and is trying to tear down the Trump administration.  That is an attack on the peaceful transfer of power which the Founding Fathers established the nation’s Constitutional Republic.  Obama announced 5 months after his replacement was inaugurated, that he will go on the road and actively campaign against President Donald Trump.  That has never been done by a former occupant of the Oval Office in 241 years.


President Donald J. Trump has passed 32 pieces of legislation, and is trying to help America recover from 8 years of economic stagnation, the hollowing out of the US Armed Forces, the rampant violation of US Federal Immigration Laws to reduce the flow of nearly 1 million Middle East and African Muslim Refugees without allowing the FBI to interrogate them to determine if they had terrorist ties, and to stop the released Radical Islamic Terrorists from GITMO who are now attacking American Military personnel in combat. 


For 11 months, American citizens have been watching in real-time, an overt effort by the corrupt left of center liberal media establishment to try to poison the American people against President Trump, stir sedition, advocate an overthrow of The President of the United States, while joining with Obama’s OFA to disenfranchise over 60 million voters, in their support for the first “Treasonous Coup d’ Estate” of the President of the United States in history. 


Barrack Obama, Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Bill Ayers, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Nazi collaborator George Soros, Tom Perez, Keith Ellison, Al Sharpton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and David Brock are the individuals leading the violent attempt to execute the first “Treasonous Coup d’ Estate” of the President of the United States, violating previsions of the US Constitution.  


They are responsible for, and initiating multiple unverifiable highly classified anonymous leaks, as if they were true, with absolutely no sources.  Those illegal leaks of highly classified information are in violation of US Federal Laws.  For 6 months, each week, the leaks were given to The Washington Post and The New York Times in order to get that information distributed nationally by the rest of the corrupt left of center liberal media establishment.  


OFA, under Obama’s direct leadership, is conducting radical & violent street demonstrators, and promoting deceit, demagoguery, and mass hysteria.  Under the umbrella of OFA, Obama has mobilized the Communists Party USA, the pro-Illegal Immigration La Raza Organization, CAIR, The Muslim Brotherhood and their Front Organizations, Progressives, NOW, Black Lives Matter, The Nation of Islam,  The New Black Panther Party, SEIU, The Weathermen Underground, and the new Socialist Democratic Party, to destabilize the Government of the United States and take down the President of the United State.  Nazi Corroborator George Soros is providing funding for those Obama led radical and leftist groups to fuel the “Treasonous Coup d’ Estate.” 


For 11 months, there has been daily “slanderous” and unsubstantiated charges, by the corrupt left of center liberal media establishment’s “propaganda”, that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, yet nearly a year later, there is still not a single shred of concrete evidence proving there was ever collusion by the Trump campaign with Russia, in order to defeat Hillary Clinton for the presidency.  Hillary Clinton’s inept campaign defeated Hillary—the corrupt press still does not know what Hillary’s campaign slogan meant.

For 8 years the left of center liberal media establishment ignored Obama’s violations of US Federal Law and the below listed Scandals----for 11 months they continue to promote a non-existent “Phony Russian Scandal” to unseat President Trump---incidentally there were “no body bags” as a result of the “Phony Russian Scandal”---however Obama’s real scandals listed below resulted in “body bags” for hundreds of American Citizens.  Speaker Ryan and Senate Majority Leader McConnell continue to sit on their hands with regards to many of the below listed “Obama Scandals” and have done absolutely nothing about investigating the daily leaks of highly classified material, in violation of US Federal Law.   

In the real “Russian Scandal” that the corrupt left of center liberal media establishment have been ignoring, Obama authorized Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to transfer 20% of the United States' production of uranium to Russia.  The Clinton Foundation was paid $140 million, and Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 to make a short speech to the Russian Company, Rennance Capital. Hillary’s Campaign Director, John Podesta, received 75 thousand shares of Stock in a Russian Front Company run by Putin, Podesta and his brother Tom were put on the Board of Directors of that Russian Front company, and Tom Podesta received $24 million for lobbying for a Russian Bank.  Where are Speaker Ryan and Senator Majority Leader McConnell with regard to exposing the “Real Russian Scandal?”  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and treats the scandal as though it never happened. In the “E-mail Scandal”, Obama knowingly communicating highly classified intelligence via E-mails with Hillary Clinton using a covert E-mail address for 4 years, while Hillary was using an unclassified server in her bathroom to transmit classified messages.  Hillary destroyed over 30,000 E-mails in violation of Federal Law.  By her actions, Hillary compromised US agents imbedded in foreign governments; her criminal actions most probably resulted in “body bags” for those courageous foreign assets.  After Comey found Hillary guilty on all counts of her gross violation of Espionage Laws and said he wouldn’t recommend charging her for thousands of violations of handling classified messages, where were Speaker Ryan and Senator Majority Leader McConnell on this?  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and treated Hillary’s violation of Espionage Laws as though they never happened. In the “Benghazi Scandal”, Obama, Hillary, and Susan Rice repeatedly lied to the nation and the UN that a well planned and coordinated attack by over 125 Radical Islamic Terrorists on the US Mission in Benghazi resulted from a peaceful demonstration against a YouTube video that no one ever saw in Libya.  There were 4 more “body bags” as a result of Obama, Susan Rice, and Hillary’s “Dereliction  of Duty”.  Where are Speaker Ryan and Senator Majority Leader McConnell on this gross disregard for the life of government employees, and Obama, Hillary, and Susan Rice criminal cover up?  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and treated the attack on the US Mission in Benghazi as a demonstration that went bad.  In “The Benghazi Scandal”, Obama refused to issue “Cross Border Authority” so a 130 USMC Fast Team in Sigonella Sicily (377 miles away), 2F-16Cs each armed with 500 20MM cannon rounds, on the Tarmac in Aviano, Italy (1044 miles away), a 130 man SPEC Ops CMDR In-Extremis Force (C-1/10) on the Tarmac in Croatia (904 miles away), and a 200 man Trans Sahara Joint Spec Ops Force in Burkina Faso West Africa (1692 miles away) could not go to the defense of the US Mission in Benghazi, there were more “body bags” because of Obama’s failure to support the US Mission and Navy SEALS.  Where are Speaker Ryan and Senator Majority Leader McConnell on the continued cover up by the Obama administration?  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with misleading reports, and reported the US Mission was out of reach of US Forces; an outright lie!!  In “The Bergdahl Scandal”, Obama released 5 Radical Islamic Terrorist Taliban Generals from Gitmo in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl, “a deserter before the enemy” and sweetened the exchange by giving the Taliban a substantial ransom payment.  There were 6 more “body bags” for 6 US Army Soldiers who were killed searching for the deserter Bergdahl.  Where were Speaker Ryan and Senator Majority Leader McConnell, on investigating the ransom payment?  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and treated the scandal and ransom payment as though it never happened. In the “Obamacare Scandal”, Obama intentionally misled Americans to get Congress to pass Obamacare with many bold & flagrant lies with not one Republican vote.  Americans were not able to keep their doctors, were not able to keep their health insurance policies, and insurance premiums did not go down as Obama promised; they more than doubled.  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and continues to treat the scandal as though it never happened.  In the first arms scandal called, “The Fast & Furious Scandal”, occurred when Obama had former Attorney General Eric Holder ship thousands of weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels.  The Mexican Drug Cartels used one of those weapons to kill US Border Patrolman Brian Terry & hundreds of the other weapons were used to kill hundreds of Mexican citizens.  There was a need for hundreds of additional “body bags” as a result of Obama’s and Holder’s violations of Federal Law.  Where are Speaker Ryan and Senator Majority Leader McConnell on bringing justice to the parents of US Border Patrolman Brian Terry?  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and treated the scandal as though it never happened.  In the second arms scandal “The Benghazi Arms Scandal”, the US Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, working with Arms Dealer Marc Turi, delivered thousands of weapons to Al Q’ieda & Radical Islamic Terrorists thru the US Mission in Benghazi.  Those weapons were initially shipped to Qatar, then from Qatar to Libya, then trans shipped to Syria via Turkish ports, and finally shipped to Al Q’ieda and Radical Islamic Terrorists in Syria.  The weapons were paid for by the Obama administration.  There were many more “body bags” of friendly allies who were killed with the weapons supplied to Al Q’ieda by the Obama administration.  Where are Speaker Ryan and Senator Majority Leader McConnell on investigating the second arms scandal?  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and treated the second gun running scandal acts as though it never happened.   In “The Refugees Scandal” occurred over 8 years, when Obama brought in over 900,000 Muslim Middle East and African Refugees into the US, and resettled them in 187 cities without letting the FBI interrogate them to determine if they had terrorist ties.  They are provided with much more monthly financial support than a US Military Veteran who served 20 years of his life in the defense of the Republic.  The FBI now has over 2000 open terrorist cases, and according to Comey in his testimony to Congress, 1/3rd, or over 300, concern Obama’s Muslim Refugees, and 100 closed terrorist cases have resulted in the conviction of 180 Radical Islamic Terrorists.  The FBI reported that they have 37 ISIS terrorist open cases in the US today.  The Obama administration and the corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and treats those 2000 FBI open cases as though they are not related to the 900,000 Middle East & African Muslim Refugees Obama brought into the US. In “The Radical Islamic Terrorist Scandal”, since 9/11 with the murder of over three thousand American Citizens, there has been over 76 Radical Islamic Terrorist attacks or terrorist incidents on US Soil during the 8 years of the Obama administration, that resulted in 125 deaths and over 400 wounded Americans.  Those attacks and terrorist incidents were covered up by the left of center liberal medias establishment, that resulted in the need for hundreds of “body bags” for American citizens because of Obama’s refusal to let the FBI interview entering Muslim Refugees.  Many “body bags” were required for Americans because of the 200 terrorist attacks or terrorist incident on US Soil since 9/11.  Since President Trumps inauguration there have 13 Radical Islamic Terrorist attacks of terrorist incidents on US soil.  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and covered up the magnitude of the those Radical Islamic Terrorist attacks or incidents.   In “The GITMO Scandal”, Obama released 197 of the most dangerous Radical Islamic Terrorists from Gitmo over an 8 year period, and US Intelligence Agencies reported that 1/3rd of Gitmo Detainees return to the battlefield with the intent of trying to kill US Military personnel in Afghanistan and worldwide.  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout on the dangerous releases, and treats the scandal acts as though it is normal.  The “Middle East Christian Refugee Discrimination Scandal” occurred over an 8 year period,  when Obama refused to allow 300,000 Middle East Christians, housed by the Greek Catholic Relief Agency seeking entry into the US, to enter, while during the same period, he authorized the immigration and resettlement of over 900,000 Middle East and African Muslim Refugees into the US.  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and treated the scandal as though it never happened. In “The Convicted Criminal Illegal Aliens Scandal”, instead of returning convicted criminal Illegal Aliens released from US prisons at the end of their sentences to their countries of origin, over an 8 year period, Obama released hundreds of thousands of those convicted criminal Illegal Aliens directly into the general population.  Obama refused to inform Local, County, and State Law Enforcement Agencies who they were and where they were released, despite the repeated request by those Law Enforcement Agencies for that information.  Those Illegal Alien convicts continued their crime sprees.  There were many “body bags” for American citizens murdered by those Illegal Alien convicts.  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and treated this releases into the general population by Obama and Holder as though they never happened. In “The IRS Targeting Scandal” Obama’s appointees prevented conservative organizations from registering as tax exempt entities, prior to national elections, disenfranchising millions of Conservative Americans to organize, in order to support their candidates in the General Elections like, the IRS allowed Democratic tax exempt organizations to be formed.  Where have Speaker Ryan and Senator Majority Leader McConnell been on taking legal action against Lois Lerner and the Obama’s IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, who dodged impeachment, for disenfranchising conservative groups, and preventing them from getting out the vote? The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and treated the scandal as though it was insignificant.     In “The CNN Scandal”, CNN newscasters gave Donna Brazile, Chairwoman of the DNC, access to CNN’s debate questions, so Donna Brazile could then give Hillary Clinton the questions to the pending debates with Bernie Sanders.  The DNC rigged the Democratic nomination for President, and cheated Bernie Sanders out of the Democratic Nomination for President.  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and treated the scandal as though it never happened.  “The Illegal Wire Tape Scandal”,  violated the US Constitutional right of all Americans to be free from illegal monitoring.  Obama illegally surveilled and wire tapped over 30,000+ Americans including President Donald Trump, the Trump Campaign, the Trump Transition Team, members of the US Supreme Court, members of Joint-Chiefs of Staff, Senators, Congressmen, and many others.  Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, violated Federal Law by unmasking LTG Flynn.  What are Speaker Ryan and Senator Majority Leader McConnelll, doing about holding hearings to expose the leakers, and on insisting the FBI investigate and file criminal complaints against those responsible?  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and treats the scandal as though the unmasking and intercepts never occurred.   In the “Loretta Lynch Scandal”, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch violated Federal Law and told FBI Director Comey to call the “FBI Investigation” of Hillary’s unauthorized transmission of thousands of classified E-mails on an unclassified server in her bathroom, that was hacked by 5 foreign intelligence agencies, a “matter.”  Lynch had a meeting with Bill Clinton in her private plane on the tarmac in Phoenix, Arizona to discuss the “FBI Investigation” of Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized use of an unclassified E-mail server to transmit classified messages.  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and treats the scandal acts as though it was not important. In “The Leak Scandal” for the last eleven months, in violation of Federal Espionage Laws, a steady stream of highly classified information has been leaked by Obama administration holdovers in intelligence agencies to the press for political purposes.  Comey confessed to releasing leaked information to The New York Times about a privileged conversation he had with the President of the United States by having a third-party deliver the leak to The New York Times.  The leaked information was printed on an FBI computer, and was drafted while he was Director of the FBI, on government time in connection with his job.  Where are Speaker Ryan and Senator Majority Leader McConnelll on this issue?  Are they requesting the FBI to locate multiple leakers and file charges against those who violated the Espionage Act?  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and treats the scandal acts as though it is okay.   In “The Second Real Russian Scandal”, covered up by the corrupt left of center liberal media establishment, is that over the last 8 years there has been a massive collusion by Obama with the Communist Party USA, and what he did to the once Patriotic Democratic Party of Presidents Truman, Kennedy, and Johnson that he radicalized.  The irony is that for the last 100 years the left in the United States has colluded with Communists Russia, but it took Obama to completely co-op the Democratic Party and push it radically left while he aggressively colluded with Russia.  In 2013, Obama appointed a CIA Director, John O. Brennan, who had voted in 1976 for the Communist Party USA candidate for President, Gus Hall.  Obama who is a Marxist Saul Alinsky disciple, surrounded himself with Communists & extreme leftists, including Valerie Jarrett, Bill Ayers, Van Jones, David Axelrod, Tom Perez, Keith Ellison, Paul Krugman, George Soros, Al Sharpton, David Brock, and Eric Holder (whose stated goal when he was Attorney General was to destroy the US Constitution).  Today, thanks to Obama, there is very little difference between the Communist Party USA, and the new Marxist Democratic Party.  We encourage you to compare both Web sites—there is really very little difference.  The Communist Party USA instructs its members to only vote for Democrats running for elective office; the Communists Party USA enthusiastically endorsed John Kerry, Obama, and Hillary for President.  Obama engineered the election of two Communists to lead the new Marxist Democratic Party, listed below.  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and treats the “Second Real Russian Scandal” as though it never happened.  The Vice Chairman of the Democratic Party, Keith Ellison, is a pro-Radical Islamic Terrorist supporter who opposes the US Constitution and supports Sharia Law to govern the Republic; he took his oath of office on the Quran.  He is very close to CAIR, and the Muslim Brotherhood paid for his pilgrimage to Mecca in 2008.  Ellison declared himself a supporter, ally, and defender of Communist Terrorists, by organizing a fundraisings event for Communist Terrorist, Sara Jane Olson, a member of the Communist Movement Symbiotic Liberation Army.  Ellison defended Joanne Chesimard, also known as Assata Shakur, who is wanted by the FBI for murdering a police officer; and is currently opposing her extradition from her safe haven in Communist Cuba.  Ellison is very close to the Communist Party USA – he even held a fundraiser in the home of the Minnesota Communist Party Chairman, Erwin Marquit, and has even written for the Communist Party Web site.. The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and covered up this damaging information that ties him to Communists and the Muslim Brotherhood.     The Radical Chairman of the new Marxist Democratic Party, Marxist Tom Perez, who was Obama’s extreme leftist Secretary of Labor.  Tom Perez was a longtime leader of CASA de Maryland, a militant left “Illegal Aliens” rights group. When Perez was the leader of CASA, Hugo Chavez, the Communist President of Venezuela was sending Perez one million dollars per year from his oil revenue, instructing Perez to use those funds to keep the US Southern border wide open.  Perez has a long history of anti-white views, including a declaration that white people should not be entitled to protection under the Voting Rights Act.  Perez previously served as the Assistant Attorney General under Attorney General, Eric Holder, and supported Holder’s repeated violation of the US Constitution, his instigation of the “Fast and Furious Scandal”, and supported Holder’s prevention of the investigation of the rampant voter fraud by ACORN during the 2008 national election, where 5.7 million Illegal votes were cast in which Obama was elected.  Holder’s actions in the  “Fast and Furious Scandal” led Congress to vote Holder to be the first US Attorney General in 240 years to be held “In Contempt of Congress”.  Ambassador Valladares, the former US Ambassador to the United Nations for Human Rights, stated Perez is a racist who hates the Bible, and is anti-Semitic.  He said Perez’s goals are to destroy the free market economy of America, to destroy the Christian Society of the United States, and to turn the United States into a Marxist nation.  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and covers up of this damaging information.      Ellison and Perez plan is to complete the Marxist “infection” of all US university campuses which is endangering America’s very existence as a free Republic.  Obama, Ellison, and Perez, are using Russia as a threat, in order to prevent President Trump from overturning the Socialist policies of the Obama administration, and returning the US to capitalism and freedom.  Ambassador Valladares further stated about Perez and Ellison, that: “The two new leaders of the Democratic National Committee are both racist, anti-Semitic, who ignore the US Constitution, and the history of America.  Both of them have been and are allies of terrorist movements; they have shared the hatred for the United States and its laws.  They complement each other in their hatred of the Bible, they wish to sweep away this American society, with ideological mobs, terrorists, Communists, Radical Muslims, and the scum of the country whose goal it is to destroy it (the Republic).  They joined the ranks of the Democratic Party, and with the complicit silence of the (former) leaders of the it (the Democratic Party), they took possession of it (the Democratic Party) and turned it into and political party that supports the Communist Party USA.”(April 25, 2017 by Frank de Varona - Bear Witness Central)  The corrupt press stone-walled the American people with a media blackout, and covers up of he damaging information the the two leaders of the Democrat Party are Communists and terrorist sympathizers.    

The extreme radical left, Pro-Muslim Brotherhood, new Marxist Democratic Party which “no longer supports” the US Constitution, really isn’t any different from the Communist Party USA.  It does not support Freedom of Speech at rallies/on campus/in classrooms/on Network News, while it opposes voter registration for “only” American citizens with massive programs to register Illegal Aliens & Muslim Refugees (a report just came out from a New Jersey Research Organization, Just Facts, that said 5.7 million non US Citizens illegally voted in the 2008 national election), and the Democrats oppose closing the wide open southern border to prevent terrorist, drug dealers, female slave traffickers, and Illegal Aliens from entering. 

The left of center liberal media establishment has done an excellent job of concealing just how radicalized & anti US Constitution the radical left, Pro-Muslim Brotherhood, new Marxist Democratic Party has become over the last 8 years.  The Founding Fathers, President Truman, President Kennedy, and President Johnson would be turning over in their graves if they knew what happened to their proud Patriotic Democratic Party!!!  The interesting thing to consider is that Russia is no longer Communist, because Communism/Socialism didn’t work in Russia, in China, in Eastern Europe, in Cuba, in oil-rich Venezuela, nor anywhere in the last 100 years---it breaks down because it violates the laws of economy and basic human freedoms.    


American’s ideals established by the Founding Fathers are rooted in liberty, a strong work ethic, a citizenry governed by the US Constitution, with limited government, based on Judeo-Christian morality, promoting individual freedom, providing unlimited opportunity, unencumbered by the heavy hand of a central government.  "The American Republic created the most successful and most powerful economic engine in the history of mankind.”  


The American Republic has a generous and noble history, and every student should be made aware of America’s rich history to defuse the attempts by the left and the new Marxist Democratic Party to promote Socialism and Communism.  


Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author.   

Check out this article by Gilbert Palmer.  All of us who took the oath to "defend the constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic" now have a real challenge to save our Republic.  The time to act is now.  We can no longer wait for someone else, including congress and the courts, to do it.  It is going to take a coordinated effort by a lot of patriots to overcome the inertia of a bloated, do nothing government to thwart this Communist, Muslim ex-president who is trying to destroy our constitutional republic.  I personally think we are up to the task, and I am proud to be a part of that movement.  I would like to hear your thoughts and suggestions.  Jim


Historic Change: This issue of the "Dark Government" of Obama is threatening Americans. By Gilbert Palmer

I do not understand how living in a country with its democracy established over 200 years ago, and now, for the first time in history, suddenly we have one of a former presidents set up a group called "Organizing For Action" (OFA).

OFA - 30,000 strong working to disrupt everything that our current president is trying to do. This goes against our Democracy, it is an operation that will destroy our way of governing. It goes against our Constitution, our laws, and the processes established over 200 years ago. If this is allowed to proceed then we will be living in chaos very much like third world countries are run. What good is it to have an established government if it is not going to be respected and allowed to follow our laws? If this does not scare you, then we are in worse trouble than you know.

It is explained below. Do your part: read it and at least pass this on so others will know what we are up against. We are losing our country and we are so compliant. We are becoming a "PERFECT TARGET" for our enemy! Article from the New York Post - If you had an army some 30,000 strong and a court system stacked over the decades with judges who would allow you to break the laws, how much damage could you do to a country? We are about to find out in America!

The ex-president said he was going to stay involved through community organizing and speak out on the issues and that appears to be one post-administration promise he intends to keep. He has moved many of his administration's top dogs over to an organization called Organizing for Action (OFA). OFA is behind the strategic and tactical implementation of the resistance we are seeing across America, and politically active courts are providing the leverage for this revolution.

OFA is dedicated to organizing communities for "progressive" change. Issues are gun control, socialist healthcare, abortion, sexual equality, climate change, and of course, immigration reform. OFA members were propped up by the ex-president's message from the shadows: "Organizing is the building block of everything great we've accomplished. Organizers around the country are fighting for change in their communities - and OFA is one of the groups on the front lines. Commit to this work in 2016 and beyond."

OFA's website says it obtained its "digital" assets from the ex-president's re-election effort and that he inspired the movement. In short, it's the shadow government organization aimed at resisting and tearing down the Constitutional Republic - AMERICA.

Paul Sperry, writing for the New York Post, says OFA will fight President Donald Trump at every turn of his presidency and the ex-president "will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House." Sperry writes that the ex-president is setting up a shadow government to sabotage the incoming administration through a network of non-profits led by OFA, which is growing its war chest (more than $40 million) and has some 250 offices nationwide. OFA IRS filings, according to Sperry, indicate OFA has 32,525 volunteers nationwide. The ex-president and his wife will oversee the operation from their home/ office near the White House.


Think about how this work - for example: Trump issues an immigration executive order; OFA signals for protests and statements from pro-immigrant groups; ACLU lawyers file lawsuits in jurisdictions where activist judges obstruct the laws; volunteers are called to protest at airports and Congressional town hall meetings; the leftist media springs to action; the twitter sphere lights up with social media; violence follows - all emanating from the ex-president's signal that he is heartened by the protests.

If Barack Obama did not do enough to destroy this country in the 8 years he was in office, it appears his future plans are to destroy the foundation on which this country has operated on for the last 241 years.