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Obama Administration Illegally Spied on Americans for Years

  • Obama Administration Illegally Spied on Americans for Years

By Capt Joseph R. John, June 5, 2017: Op Ed # 352

The unprecedented and reckless illegal spying and surveillance of Donald Trump and his Presidential campaign under the direction of the Obama administration has been unmasked.  

This is the first time in 241 years, a TREASONOUS plot to bring down the duly elected President of the United States and disenfranchise every American who voted for him, had been plotted for 7 months.  The TREASONOUS plot was entered into by a sinister group of individuals and organization under the leadership and guidance of Nazi Sympathizer George Soros and Obama’s Organization For America.  They refuse to accept the fact that the President of the United States was duly elected by the Electoral College, as every other US President in history.  

The sinister group of individuals and organizations include, but are not limited to John Brennan, Nazi collaborator Georg Soros, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Samantha Powers, Valerie Jarrett, Bill Ayers, Obama, CAIR, Keith Ellison, Tom Perez, the Communist Party USA, The Nation of Islam, La Raza, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Weather Underground, the Organization For America, and the Muslim Brotherhood working daily to bring down the duly elected President of the United States.

The below listed article exposes the illegal searches of metadata of known Americans by the Obama administration, that had more than tripled between 2013 and 2016.  Illegal searches, in violation of the US Constitutional rights of thousands of Americans, increased from 9,500 in 2013 to 30,355 in 2016.  In 2016, those whom the Obama administration spied on include Donald Trump, the Trump Presidential campaign staff, the Trump transition team, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Lindsey Graham, and it was reported in national news outlets that Obama spied on members of the Supreme Court, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and some members of Congress.  

If there were ever a need for a Special Prosecutor to investigate the violation of the Constitutional rights of over 30,000 Americans, this is where one is needed.  Unfortunately, Comey did nothing to investigate this very serious violation of Federal Law.

James Clapper perjured himself when he testified before Congress by stating that American citizens were not being spied upon.  On January 15, 2016, he testified before Congress that there was no evidence of Russian collusion by the Trump campaign, and there was no evidence that Russia affected or changed the votes in any state during the Presidential election.  That fact has been conveniently ignored by the left of center liberal media establishment for 11 months, keep promoting the lie that Russia colluded with the Trump campaign.

The only known and documented “federal crime” committed by an individual or individuals linked to Russia, that the Obama Justice Department was fully aware of, was a violation of the Espionage Act of 1917 by one or more members of the Obama administration.  That individual or individuals unmasked the identity of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, violating his Constitutional rights, by exposing as many as 1200 conversations that were intercepted of LTG Flynn on SIGNIT (Signal Intelligence), and this individual or individuals in the Obama administration, shared the intercepted information with The Washington Post.  


For 11 months, that “federal crime,” repeated as many as 1200 times, were never investigated by James Comey, despite the fact that most probably there were only “three individuals” who would have had access to the SIGNIT interception, that was used to unmask LTG Flynn.  The violator or violators of the Espionage Act of 1917 who unmasked LTG Flynn could have been easily determined in a few days, simply by requiring the three suspects in the Obama administration to take a polygraph examination.  


The other “federal crime” that persisted for four years that the left of center liberal media establishment has been conveniently ignoring, and Comey gave Hillary a pass on in July 2016, was: “The massive cover-up to conceal the violation of the Espionage Act of 1917 by both Mrs. Clinton and President Obama for using a server that did not have an “Authority to Operate” designation.  According to FBI reports, more than 2,000 classified E-mails, as well as several hundred Special Access Programs, were transmitted over this unsecured server.  Further, Mr. Obama, using a pseudonym, reportedly transmitted E-mails over this unauthorized server, which meant that he was complicit in knowing it was being used without proper authority.  Both of them, therefore, appear complicit in setting it up in violation of the Espionage Act.”(Adm J. A. Lyons Op Ed “The Great Democratic Deception” of May 2, 2017).  


The left of center liberal media establishment has also been ignoring the “Real Russian Collusion” that is probably a “federal crime,” that was not acted upon by James Comey.  The “Real Russian Collusion” that Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, entered into with Putin, was that she authorized the transfer of 20% of all of the United States uranium production to Russia (the transfer of US assets requires the approval of the Secretary of State).  Following the transfer, the Clinton Foundation received a donation of $145 million, and Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 for a speech to a Russian bank.  


In addition, the Director of Hillary’s Presidential Campaign, John Podesta, was given a substantial amount of stock, and he & his brother were appointed to the Board of Directors of Joule, Ltd, a Russian front company controlled by Putin; Putin transferred $35 million into Joule, Ltd after Podesta joined the Board.  Ask yourself whether Secretaries of States John Foster Dulles, Dean Rusk, William Rogers, Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Schultz, James Baker, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, and Rex Tillerson would have ever authorized the transfer 20% of the United States uranium production to Russia, and if any of them would have taken a payment of $145 million for the transfer of the uranium to Russia.


The unmasking of American citizens increased near the end of the Obama administration.  Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, was caught lying about her involvement in the unmasking  of Trump campaign officials.  Subsequently in her statement on April 4th she said that the electronic surveillance of the Trump campaign did take place, however she refuses to testify before Congress about it.  Therefore Congress subpoenaed  Susan Rice, along with John Brennan, and Samantha Powers, to get them to testify about unmasking the identities of American citizens associated with the Trump Presidential campaign and the Trump transition team.

The leaks of highly classified intelligence information by holdovers from the Obama administration in the intelligence community are being  made, week after week, to the left of center liberal media establishment.  It is suspected that John Brennan recruited left-wingers, members of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), and members of CAIR to fill political positions in the CIA.  It is also suspected that he modified previous highly stringent requirements, used to screen potential employees before they can be hired, so he could appoint less qualified individuals, to positions where they would have access to very sensitive compartmented classified information.  A number of Brenan’s political appointees eventually converted their political appointive positions to career positions.  Once those left-wing activists and MB members were in position, they could present their politicized judgments as “non-partisan,” under the cover of being professionals in intelligence at the CIA.  Those appointees are suspected of leaking political espionage aimed at taking down the President of the United States; they should be exposed through polygraph exams.       

One of the corrupt appointees to a very senior CIA position, approved by Brennan, was Mike Morell, Deputy Director of the CIA.  Following the Radical Islamic attack, he refused to consider the reports of 32 Americans, including the CIA operators, who witnessed the Radical Islamic Terrorist attack on September 11, 2011; instead he relied on incomplete assessments by CIA Analysts in Washington who hadn’t witnessed the attack.  He discounted the CIA Station Chief in Libya, Hunter Stevens’ Official Report.  Morell used his heavy hand to make massive and unauthorized edits to the CIA Station Chief in Libya’s Report.  Morell made those unauthorized changes to make the report fit with the false narrative that a YouTube video that never aired in Libya, prompted a demonstration that went bad.  

Morell modified the CIA Station Chief’s narrative on Benghazi attack, and submitted it to Jake Sullivan, Hillary Clinton Chief of Staff at the State Department, for her approval.  He kept making one change after another to eliminate Hillary’s State Department from looking bad.  Morell altered the report on the attack by inserting the lie that the riot was the result of YouTube video that no one in Libya had viewed.  He further eliminated multiple references to repeated warnings that the CIA gave to the State Department about the imminent attack on the US Mission, changed “terrorists” to “demonstrators,” eliminated multiple references to Al Q’ieda throughout the report, eliminated the statement “Attackers were not an escalation of a demonstration,” and kept modifying the CIA Station’s Report, until Hillary was finally satisfied with the corrupted report that was full of misleading statements.  

When US Senators heard from CIA Operators who were in Benghazi during the attack, that Morell altered the CIA Station Chiefs Report, he was immediately summoned to a Senate hearing.  Morell “lied” and told the Senators  that the FBI made the alterations to the CIA Station Chiefs’ Report—the FBI was infuriated!!  Morell backed down when confronted by the FBI,and admitted he made the unauthorized changes.  We do not know how many other liars, leftists, members of CAIR, and members of the Muslim Brotherhood that were appointed by Brenan to highly sensitive positions in the CIA.  It is suspected that those individuals are making unauthorized leaks to the press to unseat the President of the US.

Congress will be holding investigative hearings on the “False Russian Scandal,” to determine if the FBI probed a computer server connected to Trump Tower, if secret warrants were issued authorizing intercepts of Donald Trump and his campaign staff’s communications, how many American citizens were unmasked by intercepting SIGNIT in violation of US Constitutional protection, and to determine who is making the leaks of highly sensitive intelligence to the left of center liberal media to damage President Donald Trump.

Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice and the National Security Agency (NSA) for information about Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice’s communications with the two agencies concerning the alleged Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election, the hacking of DNC computers, the suspected communications between Russia and Trump campaign/transition officials, and the unmasking of the identities of any U.S. citizens associated with the Trump presidential campaign or transition team who were identified pursuant to intelligence collection activities Judicial Watch vs US Department of Justice and National Security Administration. (No. 1:17-cv-01002)). (Judicial Watch Weekly Report , May 27,2017)

The pompously left of center liberal media establishment has been employing the Communist propaganda principle—“the bigger the lie, if repeated often enough, will be believed!”  The left of center liberal media continues to promote the “False Russian Lie” day after day, with no basis in fact, that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton.  

Historians will look back on 2016 & 2017 and will marvel at the audacity of the “big lie,” and whispers of an ”imaginary” Trump-Russia collusion, promoted by the left of center liberal media establishment and the above listed sinister group of leftist and progressive organizations colluding to cover up the real TREASONOUS scandal---their attempt to disenfranchise over 62 million Americans who voted for President Donald J. Trump.  

Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author.  
Obama Administration Illegally Spied on Americans for Years

Even after Edward Snowden revealed improper surveillance by the NSA, the practice continued and even increased.
By Rachel Alexander Published on June 2, 2017

Once top-secret documents reveal that the Obama administration routinely violated Americans’ privacy while conducting “overseas” surveillance over the past five years. John Solomon and Sara Carter at Circa obtained a ruling issued by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court on April 26 denouncing the practice. The FISA court is the secret judicial body that oversees surveillance.

The court learned that the NSA was conducting large numbers of prohibited searches of databases. The administration did not disclose the surveillance until then. It had to do that to meet a court deadline for renewing surveillance authority. The requirement is part of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

More than 5 percent of the upstream searches violated data privacy safeguards.

The Circa exposé found that more than 5 percent of the upstream searches violated data privacy safeguards. The Obama administration had said it would follow those safeguards in 2011. Instead, surveillance increased by 300 percent.

Defying a Court Ruling

This increase defied a 2011 FISA court ruling. The court said the NSA had to find ways to limit what it collects and how long the data is kept. The FISA court realized at the time the collection was a problem. Searches were being done for the names of U.S. citizens in the databases.

The FISA court also revised the rules that year to prohibit these types of searches without a warrant. No longer could intelligence agencies search on an American’s email address or phone number. But the practice continued to occur after 2011. Not just a few times, but routinely and extensively. Some of those searches took place from the White House. Two years later, Edward Snowden disclosed what was going on.

The FISA court accused the NSA of “an institutional lack of candor.” The ruling called the searches a “very serious Fourth Amendment issue.” The monitoring required no warrant, reasonable suspicion or probable cause. Without those checks, the agency pursued a practice of unconstitutional search and seizure. Part of the opinion, which would have revealed the full extent of the surveillance, was blacked out.

In a responsive notice filed January 3, 2017, the NSA claimed the thousands of improper searches were due to “human error” and “system design issues.”

In April, the director of National Intelligence issued a report on the intelligence community’s use of data gathering techniques and its compliance with the FISA process. In 2016, there were 5,288 occasions where the NSA searched for an American in its database. This was a slight increase over the number of those searches in 2015.

Upstream and Downstream Data Collection

However, searches for the metadata of known Americans more than tripled between 2013 and 2016. Searches increased from 9,500 in 2013 to 30,355 in 2016. That was the year the Obama administration may have spied on the Trump campaign,

Section 702 of FISA authorizes both “upstream” and “downstream” collection of data. Upstream refers to data moving through massive data highways within the U.S. Downstream  collection snags data as it’s leaving the country. About 9 percent of the data NSA collects comes from upstream searches. In the process, the NSA sweeps up large numbers of emails. They are then stored in vast databases.

The surveillance is for monitoring foreign agents outside of the U.S. (The FBI is responsible for monitoring foreign agents within the U.S.) The FISA court requires “minimization” procedures. This means “masking” the identity of any American incidentally monitored.

The masked version is what is shared with other intelligence agencies. Intelligence officials may unmask the name if they thinks they need to do so to understand the data better.

Unmasking increased at the end of the Obama administration. Obama’s National Security Advisor Susan Rice was caught lying about her involvement in unmasking Trump campaign officials. She refuses to testify to Congress about it.

In 2016, the NSA collected 151 million phone records.

Congress passed The USA Freedom Act in 2016 to curtail bulk surveillance. But in 2016, the NSA collected 151 million phone records.

The FISA court also had harsh words for the FBI. This is due to the agency disclosing raw surveillance data to sectors of its bureaucracy “largely staffed by private contractors.” It went “went well beyond what was necessary to respond to the FBI’s requests.” The bureau discontinued the practice on April 18, 2016.

Where to Go From Here

The NSA decided on March 20 that it will no longer monitor communications of people who merely mention a foreign intelligence target. Instead, the agency will limit collection to communications between someone and a target. The agency asserts it will delete “the vast majority” of the information it collected through the previous method. The change was announced publicly on April 28, two days after the FISA court’s ruling.

Civil liberties hawk Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said if this information is accurate, this story “will dwarf all other stories.” It constitutes “an enormous abuse of power.”

The watch dog organization Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the DOJ and the NSA requesting records relating to the unmasking of Trump campaign officials, including former National Security Advisor Susan Rice’s involvement.?