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Op-Ed Articles

By Capt Joseph R. John, October 6, 2016 

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an international movement that began in 2014.  BLM has 30 local chapters in the US with campaigns to call attention to violence against black people.  BLM regularly protests police brutality and police shootings of black people.  Since 2014, BLM has organized 1000+ protest demonstrations, and it has now become a movement designed to instill fear, mainly in Police Officers.  


FBI Director James Comey suggested that the BLM demonstrations are partly responsible for a national rise in crime, because Police Officers have held back from doing their duty, or have been afraid to leave their patrol cars to do thorough policing.


At the Minnesota State Fair BLM activists chanted “Pigs in a blanket! Fry 'Em like bacon!” In New York after two Police Officers were assassinated, demonstrators…

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Only 1 ½ minutes long, but an Excellent speech by Democratic President William Jefferson Clinton


By Capt Joseph R. John, September 6, 2016

The FBI Reported how, in the ten below listed ways, Hillary Clinton’s used her Unclassified E-mail server to repeatedly receive and transmit highly classified messages in violation of US Government National Security and Federal Regulations for handling those messages.  When Hillary was appointed as Secretary of State, two FBI Agents sat with her for 2 hours and went through all the National Security Regulations, on how she would be required to handle classified material, including Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, and SCI compartmented information.  Following that briefing, the FBI Agents required Hillary to read, then sign a document under penalty of perjury, that she fully understood her responsibility for handling classified material.


Hillary Clinton was never authorized to conduct State Department business on her…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 22, 2016  

The below listed UCLA/LA Times poll, which began on July 4, 2016, the results of which is the type of information that the left of center liberal media establishment doesn’t want American voters to see.  That poll reveals the naked truth about the true standing of the presidential race between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.   

In that poll, Hillary is losing despite the fact that her campaign has been spending hundreds of millions of dollars on TV ads attacking Donald Trump in key battle ground states.  In this particular poll Donald Trump has a 2% lead over Hillary (he is not losing by between 8-10% reported daily by the liberal press).  Donald Trump has not spent one cent on TV ads in key battleground states. The dishonest left of center liberal media establishment has consistently refused to report the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 8, 2016

The Obama administration summarily removed General David Petraeus as Director of the CIA for doing  1/1000th of what Hillary did, when she transmitted 33,000 E-mails on an unclassified server, in violation of the National Security Act.   General Petraeus knew too much about how Hillary turned down US Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens' 12 direct and urgent requests, personally to Hillary, desperately asking for additional security for the US Mission in Benghazi over a 5 ½ month period, which she turned down or ignored.    

Despite over 600 requests from multiple US Agencies and the US Military to increase additional security, Hillary turned down every request, dooming 4 Americans to their deaths in Benghazi.  The Occupant of the Oval Office completed the betrayal by refusing to authorize “Cross Border Authority” so a 130 man…

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Combat Veterans For Congress-----Embedded Integrity

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing the 109th Combat Veteran For Congress in 8 years; he is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to rein in the out of control spending by irresponsible members of Congress, reduce taxes, reduce the national debt, rebuild the strength of the US military, support the freedom & independence of the individual, protect & support the 2nd Amendment, secure the borders, reform the VA, defeat ISIS & Al Q’ieda, repeal & replace Obama Care, and will work toward unleashing the private sector to create jobs, and stimulate private sector business investment once again.  SSgt Brian J. Mast, USA (Ret) (Ranger) (EOD) of Fort Pierce, Florida who served in the US Army for 12 years, until he was medically retired as Wounded Warrior double amputee, is running in the 18th …

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Combat Veterans For Congress-----Embedded Integrity 

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is re-endorsing the 86th Combat Veteran For Congress to run for his old seat; he is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to reduce the national debt, and will focus on reining in the out of control spending by Congress and the Obama Administration.  He will continue to work toward unleashing the private sector to grow once again, create jobs, stimulate private sector business investment, and will continue to work to rein in the out of control spending by the Obama Administration.  Congressman Kerry Bentivolio SFC-MI-ANG resides in Milford, Michigan, is a 27 year veteran of the US Army and the Michigan Army National Guard; he served in combat in the Vietnam and the Iraq Wars.  

Cong Bentivolio completed one term in Congress before his re-election bid, and is seeking re-…

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 On September 24th, the Combat Veterans For Congress will host a Patriotic Gala Event in at the San Diego Marriott Mission Valley, 8757 Rio San Diego Drive, San Diego, California 92108, to introduce the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress to the National Press Corps.  Dr. Ben Carson will be the Keynote Speaker this year.  If you go to the Events page of our Web site, you can view the invitation for the last Patriotic Gala Event where Dinesh D’Souza was the Keynote Speaker; Gov Sarah Palin was a previous Keynote Speaker.  If you go to the Endorsee of PAC page of our Web site you will be able to view a list of famous Americans who have endorsed our efforts to protect and defend the US Constitution; they will all be invited to attend the event this year.  

     The donation for the General Reception including a sit down dinner is $300, the donation for the VIP Reception to meet…

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 By Capt Joseph R. John, July 8, 2016

Over the last year, Hillary repeatedly lied to Congress while under oath, lied in her response to questions during Presidential debates, lied during interviews with news media, and lied to the American people on how she handled Secret, Top Secret, and Sensitive Compartmented E-mails that were transmitted and received on the unclassified private E-mail server in the basement of her home.
Hillary Clinton also lied in her testimony while under oath to Congress, about the “Radical Islamic Terrorists “ who attacked on the US Mission in Benghazi, Libya.  She also lied to the families of the 4 dead Americans who were killed in Benghazi, within close proximity to their American Flag draped caskets, immediately after their bodies arrived at the Delaware US Air Force Base.  She also repeatedly lied to the American people and the news… Read More

By Capt Joseph R. John, July 6, 2016

Federal Prosecutors, Law Enforcement Officers, and most clear thinking, law abiding citizens throughout the nation are concerned with the FBI Director’s decision to decision to summarily acquit Hillary Clinton.  FBI Director James Comey stated that Hillary Clinton sent and received Secret, Top Secret, and Compartmented messages on her unclassified private E-mail server, and went on to say “we believe that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial E-mail accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account.”  The FBI Director also stated that Hillary Clinton was “extremely careless” (another way of saying “grossly negligent”) in handling and transmitting very sensitive classified information.

Hillary violated US Federal Laws, violated National Security Statues, and put…

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Combat Veterans For Congress-----Embedded Integrity

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing the 108th Combat Veteran For Congress in 8 years; he is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to reduce the national debt, and will focus on reining in the out of control spending by Congress.  He will work toward unleashing the private sector to grow once again, create jobs, and stimulate private sector business investment.  Brig Gen Donald J. Bacon, USAF (Ret) who resides in Papillion, Nebraska is a veteran who served nearly 30 years in the US Air Force.  Brig Gen Bacon is running for election in the 2nd Congressional District of Nebraska against one term Congressman Brad Ashford (D-NB-2) in the general election.  Donald Bacon was born on August 16, 1963 and raised in  Momence, Illinois; his father had served in the US Marine Corps.  In June of 1980, Donald…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 29, 2016

Many law abiding Muslim America citizens have assimilated in the United States and fought as members of the US Armed Forces, against Sadam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait, and also against “Radical Islamic Terrorism” over the last 50 years.  They are opposed to ISIS’ murderous attacks against gays, Christians, and Jews, and are frightened of the “Radical Islamic Terrorist” threat.  More Muslims worldwide than Americans have been murdered by “Radical Islamic Terrorists.”


The Muslim Brotherhood (the progenitor of Jihadism), and its front groups, the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR), and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), do not have members who are law abiding Muslim Americans, like many Muslim Americans who are good citizens and have assimilated in the United States.  Members of the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, and…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 26, 2016  

The Joint Chiefs of Staff should never permit anything to degrade the “Combat Effectiveness”, morale, and the unit cohesiveness of combat units in the US Armed Forces.  Recruiting and allowing transgender individuals to enter the US Armed Forces will further degrade the “Combat Effectiveness”, morale, and unit cohesiveness of the US Armed Forces.  


Obama’s Social Experiment on Diversity permitted the recruiting and entry of gay individuals into the US Armed Forces; that policy resulted in the rape of 11,000 straight male recruits by gays; something that has never happened before.  Obama’s destructive Social Experiment on Diversity has negatively affected unit morale, retention, recruiting, unit cohesiveness, and “Combat Effectiveness” of the US Armed Forces.


The entry of transgender individual will result in…

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This is in support of America’s most decorated Combat Veteran, MajGen. Patrick H. Brady, USA (Ret) (Meal Of Honor) a “Dust Off” pilot during the Vietnam War 


Senator or Congressman________:

I am writing to ask for your support for America’s most reviled and neglected Veterans in our Republic’s history — the Vietnam Veteran, and that you support Senate Bill 2268.

Amazingly, no individual or US Military unit has received a Congressional Gold Medal specifically for service in Vietnam. Yet Vietnam may be the only war we ever fought in which the heroism of the American soldier was accompanied by a humanitarianism, unmatched in the annals of warfare. And the humanitarianism took place during the heat of battle. The GI fixed as he fought, he cured, educated, and built in the middle of the battle. What other Army has ever done…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 20, 2016  

After the 86th murderous attack by a “Radical Islamic Terrorist”, this time in Orlando, that resulted in the massacre of 49 innocent Americans and the wounding of 53 others, Obama, Hillary, their allies in Congress, and the left of center liberal media establishment, tried again to divert attention away from another racist “Radical Islamic Terrorist” attack against Americans.  The left of center liberal media establishment fell into line with Obama’s shameful attempt to cover up the truth, by promoting stories about Muslims being victims, i. e. “Muslim Victimhood” who fear of being blamed, and the press again called for new gun controls to restrict the ability of law abiding Americans to protect themselves.  


Obama keeps trying to divert the “Radical Islamic Terrorist” issue facing Americans, to a 2ndAmendment and a gun…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 14, 2016   

The below listed message from Rees Lloyd, Esq (USA) Honors Flag Day.  On this Flag Day, it is appropriate to pay homage to the 49 innocent and gentle Americans who were murdered, and 50 others innocent Americans who were wounded in Orlando in the 86th terrorist attack on American soil by another Radical Islamic Terrorists.  


Unfortunately, few Americans are aware that Radical Islamic Terrorists have been attacking and/or killing hundreds of Americans citizens on US soil for the last 8 years; those attacks have been covered up by the left of center liberal media establishment, and the threat continues to be minimized and underestimated by the occupant of the Oval Office.  


The United States has been under attack from coast to coast in  places like  Sacramento, Houston, Philadelphia, San Bernardino, Times Square…

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June 14, 2016 

My Fellow Americans,


     The most important Congressional election in 240 years will take place in a little over 4 months.  It is an election that will determine if America’s Free Enterprise System, which built the most effective economic engine in the history of mankind, will continue, or if it will be replaced by a Socialist State.


    The results of this election will determine whether the Obama administration’s support for Communist Cuba, Iran (the largest state sponsor of terrorism), and the subtle support for Russia’s aggressive antics will continue, or if the US instead, will support and defend its traditional allies.  


     The election will determine if Christians and Jews in the US Armed Forces will continue to be faced with discrimination, or if their freedom of religion will be protected.



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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 9, 2016  

For four years, while I was a Midshipman matriculating at the US Naval Academy, I was a member of the “Working Honor Committee."  I was on the working committee with battalion representatives from throughout the Brigade of Midshipmen to study issues that might affect the “Honor Concept”, and to make recommendations for consideration by the Executive Department.


“HONOR” is the bedrock of a human being’s character.  The below listed articles speaks volumes about a young US Marine Captain whose steadfast actions, regardless of consequences, embodied his true sense of “HONOR.”


This dissertation on “HONOR” has nothing to do with gender, party affiliation, ideology, or policy.  This is an analysis of character and judgement, and how it affects personal “HONOR.”


It is not just about Hillary Clinton’s “…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on May 31, 2016

Please read the below listed article about how Speaker Paul Ryan is allowing Obama to retain a provision in next year’s fiscal DOD budget to continue to fund the recruiting of “Illegal Aliens” from Mexico into the US Armed Forces, while there is no way to check the backgrounds of those “Illegal Aliens” from Mexico, to ensure they comply with national security provisions, and are not connected with the Mexican Drug Cartels. 


The Republican leadership in Congress is allowing the recruiting of “Illegal Aliens” into the US Armed Forces at a time when 94 million Americans citizens are unemployed and could use employment in the US Armed Forces, and could easily fill the billets that “Illegal Aliens” will be filling instead.  


Speaker Ryan has the power of the purse and could have prevented Obama from recruiting…

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On the commencement to Memorial Day weekend, America watched in astonishment as the occupant of the Oval Office, instead of going to Pearl Harbor to honor the 2,403 American servicemen killed, and the 1178 servicemen wounded on December 7, 1941, in a dastardly surprise attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor, that initiated WWII, he went instead to Hiroshima. 

Obama subtly apologized in Hiroshima, for the United States’ actions.  This time for what the US President Harry Truman did to Japan, in order to save the lives of an estimated 1 million American servicemen, who would have been killed if an invasion of Japan to end WWII took place.  Instead the atomic bomb was dropped on an obstinate, unrepentant, and  aggressive Japan that started the war, and was threatening to kill over 1 million American servicemen instead of ending the conflict.


Diamond Rio’s song can be heard…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, Memorial Day, May 30, 2016

Combat Veterans fight and die to protect their fellow comrades in arms, and fight for their right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.  Courageous Combat Veterans sacrifice the time they are away from their families, often are involved in operations that negatively affect their health, and all too often they forfeit their lives to protect and defend their fellow man and ensure the freedoms accorded to their fellow Americans by the US Constitution.  Today, America has fewer Combat Veterans serving in Congress than in any other time in US History.  We continue to recruit them to run Congress, and encourage Americans to elect them to Congress. 


On Memorial Day, and “every day”, we honor Combat Veterans who have given their last full measure of devotion in the defense of the Republic, we also honor all…

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Combat Veterans For Congress---Embedded Integrity

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing the 106th Combat Veterans For Congress in the last 8 years; he is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to rein in the out of control spending by irresponsible members of Congress, will work to reduce the national debt, and will work toward unleashing the private sector to grow once again, to create jobs, and stimulate private sector business investment.  He believes in an efficient government that serves the people and upholds the highest standards of integrity and transparency.  Maj Cristov Dosev, USMCR of Pensacola, Florida is running in the primary election to seek the Republican nomination to run for the 1st Congressional District of Florida for the seat currently represented by Cong Jeff Miller (R-FL-1) who is not seeking re-election.  

Cristov Dosev was…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on May 16, 2016

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a Non-Government Organization (NGO) that has ties to Soros and Clinton, that gets tens of millions in US taxpayer dollars to resettle hundreds of thousands of Syrian Muslim Refugees throughout the United States, is now under investigation for bribery, bid-rigging, and corruption by the Office of the Inspector General within the U.S. Agency for International Development.  

Last year, at a national conference, Obama’s White House Immigration Advisor, Cecilia Munoz, openly stated that the resettlement process is like planting “seedlings,” and those seedlings will be nurtured by the Obama administration and its army of left-wing NGOs receiving hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars from the Obama administration, and will continue until those Muslims Refugees are able to eventually rise…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on May 11, 2016

The most important election in the 240 year history of the Republic will be held in less the 6 months.  So Patriotic Americans can: 


Protect and defend the US Constitution from the continued violations of its provisions by the current occupant in the Oval Office and from Hillary.


Save The Free Enterprise System from the Socialist agenda driven into the federal government, over the last 7 ½ years, by the occupant of the Oval Office and from Hillary.


Halt the hallowing out of the US Armed Forces, stop the degrading of  its “Combat Effectiveness” by the occupant of the Oval Office for the last 7 ½ years and from Hillary.


Close the wide open southern border to halt the flow of drugs, terrorists, & Illegal Aliens that the Un-American US Chamber of Commerce has fought against for 24…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on May 4, 2016

Please read the below listed article where former House Speaker Boehner is having his ally spend one million dollars to defeat a principled Conservative Republican endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, Congressman James Bridenstine, Lcdr-USNR (R-OK-1), who has consistently taken courageous stands, very difficult principled stands, that few Republicans have had the courage to take, because his stands were in opposition to former Speaker Boehner’s support for Obama’s below listed Un-constitutional initiatives that were in violations of US Federal Laws.

The race in the 1st Congressional District of Oklahoma, it is about a lot more than Cong James Bridenstine.  It’s about deterring any potential principled conservative citizen legislator from doing the right thing, and continuing the pale-pastel scam driven by Washington special interest…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on April 25, 2016

Obama removed all US military forces from Iraq in 2011; he ignored the advice of his highly experienced US Army Generals, the US Ambassador to Iraqi, the CIA, and the outgoing National Security Council not to remove all US military forces Iraq, that the US should leave a sustaining force in Iraq to prevent Al Q’ieda from reconstituting its strength and to prevent Iran from filling in the void that would create.  Obama refused that expert advice from many experienced sources; as soon as the US Military Forces were pulled out by Obama, Iran filled the void, and effectively took control of Iraq (in light of Obama’s subsequently pivot toward Iran, creating that void, appears to have been a calculated move).  

The removal of all US military forces from Iraq resulted in the creation of ISIS which has metastasized in the last 5 years.…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on April 18, 2016 

National Security has never appeared to be a priority for the Obama.  The torrid pace of Muslim Illegal Aliens migration into the US over the last 7 years is downright alarming.  Obama has been bringing them in from 49 Muslim nations (including but not limited to Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iran, Indonesia, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Libya, Morocco, Algeria, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, etc.).  The FBI has informed Obama that their backgrounds or identities cannot be verified to determine if they have terrorist ties, yet Obama continues continue to flood them into the United States with “reckless” disregard to the National Security of the United States.  By the end of the year, DHS will have issued 925,000 green cards to Muslim Refugees whose identities cannot…

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 By Capt Joseph R. John, on April 4, 2016

The mass genocide in Cuba when Castro came to power, resulted in the murderous stone cold Communist Executioner, Che Guevara, brutal summary execution of hundreds of thousands freedom loving Cubans before firing squads, Che’s mass executions were similar to those Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, and Mao perpetrated when they came to power.  Che was a murderous thug and stone cold brutal killer of any opposition to the new Cuban Communist Dictatorship.  President Eisenhower, immediately suspended recognition of Cuba and recalled the US Ambassador, because of the mass murderous execution of respected Cubans.  Obama stood in front a large mural of the murderous blood cold Communist Executioner, Che Guevara, in order to have his picture taken for the world to see, with him standing proudly beside the Cuban Communist Dictator, Raoul Castro.  …

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on March 28, 2016


Massive immigration without assimilation is an invasion!!!!!!


The below listed article explains that from 2009 through 2013, the US issued 680,000 long-term residency visas or green cards to the UN Muslim Refugee Resettlement Program.  From 2014 through 2015 Obama brought in and resettled throughout the US 75,000 Muslim Middle East & African Refugees/year, increasing the number of Muslim refugees to 830,000, and when the 85,000 Muslim Refugees that are being admitted in 2016, the number of Muslim refugees brought in by Obama will reach 915,000; Obama has been doing the bidding of the Muslim Brotherhood and their Muslim Brotherhood Front Groups in the United States.  The United Arab Emirates banned the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the …

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on March 14, 2016

The governments of the United Arab Emirates has designated the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim American Society (MAS), the Muslim Student Association (MSA), and other Islamist organizations as terrorist organizations that promote, incite, and finance terrorism.  The MB overthrew the legally elected government of Egypt, violently cracked down on its opposition, perpetrated brutal genocide on all Christians in Egypt, and it has now been banned in Egypt.  Saudi Arabia, Syria, Bahrein, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Russia have all designated the MB as an international terrorist organization.  Israel, Canada, and the United Kingdom have announced that…

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