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We Seek Your Support

  • We Seek Your Support

June 14, 2016 

My Fellow Americans,


     The most important Congressional election in 240 years will take place in a little over 4 months.  It is an election that will determine if America’s Free Enterprise System, which built the most effective economic engine in the history of mankind, will continue, or if it will be replaced by a Socialist State.


    The results of this election will determine whether the Obama administration’s support for Communist Cuba, Iran (the largest state sponsor of terrorism), and the subtle support for Russia’s aggressive antics will continue, or if the US instead, will support and defend its traditional allies.  


     The election will determine if Christians and Jews in the US Armed Forces will continue to be faced with discrimination, or if their freedom of religion will be protected.


     The results of this election will determine if Christians and Jews in the Middle East will be protected from ISIS, Al Q’ieda, and Radical Islamic Terrorists genocide.


     This election will determine if violations of the US Constitution and US Federal Immigration Laws will continue, or if those violations will cease, and the southern border will finally be closed, and the entry of Radical Islamic Terrorists and Illegal Aliens will be halted.  


      It is an election that will determine if the reckless spending and taxing by irresponsible members of Congress will continued or will be reined in.


     The 2016 election will determine if the unilateral disarmament of the US Armed Forces continues, or if a newly-elected Congress puts a stop to the hollowing out of the US Armed Forces.


     This election will determine if the FBI will finally be permitted to interview the hundreds of thousands of Middle East and African Refugees, entering the United States, and being resettled in 180 cities throughout the US-------to determine if they have terrorist ties.


      Over the past eight years, the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC has endorsed 28 Combat Veterans who have served in Congress.  This year, 31 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress from 20 states have been endorsed.  With your financial support, we will be able to recruit, evaluate, and possibly endorse some of the 19 Combat Veterans in 13 states currently seeking endorsements.  


      The “Endorsement” and “Alumni” pages of our Web site lists photos and biographies for each endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress   Each of them raised their right hand, swore to protect and defend the US Constitution, and they all still abide by their sacred oath, while supporting Judeo-Christian beliefs upon which the nation was founded.  


     At one time in their lives, each endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their lives.”  


     To paraphrase President Ronald Reagan, most people go through their lives wondering if they have made a difference.  The endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress have no need to wonder if they’ve made a difference.  You too, can make a difference by helping elect them to Congress. 


      The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC has no paid employees, all funds are used to help recruit and elect Combat Veterans For Congress.  All donations are used to do a background investigation on the candidate, endorse, campaign for, and elect the Combat Veterans For Congress.  


       “Only once a year,” do we make this appeal for financial support.  Please consider making an important difference, and help change the makeup of Congress, by clicking on this link to our "DONATE" page, or at the top of our Website menu tab, and completing the contribution form, and kindly giving a donation. 


       At a minimum, please make a donation in “any” amount that you can afford.  Whether your gift is $10, $20, $50, or $100+, we would be deeply grateful for your support. The future of the Republic depends on us!  If not us, who?  If not now, when?  


      The “Endorsee of PAC” page on our Web site lists many well-known Americans, who have endorsed our efforts to protect and defend the US Constitution----please join with them!