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Op-Ed Articles

Since the Revolutionary War, it has been estimated that 1.346 million American Patriots pledged and delivered their lives to make the ultimate sacrifice in combat to defend their brothers in arms while protecting our Republic and its values.  Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on May 5, 1868 by General John Logan, National Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, in his General Order No. 11, and was first observed on May 30, 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery; it was about coming together as one nation to honor those who gave their all.  On May 30, 2011 millions of Americans paused in solemn reverence, they participated in respectful commemorations across the nation, in order to remember those who for 235 years, by their actions, have protected and defended the rule of law enshrined in the US…

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RADM James J. Carey of the National Defense PAC deserves a great deal of credit for alerting us to the below listed background information, that attorneys would need to document points of authority to defend returning military personnel who were college students when they were mobilized to go into combat, and found upon release that they are being prevented from picking up their education by left leaning college professors who do not want to re-instill them into their courses or protect their course grades previously compiled before they were recalled.

Professor Wackerfuss:
A general E-mail was sent reminding students of Georgetown University policy about attending classes, and you included a line to the effect that the policy even overrides “military deployments.”  I want to bring to your attention that a federal law enacted in 2008 protects students in this situation,…

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If you had the opportunity to watch Sean Hannity's evening program on April 12th on the FOX News Network, you would have been pleased to listen to the comments of 3 of the 12 elected Combat Veterans For Congress who are among the 87 new Freshman Congressional members.  Millions of voters viewed their relevant comments and principled stands that evening; on Sunday night on FOX there will be another program concerning the same issues with Freshmen Congressmen.  The nation is so fortunate to have representatives in Congress like Cong Adam Kinzinger, Cpt-AFNG (R-IL-11), Cong Michael Grimm, USMC/FBI (R-NY-13), and Cong Allen West, Lt. Col-USA (Ret) (R-FLA-22) as well as the other…

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A 31-member Military Leadership Diversity Commission, set up by the Lame Duck Congress a year ago, requested that the Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, execute a “social experiment on diversity”; the goal of the recommendations is to change the make-up of the leadership of the US Armed Forces.  The Commission contains a sizable number of civilian-equal opportunity professionals, as well as some retired and active military personnel.  Because ethnic minorities are less likely to meet eligibility requirements for entrance into the US Armed Forces, the Commission is urging the Army, Navy,  Marine Corps, and Air Force to either lower or eliminate the standards that have always been used for acceptance of recruits into the military.  The Commission proposal states education, entry test level scores, criminal records, and drug use that up to this time have been used to disqualify a large…

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We are pleased to inform you that another of the elected Combat Veterans For Congress, Congressman Steve Pearce continues his serious commitment to support Veterans and Veterans issues.  Congressman Pearce has formed a Veterans Advisory Council in New Mexico and on March 30th his Advisory Council is promoting Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans in New Mexico.  The Advisory Council is being proactive in many other areas as outlined in the attached summary.  Since his election, Congressman Pearce has been working tirelessly to rein in the out of control spending by the Obama Administration.  We are encouraging all who review this, to financially support another patriotic Combat Veteran’s re-election in 2012.



Congressman Commended for Reaching out to Vets; Helping them in Washington 


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Columbia University students heckled a war hero during a town-hall meeting on whether ROTC should be allowed back on campus.

"Racist!" some students yelled at Anthony Maschek, a Columbia freshman and former Army staff sergeant awarded the Purple Heart after being shot 11 times in a firefight in northern Iraq in February 2008. Others hissed and booed the veteran.

Maschek, 28, had bravely stepped up to the mike Tuesday at the meeting to issue an impassioned challenge to fellow students on their perceptions of the military.

"It doesn't matter how you feel about the war. It doesn't matter how you feel about fighting," said Maschek. "There are bad men out there plotting to kill you."

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Come join our Patriotic Celebration at the Sheraton Harbor Island Hotel on October 9th. The general celebration will begin at 7:00 PM and will present an opportunity for you to meet many of the 27 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress from 16 states who are standing for election to Congress in November. To view the photos, backgrounds, and Web sites of 27 endorsed candidates, please click on ENDORSED CANDIDATES on the home page on the web site of . To view a previous event sponsored by the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, please click on EVENTS on the Web site. Also, to see the list of those formally endorsing Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, please click on PAC ENDORSEMENTS.

There will be live big band music, entertainment, Hollywood film celebrities, and some very special surprise guests. Attendees will also have the opportunity to…

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Real-life American Heroes Ready and Willing to Serve Congress

(LOS ANGELES, CA June 18, 2010) With four months remaining before the November Congressional elections, the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress are developing a great deal of momentum nationally.

On March 30, 2010 Governor Sarah Palin endorsed the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC; 27 Combat Veterans For Congress have previously endorsed the PAC s Mission Statement, and the PAC has, in turn, endorsed the 25 Combat Veterans For Congress in the 19 states where they are running; the PAC s strong statement of support for each campaign, the Combat Veteran s photo in combat gear, and their bios can be reviewed by clicking on the Pac s the Web site at:

Governor Palin in her endorsement statement of Combat Veterans For Congress said: "Last week I…

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Real-life American Heroes Ready and Willing to Serve in Congress

(LOS ANGELES , CA   July 12, 2010) The Honorable Edwin Meese III former Attorney General under President Reagan has endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress PAC.  Capt. Joseph R. John, USNR (Ret) Chairman of the Combat Veterans For Congress announced he received a phone call from General Meese who said he supports the Combat Veterans For Congress and their intent to rein in the out of control spending by the Pelosi Congress.  In addition Attorney General Meese stated “These Combat Veterans For Congress have served us well on the battlefield.  Now they are willing to serve as leaders of government to continue to deal with the nation’s challenges.”

The Honorable Mr. Meese, the 75th Attorney General of the United States, served in the U.S. Army, attaining the rank of Colonel in the U.S. Army…

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Real-life American Heroes Ready and Willing to Serve Congress

(LOS ANGELES, CA June 29, 2010) With three and a half months remaining before the November Congressional elections, the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress continue a continue a countdown to victory with your support.  

On May 20, 2010 Col Bud Day endorsed the 27 Combat Veterans For Congress in 19 states who previously endorsed the PAC’s  Mission Statement.  The PAC’s strong statement of support for each of the 24 Combat Veterans For Congress, together with the photo of each, and their bios can be reviewed by clicking on the PAC’s Web site at:

Col Day in his endorsement statement of Combat Veterans For Congress said: "My name is Col George “Bud” Day, Medal of Honor—Air Force Cross. I am a veteran of WWII, Korea, and received the Medal of…

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