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Op-Ed Articles

 Obama is planning to “unilaterally” reduce the US nuclear arsenal to 1000 warhead from 1550 warheads; when Obama came into office there was a high of 5113 warheads.  Specialists on nuclear deterrence say further cuts beyond the 1,550 deployed warheads agreed to in the 2010 New START Arms Treaty will undermine the United States' ability to deter nuclear attacks from Russia and China, who have significant modernization programs underway and are aggressively increasing their nuclear weapons arsenals.  Yet Obama is bypassing Congress to further reduce “unilaterally” the US nuclear arsenal from 1550, to 1000 warheads by Executive Order.  While Obama is deactivating the us nuclear arsenal, China continues to aggressively increase its current arsenal of 240 nuclear weapons by an additional 180 new nuclear weapons for deployment in Chinese nuclear submarines (China is planning to…

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 The death of 30 US Military personnel in an operation in Afghanistan, including 17 members of SEAL Team SIX, who 90 days previously, had taken out Osama Bin Laden, was the largest single loss of American military personnel in one operation in the 12 year conflict in Afghanistan.  Al Q’ieda had previously signaled that SEAL Team SIX had been targeted.   After 2 years, the persistent failure by the Obama Administration to provide the families of those 30 military personnel with certain facts surrounding their deaths has resulted in the families going public and making charges of a cover-up.    

Obama confirmed to the world, for the first time ever, the existence of SEAL Team SIX and the specific details of how they operate when they took out Osama Bin Laden.  Since the SEAL Team SIX had been established by President Reagan, no US President had ever revealed publically that there…

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 From the Hon F. Bing West, USMC, the former Assistant Secretary of Defense in the Reagan Administration, in his published article in the National Review, he does an excellent job of revealing the nature of the failure of General Dempsey to take action prior to and during the Terrorist attack in Benghazi to protect the lives of American personnel under attack for 10 hours.  Bing West’s impressive background is as follows: he is a Harvard College graduate, received an MBA from Stanford Bus School, is a former US Marine Officer with combat tours in Vietnam, is a member of the Council On Foreign Relations, and a member of the St Crispin’s Order.  Bing West’s son, Owen West, was US Marine Corps in Recon.  His published books about combat in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan are: 

“The Village”

“The Strongest Tribe”

“No True Glory”

“The March Up”

“The Pepperdogs…

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 Since early 2012, the CIA has been aiding Arab governments and Turkey in obtaining and shipping weapons to the Syrian rebels; using the US Consulate and CIA Annex in Benghazi.  The New York Times report claims most of the weapons shipments facilitated by the CIA began after the 2012 presidential election.  This is the second time the Obama Administration has shipped guns; the first time they do so, they did so to drug cartels in Mexico in the Fast and Furious Operation which began on October 31, 2009, and one of those guns was used to kill a US Border Patrolman, the other guns were used to murder thousands of Mexican citizens (Fast and Furious has been an ongoing cover-up by Eric Holder and Obama Administration officials for 3 and a half years).  

Middle Eastern Security officials have said U.S.-aided weapons shipments go back more than a year, escalating before the Sept. 11,…

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 After 8 months of stonewalling the Congress, the below listed article calls for Congress to take action to force the Obama Administration to provide the American people with the truth about what happened leading to the attack in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.   That article is a further attempt to shed light on the heroic actions of two Navy SEALS who saved 32 American lives during the assault on the Benghazi Consulate.  That attack was perpetrated by over 150+ Al Q’ieda and affiliated terrorists, from Ansar al-Shariah, in a well-coordinated and premeditated commando style assault on the US Consultant; US Ambassador Stevens, two heroic Navy SEALs (Glen Doherty and Tyrone Wood), and the Ambassador’s aide were assassinated.  The two Navy SEALs were not part of the Ambassador’s security detail, yet the White House intentionally misreported their status as such; they were killed in the…

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 Please click on the below listed link to view dramatic testimony before the US Senate by the ICE Union Chief, Chris Crane, in his testimony on the 884 page new Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act (S. 744),    The ICE Union won a stunning initial court victory in its lawsuit against the Obama Administration. Federal Judge Federal Judge Reed O’Connor told the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that they had …

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 This is another inept & misguided Obama Administration policy that is undermining the fragile financial stability of the Republic.  Adding Illegal Aliens to US Welfare rolls is fiscally irresponsible.    The two Chechens terrorists who set off the bombs in Boston had been on the same programs being advertised in Mexico by the US Agriculture Department, in order to recruit and encourage more Illegal Aliens to violate federal law by sneaking across the Southern US Border, then to file for food stamps.  Please review the below listed article.   



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 US Federal District judge Reed O’Connor, ruled against DHS for its refusal to initiate removal proceedings for Illegal Immigrants and for blocking ICE from following the federal laws they were sworn to uphold.   Judge O’Connor ruled that the Department of Homeland Security Secretary does not have the authority to refuse to enforce federal laws of the land that require illegal immigrants to face deportation, in the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement Union’s lawsuit against DHS.  This is another flagrant violation of provisions of the US Constitution by the Obama Administration. This information has been suppressed and covered up by the left of center liberal media establishment. Please click on the Attachment to read the full text of the ruling. 

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 The George Bush Presidential Library was dedicated today----the below listed video is a reflection of a time in our country so long ago, when our President, like all Presidents up to that time, loved his country, didn’t hesitate to tell anyone in the world who would listen that he loved his country, and he brought the American people together---90 % of them supported him at that time.  We have a different type of person working in the Oval Office today, who refuses to admit we are being repeatedly attacked by Islamic jihadists in Times Square, in Fort Hood, in Benghazi, in Boston, and in Afghanistan----have you ever heard the current resident of the Oval Office say, just once, that he loves America?  I absolutely love my country and so do my fellow Naval Academy Classmates, my fellow Federal Law Enforcement Officers, and those men and women I served with in the US Armed Forces in…

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 In the last 3 days I have discussed the new immigration Act (S. 774) and what allowing the 18+ million illegal immigrants in residence in the US to apply for US Citizenship will do to the fabric of the Republic.  The new citizens will bring in an average of 4+  low income relatives over the next 13 years, driving the US population up to about 100 million illegal immigrants in this country—please watch the below listed video by clicking on the link to get a visual of just how unsustainable it is.

The members of US Senate have no way of paying for the new $6 trillion bill the Heritage Foundation tells us it will cost to assimilate those 100 million illegal immigrants; the Senators tell us it will cost $22.5 billion which…

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 This is the third of a three part discussion concerning the new 884 page Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act (S. 744); the first two articles are posted on the Home page of the Web site at

According to the research completed by the Heritage Foundation, if those 18+ million Illegal immigrants are given the ability to follow the lengthy procedure leading to citizenship, it will cost the American taxpayer $6 trillion dollars in new debt over the next 15 year period (the Democratically controlled Senate is misleading the American voter by saying it will cost $23.5 billion).  This new massive debt is being forced on the American…

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 This is the second of a three part discussion of the new 884 page Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act; the first article is posted on the Home page of the Web site. 

According to the Border Patrol, the southern border is exploding and out of control with thousands of illegal immigrants streaming across that borders, in order to be present in the United States prior to passage of the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act.  In order to stem the massive flow of illegal immigrants across the border, the US Government must use the press to publish the fact that a cutoff date requiring proof of residency of December 31, 2012 will be used to prevent future Illegal Immigrants from applying for amnesty.   In 1984, after President Reagan gave 3 million Illegal immigrants amnesty; since 1984, we have been repeatedly…

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 This is the first of a three part discussion of the new 884 page Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act

Eight years ago while serving with the FBI, the press often reported that there were 11 million illegal immigrants in the US, information I had access to indicated the numbers were higher.  Today, the left of center liberal media establishment still reports there are 11 million illegal immigrants in the US, indicating for over the last 8 years not one single illegal immigrant has entered the United States.   According to the United States  between 700,000 and 1.5 million illegal immigrants enter the US and take residency each year.  If you the lower figure of 700,000…

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     Britain gave Margaret Thatcher its grandest political funeral in half a century on Wednesday as her flag-draped coffin was borne through central London on a horse-drawn gun carriage. In an event comparable to Sir Winston Churchill's funeral in 1965, the Queen joined top British and foreign politicians past and present to pay her final respects to the "Iron Lady."  Thousands of supporters lined the streets of London as Thatcher's casket made its final journey from the center of British political power in Westminster to St Paul's Cathedral.  Lady Thatcher was honored with a gun salute from the Tower of London every minute and the silencing of the bells of Big Ben, military bandsmen played Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Chopin.  As a bell mournfully tolled, a party of soldiers and sailors carried her casket on their shoulders into St Paul's Cathedral.  Beneath its giant painted…

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 The ten Congressmen who co-sponsored legislation to oppose the precedence of the new Distinguished Warfare Medal for drone operators, previously approved by the Chairman of the Joint-Chiefs-of-Staff, Gen Martin E. Dempsey, for drone operators whose lives were not in any kind of danger, were successful in their opposition when Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel cancelled it yesterday.  The proposed medal was approved by Gen Dempsey to have had a higher rank of precedence than the Bronze Star Medal, the Purple Heart Medal, the Air Medal, and the Army, Air Force, & Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medals for Valor.   The backlash from Capitol Hill had a great deal to do with having Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, a Combat Veterans of the Vietnam conflict, tell Gen Dempsey to immediately stop production of the medal, and instead to develop a special pin or device that would be…

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 By having General Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs-of-Staff, issue an order to the US Armed Forces that all Flag and General Officers will now be evaluated by the subordinates under their command, Obama is destabilizing of the US military chain of command structure.  That directive violates good order and military leadership principles taught in Leadership Courses to all officer trainees in every Military Academy in every country in the world.  General Dempsey directive is a purely inept politically correct policy order that will destabilize unit cohesion, unit moral, and will destroy the principles of the chain of command structure followed in the US Armed Forces by the US Military Officer Corp.  What is really going on here is that Obama is employing enlisted personnel in the US Armed Forces to submit written evaluations on Flag and General Officers, in order to…

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 Another Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong Steve Pearce, Capt-USAF (R-NM-2), has announced that he is cosponsoring legislation, House Res. 36, to establish a “committee to investigate and report on the attack on the United States Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.”  Please read Cong Pearce’s statement listed below, then please review the below listed appeal from Spec Ops OPSEC, asking all Americans to demand that Congress get the answer to countless important questions, that remain unanswered about the well-coordinated and well planned commando attack by 150+ Al Q’ieda terrorists on the U S Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that resulted in the murder of the US Ambassador, the…

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 In the below listed article, in their continued assault on Family Values, the Obama Administration is trying to get the FCC to drop the ban on the F-word and nudity on national TV, even during the early hour when children are watching TV.   The Obama Administration is moving in line with what Marxist and Communists rulers have done in past history to destroy family values, religious beliefs, and modesty in the countries they ruled with an iron fist.  We encourage you to contact your Congressional representatives and ask them to prevent the assault on Family Values, by threatening to drastically cut the FCC’s annual budget. 

                     “We have too few men of God.”

                                                 General Omar Bradley-----Nov 11, 1948

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 In the below listed article, 2 of the 19 endorsed and elected Combat Veterans For Congress, Senator John McCain, Capt-USN, USNA ’58, (R-AZ-Senate) and Senator Mark S. Kirk, Cdr-USNR (R-IL-Senate) joined with 51 other US Senators to vote 53 to 46 in opposition to the U N Small Arms Treaty; the 46 Senators who voted for the UN Small Arms Treaty are listed below, and those standing for re-election in the 2014 mid-term election, in that group of 46, should opposed for their failure to support the 2ndAmendment to the US Constitution. 

 In the 2014 mid-term election, the same type of rampant voter fraud that was perpetrated on America citizens in the 2008 and 2012 national election and coordinated by the Obama Campaign will be perpetrated once again by the same forces to take control of the House of Representatives.  The far left network of radicals organizations that will be…

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  The attachment is self-explanatory.  We encourage you to contact your Congressional representatives and strongly encourage them to take action to create a House Select Committee to investigate the well-coordinated and well planned attack by 150+ Al Q'ieda Terrorist on the American Embassy Annex in Benghazi in which the US Ambassador to Libya was present. 

 We strongly encourage you to pass on the attachment to those in your address book who support our efforts to seek the truth of why two Navy SEALS were abandoned for 8 hours, when rescue forces were within 2 hours away, the flagrant intentional abandonment of American personnel led to the death of 4 Americans, including the Ambassador, 2 Navy SEALS, and an Embassy employ at the hands of Al Q'ieda terrorists.
Subject: The Benghazi attacks on 9/11/ 2012 

The undersigned are a representative group of some … Read More

 The information on this golf course should be given wide distribution. Jack Nicklaus deserves special recognition and thanks for his selfless support.


         A Golf Course Like No Other


In the below listed article, the Obama Justice Department reported that new gun laws, will not slow down gun crimes. 

According to the Obama Administration and their allies in Congress, it is neither intelligent nor proper to judge all Muslims because of the acts of a few deranged terrorists. 

Yet the Obama Administration and their allies in Congress, because of the acts of a few deranged gunmen, are judging all law abiding American gun owners, and because of the acts od deranged gunmen, they are introducing legislation to do background checks on Americans in violation of provisions of the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution. 


Obama issued 23 Executive Orders to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to create a “Federal Background Check System”—Translation: Federal Gun Registration of all LEGAL gun owners. The emphasis is on the word “…

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 Susan Rice, the Obama Administrations US Ambassador to the UN, who in 5 TV interviews, boldly and repeatedly misrepresented known facts about 150+, Al Q’ieda terrorists who staged a well-planned and coordinated attack in Benghazi, where 2 Navy SEALS, the Ambassador to Libya, and another US Embassy employee were killed over an 8 hour period while they were left to twist in the wind with no support, is voting yes on the flawed Small Arms Treaty at the UN.   Despite the fact that opponents of the flawed UN Small Arms Treaty gathered the signature of 51 US Senators on a letter to Obama stating that the UN Small Arms Treaty is defective and “had more holes than a leaky bucket”, Obama still abandoned the principles his predecessors stood on, and did an about face on his previous promise to wait for a consensus before the US voted on the treaty; he had Susan Rice rush to ramrod this flawed…

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 Six important facts about the Second Amendment of the US Constitution are presented in the educational video you can view by clicking on the below listed link.


The Obama Justice Department reported that the new proposed gun laws will not slow down gun crimes at all (that is because criminals and dangerously deranged individuals who committed all the mass murders with guns will not register their guns).  One action that should be taken by Congress, is to pass legislation that requires therapists and hospitals provide the mental health records of dangerous “deranged” individuals to a federal law enforcement data base controlled by the FBI, to ensure that dangerously deranged individuals will never be issued a…

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 A number of public comments by flag officers seem to have had a politically correct component to them.  Recently comments by General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, raised questions, i.e.  the US military didn’t have enough time to rescue 2 Navy SEALS who were under attack for over 8 hours by 150+ Al Q’ieda terrorists in Benghazi (Special Ops personnel know support was available) , then Gen Dempsey authorized the issue of a new drone operators medal that would have a higher precedent than the Bronze Star and Purple Heart Medals, and he also approved imbedding women in front line tip of the spear combat infantry units that will negatively affect unit cohesion/moral, his comments were followed by  Adm Samuel Locklear, Commander-in-Chief Pacific Command (CINCPAC) statement in the below listed article, that “Climate Change is the Biggest Threat in the Pacific”. …

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 In the below listed Press Release, an elected Combat Veteran For Congress, Congressman Jeff J. Denham, SSgt-USAF (R-CA-10) introduced two pieces of legislation to eliminate bureaucratic hurdles impeding Veterans’ access to health care and is advocating extending military commissary and exchange privileges to Wounded Combat Veterans and Disabled American Veterans and their families.  At a time when the Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, In a legal decision, found the Department of Veterans Affairs in violation of federal law for failing to provide mental health referrals for Combat Veterans suffering from PTSD in a timely manner, in some cases, the back log extends for over 3 years, and an average of 18…

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  By clicking on the below listed link, you can listen to Dr. Milton Friedman discusses the Free Enterprise System with a representative of the left of center liberal media establishment.  In 2 minutes, Professor Milton Friedman compares the success of capitalism with the failure Socialist government bureaucracies throughout history. That includes the Communist Russian Soviets Federative Socialist Republic of Stalin, the Nazi National Socialist German Workers Party of Hitler, the Peoples Republic of China’s Socialist Party of Mao, the Republic of Cuba’s Socialist Communist Party of Castro, and the Communist Socialist parties of the former Eastern Soviet bloc nations. 


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 Another Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong James Bridenstine, Lcdr-USNR (R-OK-1), in defense of the US Constitution, is proposing a method to oppose the flawed Obama Health Care Law with its new hidden taxes (20 new taxes---Remember when we heard “We’ll see what is in it after we pass it.”—Pelosi).  The flawed Obama Health Care Law alone will increase new taxes for all Americans to over $1 trillion dollars over the next 10 years.  There are also new built in penalties in the flawed Obama Health Care Law that will be assessed by the IRS for various reasons, the law also allows the IRS to have access to the private banking accounts of all Americans so it can deduct penalties without the approval of taxpayers, and there is a new oppressive IRS reporting requirement for…

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 Obama never operated a business of any kind, nor did he have to meet a payroll every 2 weeks like all small businessmen have to do.  Obama doesn’t know the first thing about starting a business, how to financially control a business, and he is not qualified to evaluate the potential for success of a new business entity like a  Venture Capitalist of Commercial Banker do on a daily basis.  Yet we are faced with the fact, in the below listed article,  that Obama wasted $1.063 billion of tax payers’ money by authorizing the formation of 19 Green companies that were not properly evaluated before they were given taxpayer money to burn.  The net result is that 19 Green companies, many of whom were incorporated by donors to Obama’s Presidential campaign, have already filed for bankruptcy; there will be more bankruptcies of Green companies in the future, because another 14 Green companies…

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 Lesson plans for Texas classrooms, created in a program entitled CSCOPE, now teach young students that the Boston Tea Party staged by American Patriots who dumped heavily taxed tea from England into the Boston Harbor, because of taxation without representation, was an act of terrorism.  The lesson plan is equating the Patriots who were involved in the Boston Tea Party with the terrorists who attacked the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on 9-11.  Not only were the students taught that the Founding Fathers were terrorists, they were told law officials found drugs in Paul Revere’s home, and they were also instructed to draw flags of using symbols from Communist and Socialist countries. 

 Previously the Teachers Union participated in removing important dates in US History from school books, next they approved the removal of information about the Founding Fathers that used to be…

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