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Russia Delivers Another Warning to US, That Al Q' ieda Jihadists Are Being Armed by Obama Administration in Syria

  • Russia Delivers Another Warning to US, That Al Q' ieda Jihadists Are Being Armed by Obama Administration in Syria

 Since early 2012, the CIA has been aiding Arab governments and Turkey in obtaining and shipping weapons to the Syrian rebels; using the US Consulate and CIA Annex in Benghazi.  The New York Times report claims most of the weapons shipments facilitated by the CIA began after the 2012 presidential election.  This is the second time the Obama Administration has shipped guns; the first time they do so, they did so to drug cartels in Mexico in the Fast and Furious Operation which began on October 31, 2009, and one of those guns was used to kill a US Border Patrolman, the other guns were used to murder thousands of Mexican citizens (Fast and Furious has been an ongoing cover-up by Eric Holder and Obama Administration officials for 3 and a half years).  

Middle Eastern Security officials have said U.S.-aided weapons shipments go back more than a year, escalating before the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. Consulate and CIA Annex in Benghazi.  In fact, the Middle Eastern Security officials describe the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi and nearby CIA Annex attacked last September 11, 2012 as intelligence and planning centers for U.S. for aid to the rebels in the Middle East, particularly those fighting Syria’s Assad Regime; many of those weapons have been given to the Moslem Brotherhood and Al Q’ieda affiliates by inept and incompetent Obama Administration officials. The aid, the sources stated, included shoulder fired weapons shipments and was being coordinated thru Turkish ports.

The second cover-up that has been underway for 8 months is the cover-up on the details of what military assets could have been brought to bear to defeat the attack on the US Consulate and the CIA Annex in Benghazi where Ambassador Chris Stevens, two Navy SEALs (Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty), and an Embassy Communications specialist were murdered by over 150+ Al Q’ieda terrorists in a premeditated and well-coordinated commando style attack with heavy weapons and mortars.  The message put out by Obama Administration officials, including a speech by Obama at the UN, 2 weeks after he knew it was a terrorist attack, was that it was a demonstration by civilians against a YouTube video that no one in Libya, to this day, has ever seen that prompted the attack on the consulate.  The cover up was perpetrated, in order to protect the Gross Dereliction of Duty by Hillary Clinton, and Obama when they did nothing to protect the lives of US personnel in Benghazi leading up to and on the anniversary of  9/11, when they had many weeks of repeated warnings and request for more security from State Department personnel in “Harm’s Way” on the ground in Benghazi, who warned of an imminent attack on the Consulate after the previous attack that blew a hole in the wall of the consulate.  On the day before September 11, 2012, in a worldwide broadcast, Amin Al Zawahri, the head of Al Q’ieda, was calling for Libyans to rise up and attack the Americans in Benghazi. . Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey received all those warnings from the US Missions in Benghazi, and since 9/11 is always an anniversary when terrorist normally strike US targets, they should have “been prepared” to protect American lives in the Consulate and CIA Annex in Benghazi with prepositioned assets ready to roll, prior to September 11, 2012.  

Russia delivers another warning to U.S., Al-Qaida Jihadists purportedly being armed by Obama Administration

Posted on May 1, 2013 at 2:21 PM EST

Description: Description: image

By Aaron Klein

Russia delivered to the Obama administration a list of the names of Syrian rebels who are members of al-Qaida groups and who are receiving arms shipments coordinated by the U.S., according to informed Middle Eastern security officials.

The list, the officials added, demonstrates how the U.S. is failing in its due diligence of vetting the rebels being supported by the West for ties to al-Qaida and other jihad groups.

The information comes amid scores of news media reports that the Obama administration is aiding the rebels, including by coordinating Arab arms shipments.

The arming of Syrian rebels is considered highly controversial. A major issue is the inclusion of jihadists, including al-Qaida, among the ranks of the Free Syrian Army and other Syrian opposition groups.

Just last week, KleinOnline broke the story that the U.S. in recent weeks aided in the transfer of shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles, or man-portable air-defense systems, to the Syrian rebels, according to informed Middle Eastern security officials.

The Middle Eastern security officials speaking to KleinOnline said the latest U.S.-facilitated weapons transfers signify the most advanced deliveries yet to the Syrian rebels.

Confirming KleinOnline’s exclusive reporting for over a year, the New York Times last month reported that since early 2012, the CIA has been aiding Arab governments and Turkey in obtaining and shipping weapons to the Syrian rebels.

While the Times report claims most of the weapons shipments facilitated by the CIA began after the latest presidential election, Middle Eastern security officials speaking to KleinOnline have said U.S.-aided weapons shipments go back more than a year, escalating before the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. facilities in Benghazi.

In fact, the Middle Eastern security officials speaking to KleinOnline since last year describe the U.S. mission in Benghazi and nearby CIA annex attacked last September as an intelligence and planning center for U.S. aid to the rebels in the Middle East, particularly those fighting Syrian Assad’s regime.

The aid, the sources stated, included weapons shipments and was being coordinated with Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Earlier this month, Reuters further reported Obama allegedly signed a secret order in 2012 authorizing U.S. agencies such as the CIA to provide support to rebel forces in Syria.

The support includes helping to run a secret military communications command center in Turkey to aid rebel groups. The Reuters article also said U.S. citizens are training rebels and possibly giving them equipment, at least since the summer.