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New Immigration Act (4)

  • New Immigration Act (4)

 In the last 3 days I have discussed the new immigration Act (S. 774) and what allowing the 18+ million illegal immigrants in residence in the US to apply for US Citizenship will do to the fabric of the Republic.  The new citizens will bring in an average of 4+  low income relatives over the next 13 years, driving the US population up to about 100 million illegal immigrants in this country—please watch the below listed video by clicking on the link to get a visual of just how unsustainable it is.

The members of US Senate have no way of paying for the new $6 trillion bill the Heritage Foundation tells us it will cost to assimilate those 100 million illegal immigrants; the Senators tell us it will cost $22.5 billion which is grossly and intentionally misleading.   It is irresponsible to saddle our grandchildren with this type of debt that they will never be able to recover from or pay off. The new Immigration Act “must be modified”, starting with some of our suggestions in the previous 3 articles; they are posted on the Home page of our Web site for your review.  Please pass this on.