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Op-Ed Articles

 Thousands of Patriotic Veterans, from all over the country, made A historic descent on Washington DC arriving at 8:00 AM on Sunday, October 13, 2013 to demonstrate their opposition to the Obama administration’s cruel attempt to deny American Veterans access to open air war memorials and for playing politics with Veterans and deceased Combat Veterans!!   Through the below listed link you can view revealing photos that the left of center liberal media establishment will cover up to prevent the American people from knowing how deep the opposition is to the Obama administration’s treatment of Veterans, combat personnel “Killed In Action”, and the families of fallen heroes who had financial support intentionally stripped from them.  In the below listed photos, you will be able to see a Veteran without legs taking down the illegally placed barricades erected by the Obama administration at the open air WWII Memorial, and see Veterans lawfully assembled to express their opposition to the anti-military policies of the Obama administration. 

Governor Sarah Palin, Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Mike Lee, Capt Larry Bailey, USN (Ret) (SEAL) of Special Operations Speaks, Congressman Kerry Bentivolio, SFC/MI-ANG, (R-MI-11) an endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, Gathering of Eagles, Move America Forward, Tea Party Groups, Veterans in wheelchairs, and thousands of Veterans were at the stunningly successful rally at the open air WWII Memorial; some Veterans went on to remove…

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 We strongly support the Million Veteran Memorial March supported by Special Operations Speaks; we encourage each of you who receive this E-mail to pass it on to those in your address book who would help generate a large turnout in Washington, DC on Sunday, October 13, 2013 at 9:00 AM.  The Obama administration has restricted American Veterans from visiting War Memorials for the first time in 238 years; it is unconscionable. Those same War Memorials had previously been open 24 hours a day with no requirement for admittance.  A Park Ranger, who was assigned along with extra manpower to erect barricades to keep American Veterans and US citizens out of national parks and from visiting War Memorial sites, told the press that they had been instructed to “make things as difficult as possible on the American people”. 

The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution ratified on July 9, 1868 prevents enforcement of any law which shall abridge the privileges of citizens of the United States, and deny any US citizen equal protection under federal law.  In the entire 20+ government shutdown over the past 50 years, no US President has ever resurrected barriers on public walkways or on public roads to restrict access to War Memorials for American Veterans and US citizens.  Preventing US citizens from walking in open areas to view War Memorials is abridging their rights under the 14th Amendment, and by Obama giving 1203 different unions & businesses listed in the link …

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 By clicking on the below listed link, you will be made familiar with the “Soldier’s Pledge” referred to in the recording!  In the face of the current assault by the Obama administration on the US Constitution----specifically in its violation of the 1st Amendment’s Freedom of Religion for members of the US Armed Forces by Obama’s civilian appointees at DOD, its violation of the 2nd Amendment’s Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms by Obama instructing Kerry to sign the UN Small Arms Treaty that was rejected by the US Senate, and its violation of the 4th Amendment’s Unreasonable Search and Seizure by the actions of Obama’s appointees at the IRS and NSA.   In the recording, you will be able listen to what a true patriotic US President believed in.  President Reagan supported the Free Enterprise System, the economy was booming with 10 million new jobs, his firmness & resolve were feared by Russia & America’s enemies throughout the world who gave deference to “Don’t Tread on Me”, when all American citizens were secure because they knew their President would guaranteed the freedom of the individual, and that he would firmly protect and defend the US Constitution.  The endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress listed on the Endorsement page of this Web site will continue to work in Congress to protect the freedoms our Founding Fathers accorded all Americans in the Bill of Rights, and that President Reagan ensured we all enjoyed when he was our Commander-in-Chief. …

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      The below listed article discusses the makeup of the rebels forces fighting Assad in Syria; many of the rebels were armed with weapons from Libya.   For over a year, the Obama administration was collecting the flood of arms in Libya taken from Gadhafi’s arsenals, the administration perpetrated another gun running operation to supply the rebels in Syria with the Libyan arms; the Libyan arms were first sent thru Qatar to Syria, then they were sent thru Turkey to Syria and delivered by a third party to the rebels.  There are 1000 different rebel groups in Syria, arming those rebels thru a third party, that the US has no controls over, proved to be a very dangerous and uncertain proposition, but the Obama administration did so anyway, just as they armed the Mexican drug cartels in the Fast and Furious Operation.  Because the Free Syrian Army continues to ask for the arms that the US promised to provide them with over a year ago, we know the arms delivered to Syria in the US Gun Running Operation, fell into the hands of the 10,000+ well organized Al Q’ieda terrorists or possibly the three factions which includes 30,000 radical jihadists linked to Al Q’ieda-----the Islamic State in Iraq, the Levant (ISIL), and the Muslim Brotherhood.  Jabhat Al-Nusra, a radical Jihadist group, has taken over the leadership of the rebels in the eastern regions of Syria from the leaders of the Free Syrian Army; they are operating under  the black flag of Al Q’ieda.   There are multiple…

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 The below listed video depicts one of the ways the NAVY football team is motivated; MIDSHIPMEN ARE TOLD. “NEVER LET ANYTHING HOLD YOU BACK!”



The video is another of the motivational messages delivered to the Navy Football Team, it was shown on the Friday night before the big ten football game against Indiana.  

Results of Saturday’s Football Game: Navy 51   Delaware 7



 Despite the ongoing cover up by the Obama administration, the below listed article summarizes what we have been able to dig up after one long year of painstaking research, about the attack on the US Mission and the CIA Annex in Benghazi, Libya on the 11th Anniversary of 9/11.  That event is now referred to as the “Battle of Benghazi.”  I presented the below listed information in a speech to a large gathering of real American Patriots at the Bahia Hotel in San Diego on September 9, 2013.  I have been asked to speak about the “Battle of Benghazi”again before a much larger gathering of American Patriots in Redlands, CA where there will be 400 American Flags brought by some of the participants on the 12th Anniversary of 9/11.  It will also be the one year anniversary of the “Battle of Benghazi,” that event should be properly termed as  another “Day that will live in Infamy.”


It has been one year since “The Battle of Benghazi,” the attack on the US Mission and CIA Annex by 125 to 150 Al Q’ieda terrorists in Benghazi, Libya.  The families of those killed, the families of the 13 personnel injured in the attack, the men and women throughout the US Armed Forces, the members of the US Congress, and the American people would like to know why a military rescue mission was never deployed to save the lives of the 4 Americans who were killed in Benghazi---why all the Americans “In Harm’s Way” were abandoned buy Obama. After one year, the US…

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For over 3 years Saudi Arabia’s ongoing efforts have been to support and train the Free Syrian Army; their goal has been to topple Assad’s brutal regime that has killed over 100,000 Syrians, created 2 million Syrian refugees, and used chemical weapons to kill unarmed civilians multiple times.  If the Free Syrian Army created by Saudi Arabia is unable to succeed, Iran will be strengthened in its strategic control of the “crescent”, that area that encircles Saudi Arabia with its militant proxies in the countries of Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Iran and Afghanistan (Iran already has the military advantage on the ground in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq).  Prince Bandar’s strategy would only be successful, if Obama ceases being indecisive, and finally demonstrates that he will take a strategic, sustained, and long term approach to defeating the Assad regime and only under the following conditions  (1) if a very strong and sustained coalition strikes Syria to take out Syria’s aircraft, air defense network, the command & control system, it’s airfields, and all ammunitions storage facilities  (2) if Obama remains committed to support the operation of the Free Syrian Army for as long as it takes---and it would take years not weeks, (2) only if Obama ceases to continue his unilateral downgrading of the strength of the US Armed Forces which he has been doing for 4 years, and instead strengthens it, (3) only if the US obtains more than a token commitment from a coalition of French,…

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 After Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood came to power and took control of Parliament, they didn’t practice the democratic form of government they were elected to conduct in Egypt; they were co-opting the laws of the nation and were slowly destroying all possible opposition.  During their rule basic necessities became scarce, electricity became sporadic, long lines of autos at gas stations were common, poor Egyptians were being hurt by the decline in value of the Egyptian Pound, food became scarce, Morsi polarized the once-united people & incited violence against Christians, and unemployment was rampant.  Finally 30 million Egyptians took to the streets to demonstrate that they had had enough (when Obama demanded Mubarak be replaced by Morsi only 1 million Muslim Brotherhood supporters were demonstrating in the streets).  The Egyptian military had were having difficulty keeping order with 30 million Egyptians demonstrating in the streets; they finally had enough, overthrew Morsi, and installed a civilian caretaker government until elections could be held.  

Muslim Brotherhood supporters erected two massive protest camps to put pressure on the Egyptian military to try to bring Morsi back to power, large amounts of ammunition and heavy weapons were brought into those protest camps, demonstrators brought traffic and daily activity to a complete standstill with sit-ins; the sit-ins were far from peaceful (Amnesty International found evidence that many…

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The below listed critical important information was submitted by Admiral James A. Lyons, Jr., USNA 52, USN (Ret), formerly Commander-in-Chief, US Pacific Fleet and Senior Military Representative at the United Nations; his dire warning should be paid attention to by members of Congress who care about the National Security. It is imperative that all Americans oppose the gang of eight flawed Immigration Bill; that bill must be defeated at all cost. Ever US Senator or US Congressman who supports this Obama administration bill is contributing toward opening the US border at 106 land sites to every Al Qieda terrorist, Hezbollah terrorist, drug cartel member, and Norco terrorist permitting them to enter the US unopposed and allowing them not to be fingerprinted. Provisions of the bill would permit them to reside in the US for 3 years and apply for amnesty in accordance with provisions of the flawed bill; if they feel threatened by law enforcement they could file a formal complaint, thereby preventing interior enforcement by ICE, the FBI, state law enforcement, County Sheriff law enforcement, and local law enforcement. The terrorists or drug cartel member would be able to go about their business undermining law enforcement in the United States, expanding the importation of drugs, supporting White slavery, while the terrorists would be able to plan and execute attacks against key installations in the United States, adversely affecting the national security of the United States.… Read More

The occupant of the Oval Office repeatedly said when he was running for re-election “Osama bin Laden is dead and Al Q’ieda is on the run.”   Al Q’ieda was not on the run then, and is not on the run now; in fact the Al Q’ieda terrorist organization is much stronger than it was when Obama was inaugurated in 2008.  The Republic is in a less secure position from an Al Q’ieda terrorist attack than it has been in for over 12 years.   Gregory D. Johnson, a Princeton Scholar and author of “The Last Refuge,” a book on Al Q’ieda said the numbers of Al Q’ieda terrorists have increased.  The numbers of Al Q’ieda’s terrorists are increasing in Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, and Afghanistan.  The reason Al Q’ieda is much stronger today than it was in 2008, is because there has been no national comprehensive policy being executed to defeat and dismantle Al Q’ieda overseas (Tactical drone strikes to kill Al Q’ieda leaders is not a strategic and comprehensive approach to defeating Al Q’ieda: the leaders who are taken out are simply replaced by the next leader in line).

 After 9/11, the Bush Administration initiated an aggressive policy to attack Al Q’ieda in their Afghanistan safe haven, elsewhere in the Middle East, and in the world; that aggressive policy drove Al Q’ieda and their Taliban supporters out of Afghanistan.   That US policy was coupled with a close working relationship with friendly Muslims leaders and their intelligence services in 19 Middle East…

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 Another Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong Michael Coffman, Maj-USMC (Ret), (R-CO-6), is helping Veterans, in this case, Veterans Owned businesses by simplifying the evaluation system.  Please read the below listed article about another bill authored by another Combat Veteran For Congress, in this case by Congressman Coffman, to help Veterans.  We ask you to please support the re-election of Cong Coffman, all the currently elected Combat Veterans For Congress listed following the article below, and the election of a new slate of Combat Veterans For Congress who we will be endorsed over the next 16 months to run for election in the 2014 mid-term election.

Cong Coffman’s Bill would strip VA of vet-owned business verification

A new bill unveiled in Congress would strip the Veterans Affairs Department of responsibility for verifying veteran-owned small businesses, a change in federal contracting procedures aimed at simplifying the process and saving money, according to the bill’s chief sponsor.

Verification of veteran-owned and disabled veteran-owned small businesses is now a shared duty, with VA responsible for clearing companies that want to have VA contracts and the Small Business Administration responsible for all other agencies.

This can lead to confusion, as the definitions and processes used by the two agencies differ to the point that a company might qualify under one set of rules but not the other, according to congressional aides.…

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 Many of the 26 million Veterans in the nation were notified, that on Saturday, the Republic lost a unique American Patriot and loyal supporter of the US military establishment, Col Bud Day, USAF (Ret) (Vietnam POW) (Medal of Honor) (Air Force Cross) (Air Force Distinguished Service Medal) (Silver Star Medal)(Legion of Merit) (Distinguished Flying Cross) (4 Bronze Star Medals with Combat “V”) (Defense Meritorious Medal) (4 Purple Heart Medals) (10 Air Medals) (Prisoner of War Medal) (44 other medals were awarded for dedicated combat service in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam).  Col Day was a very early financial supporter of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC; he called from time to time to provide us with his leadership skills, and valued advice.  He is the only American who ever made a donation to “every” endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, regardless of the state they were running in, and regardless of whether or not they had a chances of winning their Senate or Congressional races.

When Col Day’s wife, family, fellow POWs, former comrades in arms, and close friends are experiencing such a loss, there is very little anyone can say to relieve their sorrow; he will be remembered by them with abiding affection and love.  Col Day’s passing as the poets tell us ---diminishes mankind.  A verse from Shakespeare is appropriate to describe Col Day’s passing; “Good night sweet prince, flights of Angels sing three to thy rest.”  Now those Angels have the pleasure of…

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 The parents, wives, children, brothers, sisters, extended relatives, Team Mates, and the majority of caring Americans do not consider the abandonment of 4 brave Americans in Benghazi, that facilitated  their murder by Al Q’ieda terrorists a “Phony Scandal.”  The American people want to know what the occupant of the Oval Office was doing for the 8 hours, while over 125 to 150 well-equipped and disciplined Al Q’ieda terrorists were prosecuting a well-coordinated and rehearsed attack against the Special Mission Compound and the CIA Annex in Benghazi on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11.  The American people and the press were certainly informed in detail, with plenty of photos, what Obama and Hillary were doing for 8 hours when SEAL Team SIX took out Osama Bin Laden---then we watched in horror while the occupant of the Oval Office exposed Top Secret operational information to the world, outed SEAL Team SIX, and alerted terrorists worldwide to vacate their premises.   On the 11th anniversary of 9/11, all US Forces should have been on a High State of Alert worldwide, as they had been in 10 previous years, especially in Libya where terrorists had previously attacked the US Special Mission and blown a hole in the outer perimeter wall. The entire US Intelligence establishment had been alerted in advance that an Al Q’ieda attack in Libya was imminent, because the new Al Q’ieda leader …

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  Obama is targeting another endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress who he believes is vulnerable, Cong Chris Gibson. Col-USA (Ret) (R-NY-19); Obama’s intent is to take 17 seats away from the Republican led House of Representatives.  Last year, Obama mobilized leftists’ organizations, flooded the district with thousands of union volunteers, employed the left of center media establishment, and got wealthy liberal donors like Soros to donate over $4 millions in donations to defeat Congressman Allen West, LTC –USA (Ret) (R-FL-18), an endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress.  Obama’s supporters employed ACORN tactics; they got more people to vote in the 18th Congressional District than were registered to vote, so voter fraud was employed to defeat Congressman West at the polls.  Those same tactics that worked so well against Cong West will be employed by Obama against Congressman Gibson and other Republican Congressmen in the 2014 election.

Chris Gibson grew up in Kinderhook, New York who was a point guard and Co-Captain of Ichabod Crane High School basketball team; he graduated from Ichabod Crane High School in June 1982.  Chris went on to Siena College in Loudonville, New York and in June 1986 he graduate, magna cum laude, completed ROTC training, and was Commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the US Army and was subsequently promoted to the rank of Colonel.   Col Gibson matriculated at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York; in June 1995 he earned an MPA and MA in Government…

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 While the below listed attack was underway and Obama and Hillary were kept informed, what were they doing for the next 10 hours until 2 SEALs were killed.  Now 10 months later, the American people, the Congress, and personnel in the US Armed Forces have no idea.  No one in the left of center liberal media establishment has even tried to find out?

August 2013

40 Minutes In Benghazi

When U.S. ambassador J. Christopher Stevens was killed in a flash of hatred in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012, the political finger-pointing began. But few knew exactly what had happened that night. With the ticktock narrative of the desperate fight to save Stevens, Fred Burton and Samuel M. Katz provide answers.

By Fred Burton  and Samuel M. Katz

THE INFERNO The U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, Libya, in flames, on September 11, 2012.…

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 JULY 4, 1776 – JULY 4, 2013  


On this day in 1776 the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence.  Each year on the Fourth of July, we are reminded of the sacrifices made by military personnel in defense of this nation. Since 1775, one year before adoption of the Declaration of Independence, the US Marine Corps had been defending our freedoms; we acknowledge so with the attachment. On this Fourth of July, America’s 237th birthday, we hold dear those unalienable rights-----life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, the right to bear arms, and religious freedom extended to every American citizen by the framers of the Declaration of Independence. 


Fifty-six Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence. In the below published article you can read the quotes of 8 of our Founding Fathers with regard to the principles and freedoms they outlined in the Declaration of Independence, the limitation they placed on government (Many of those rights are being violated by the Obama Administration today), the rights they gave Americans to acquire property and wealth, their opposition to unequal & arbitrary taxes, their intent to move individuals in poverty away from government dependency, and the rights they…

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 One of the 20 elected Combat Veterans For Congress attacks Obama continuing attempt to move the Republic from the “Liberty” our Founding Fathers gave  American citizens with the US Constitution and Obama’s 45 appointed Czars who are bypassing Congress to move the Republic toward “ Tyranny,” by issuing thousands of regulations that violate the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, that attack our freedom of religion including the cancelation of the National Day of Prayer, have been destroying the Combat Effectiveness of the US Armed Forces, are perpetrating voter fraud, continue to fail to support the voting rights for Combat Forces in the field, have been employing the IRS to restrict the voting rights of US citizens, proposed a new Immigration Bill that wipes out the criminal records of 400,000 Illegal aliens with felony warrants issued for serious criminal offenses so they can be processed as US citizens, have used Executive Orders to bypass Congress in their goal to restrict the 2nd  Amendment rights of citizens, that perpetrate supporting the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt, Libya, and Syria with money & arms for them & their Al Q’ieda affiliates, that Obama’s out of control & irresponsible spending is driving the national debt from $9 trillion to $17 trillion & ultimately to $24 trillion,  filed a law suit against Arizona in support of Mexico for trying to prevent illegal immigrates from crossing the border & operate freely in its state, that has…

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AARON KLEIN About | Email Archive
Aaron Klein is WND's senior staff reporter and Jerusalem bureau chief. He also hosts "Aaron Klein Investigative Radio" on New York's WABC Radio.

JERUSALEM – In a bombshell admission that has until now gone unreported, Martin Dempsey, chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, conceded that highly trained Special Forces were stationed just a few hours away from Benghazi on the night of the attacks but were not told to deploy to Libya.

In comments that may warrant further investigation, Dempsey stated at a Senate hearing Wednesday that on the night of the Sept. 11, 2012, attack, command of the Special Forces – known as C-110, or the EUCOM CIF – was transferred from the military’s European command to AFRICOM, or the United States Africa Command.

Dempsey did not state any reason for the strange transfer of command nor could he provide a timeline for the…

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 Responsible legislation is required to correct the broken Immigration system and deal with the presence of over 18+ million Illegal Immigrants residing in the United States, but the legislation should be enacted step by step, in a predictable easy to understand manner.  The $38 billion comprehensive 1200 page Senate Amnesty Bill being proposed is not an immigration reform measure at all, it is an “Amnesty First” bill, providing for amnesty in the form of legal status as Registered Provisional Immigrants (RPIs), and national security of the Republic is being seriously shredded.  No one has even read it and the irresponsible Senators are ready to pass it tomorrow; where have we heard this before----“It must be passed to see what is in it?”  This defective Amnesty Bill being proposed, “does not close the border at all”, is being proposed by the gang of 8, led by Senator Chuck Schumer, and it openly demonstrates the lack of concern the US Senators, who are voting for it, have for the National Security of the Republic.  The proposed bill actually WEAKENS the existing borders and the interior security of the Republic.  It will end arrests and deportation necessary to enforce statutes relevant to Illegal immigration; it will destroy the 238 year old Republic we know.  The 1200 page bill, that no one has read or even understands, is being rammed down the throats of American Citizens, and Senator Reid said it must be passed on tomorrow with only 10 of the 500 + amendments being…

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 Once each year, we make an annual request for support, in order to continue our effort to recruit, complete a background investigation on, endorse, campaign for, and help elect Combat Veterans For Congress. We are unlike any other PAC, in that we have no paid employees; members of the Board of Directors receive no compensation, and I provide financial support for operations each year.   All funds donated are used to cover expenses and make donations to candidates.  Our Washington, DC law firm has protected us from unauthorized FEC fines, included us in a case before the Supreme Court to protect our 1stAmendment Rights, and assisted us for 2 years in our application with the IRS for tax-exempt status for the CVTG.  Other annual expenditures include retention of our Washington law firm, the cost of an FEC Consultant to make the required Quarterly FEC Reports, expenses associated with Web site hosting/maintenance/changes, the cost of a bookkeeper to maintain accurate banking & accounting records (our financial expenditures are posted for the public to view on the FEC Web site), printing costs, postage, supplies, and donations to candidates. 

Over the past four years, our efforts have been successful in substantially aiding the election of the Combat Veterans For Congress listed in the attachment.  The most important election in 238 years will be held in 2014; with your help as our partner, we will endorse a new slate of 40+ Combat Veterans For Congress to…

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 A few years can make a great deal of difference in the type of competent and honest leadership that the occupant of the Oval Office displays to the world.  If you click on the below listed link, you will be able to view and listen to one of the Republic’s great Presidents.  President Reagan’s belief system mirrors those of President George Washington; imagine President Reagan on his knees in prayer and General Washington on his knees in prayer at Valley Forge.   The video is wholly appropriate for this Sunday morning. This is a rather short video that all Americans should watch, appreciate, and fully understand the meaning of.  All those in the bloated out of control government bureaucracy should be forced to watch it several times, or until they get it!  If you don’t normally forward information via E-mail, please consider making this an exception and pass it along to those in your address book who believe in religious liberty. 


 This is the 4th in a series of articles in defense of the US Constitution.  The previous three articles can be viewed on the Home page of our Web site.  The below listed link is a video of President Ronald Reagan commenting on why the US Constitution is unique.  Please share it with those in your address book who will support our efforts and the efforts of the below listed Combat Veterans For Congress to protect and defend the US Constitution.


 On Flag Day, Americans should be informed about the dedication of the Flagman; you can view the effort of the Flagman in support for our nation’s Fallen Heroes:


If the opportunity presents itself, thank a Fallen Hero’s family member for making the “Last Full Measure Of Devotion” in support of the Republic.


 This is the third article in a series of articles written to protect and defend the US Constitution; each article is posted on the Home page of our Web site.  The 4th Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees all American citizens from “unreasonable search and seizures”; federal law requires that a specific warrant must be issued by a court to obtain specific information from a US citizen, provided there is a valid legal reason to issue the warrant.  One of the reasons members of the Continental Congress executed the Declaration of Independence was because of the unreasonable search and seizures by the British Redcoats who invaded the homes of colonists, violating their privacy to search for weapons, food, beverages, or other items they confiscated from colonists.  The Invasion of privacy by a government bureaucracy today is much more oppressive than it was by the British Redcoats before the Revolutionary War (I.e. the IRS scandal, the warrant issued against James Rosen under the Privacy Protection Act, and the current collection of billions of E-mails by the NSA every day).  The collection of phone call records, and the E-mail transmissions of law abiding citizens would have been acceptable by most Americans, if their privacy rights and their right to assemble/vote had not been systematically suppressed by the Obama Administration from February 2010 thru today, a period of over 3 years.   The Constitutional rights of religious organizations, conservative organizations…

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  This is the second article in a series in support of the US Constitution.  We want to share some of the quotes by a great American, Thomas Jefferson, in the attachment.  Thomas Jefferson was one of the Founding Fathers, was a member of the Continental Congress, was a proponent of the Revolution, wrote the Declaration of Independence, was serving in France as the Minister to France when the US Constitution was being drafted in the colonies, served as the Revolution wartime Governor of Virginia, was the first Secretary of State under President George Washington, served as the Vice President of the United Stated under President John Adams, served as the 3rdPresident of the United States (1801-1809), purchased the Louisiana Territory, sent the Lewis and Clark Expedition to explore the west (1804-1806), signed into law a bill in 1807 that banned the importation of slaves into the United States, was the architect of his pristine Monticello home near Charlottesville, Virginia, founded the University of Virginia, was a lawyer, planter, architect, naturalist, meteorologist, paleontologist, botanist, musician (violinist), Native American collector, and wrote 16,000 letters in his lifetime. 

Many members of Congress have forgotten the charge that President Thomas Jefferson passed on to future generations in his attempt to guarantee the freedoms we were given by the Founding Fathers in US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  The below listed 20 endorsed Combat Veterans For…

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 This is the first in a series of articles in support of the US Constitution. The attached speech was given at the Le Parker Meridian Hotel in New York City on May 16, 2013 by, Congressman Barry M. Goldwater, Jr. (Ret), a member of the Board of Directors of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC. Cong Goldwater discusses the freedoms our Founding Fathers guaranteed to all Americans in the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution, and how the actions of a bloated Federal Government bureaucracy have been slowly and consistently striping those freedoms away from the American people. He discusses the inalienable rights outlined in the US Constitution that have sustained the citizens of the Republic for 238 years, and how they have been under assault by the Obama administration for the past 4 years. We trust the American people will join Congressman Goldwater, the 20 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress listed below, and all Patriotic American citizens in their efforts to protect and defend the US Constitution.

AIG Financial Distributors Partners Symposium
New York City
May 15, 2013

Today I could talk about State based Regulation of insurance, The Federal Insurance Office, McCarran-Ferguson Act, Catastrophic Insurance, TRIA (Terrorism Issues), Federal Insurance Agent Licensing, or International Regulation. All are important all of which I would hardly know where to begin.

When a politician says “I hardly know where to begin I…

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 Comments made by one of the elected Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong James Bridenstine, Lcdr-USNR' (R-OK-1) on the floor of the US House of Representatives. 


The multiple scandals continue to proliferate, and the cover-ups by the left of center liberal media establishment continue unabated. 



 US Ambassador Christopher Steven’s request for additional security were repeatedly denied, even after Secretary Clinton knew 10 Militia and Al Q’ieda training camps had been created in Benghazi, knew that the US Mission in Benghazi had previously been attacked by Al Q’ieda terrorists, and even after she was provided with the below listed intelligence 4 weeks before the anniversary of 9/11.  All US Embassies and overseas US installations had always been on high alert, and US military rapid reaction forces worldwide had always been manned and ready, each year since 9/11/2001, to respond to any incidents on the anniversary of 9/11.  

To avenge the death of Osama Bin Laden, Ayman Al Zawahiri, Al Q’ieda’s new leader, ordered Sufian Ben Qhumu (the leader of Ansar al-Sharia in Libya and a  former Guantanamo detainee released in 2007) and all Al Q’ieda clandestine affiliated terrorists organizations in Libya to attack American installations in Libya on the anniversary of 9/11.  The National Security Agency, the US State Department, the CIA, the Pentagon, the White House Situation Room, all US Intelligence Agencies, and all NATO Country intelligence Agencies copied Al Zawahiri’s publically released call to arms); all those agencies were well aware of the pending attack on US interests in Libya.  The above information and how the murder of the US Ambassador, two Navy SEALs, and an Embassy Communications Specialist in the US Mission and CIA Annex in Benghazi could have been…

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 Forty years ago, President Nixon finally succeeded in having Secretary of State Henry Kissinger complete the negotiation for the repatriation of the Vietnam POWs from North Vietnam.  On the weekend of May 23rd, for the last time, the surviving Vietnam POWs solemnly celebrated the 40th anniversary of their release, at the Nixon Presidential Library.  If you have ever read any of the many books published, articles printed in publications/newspapers, or read interviews given by Vietnam POWs you will understand that the common thread that helped get them thru their very difficult period of captivity was their faith in God, their religious worship away from the eyes of their captors, and the support the Prisoner of War Code of Conduct was inculcated in them; Article VI is listed below.
Prisoner of War Code of Conduct, VI

“I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.”

 The US military tries to instill the Code of Conduct in all US military personnel to remind them of their  “character and heritage”, and in order to emphasize to them that as American fighting men and women they have inner strengths to rely on, in face of the mental and physical abuses they will have to endure…

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 Congressman Joe Heck, Col-USAR (MC) (R-NV-3), an endorsed and elected Combat Veterans For Congress, authored a new version of the Stolen Valor Act.  The first Stolen Valor Law made it a crime to lie about being awarded a medal for valor while serving in the US Armed Forces. Last summer the Supreme Court ruled the Stolen Valor Law was too broad and violated the “Free Speech” provision of the US Constitution.  Congressman Heck said he understood that fraud is already a crime, but noted that each state punishes it in a different way, and since the military awards for valor are federally authored awards, he felt strongly that there needed to be a uniform federal standard to deal with the issue.   Last summer, Congressman Heck analyzed the Supreme Court’s decision, and saw an opening to propose an updated version of the law by inserting a line about gaining “material advantage”.  The new language in the Act states that if someone lies about being awarded a certain medal, with the intent of gaining materially, profiting personally, or profiting financially it would violate the Stolen Valor Act.

“People who earn these awards have taken an oath to put their life on the line,” Congressman Heck said, “and awards are often given posthumously.” These types of issues should be held to a higher standard. Evidently, the Supreme Court thinks it’s OK to lie about winning one of these. But if you are going to lie to actually benefit in some material way, I think that needs to…

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