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President Ronald Reagan On His Knees

  • President Ronald Reagan On His Knees

 A few years can make a great deal of difference in the type of competent and honest leadership that the occupant of the Oval Office displays to the world.  If you click on the below listed link, you will be able to view and listen to one of the Republic’s great Presidents.  President Reagan’s belief system mirrors those of President George Washington; imagine President Reagan on his knees in prayer and General Washington on his knees in prayer at Valley Forge.   The video is wholly appropriate for this Sunday morning. This is a rather short video that all Americans should watch, appreciate, and fully understand the meaning of.  All those in the bloated out of control government bureaucracy should be forced to watch it several times, or until they get it!  If you don’t normally forward information via E-mail, please consider making this an exception and pass it along to those in your address book who believe in religious liberty.