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Hostile Policies Toward Christians in the US Armed Forces

  • Hostile Policies Toward Christians in the US Armed Forces

 Forty years ago, President Nixon finally succeeded in having Secretary of State Henry Kissinger complete the negotiation for the repatriation of the Vietnam POWs from North Vietnam.  On the weekend of May 23rd, for the last time, the surviving Vietnam POWs solemnly celebrated the 40th anniversary of their release, at the Nixon Presidential Library.  If you have ever read any of the many books published, articles printed in publications/newspapers, or read interviews given by Vietnam POWs you will understand that the common thread that helped get them thru their very difficult period of captivity was their faith in God, their religious worship away from the eyes of their captors, and the support the Prisoner of War Code of Conduct was inculcated in them; Article VI is listed below.
Prisoner of War Code of Conduct, VI

“I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.”

 The US military tries to instill the Code of Conduct in all US military personnel to remind them of their  “character and heritage”, and in order to emphasize to them that as American fighting men and women they have inner strengths to rely on, in face of the mental and physical abuses they will have to endure if they are ever captured. “Character’ was emphasized in American’s youth at home each day by parents, in the public/parochial schools by teachers, by the leaders and coaches of the various organizations they belonged to (the 4 H Club, the Boy Scouts, the YMCA, the Girl Scouts, the Boys Club, their athletic teams, their church organizations, at the YWCA, etc.), by religious leaders in the churches/synagogues they attended, in service academies where they were instilled with the Honor System/Honor Code & love of country, in boot camp where military indoctrination emphasized the service branch heritage & love of country, and in military leadership training programs for officer and noncoms. While Character was being instilled in most Americans by the above many of the multiple means, Barrack Obama’s character was develop, as he relates in his book “Dreams”, every day after school in Hawaii, by his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, the Secretary of the Communist Party USA, he subsequently went on to Columbia under the name Barry Sorrento, where he received financial aid as a “Foreign Student;” and his character was further developed by his two roommates at Columbia who took him to Pakistan in the 1980s to be indoctrinated in a philosophy that was not typically American.  Obama’s unvarnished “Character” is different from that of most of the US military personnel, most of whom, were born and bred in America, and the true color of his “Character” has been revealed by his actions over the last four years, most intelligent and forthright Americans realize that he has never said he loves this country or praised the heritage of the Republic; actions speak louder than words.

Aggressive anti-Christian actions by the Obama Administration are real, documented, and are escalating.


1. January 2010 -- Department of Defense orders removal of tiny Bible references on military scopes and gunsights.

2. June 2011 -- The Department of Veterans Affairs forbids references to God and Jesus during burials at National Cemetery.

3. August 2011 -- The Air Force stops teaching the Just War theory because it is based on a philosophy of St. Augustine.

4. September 2011 -- Air Force Chief of Staff prohibits commanders from notifying airmen of religious programs.

5. September 2011 -- The Army issues guidelines to Walter Reed Medical Center stipulating that no religious items (i.e. Bibles, reading materials) are to be given to the wounded.

6. November 2011 -- The Air Force Academy rescinds support for Operation Christmas Child because it is run by Christians.

7. November 2011 -- The Air Force Academy pays $80,000 for a Stonehenge-type worship center for pagans, druids, and witches.

8. February 2012 -- The U.S. Military Academy disinvites decorated war hero LTG William "Jerry" Boykin, USA (Ret), and FRC Exec Veep, because he is an outspoken Christian.

9. February 2012 -- Army orders Catholic chaplains not to read archbishop's letter from pulpit (Pilgrims fled England because they were prevented from free speech from pulpit)

10. May 2012 -- Obama administration opposes legislation to protect the rights of conscience for military chaplains who do not wish to perform same-sex "marriages."

11. June 2012 -- Obama administration revokes the long-standing U.S. policy of allowing military service emblems to be placed on military Bibles.

12. August 2012 -- Lt. Col. Jack Rich, USA e-mails subordinates saying they should be on the lookout for people who share FRC's values because they are not "Army Values."

13. January 2013 -- Obama announces his opposition to a provision in the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act protecting the rights of conscience for military chaplains.

14. April 2013 -- Officials briefing for U.S. Army Reservists states examples of  “religious extremism” includes "Evangelical Christianity", "Catholicism", and “Islamic Jihadist Terrorism” in organizations like Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Hamas.

15. May 2013 -- The Pentagon meets with Mikey Weinstein and the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) who is trying to establish new rules which would restrict the religious freedom of Christian and Jewish military personnel (they shouldn’t have even given such a radical anti-Christian an audience).