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Vets Memorial March to Support Access to War Memorials and to Support Families of Deceased Military Personnel

  • Vets Memorial March to Support Access to War Memorials and to Support Families of Deceased Military Personnel

 We strongly support the Million Veteran Memorial March supported by Special Operations Speaks; we encourage each of you who receive this E-mail to pass it on to those in your address book who would help generate a large turnout in Washington, DC on Sunday, October 13, 2013 at 9:00 AM.  The Obama administration has restricted American Veterans from visiting War Memorials for the first time in 238 years; it is unconscionable. Those same War Memorials had previously been open 24 hours a day with no requirement for admittance.  A Park Ranger, who was assigned along with extra manpower to erect barricades to keep American Veterans and US citizens out of national parks and from visiting War Memorial sites, told the press that they had been instructed to “make things as difficult as possible on the American people”. 

The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution ratified on July 9, 1868 prevents enforcement of any law which shall abridge the privileges of citizens of the United States, and deny any US citizen equal protection under federal law.  In the entire 20+ government shutdown over the past 50 years, no US President has ever resurrected barriers on public walkways or on public roads to restrict access to War Memorials for American Veterans and US citizens.  Preventing US citizens from walking in open areas to view War Memorials is abridging their rights under the 14th Amendment, and by Obama giving 1203 different unions & businesses listed in the link exemptions for millions of their employees and union members from enrolling in Obama Health Care is a further violation of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, since it denies American citizens equal treatment under federal law.


The Obama administration has done the most disgraceful thing that any administration has ever done in the 238 year history of the Republic, it has held back funds from the families of 26 military personnel who lost their lives in service to their country; it is outrageous and was further action by the Obama administration to “make life very difficult for the families of military personnel.”  In the previous 20 + government shutdowns over the past 50 years, no US President from President Dwight D. Eisenhower to President George W. Bush has ever refused to pay death gratuities for the families of fallen military personnel like Obama has done (we were informed by Meghan Kelly that 3 days ago White House aides were informed that the families of deceased military personnel would be harmed financially—the resident of the Oval Office could have easily issued an Executive Order to helped those families), nor has any US President during past government shutdowns ever canceled payments used to cover transportation costs for the families of Combat Veterans “Killed In Action” to allow them to be present to receive the bodies of their deceased loved ones; canceling travel expenses for the families of the deceased military personnel who gave the last full measure of devotion to the Republic is creating despair, distress, and disbelief on the part of the bereaved families of those fallen heroes.  (The Fisher Foundation covered the transportation costs and death benefits for the 26 families of fallen heroes that the Obama administration left twisting in the wind). 

In the previous 20 + government shutdowns over the past 50 years, US Presidents have never prevented the five service academies from participating in intercollegiate athletic contests like the Obama administration has done, nor have any US Presidents ever cancelled academic classes for Midshipmen and Cadets at the five service academies as the Obama administration has done.  The actions listed above taken by the Obama administration damages the moral and well-being of the US Armed Forces, American Veterans, and the bereaved families of deceased Combat Veterans; the multiple assaults on US military personnel continues, unabated, into its 5th year.