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Op-Ed Articles

  By clicking on the below listed link, you can listen to Dr. Milton Friedman discusses the Free Enterprise System with a representative of the left of center liberal media establishment.  In 2 minutes, Professor Milton Friedman compares the success of capitalism with the failure Socialist government bureaucracies throughout history. That includes the Communist Russian Soviets Federative Socialist Republic of Stalin, the Nazi National Socialist German Workers Party of Hitler, the Peoples Republic of China’s Socialist Party of Mao, the Republic of Cuba’s Socialist Communist Party of Castro, and the Communist Socialist parties of the former Eastern Soviet bloc nations.   

The American people should be able be the beneficiaries of the lessons of history; the lesson is that Socialism has failed everywhere it has ever been tried over the last 100 years, but the lesson of history that Socialism has always failed is being covered up by the Democratic Party with the help of left of center liberal media establishment that has been promoting Barrack Hussein Obama Socialist agenda.  The Obama Administration has socialized the health care system (1/6th of the US…

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 Another Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong James Bridenstine, Lcdr-USNR (R-OK-1), in defense of the US Constitution, is proposing a method to oppose the flawed Obama Health Care Law with its new hidden taxes (20 new taxes---Remember when we heard “We’ll see what is in it after we pass it.”—Pelosi).  The flawed Obama Health Care Law alone will increase new taxes for all Americans to over $1 trillion dollars over the next 10 years.  There are also new built in penalties in the flawed Obama Health Care Law that will be assessed by the IRS for various reasons, the law also allows the IRS to have access to the private banking accounts of all Americans so it can deduct penalties without the approval of taxpayers, and there is a new oppressive IRS reporting requirement for all taxpayers filing their annual tax returns to determine if they have health insurance. 

 In January 2013 Obama refused to extend the Bush tax cuts on higher income families and by doing so, imposed the second series of new taxes on American taxpayers.  Now Obama is proposing billions of dollars in a third new series of tax increases as a condition for him to modify the negative effects that sequestration will have on the operational readiness of the US military, the retention of combat trained military personnel, and on what the drastic DOD budget cuts will do to the US Armed Forces…

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 Obama never operated a business of any kind, nor did he have to meet a payroll every 2 weeks like all small businessmen have to do.  Obama doesn’t know the first thing about starting a business, how to financially control a business, and he is not qualified to evaluate the potential for success of a new business entity like a  Venture Capitalist of Commercial Banker do on a daily basis.  Yet we are faced with the fact, in the below listed article,  that Obama wasted $1.063 billion of tax payers’ money by authorizing the formation of 19 Green companies that were not properly evaluated before they were given taxpayer money to burn.  The net result is that 19 Green companies, many of whom were incorporated by donors to Obama’s Presidential campaign, have already filed for bankruptcy; there will be more bankruptcies of Green companies in the future, because another 14 Green companies who received $6.336 in taxpayer money are faltering.  Obama’s ineptness in the evaluation of business startups and finance is readily apparent, and his ineptness economic policies are even more apparent because of his gross mismanagement of the US Economy by following Socialist principals that have “never” worked in any economy in the history of mankind.  

 Recently Obama raged against sequestration, the across the board budget cut he created in August 2011 (sequestration has radically slashing defense spending which is 20% of the annual budget, while hardly nibbling at the fat and…

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 Lesson plans for Texas classrooms, created in a program entitled CSCOPE, now teach young students that the Boston Tea Party staged by American Patriots who dumped heavily taxed tea from England into the Boston Harbor, because of taxation without representation, was an act of terrorism.  The lesson plan is equating the Patriots who were involved in the Boston Tea Party with the terrorists who attacked the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on 9-11.  Not only were the students taught that the Founding Fathers were terrorists, they were told law officials found drugs in Paul Revere’s home, and they were also instructed to draw flags of using symbols from Communist and Socialist countries. 

 Previously the Teachers Union participated in removing important dates in US History from school books, next they approved the removal of information about the Founding Fathers that used to be taught in schools, and then they approved the removal of the in depth study and meaning of the US Constitution and Bill of Right from history school books and the history curriculum (we used to have to memorize the preamble to the US Constitution, I doubt many student even know what the Preamble is).   


Now that program called CSCOPE, approved by the Teacher’s Union in Texas, is subverting acts of Patriotism during the Revolution that led the 13 colonies to seek Independence from England, resulting in the drafting of the Declaration of Independence.  Labeling American Patriotism as…

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 This year the real cuts in spending, brought on by sequestration, will actually be $44 billion in the ”increase” in this year’s $3.8 trillion budget; it will, I repeat, be $44 billion only in the “increase” in spending; it is not in an actual decrease in last year’s spending.   The reason it will be $44 billion and not $85 billion is because it will kick in late in the fiscal year—$44 billion equates to ½ of what the federal government actually borrows every 28 days from lenders like China to cover the out of control spending.   

In fact “half (50%)“of the $44 billion is being taken out of the DOD Budget, even though the Defense Department is only 20% of the annual federal budget, not 50% of the federal budget; that assault on the US Armed Forces was directed by Obama when he created sequestration.  It is truly unconscionable to divide the cuts that way when our US Military is involved in combat in Afghanistan.  Obama’s unfair division in cuts for the US military is resulting in cuts in required training, operational for the US armed Forces, restrictions in deployments, restriction in ships operating at sea and repairs of ships, in the GI Bill benefits, military family medical benefits, retention of trained personnel, and has resulted in firing all teachers of on base schools for the military children. 

The other half of the $44 billion, or $22 billion, is being cut from the 7% “increase” in spending for all the other government agencies; that $22 billion…

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 By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | March 7th, 2013 at 04:30 AM 

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) did a brilliant thing in his filibuster of Obama’s appointment of John Brennan to head the CIA.  The filibuster was staged in order to bring attention to the fact that Obama feels he has the authority to employ drone strikes in the United States to kill American Citizens without first charging, arresting, indicting, and trying the American citizen.  No other US President has ever felt they had the authority to use air strikes in the United States to kill Americans without warning, without first arresting them and without providing them with the due process accorded all US Citizens by the US Constitution. 
By keeping the filibuster going through prime time, Senator Paul forced ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, and the left of center liberal media establishment—the chief sources of news for low information voters — to cover the issue.
During his filibuster, Senator Paul had the support from other senators to provide him with the time to rest his voice. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) came down to the well of the Senate for a few hours to give Senator Paul a break by reading tweets in support of…

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In the below listed article, Americans honor former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, the heroes of Benghazi, for their long distinguished service as US Navy SEALS, for saving 30 American lives in Benghazi, and for their valor while giving the last full measure of devotion to the Republic.  Kindly pass this on to those in your address book who would also honor them.

From the Gettysburg Times, Monday, February 25, 2013:


Posted: Monday, February 25, 2013 12:05am - Updated: 7:10am, Mon Feb 25, 2013.
BY Dick Watson Times Staff Writer 

A few months ago, on the 11th anniversary of the 2001 attack against the U.S., terrorists attacked the American Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  Four Americans were killed: Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, and private security detail members Ty Woods and Glen Doherty, both former Navy Seals whose sacrifice enabled 30 consulate members to get back home to their families.

Woods and Doherty were honored Saturday afternoon at a private Valor & Honor Ceremony at the Lodges of Gettysbury atop Gloryridge, a hill overlooking the Gettysburg battlefield.

The event was sponsored primarily by Sean Cassidy, the owner of the Lodges at Gettysburg, and NSW Kids, a nonprofit supporting children of the Naval Special Warfare community.

A number of corporate sponsors also attended the ceremony, as did Woods and Doherty family members…

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 The below listed 10 Congressmen deserve a great deal of credit and special recognition for cosponsoring legislation that will prevent personal medals awarded for Valor in combat to military personnel whose lives were at risk or in danger, from being diminished by a new military medal for drone operators, listed below, where the lives of the recipients are not at risk or in danger at all, 5 of the 10 Congressmen who co-sponsored the legislation are endorsed and elected Combat Veterans For Congress:

 Cong Duncan D. Hunter, Capt-USMCR (R-CA-52) , Cong Michael Coffman, Maj-USMC (Ret) (R-CO-6) , Cong Adam Kinzinger, Cpt-AFNG (R-IL-11) , Cong Michael Grimm, USMC/FBI (R-NY-11) , and Cong Joe Heck,

Col-USAR (MC) (R-NV-3) .  The other 5 Congressmen who co-…

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 Using military officer in “full dress uniforms” to be background props” for the announcement of the Best Picture for the Academy Awards is a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).  The American people should be able to watch entertainment without heavy politics; no other US President has ever used military officers in full dress uniforms as props in the 85 year history of the Academy Awards. 

Statist propaganda: Michelle Obama slammed for using military as ‘props’ during Oscars appearance  




First lady Michelle Obama, appearing on screen, and actor Jack Nicholson present the award for best picture during the Oscars at the Dolby Theatre on Sunday Feb. 24, 2013, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)
First lady Michelle Obama is under fire after she appeared as a long-distance award presenter on the Oscars Sunday evening, flanked by active-duty American service members.

The well-dressed members of the military stood attentively behind the first lady inside the White House as she presented the award for best picture to the movie “Argo.”

But the use of those service members has left some of…

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 “Common sense is not so common.”   Dr. Carson employs intelligent logic to evaluate issues simply, and has the talent to communicate his logic.  In the below listed link, he is able to connect across partisan lines because he focuses on “educating/encouraging” people to think for themselves.  The foundation upon which the Republic was created was for individuals to have freedom of thought and expression, the Founding Fathers encouraged citizens to employ independent logic in evaluating issues with balance and reason.  It is unfortunate that the 535 members of Congress do not have Dr. Carson’s ability to use reasoned logic to evaluate issues and come up with solutions to a relatively simple problem that is bankrupting the Republic----just stop the out of control spending.

In addition, Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution was carefully drawn up by the Founding Fathers to give Congress, not the President, certain powers over the structure and use of the US Armed Forces. The Congress has the power to prevent Obama relentless changes in structure of the US Armed Forces from destroying the most effective military combat force in the history of mankind.  Obama’s Social Experiment on Diversity, his new oppressive military regulations that are negatively…

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 We continue in our sworn oath to protect and defend the US Constitution from all enemies foreign and “Domestic.”  This is the sixth article in a series of articles, in opposition to Obama and his Socialist allies in Congress’ full frontal assault on the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.  We now know after watching Sean Hannity’s February 18th  interview of Professor John Lott, the author of “At the Brink”, who was on the faculty at the University of Chicago with Obama, that Obama actually told him that he didn’t believe “any American” should be allowed to own guns “at all”; every American you know should be alerted to Obama’s true goal, which is not to just restrict gun ownership—his current initiative to restrict gun ownership is his first step in his plan to confiscate all guns from law abiding Citizens in the Republic.  The restriction of gun ownership is a violation of the 2ndAmendment.  The only way the 2nd Amendment can be changed or modified is by taking the legal action outlined in the US Constitution.  The US Constitution provides that an Amendment may only be proposed either by the Congress with two-thirds majority vote in the House of Representatives and two-thirds majority vote of the US Senate, or by a Constitutional Convention called by two-thirds of the State Legislatures. The President does not have a Constitutional role in the amendment process, and the Joint Resolution of Congress to amend the US Constitution does not go to the White House for the…

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We continue in our sworn oath on to protect and defend the US Constitution from all enemies foreign and “Domestic.”  This is the fifth article in a series of articles, in opposition to Obama and his Socialist allies in Congress’ full frontal assault on the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution. 

Criminals employed by Mexican Drug Cartels and Human Traffickers are coming across the Southern Border daily, armed with military issue Fully Automatic Assault Weapons threatening, kidnaping, and killing law abiding American citizens; it is a war zone.   DHS and the Obama Administration are not adequately protecting American citizens living along the southern border.  Unfortunately, the Obama Administration has taken legal action against the State of Arizona, because in the absence of DHS’s enforcement of Federal Immigration Laws, Arizona jumped into the breach to enforce those federal immigration laws, in order to protect their citizens.  Since DHS is not protecting Arizona’s American citizens, and has taken legal action to prevent the State of Arizona from doing so, law abiding citizens have been arming themselves “to protect life liberty and pursuit of happiness”.  Unfortunately, the Obama Administration has embarked on a number of initiatives to also restrict law abiding American citizens, in addition to the State of Arizona, from protecting themselves from heavily armed members of Mexican Drug Cartels who are trampling on the freedoms given to…

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 We continue in our sworn oath to protect and defend the US Constitution from all enemies foreign and “Domestic.”  This is the fourth article in a series articles, in opposition to Obama and his Socialist allies in Congress’ full frontal assault on the 2ndAmendment to the US Constitution.


In 1929, the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin first determined what citizens owned guns in Russia, then confiscated those guns with their Communist para-military private henchmen, and enforced gun control by eliminating all privately owned guns. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. 
In 1911, Turkey under Mustafa Kemal Turkey first determined what citizens owned guns, then confiscated those guns with his radical islamists, and enforced gun control by eliminating all privately owned guns.  From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians and Christian Assyrians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.  
In 1938, Germany under Hitler first determined what citizens owned guns, then had his private army of the SS Troopers confiscate those guns, and established gun control in Germany by eliminating all privately owned guns.  From 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews, Christians, and gypsies who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and…

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 We continue in our sworn oath to protect and defend the US Constitution from all enemies foreign and “Domestic.”  This is the third article in a series articles, in opposition to Obama and his Socialist allies in Congress’ full frontal assault on the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution---this is a freedom issue.  The City of Chicago, with strictest gun control laws of any other city in the nation, should be the safest city in the nation, but instead it has highest crime rate and murder rate of any other city in the nation (hand gun ban in Chicago is being violated by criminals; the anti-gun crusade is not in the interest of law abiding citizens). Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s Chicago reported that in 2012, 506 Americans were murdered by guns (more gun deaths occurred in Chicago than suffered by the US military in Afghanistan in 2012).  The perpetrators of gun deaths in Chicago seem to have gotten away with it, because criminals and gang members who did not register their guns and were mainly responsible for the killings, only served a total of 96 days in Chicago jails in 2012—there has been a lack of will, year after year, to enforce the existing gun laws in Chicago.  The Chicago Police Department recently announced that it will no longer respond to a burglary unless the suspect is present, due to the lack of manpower and rising crime.  Now that Chicago’s strictest gun control laws in the nation has DISARMED its citizens, they are now telling the DISARMED citizens that they are…

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We continue in our sworn oath to protect and defend the US Constitution from all enemies foreign and “Domestic.”  This is the second article in a series of articles, in opposition to Obama and his Socialist allies in Congress’ full frontal assault on the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.  That mass murder which occurred in Newtown, Connecticut, occurred in the state with the strictest gun control laws in the nation.  The full background of the mentally deranged gunman who used a 9mm Glock Semi-Automatic handgun and a 9mm Sig Semi-Automatic handgun, and a Bushmaster 223 caliber Semi-Automatic rifle to murder 20 innocent children in Newtown.  Obama’s drive to force background checks on owners of Semi-Automatic Rifles, isto determine who possess the types of weapons that could oppose domestic tyranny. New anti-gun laws will not prevent future mass shootings in schools; local school boards should simply assign armed retired Police Officers to protect each school, like many of the larger cities already routinely do to protect their students.  Retired Police Officers received plenty of training with firearms and in how to deal with interpersonal relations. Faced with a threat, a police officer’s instinct is not to carelessly open fire---that is the “LAST” option, only if reasoning and negotiating have proven ineffective do they apply force. Students would interact with former policemen every day, and learn that Police Officers are not mean, but are mature and responsible…

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We continue in our sworn oath on joining the US Armed Forces to protect and defend the US Constitution from all enemies foreign and “Domestic.”  This is the first article in a series of future articles, in opposition to Obama and his Socialist allies in Congress’ full frontal assault on the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution---this is freedom issue.  Obama intends to bypass existing US Laws passed by Congress and the US Constitution by the issuance of 23 Executive Orders that could lead to the abolishment of the 2nd Amendment as we know it and by attempting to enact new anti-gun legislation to disarm American citizen.  Obama’s initiative to circumvent the 2ndAmendment will continue in stages, step by step, over the next 4 year, as he makes one inroad, he will pursue another to finally fully circumvent the 2nd Amendment.  I submit to you here that the first assault on private gun ownership is the initiative to ban automatic weapons domestically, in order to protect all Americans from mass murderers, and to eliminate any magazines with more than a 10 round capacity.   That stated goal is an absolute “hoax”—that misleading goal is simply a public relations campaign designed to appeal to citizens who do not know what the difference is between an “assault weapon”, a “Semi-Auto-Rifle”, an “automatic weapon”, a “semi-automatic weapon”, a “fully automatic assault weapon”, etc.; Obama and Feinstein continue to mislabel the weapons they seek to ban.  It would take much too long…

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The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is pleased to announce the appointment of a Combat Veteran to the Board of Directors; he is fiscally conservative, supports our efforts to reduce the national debt, rein in the out of control and irresponsible spending by the Obama Administration, and continue his pledge to protect and defend the US Constitution.  Mr. Gary Berntsen is a US Air Force Veteran and a decorated former Senior Operations Officer in the Central Intelligence Agency’s Clandestine Service; he resides in Apollo Beach, Florida is joining the Board of Directors  Gary is an endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, and was the endorsed Republican Candidate for the US Senate in New York in 2008.  In June of 1975 Gary graduated from Hauppauge High School in Hauppauge, New York.  In June of 1982, Gary received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  

Gary Berntsen began his career in government by enlisting in the US Air Force in 1976.  Airman Gary Berntsen was a crash Firefighter in the US Air Force and rose to the rank of Sergeant.  He was discharged in 1980 and matriculated at the University of New Mexico on the GI Bill; during his summers he attended USMC Platoon Leaders Course (PLC) at Quantico, VA.  Prior to accepting his US Marine Corps commission, he was recruited by the CIA in 1982 and…

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The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is pleased to announce the appointment of a Combat Veteran to the Board of Directors; he is fiscally conservative, supports our efforts to reduce the national debt, rein in the out of control and irresponsible spending by the Obama Administration, and has continued his pledge to protect and defend the US Constitution.   Captain Larry W. Bailey, USN (SEAL) (Ret), a native of Marshall, Texas, is a 28 year Veteran of the US Navy.  Larry Bailey graduated from Marshall, TX, High School in 1957.  In 1962 he obtained a BS degree from Stephen F. Austin State College in Nacogdoches, TX.  His civilian education culminated in a Master's Degree in Education Administration from East Carolina University in Greenville, NC, in 1980.  He is a graduate of Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk, VA; the US Army Foreign Area Officer School in Ft. Bragg, NC, and a multitude of combat skills schools ranging from UDT Replacement Training in Little Creek, VA, to Airborne School in Ft. Benning, GA, to Military Freefall School in Ft. Bragg, NC.

Larry Bailey was sworn into the US Naval Service in June 1962 upon entering Naval Officer’s Candidate School, Newport, RI; upon graduation Ensign Larry Bailey was assigned to the USS Leary (DDR-879) as Assistant Engineering Officer.  Not finding destroyers to his liking, he volunteered for Underwater Demolition Team Replacement Training, the precursor of today’s BUD/S, or Basic UDT/SEAL, Training.  After completing…

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There is very big difference in women flying combat missions, providing medical support in combat, in providing MP Guard duty, being involved in convoy duty, being involved in intelligence support, etc. and being in a Combat Infantry Unit for 3 months on end with improper hygiene facilities, with no breaks, and facing an enemy daily—face to face-- in a killing zone. 

Fox News on Katie Petronio

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was well aware of the above listed video—so was Panetta.  They also knew full well that there is a legal requirement to notify Congress of changes regarding women in the military in advance of the issuance of the order Panetta signed, including the requirement that the Congress be provided with a report on the impact it would have upon the Selective Service System.  The Republican leadership of Congress has not asked for the report—Congress must act in this case!  Panetta was wrong in circumventing Congress, but it's up to the members of Congress to assert their Constitutional right and duty to provide oversight.  

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is pleased to announce the appointment of a Combat Veteran to the Board of Directors; he is fiscally conservative, supports our efforts to reduce the national debt, rein in the out of control and irresponsible spending by the Obama Administration, and has continued his pledge to protect and defend the US Constitution.  Former Captain Don Bendell, USA (Green Beret), a decorated US Army Special Forces Officer, and Disabled Vietnam Veteran who resides on a ranch south of Florence, Colorado is joining the Board of Directors.  Don was raised in Ohio, and graduated from Tallmadge High School in Akron, Ohio in 1966.  In 1997 Don received a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Business from Colorado Christian University in Colorado Springs.  In 2011, Don received his Masters of Science Degree in Leadership from Ken Blanchard School of Business in Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ.  

In 1966, following graduation from high school, Don was sworn into the US Army.  He completed his basic training at Fort Benning, GA, followed by Advanced Individual Training at Fort Dix, New Jersey; he was assigned as a Military Policeman following AIT.  He volunteered for Infantry OCS, graduated in June of 1967 and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant, attended Jump School at Fort Benning, then was trained with the 7thSpecial Forces Group at Fort Bragg, North Carolina where he earned his Green Beret.  In June of 1968, Second Lieutenant Bendell was assigned…

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There is a reason why in the Olympics there is women's competition and men's competition, why there is a professional men's basketball leagues and a professional women's basketball leagues, and why basic military recruit training for men is different from basic military recruit training for women.  In weight, stamina, and strength there are major differences between men and women; in the overwhelming number of cases women cannot keep up with men in those areas----however there may be some unique exceptions.   The action taken by the Secretary of Defense yesterday, bypassing Congress in the decision making process, with the concurrence of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who sat there wide eyed without saying a word, imposed another of Obama’s radical “diversity” agendas upon the US  Armed Forces.  The radical decision flies in the face of the many studies completed by the US Marine Corps, US Army, and Congress over the last 10 years, those studies resulted in Congress setting rules that prevented women from being drafted and from being assigned to front line infantry ground combat units.  Recently two female enlisted US Marines were allowed to train with male Marines, in order to qualify for assignment to infantry ground combat units; they failed miserably and their video interviews are truly revealing.  One of the trainees said they couldn't keep up with their male counterparts during the sustained and long period of training required to qualify, that their…

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 The Tax Division of the Justice Department under Eric Holder has been conducting Para-military type raids on small business enterprises to conduct audits; those raids have soared in the last 4 years. Holder with support of Obama has been conducting outright aggressive assaults on the Free Enterprise System in violation of Article 1, Section 9 of the US Constitution; US citizens are not to be detained without their right to call an attorney for representation.  The two pillars of freedom guaranteed by the US Constitution are the right to property and privacy rights; Holder has been routinely violating those rights.  The US Congress must prevent Holder from violating the US Constitution, and the liberties of US citizens by continuing to employ the Gestapo tactics depicted in the below listed video.  Holder’s tactics, justifying them by investigating tax issues, are a clear violation of the 4th Amendment and should not be permitted in the United States.   Please click on the below listed link to view the video documenting a rampant violation of rights of US firms like Mountain Pure Water, Gibson Guitar, and Duncan Outdoor, Inc. who are guaranteed inalienable rights under the US Constitution.

IRS raid on the "Mountain Water Company.  


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 If you click on the below listed link to listen to Senator Paul, you will fully understand why American voters must change the makeup of the US Senate in 2014.  We encourage all Americans to support our initiative to elect patriotic and responsible Combat Veterans For Congress in the 2014 mid-term election, if their numbers are increased from the 19 that are serving in the 113th Congress, they will contribute substantially to reining in the out of control spending by a Congress made up of 516 other members, and by the irresponsible Obama Administration.

 The below listed synopsis from a retired US Navy SEAL Officer in Hawaii is not new to many active duty flag officers.  The Cross Border Authority issue is important in light of the pending testimony by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton before the US Congress about the Benghazi debacle.  The well-coordinated and planned attack by over 100 Al Q’ieda led terrorists on the anniversary of 9/11 was being watched in real time in the White House Situation Room from a live video feed from two drones flying overhead in shifts.  One of several key questions that should be posed to Secretary Clinton will reveal a great deal about the failure of the Obama Administration to come to the aid of Americans under attack who repeatedly cried for help over  an 8 hour period is “was Cross Border Authority ever issued on 9/11/12”?

The below listed synopsis will outline where the “Accountability” lies, and will explain the “Dereliction of Duty” at the highest levels that resulted in the murder of four Americans, including two US Navy SEALs, in the Al Q’ieda led terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya on 9/11/12. 

This synopsis clearly illustrates what an ill prepared and incompetent leadership gap there is in this country right now.


The Benghazi debacle boils down to a single key factor - the granting or withholding of "cross-border authority." This opinion is informed by my experience as a Navy SEAL officer who took a NavSpecWar Detachment to Beirut. Once the…

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 One of the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, GySgt Nick Popaditch, USMC (Ret), provided us with the below listed link so we could share the video, in it, with you.  The message in that video will provide you with some hope for the 2014 mid-term election, when we will field a new slate of Combat Veterans For Congress, and will campaign for the re-election of the 19 Combat Veterans For Congress who will be serving in the 113th Congress.  Our goal has been to replace the members of Congress who continue the irresponsible out of control spending, and especially for the members of Congress who just voted to support Obama’s NEW INCREASE IN TAXES! 

We are as disgusted as you are, that the Congress did not deal with or solve the out of control spending at all; once again the Congress kicked the can down the road, and just gave working America citizens $41 in increased taxes for every $1 Democrats “said” they cut spending.  They did not cut spending at all, they cut the increases in spending by $1 for every $41 in new taxes—it is just Orwellian double speak.  The agreement Obama crafted gives the American people $4 trillion in new debt, without cutting spending at all. 

The irresponsible Congress should have cut spending (the real problem) and should have cut taxes which would have stimulated the economy, as it did during the administrations of President Harding, President Eisenhower, President Kennedy, President Reagan, and President Clinton.  Obama raised…

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John Kerry: Obama’s “Perfect Choice” For Secretary of State (Per President Obama)

December 22, 2012 By John Perazzo



When Barack Obama nominated John Kerry to be America’s next Secretary of State Friday afternoon, he called Kerry the “perfect choice” to replace Hillary Clinton. Stating that “few individuals … grasp our foreign policies as firmly as John Kerry,” Obama said the Senator will not “need a lot of on-the-job training.” He then praised Mr. Kerry’s combat service in the Vietnam War and his subsequent tenure…

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 In the below listed E-mail of December 12th we mounted an effort by contacting the national press and everyone we knew who had ever severed in the US Marine Corps, to free Cpl Jon Hammar, USMC, a Combat Marine, from a Mexican jail; he was illegally incarcerated for no reason.  The FOX News Network and especially Bill Riley took up the cause, never let up; every day for 10 straight days they continued the drum beat demanding the freedom of Cpl Hammar.  The Florida Congressional delegation had pushed very hard to free Cpl Hammar since August; the Obama Administration let Cpl Hammar remain chained to his bed in a Mexican jail for 5 months.

 Yesterday’s national television coverage of Congressman Duncan D. Hunter, Cpt –USMCR (R-CA-52) threat to cross the Mexican border to drive to the Mexican jail with a large contingent of concerned US Congressmen to free Cpl Hammar was the straw that broke the camel’s back (50 Congressmen joined Congressman Hunter to support Cpl Hammar’s release).   That coverage contributed in large measure to put additional pressure on the Mexican government to free Cpl Hammar.

 Tonight we were notified that Cpl Hammar was released from the Mexican jail he was illegally incarcerated in since August.  The Mexican judge, who released Cpl Hammar, said he was released because his detention violated the Mexican Constitution.  


 We encourage you to contact your Congressional representative, and request their support in order…

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 This last election was lost by Governor Romney primarily because the Romney Campaign didn’t execute their ground game on Election Day, the Obama Campaign had an excellent ground game, and substantial voting irregularities added to the Obama voting totals in battleground states total.  Most of the reliable pollsters had Gov Romney winning the election, up until the day of the election.  The confounding variables that threw the pollsters off, particularly in all the battleground states are too numerous to relay here; least of which was that Governor Romney’s get out the vote operation absolutely failed on Election Day.  Although every one of the 22 below listed reports that Voter Fraud was perpetrated by the Obama Campaign can’t be verified, the reports outlined in the below listed links were so widespread and numerous, that there is no doubt that a certain percentage of them are valid and must be dealt with in the next national election by an inept Republican Party  (polling machines were rigged in some precincts, illegal aliens voted in many states, as many as 140% of the registered voters voted in some congressional districts, as many as 50 precincts in some cities voted 99% for Obama with not one vote for Romney----a statistical impossibility, busloads of Somalis who could not speak one word of English got off buses voted and got back on the buses to be whisked away,  the video of Democrats like Brian Moran of VA was circulated showing Obama supporters how to rig the…

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 Going over the Fiscal Cliff will result in sequestration, yet the devastation resulting from sequestration is being covered up by the left of center liberal media establishment.  Please view the video in the below listed link as Admiral James Lyons, Jr. USNA ’52 USN (Ret), former Commander-in-Chief of the US Pacific Fleet, explains what sequestration will mean to the US Navy; it will result in having less ships in the entire US Fleet that the US Navy had before World War I------and less US Navy ships than Admiral Lyons had in the US Pacific Fleet, when it was under his command.   Sequestration will not only unilaterally decrease the capability of the US Navy; it will also unilaterally decrease the capability of each of the other service branches.  The American people should ask themselves why the Commander-in-Chief is unilaterally decreasing the capabilities of the US Armed Forces in face of the serious increasing threats facing the nation from China, Russia, Iran, and Islamic Terrorists. 

Not one Republican was elected to Congress on November 6th to raise taxes---the voters were very clear “No tax increases. Period; not one Republican was elected on a platform promising that “I will raise taxes in order to help Obama morph America into Greece.”  Unfortunately the Republican leadership in Congress keeps negotiating to increase “revenues”—when there is no such thing as revenues—it’s TAXES; the American people understand it is TAXES.  The voters who elected the…

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When Obama was running for re-election, he told the American people and the news media repeatedly, if elected, he would definitely cut spending and raise some taxes in a balanced approach (raising revenue is the “code name” employed by the Obama for raising taxes and now for some reason the Republicans are using that “code word”—it’s not revenue its “taxes”—they think the American people are stupid).  The liberal Washington Post that endorsed Obama for re-election, expressed shock, in the attachment, upon learning that Obama has no intention at all of negotiating spending cuts.  Once the Republicans agreed to accept higher taxes on the rich as long as government spending is cut significantly and incentives to work and invest are not weakened, Obama moved the goal post by proposing increased tax “rates’, imposing $1.6 trillion in new taxes, and called for $255 billion in new spending.  The American people are currently paying the highest taxes in the history of the Republic, and if Obama’s proposed $1.6 trillion in new taxes are added to the 20 new taxes imposed on all Americans by the flawed Obama Health Care Bill, the effects will be devastating on economic recovery.  The tax burden on the American people is unsustainable and should not be increased in a recession.  The Republican Congress has made four annual budget proposals in a row, they were designed to cut entitlement expenditures, yet the left of center liberal media establishment has been misrepresenting fact, by…

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