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Combat Veterans For Congress--Protects and Defends the 2nd Amendment (6)

  • Combat Veterans For Congress--Protects and Defends the 2nd Amendment (6)

 We continue in our sworn oath to protect and defend the US Constitution from all enemies foreign and “Domestic.”  This is the sixth article in a series of articles, in opposition to Obama and his Socialist allies in Congress’ full frontal assault on the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.  We now know after watching Sean Hannity’s February 18th  interview of Professor John Lott, the author of “At the Brink”, who was on the faculty at the University of Chicago with Obama, that Obama actually told him that he didn’t believe “any American” should be allowed to own guns “at all”; every American you know should be alerted to Obama’s true goal, which is not to just restrict gun ownership—his current initiative to restrict gun ownership is his first step in his plan to confiscate all guns from law abiding Citizens in the Republic.  The restriction of gun ownership is a violation of the 2ndAmendment.  The only way the 2nd Amendment can be changed or modified is by taking the legal action outlined in the US Constitution.  The US Constitution provides that an Amendment may only be proposed either by the Congress with two-thirds majority vote in the House of Representatives and two-thirds majority vote of the US Senate, or by a Constitutional Convention called by two-thirds of the State Legislatures. The President does not have a Constitutional role in the amendment process, and the Joint Resolution of Congress to amend the US Constitution does not go to the White House for the President’s signature.        .        

To learn how the 3rd Amendment justifies the 2nd Amendment, please click on the below listed link:

In a white paper dated January 4, 2013, the Deputy Director of the National Institute for Justice--DOJ's research and evaluation agency--said that the proposals to restrict gun control currently before Congress is unlikely to have the effect desired, unless those measures are made even more Draconian. For instance, the document makes clear that the effectiveness of "universal" background checks "depends on … requiring gun registration." On the topic of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition, NIJ writes, "In order to have an impact, large capacity magazine regulation needs to sharply curtail availability to include restrictions on importation, manufacture, sale, and possession." As for popular semi-automatic firearms, the NIJ notes, "Since assault weapons are not a major contributor to U.S. gun homicide and the existing stock of guns is large, an assault weapons ban is unlikely to have an impact on gun violence. If coupled with a gun buyback and no exemptions then it could be effective."  Since the previous ban of ownership of all fully automatic assault weapons, the new proposed restrictions on gun ownership enacted by the 23 Executive Orders just issued by Obama, and the new legislation in the Democratic Bill fashioned with the Obama Administration being proposed by Senator Feinstein will not be sufficient as outlined above by DOJ.  Therefore new measures to further restrict gun ownership, in order to make them ever “more Draconian” will be needed as outlined above by Eric Holder’s Department of Justice.  The step by step violation of the 2nd Amendment has been well on its way for over 2 years, long before the murders at Newtown being used to justify the current attempt to violate of the 2nd Amendment. To date, Obama has issued 921 Executive Orders in order to bypass Congress, he has issued more Executive Orders than the aggregated of all Executive Orders US Presidents have issued collectively in the 237 year history of the Republic. 

         "There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters. "
                                             - Noah Webster 

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US High in Gun Ownership, But Low in Murder Rate

Several reports on gun ownership around the world clearly refute the assertion that the abundance of guns in the United States leads to a high rate of firearm homicides.

Americans are the biggest gun owners by far, with an estimated 270 million civilian firearms, in addition to those used by law enforcement and the military. That’s according to the Small Arms Survey of 178 nations conducted by the Switzerland-based Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.

In sheer numbers of civilian firearms, the No. 2 nation after the US, surprisingly, is India with 46 million, followed by China (40 million), Germany (25 million), Pakistan (18 million), and Mexico (15 million).

The United States also leads in gun ownership rate, with about 88 firearms per 100 people, according to the most recent Small Arms Survey compiled in 2007.

That is far ahead of No. 2 Yemen, which has 55 firearms per 100 people. Switzerland is third with 46 per 100 people, followed by Finland (45), Serbia (38), Cyprus (36), Saudi Arabia (35), and Iraq (34).

But when it comes to the firearm homicide rate, the United States doesn’t even make the top 25.

According to figures collected by the United Nations’ Office on Drugs and Crime through its annual crime survey, 9,146 Americans were victims of a firearm homicide in the most recent year. That translates to a rate of 2.97 firearm homicides per 100,000 population, which is only the 27th highest rate in the world.

The highest rate by far can be found in Honduras, 68 homicides per 100,000, followed by El Salvador (40), Jamaica (39), Venezuela (38.9), Guatemala (34), and Colombia (27).

For America’s neighbors, the rate in Mexico is 9.9 per 100,000, and in Canada, 0.5 per 100,000.

It is interesting to note that not only does the United States have a relatively low homicide rate compared to its gun ownership rate, but Switzerland, which ranks third in the civilian gun ownership rate, has only the 46th highest homicide rate, and Finland, with the fourth highest ownership rate, is 63rd on the list.

“The most obnoxious liberal talking points on guns involve the idea that guns, in and of themselves, cause gun violence,” writes CNS News commentator Stephen Gutowski. “In other words, more guns must mean more gun violence.”

But in light of the ownership and homicide figures, he observes: “More guns do not, in fact, mean more gun violence. Guns can be, and commonly are, used in a responsible manner, especially here in the United States.”

Forty-five countries have higher murder rates with guns than the gun murder rates in the United States, and those 45 countries all have 100% of the guns owned by their law abiding citizens banned, so why did they all have higher murder rates with guns than the United States if guns were confiscated from law abiding citizens in those countries? It is because the criminals never turned in the guns that they never registered with law enforcement authorities, and they used those guns to kill unprotected law abiding citizens.

Obama is trying to convince Americans that allowing him to confiscate guns would stop gun violence, when “he knows” that is not true; criminals and deranged gunmen will never turn in their guns.  The proven fact is that 45 countries in the world who have confiscated guns from law abiding citizens have higher murder rates with guns than the United States.  More guns owned by the 2.7 million law abiding citizens in the United States has protected them from homicides perpetrated by criminals and deranged gunmen—Americans owning a higher number of guns than the 45 countries that banned all guns, did not result in higher homicide rates than the 45 countries.


This is the sixth in a series of articles in opposition to Obama‘s campaign to circumvent the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution and eventually confiscate all guns.  We ask you to forward this E-mail on to those in your address book that support our efforts to protect and defend the US Constitution.  The previous 5 articles in support of the 2ndAmendment can be read on the Home page of our Web site.  Please read the below listed article from a retired Federal Law Enforcement Officer and Honorable Military Veteran.

  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States reversed policy and said it would back negotiations on a UN treaty to regulate arms sales as long as the talks operated by consensus, a stance critics said gave every nation a veto. The decision, announced in a statement released by the U.S. State Department, overturns the position of former President George W. Bush's Administration, which had opposed the same UN treaty on the grounds that national controls were better. The Obama Administration intends to force gun control upon all Americans by a number of initiatives, including ratification of a UN Treaty on Small Arms Control through the signing of international treaties with foreign nations.  By signing the UN Treaty on Small Arms Control, the Obama Administration can employ the US State Department to bypass the normal legislative process in Congress.  Once the US Government signs the international treaty, all US citizens will be subject to those gun control laws created by foreign governments in violation of the 2nd Amendment. These are laws that have been developed and promoted by leftists and Communists in the United Nations and by individuals such as George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. The laws are designed and intended to be the first step “to lead” to the complete ban and confiscation of all firearms; 45 nations have already banned all arms. The Obama Administration is attempting to use tactics and methods of gun control that will inflict major damage to our 2nd Amendment before US citizens will even understand what has happened---similar to what happened when a lame duck Democratic Congress jammed thru the 2700 page flawed Obama Health Care Bill that no one ever read---and still have not read.  Obama will appear before the public and tell them that he does not intend to pursue any legislation (in the United States) that will lead to new gun control laws, while cloaking in secrecy, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton’s activities for the last 2 years of committing the US to international treaties and foreign gun control laws.

Does that mean Obama is telling the truth? What it means is that there will be no publicized gun control debates in the media or votes in Congress, so Americans can be alerted to what is happening to their Right to Bear Arms. 


We will wake up one morning and find out that the United States has signed a UN treaty that prohibits firearm and ammunition manufacturers from selling arms and ammunition to the public.


We will wake up another morning and find that the US has signed a UN treaty that prohibits any transfer of firearm ownership.


And then, we will wake up yet another morning and find that the US has signed a UN treaty that requires US citizens to deliver any firearm they own to the local government collection and destruction center or face imprisonment.


This is neither a joke nor a false warning.  As sure as the Obama Administration forced a 2700 page flawed Health Care Bill down the throat of all American citizens that was crafted by Obama (that enacted 20 new taxes that no one knew about), so to are the current legislative initiatives being proposed by Senator Feinstein and Obama’s Socialists allies in Congress designed to eliminate the gun rights of law abiding citizens in the United States.  When coupled with Obama’s 23 Executive Orders, and Obama full intent to sign the UN Treaty on Small Arms Control, promoted by Obama with the help of  the left of center liberal media establishment’s frenzy to flood the media and Social network with reasons why the 2nd Amendment should be marginalized, and with the help of a infamous Socialist ally, George Soros’ funded,  we have been subjected to the launch of a major attack on gun right and the support of highly restrictive gun control laws—the American people are in for a major yearlong assault on the 2ndAmendment led by Obama that is an aggressive attempt to disarm the American people.  The American people must rise up and let their Congressional representatives know that they will have none of it, and will register their objections at the poles in 2014, by removing every senator up for election who supports Obama’s plan to restrict gun ownership..


Those of you who are of concerned about your Right to Bear Arms should write your Congressman, Senators, State Legislators, and elected Sheriffs, and inform them that you are concerned by Obama’s gun restriction initiatives over the last 2 years that are violating the 2ndAmendment to the US Constitution, and ask them to take legal action in US Federal Court to halt Obama’s continued violation of the US Constitution.


Step by step, Americans citizens are watched the US Constitution being violated and are having their freedom of religion violated, right to bear arms being eroded, taxes increased without proper representation, and the southern borders violated without proper protection by the Obama Administration (Every Socialist Dictator-----Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Mussolini, and Castro have come to power by first eliminating the right of law abiding citizens to own guns).