By Capt Joseph R. John, July 27, 2017: Op Ed # 362
Admiral James A. Lyons, Jr., USNA '52, USN (Ret), former Commander US Pacific Fleet, discusses the need to restore the “Military’s Moral Underpinning” in his below listed Op Ed. It is so appropriate and timely in light of President Trump’s decision to terminate the induction of transgender people into the US Armed Forces.
Terminating transgender people from serving in the US Armed Forces is another of the President Trump’s important steps, to change the disastrous policies Obama imposed on the US Armed Forces by force feeding his “Social Experiment On Diversity” into the US military over the last 8 years.
President Trump stated that, after consulting "with my generals and military experts," that the US government "will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity…
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