President Trump Courtesy And Respect Toward a US Marine
By Capt Joseph R. John, July 9, 2017: Op Ed # 360
President Donald J. Trump saw the hat of one of the US Marine Guards blow off his head, due to heavy winds; he chased the hat, bent down, picked the hat off the ground, then put it back on the Marine Guard’s head. Every American should watch this video of a caring US President’s respect and courtesy toward a US Marine. Amazing!
There is a stark difference in how President Trump treats US Marine Guards, who he always returns hand salutes to, and how Obama treated a US Marine Guard when he occupied the Oval Office.
The press never recorded any other US President who did what Obama did with a US Marine Guard; the press actually recorded Obama having a US Marine Guard cover hold an umbrella over him, to protect him from the rain, while the US Marine Guard holding the umbrella, who was not under the umbrella, had his “hat” and uniform get drenched. Revealing!
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