In Recognition of American Patriots on Memorial Day
By Capt Joseph R. John, May 25, 2017: Op Ed # 350
Each year on Memorial Day we honor American Patriots who gave the last full measure of devotion in service to the Republic, so their fellow Americans could live their lives in freedom.
Today and every day, we honor American Combat Veterans who gave up their tomorrows, and we honor members of the US Armed Forces, who are often separated from their loved ones for long periods of time, as they go into “Harm’s Way.”
The nation also solemnly honors Gold Star families for their loss. Those families feel the loss of their loved ones daily!
Today and every day, we also honor all Veterans who served in the defense of the Republic. At one point in their lives, Veterans wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their lives.” America owes them a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid!
In the memory of members of the US Armed Forces who lost their lives in service to the Republic, we share the below listed link, with its moving video, that demonstrates how Americans came together to honor selfless American Patriots.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/ GJokaiyJNVA
Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. The material can only posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author. It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author.