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Op-Ed Articles

By Capt Joseph R. John, January 2, 2019: Op Ed #420

Unfortunately, over the last 10 years, the left of center liberal media establishment, the Progressives and Leftists in Hollywood, the Democrat Socialist Party, Progressives Teachers, and Marxist Progressive Professors on just about every college campus in the nation, have been indoctrinating students, millenniums, and the general public with the unverifiable lie that Republicans are racists and sexists.  


The documented US History of the Republic, reveals that the Democratic Party strongly opposed the Republican Party’s promotion and passage of the 13th Amendment which freed the slaves, the passage of the 14th Amendment which gave slaves US Citizenship, the passage of the 15th Amendment which gave slaves the right to vote, and the passage of the 19th Amendment which gave women the right to vote.


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 By Capt Joseph R. John, December 27, 2018: Op Ed # 419

Seventeen years ago, America was a much different nation, it was united.  Please click on the below listed link to watch a video that will demonstrate that fact.


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By Capt Joseph R. John, December 25, 2018, Op Ed #418 

We remember that Merry Christmas from Astronauts “To all of you on Good Earth”, as they viewed the Christmas Sky from Apollo 8, on Christmas Eve, December 24, 1968.  


It was 50 years ago, a different time in US History, when there was no such thing as Politically Correct Speech that Progressives have been using, to try to suppress “Freedom of Speech”, that very precious gift, provided to all Americans by the Founding Fathers in The Bill Of Rights.

You can listen to their message…

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We were informed earlier today, that Admiral James A. Lyons, Jr., USNA '52, USN (Ret); age 91, passed away peacefully at Fauquier Hospital in Warrenton, VA.  Admiral Lyons Served in the U.S. Navy for thirty-six years as a Surface Warfare Officer, including as Commander in Chief of the US Pacific Fleet, Senior US Military Representative to the United Nations, and Deputy Chief of Naval Operations.  Details of the military funeral service to be conducted at the US Naval Academy Chapel, followed by internment in the US Naval Academy Cemetery in Annapolis, MD will be published when details are finalized.

This past November 1, 2018, Admiral Lyons informed me of his profound sadness at the loss of his wife of 66 years, Renee, who passed away that morning; my wife and I had first met Renee Lyons 52 years ago.

In January 1967, as a then Navy Lieutenant, I reported for…

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December 1, 2018

For his 50+ years of service to the Republic, we Honor the life and legacy of President George Herbert Walker Bush, the 41st President of the United States, who passed away last night at age 94.  He was reunited with his loving wife Barbara, who passed away 8 months ago.  After Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan, and although he was accepted to Yale University and would have played on the Yale varsity baseball team, George Bush put his college education and budding baseball career on hold, in order to volunteer for military service.

George Bush volunteered for US Navy service, and at age 19 became the youngest pilot in WWII.   Navy Lieutenant (junior grade) Bush won his wings of gold and was assigned as a pilot of a torpedo bomber in an avenger and flew 58 combat missions.  On one of his missions, his avenger was hit by Japanese anti-aircraft fire,…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 19, 2018, Op Ed #413 In time for the Christmas and Hanukah Holidays, the US Navy is notifying personnel who served in the US Armed Forces, that its On-Line Navy Exchanged Benefits have been authorized for “ALL” Veterans who served in the defense the Republic and were Honorably Discharged.
 Navy Exchange On-Line shopping includes excellent prices, life-long tax free shopping, and free shipping benefits.  These benefits can’t be replicated by any other on-line shopping service.
 The commitment that young men and women made to their country in their youth, by devoting their early years to serve in the US Armed Forces, can never be adequately repaid.  
 Twenty-two Veterans each day, many of whom made the early… Read More

 By Capt Joseph R. John, November 13, 2018, Op Ed #412

The continued counting of ballots at the San Diego Registrar of Voters is underway at 5600 Overland Avenue, San Diego, California 92123.  The inspection of ballots is to ensure they are from US Citizens, and continues from 7:30 AM to about 9:30 PM daily.
 There are still 230,000 ballots left to be counted, down from the original number of 425,000 ballots.  Unfortunately, Tony Krvaric, Chairman of the San Diego County Central Committee, has not engaged attorneys nor mobilized volunteers to monitor the inspection of ballots like Republican Parties are doing across the entire nation.  The San Diego Republican Party has $600,000.00 in the treasury and can easily afford to engage attorneys to monitor the inspection of ballots to ensure they have been submitted by US Citizens. The election campaigns of many residents of… Read More

By Capt Joseph R. John, November 9, 2018, Op Ed #411

US Marine Corp Birthday

We honor all US Marines not only on this November 10th, the US Marine Corps’ 243rd Birthday, but on every day.  Over the last 9+ years, 35 of the 121 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress were elected to Congress.  In addition, 36 of the 121 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress were US Marines; they are listed on the Endorsements and Alumni pages of our Web site.  


Eight of the 36 US Marines that were endorsed as Combat Veterans For Congress were elected to Congress.  Those US Marines who have served their country in combat as US Marines, and subsequently continued their service to the Republic as members of US House of Representatives are Cong John P. Kline (Col-USMC/Ret), Cong Paul Cook (Col-USMC/Ret), Cong Duncan D. Hunter (Maj-USMCR), Cong Michael Coleman (Maj-USMC), Cong…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 7, 2018: Op Ed #410

A review of the 31 campaigns of endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress for the period from 2017 to 2018 is presented below:


From 2017 to 2018, 55 new Combat Veterans from 23 states were reviewed for endorsement.  Eleven Combat Veterans For Congress from 8 states were subsequently endorsed, 6 of those endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress from 4 states won their primary elections, and 20 elected Combat Veterans For Congress from 15 states made up the field of 26 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, who campaigned and were supported to prevail in their November 2018 midterm general election campaigns. 


Five endorsed and elected Combat Veterans For Congress did not seek election in the November 2018 midterm election:


Cong Ron DeSantis, Lcdr-USNR (JAGC) (R-FL-6) ran for Governor of…

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 This says it all, we encourage you to vote today! 

By Capt Joseph R. John, November 4, 2018: Op Ed #409

On October 29, 2018, CNN’s Don Lemon stated on a national TV broadcast “We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is “White Men”, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.”

That racist slander by CNN about “White Males” is now being promoted by the left of center liberal media establishment on air daily, they have also been labeling President Trump a racist, a white supremist, a Nazi, and Hitler, and say he hates people of color and Jews.  Progressive Marxist, Democrat Socialists, and Communists now fill the ranks of the new Socialist Democrat Party, and have partnered with the left of center liberal TV news commentators, the Radical Democrat elected leaders, and the New York Times spewing divisive hateful rhetoric daily…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 30, 2018 Op-Ed #408

It is with truly deep sadness, that we inform you that on October 23, 1918, a US Naval Academy Football standout, Captain Raymond Burke “Buddy” Welborn, USNA ’59, USN (Ret), PhD, N*, who was awarded the Thompson Trophy for Athletics in 1959, passed away peacefully of complications from an aortic aneurism at age 82, in League City, TX; his son Raymond Burke, Jr., USNA ’85 was by his side.  Capt Welborn was born in Bryan Texas, on August 13, 1936, and attended Rice University for 1 year before entering the United States Naval Academy in 1955, joining the Class of 1959.

Captain R. “Buddy” Welborn, USN (Ret), graduated from the US Naval Submarine School, was Submarine and Surface Warfare Qualified, was selected as a ship’s Commanding Officer, was an author, a college professor, a Trustee of the US Naval Academy…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 22, 2018: Op Ed # 407

By clicking on the below listed link, the strategy followed by the Communist Party since the 1930s to destroy the Catholic Church from within and marginalize the Christian religion, will be revealed.  Communism teaches their fellow travelers that religion is the “opiate of the people.”    


The Communist Party USA, Progressive Marxists, Socialists Democrats, 80 Radical Left & Communist organizations funded by George Soros, Atheists, Anarchists, the left of center liberal media establishment, and their fellow travelers have joined with the Communist Party’s strategy to destroy the Catholic Church from within, and marginalize the Christian religion.  After 80 + years, the Communist Party’s long term goal with the willing help of their fellow travelers and co-conspirators listed above, is bearing fruit…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 11, 2018: Op Ed # 406

In the below listed article from Breitbart News, Ammar Yasser Campa-Najjar’s Congressional Campaign made a donation to CAIR.  CAIR has strong ties with the Muslim Brotherhood International Terrorist Organization and Hamas as explained below.  The US State Department has designated Hamas a Foreign Terrorist Organization.  The Muslim Brotherhood has been outlawed and designated dangerous International Terrorist Organizations by Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Bahrein, the United Arab Emirates, and Russia.

In 1994, CAIR  was created by and for The Muslim Brotherhood International Terrorist organization, as its public relations front organization.  The Muslim Brotherhood also instigated the creation of Al Q’ieda, ISIS, Hamas, and other terrorist groups.  In 2014, CAIR was designated an International Terrorist…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 8, 2018: Op Ed #405

The below listed article discuss the resistance and anarchy perpetrated by the New Socialist Democrat Party, Radical Leftists, the Socialist Party of America, and Anarchists, who threaten tranquility with cries for “Impeachment” of the US President, and a US Supreme Court Justice----“Impeachment” based only upon allegations, without any corroborating evidence, is to “Bear False Witness”. Their unsubstantiated and unhinged allegations are at a fever pitch, and are being promoted by the left of center liberal media establishment and leftist celebrities demonstrating in the streets.

For over two years, Progressive Marxists, the New Socialist Democrat Party, Obama’s “Organization For Action”, The Communist Party USA, The Muslim Brotherhood, Democrat Socialist Of America, Radical Marxists, La Raza, Mecha, Act Blue,…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 3, 2018: Op Ed # 404

What the left of center liberal media establishment has coordinated, in their cover up in the background of Christine Blasey-Ford that has been well-known by students at Palo Alto University, is that she is as an extremist and Progressive Professor, who has been a Never Trump demonstrator ever since Donald Trump ran for office, and that she degrades President Trump in campus discussions.  

The question facing the US Justice System and American citizens, is if a person is ever accused of a crime, should they be found guilty, as soon as they are accused?  Should the US Justice System and all US Laws that always treated all accused individuals as “innocent until proven guilty” be set aside and allow a simple accusation of an individual, with no proof to back up the accusation, be ignored and allowed to find that individual…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 24, 2018: Op Ed # 403

The below listed 1944 quote by the 6 time Presidential candidate of the Socialist Party of America, Norman Thomas, is an accurate prediction that today’s Liberal Democratic Party (AKA The American Progressive Socialist Party) will support Socialism: 


“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism.  But under the name of Liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist Program, until one day, America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.  I no longer need to run for the Socialist Party of America, the Democrat Party has adopted our platform.”  


Presidents Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, and Johnson would not recognize the actions, policies, and leadership of the once honorable Patriotic Democrat Party.  Today’s Democrat Party leaders do not support the US…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 12, 2018: Op Ed # 402

In the below listed video of a national TV interview on One America News Network, Capt Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62/Former FBI, and GySgt Nick Popaditch, USMC (Ret) (Silver Star recipient) expressed their support for an endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, Congressman Duncan Hunter, Maj/USMCR (R-CA-50).  


They pointed to Cong Hunter’s lifetime of service to the Republic.  Following his graduation from college, Duncan Hunter enlisted and served as an officer in the US Marine Corps; he served in combat operations in Iraq and in Afghanistan.  Then for nearly 6 years in Congress, on the House Armed Services Committee, Cong Hunter championed many legislative initiatives in support of the US Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs.  


Capt John and Gunny Sgt Popaditch are both opposed to Cong Hunter’s…

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                               September 2018

My fellow Americans,

Only once a year do we seek your support to help us recruit and elect endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress.  This year it is extremely important that you assist us in the support of endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, so they can help in their retention of endangered seats from being lost to Democrat Socialists, who will vote for Nancy Pelosi as the Speaker of the House.

As we approach the most important Congressional election in 242 years, endorsed US Senator Tom Cotton is not running for re-election this year, Cong Ron DeSantis is running for Governor of Florida, Cong James Bridenstine was appointed as the new NASA Administrator, Cong Ryan Zinke (SEAL) was appointed as Secretary of the Interior, and Senator John McCain recently passed away.  With those 5 endorsed Combat Veterans…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 10, 2018: Op Ed # 401

We’ve been asked by many supporters about “With Honor”, a new organization that has endorsed 200 veterans to run for Congress.  Five of the 200 veterans they endorsed in 2018 are among the 31 Combat Veterans For Congress we’ve endorsed.  Besides the 5 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, they have also endorsed 6 previously elected Congressmen, as well a very large number of veterans running for Congress.    


We only recruit and endorse Combat Veterans to run for Congress.  Over the last 9 years, we have communicated with 499 Combat Veterans and endorsed 120 to run for Congress.  We are pleased that 88 of them won their primary elections and 32 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress were elected to Congress (3 US Senators and 29 US Congressmen).  We do not have any paid staff, nor the type of financial…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 27, 2018: Op Ed # 400

In 2010, Senator John McCain endorsed the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC.  Following Senator McCain’s endorsement, the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC endorsed Senator McCain, as a Combat Veterans For Congress.  In July 2011, Senator John McCain wrote and distributed a fundraising letter, to his supporters nationally, in order to solicit donations for the election of endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress.  Over the previous 8 years, Senator McCain had always been supportive of the other two endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress elected to the US Senate, and to the 29 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress elected to the US House of Representatives.

Over those 8 years, on a monthly basis, without fail, we have been repeatedly criticized, vilified, and threatened for maintaining our endorsement of Senator John…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 23, 2018: Op Ed # 399

The Democrat candidate running against Congressman Duncan Hunter, in the 50th Congressional District, is 28 year old Ammar Campa-Najjar who has family ties to the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).  He was taken to the Gaza Strip to be raised among Palestinians by his Palestinian father, Yasser al-Najjar, and remained there until age 12.

His grandfather, Muhammad Yusuf al-Najjar (aka Abu Yusuf) was the Radical Islamic Terrorist, and member of the Black September Organization, who was the mastermind and executioner in the operation that murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, Germany.  

Prior to Barrack Hussein Obama’s election, Ammar Campo-Najjar was Obama’s Campaign Deputy Regional Director, and after …

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 20, 2018: Op Ed #398

Katie Hopkins tells Americans what has happened to her beloved England, and warns Americans not to let it happen to the United States! 

The below listed video is funny, sometimes crude, raucous, but intentionally fashioned to get her point across, “not to let it happen to you.” 

All Americans should see this message.  The left of center liberal media establishment has managed to cover it up; most Americans are clueless.  

What has happened to England, Sweden, and much of Europe because of the massive invasion of illegal aliens and the establishment of no-go enclaves, which police won’t enter, is truly unsettling: no law and order in many places. 

It is not a Democratic, Republican, Independent, Liberal, Conservative, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, or Buddhist…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 17, 2018: Op Ed # 397

The left of center liberal media establishment has been frantically misrepresenting the revocation of John Brennan’s Security Clearance.  Brennan’s non-stop erratic and frenzied commentary on the loss of his Security Clearance has aggressively attempted to mislead the American people about the issue.  The below listed E-mail does an excellent job of discussing the revocation of Brennan’s Security Clearance.  

In order to shine the light of day on this issue, the following facts that the press failed to report on, are presented herewith:

In 1976, at the height of the Cold War when Russia was threatening the survival of the United States with the threat of its nuclear weapons, in that same year, Brennan voted for Gus Hall, the Communist Party candidate for President.


While Director…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 31, 2018: Op Ed # 396

"Take away the heritage of a people and they are easily destroyed." Karl Marx

The below listed PBS article reveals that for centuries, education courses once taught to students in grammar schools, middle schools, and in high schools, extoled “America’s Heritage,” explained the freedoms outlined in The Bill of Rights, provided an “accurate History of the US,” and explained that the US Constitution is the foundation of the Republic’s government.  Over a 200 year period, American Educators taught students about “America’s Core Values,” “America’s Heritage,” and “American Exceptionalism.”  This gave students a unity of purpose which brought the melting pot of America’s diverse cultures together, and strengthened and unified American citizens in common goals.     

Individual State Education Departments once controlled…

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 Combat Veterans For Congress---Embedded Integrity

We encourage you to read the below listed article concerning former Captain Kevin M. Nicholson, USMC,  the 28th Endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress running for the US Senate in Wisconsin in 2018.  We encourage you to provide support for him in any way you can by going to his Web site  His Democrat parents have disowned him, and have made financial donations to support the re-election campaign of first term Democrat Senator Tammy Baldwin, who he is running against.


Baldwin was one of the first Democrat Senators…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 16, 2018: Op Ed # 394

Who are “PROGRESSIVES “as identified in this Op Ed?  The “PROGRESSIVE” philosophy was developed by Karl Marx and German Philosopher George Wilhelm Hegel in1801.  They stated “Everything is formed by the process of change.” “PROGRESSIVES” have been attempting to create doubts in the validity of the 242 year old US Constitution to govern the Republic; since then US Constitution has changed very little.  Since the 1920s, Communists who have been promoting and supporting Karl Marx’s “PROGRESSIVE” Philosophy have been trying to create doubts in the validity of the 242 year old US Constitution to govern. The left of center liberal media establishment has been covering up the identity of the groups that make up “PROGRESSIVES”---Marxists, Leftists, Socialists, Communists, and Islam Extremists who believe that Sharia Law is superior to…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 6, 2018: Op Ed # 393

There has been over 700 demonstrations against Immigration and Customs Enforcement Federal Law Enforcement Agents (ICE), throughout the nation over the last 3 weeks.  The 50 offices of Obama’s “Organization For Action (OFA)” have been coordinating the demonstrations, with the support of their 32,525 members, and with the help of 14 field organizers.  The Demonstrators are being transported to various locations, and are being paid by George Soros.

The demonstrations are designed to eliminate the force of 6000 ICE Agents whose primary function is to enforce US Federal Immigration Laws, and to apprehend convicted Illegal Alien criminals on the interior of the US.  Obama’s OFA is lying about what ICE Agents are responsible for, and whipping up hysteria by saying ICE is separating Illegal Alien children from their…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 4, 2018: Op Ed # 392 

Each year on Independence Day, the Fourth of July, Americans celebrate, express their support for the freedoms they enjoy, and recognize the unlimited opportunities afforded them to improve their stations in life, because of success of The Free Enterprise System which built the most successful economic engine in the history of mankind.  The Fourth of July is also an opportunity for each “Patriotic American Citizen” to celebrate a second symbolic birthday.  


Countless generations of Americans fought for, and under, the American Flag.  The American Flag symbolizes the unity of Americans.  The “Flag” is flown on national holidays, above US Federal buildings, on US Military installations, on US Navy ships, over US Embassies & US Missions, by deployed US military units overseas, and by millions of Americans…

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The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC endorses Cong Ron DeSantis, Lcdr-USNR (JAGC) for Governor of Florida.  Ron DeSantis is a fiscal and constitutional conservative who will work to rein in the out-of-control spending, and protect and support the 2nd Amendment rights in the State of Florida and nationally.  As Governor, he will stimulate the private sector to grow and create new jobs while bringing integrity and Judeo-Christian traditional family values to Florida’s government.”

For 9 years, the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC has only endorsed candidates running for Congress, and has never endorsed a candidate for State office.  However, since 2012 when we endorsed and supported Ron DeSantis to run for and get elected to Congress, we have observed how he has superbly represented the voters of Florida.  We therefore changed our endorsement policy in this one case, to…

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