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Op-Ed Articles

By Capt Joseph R. John, February 15, 2017: Op Ed # 337 

Nine appointees in the Obama administration, from one or more intelligence agencies, possibly NSA, CIA, or DNI, were involved in leaking sensitive information to the press, that resulted in General Mike Flynn’s resignation as the National Security Advisor.  The 9 individuals were political activists opposed to President Trump; they released transcripts of recorded phone conversations to the press of General Flynn conversations with the Russian Ambassador to the US (by law, the name of any US citizen in such a classified transcript must be redacted, hiding their identity from the press).  


General Flynn did not violate any laws in his conversations with the Russian Ambassador, and there was no collusion during the election.  Unfortunately, General Flynn failed to provide President Trump with complete information about the conversations he had with the Russian Ambassador, and misled Vice President Pence, resulting in the need for his departure.

Because of the degree of sensitivity of the information, only senior personnel in the intelligence agencies like John Brennan, and James Clapper would have received the subject information.  The goal of the 9 leakers was to take down the National Security Advisor; they imperiled National Security.  The intelligence agencies felt threatened by General Flynn criticism of how they operate, they opposed his plan to reveal the anti-US provisions of Obama’s…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, February 13, 2017: Op Ed # 336 

One of the strengths of the United States is the Republic has been a melting pot for 240 years. The United States is made up of many cultures, including American citizens of Arabic descent who have served Honorably as members of the US Armed Forces since the turn of the 20th Century.  The estimated 7 million American citizens of Arabic descent have always maintained excellent relations with their relatives and many of their associates in friendly Arabic countries. 


American citizens of Christians and Muslims religious backgrounds, who are from Lebanese, Armenian, Assyrian, Jordanian, Moroccan, Egyptian, Bharani, Saudi Arabian, Turkish, Afghan, Omani, Syrian, Kurdish, etc. cultures have stood shoulder to shoulder with other Americans serving in the US Armed Forces, opposing ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists perpetrating genocide against Christians of Arabic descent living in the Middle East.  


Members in the US Armed Forces of Arabic descent have fought heroically in support of the United States during WWI, WWII, the Korean Conflict, Vietnam, the Bosnian Conflict, Operation Desert Storm, the Iraqi Conflict, the Afghan Conflict, and in multiple World Wide Counterterrorist Operations against Radical Islamic Terrorists.  During Operation Desert Storm, 19 Arabic nations fought alongside of the US Armed Forces to evict Saddam Hussein from his invasion of Kuwait.


By clicking on…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, February 13, 2017: Op Ed # 335

Below is a list of 75 of the 95 Radical Islamic Terrorists attacks or Jihadist killings perpetrated by Muslim refugees, descendants of Muslim refugees, radicalized Islamists through the Internet who traveled to fight with ISIS, and/or terrorists from Somalia, Iraq, Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, etc. foreign nationals against American citizens in the US during the 8 years of the Obama administration.  The terrorist attacks on US soil occurred in Sacramento (CA), Houston (TX), Morganton (NC), Philadelphia (PA), San Bernardino (CA), Times Square (NYC), Moore (OK), Detroit (MI), Boise (ID), Orlando (FL), West Orange (NJ), Fort Hood (TX), Portland (ME), Chattanooga (TN), Garland (TX), Boston (MA), Portland (OR), Minneapolis (MN), Buffalo (NY), Jonesboro (GA), Ashtabula (OH), Bingham (NY), Glendale (AZ), Phoenix (AZ), Little Rock (AR), Merced (CA), Marquette Park (IL), Seattle (WA), Skyway (WA), Denver (CO), Aspen Hill (MD), Baltimore (MD), Oakland (CA), Arlington (VA), Fredricksburg (VA), Montgomery County (MO), St Louis (MO), Bowling Green (KY), Scottsville (NY), Richmond (CA), Washington (DC), Irving (TX), Port Bolivar (TX), Warren (MI), Waltham (MA), Manassas (… Read More

By Capt Joseph R. John, February 6, 2017: Op Ed # 334

In the last 10 days, American citizens have been bombarded with fake news and outright lies, stating that there has never been terrorist attacks in the United States by foreign nationals from the 7 Muslim majority nations harboring Radical Islamic Terrorists, and that it is unconstitutional to prevent foreign nationals from entering the United States (6 times in the last 135 years the US legally prevented foreign nationals from entering the US; details are listed below).  


The fake news and intentional lies have been promulgated by the Democrat leaders in Congress, most national network news anchors (excluding FOX), the left of center liberal media establishment, the Muslim Brotherhood, and left leaning Hollywood celebrities who are making speeches and supporting massive demonstrations opposing the temporary moratorium on the entry of foreign nationals from 7 out of 43 Muslim majority nations that are harboring Radical Islamic Terrorists. 


The 7 Muslim majority nations that are harboring Radical Islamic Terrorists are Somalia, Iraq, Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Iran, and Libya.  Except for Iran, the governments of those 7 nations harboring Radical Islamic Terrorists lack identity controls, and are unable to verify that individuals residing in those countries, are who they state they are.   Only 7 of the 43 Muslim nations in the world have had a 120 day moratorium on refugee resettlement…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, January 30, 2017: Op Ed # 333


Hundreds of thousands of travelers enter the United States every day, and out of 193 nations in the world, on Sunday, 325,000 passengers traveled to the US, and only 109 travelers from 7 terrorist-sponsoring countries were detained on Sunday in compliance with President Trump’s Executive Orders.  The Executive Orders imposed a 120 day moratorium on refugee resettlement, and a 30 day ban on those entering on visas from 7 terrorist-sponsoring countries.  Of the 109 detainees, less than a dozen were restricted from staying in the United States.  


The Trump administration has been sued for the “Terrorist Ban,” restricting foreigners from the 7 terrorist-sponsoring nations from entering the US.  The 7 terrorist sponsoring nations of Syria, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Libya, and Sudan have government positions filled by international terrorists, and have terrorist training camps operating within their borders.  The Islamic State has trained thousands ISIS Islamic Radical Terrorist from the 7 terrorist-sponsoring nations.  Many of the trained ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorist are returning to the 7 terrorist-sponsoring nations; it is critically important for the safety of the Republic to restrict the citizens of those 7 nations from entering the US.  


The below listed article discusses the lawsuit filed against the Trump administration’s “Terrorist Ban.”  It lists 5 organizations that…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, January 26, 2017: Op Ed #332


Radical Leftist, Progressives, members of La Raza & SEIU, Socialists, the Muslim Brotherhood, Communists, 70 Democratic members of Congress, Soros Open Society Foundation paid demonstrators, and the left of center liberal media establishment have been demonstrating and complaining hysterically about President Donald J. Trump’s Illegal Alien initiatives.  The initiatives are designed to stop the massive influx of millions of Illegal Aliens and Middle East and Africa refugees who have been entering the United States over the last 8 years.  


For 8 years, the FBI was not allowed to vet the refugees from the Middle East and Africa to determine if they had ISIS terrorist ties.  The 94 Radical Islamic Terrorist attacks that killed hundreds of American citizens in the United States (2/3rd  of them in the last 4 years) were perpetrated by Middle East & African refugees or their descendants (many of those attacks are listed in the attachment).   


President Trump initiatives are designed to protect American citizens from millions of convicted criminal Illegal Aliens and suspected terrorists residing in over 300 Sanctuary Cities, to take action to try to prevent the type of terrorist attacks in the US over the last 8 years that have killed hundreds of Americans on US soil, and to free up employment opportunities for the 95 million unemployed American citizens who could fill millions…

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Along with every living US President, every US Senator, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and over 63 million American citizens, the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC celebrated the peaceful transfer of power from the Obama administrations to the Trump administration.   


As called for in the US Constitution, the 58 Inaugurations of each new US President, have always been a civil transfer of power for 228 years, and those 58 Inaugurations have never been political events.  We trust and pray that the newly elected Congress will support the American people by cooperating with President Donald J. Trump to:


     (1) seal the wide open southern border

     (2) enact new policies to protect the lives of American citizens who have repeatedly suffered through 94 Radical Islamic Terrorists attacks inside the United States

     (3) rebuild the strength of the US Armed Forces

     (4) rein in the irresponsible and out of control spending that has increased the national debt to exceed $20 trillion  

     (5) provide "all" American citizens with affordable medical care

     (6) reduce the federal tax charged all American citizens and US businesses. 

By Capt Joseph R. John, January 18, 2017: Op Ed # 331 

Since April 30, 1789, when George Washington was inaugurated in New York City, as the first President of the Republic, there have been 57 peaceful celebration of the inaugurations of the President of the United States.  Over the 228 years, the 57 inaugurations have never been about the man or his campaign, the celebration of the inauguration has always been about the “peaceful” transition of the “office.” 


Today of the 535 members of the US Congress, close to 70 Democratic members of Congress are Socialists, Leftists, Progressives, and fellow travelers with the Communist Party USA and the Muslim Brotherhood (an International Terrorist organization).  As of today, 60 Democratic drama queen members of Congress, many in the group of 70 previously referred to, have refused to attend the inauguration and have been trying to delegitimize the election of President Donald J. Trump, who received 306 votes of the Electoral College. 


Two of the 60 members of Congress who will not be attending the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump, Rep John Lewis (D-GA-5), and Rep Maxine Waters (D-CA-43), also boycotted the inauguration of President George W. Bush in 2001, because they stated he was also not the legitimate US President.  Rep Lewis recently stated “I do not see the President-Elect as a legitimate President.”  President Jimmy Carter, President Bill Clinton, President George W. Bush,…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, January 9, 2017: 330


For 8 years Obama failed to condemn the genocide perpetrated by Al Q’ieda, ISIS, and members of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) who continued to butcher over 200,000 Syrian and Assyrian Christians.  Current media reports state Obama is trying to salvage, what he calls, “His Legacy.”  Obama will never be able to salvage “His Legacy”, because he turned a blind eye to the genocide that Al Q’ieda, ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorist, and members of the MB perpetrated against Syrian and Assyrian Christians.  Obama repeatedly ignored pleas by 56 US Congressmen, on both sides of the aisle, to provide Christian families with small arms weapons to protect themselves.   


Al Q’ idea, ISIS, and the MB crucified Christians, beheaded them, burned them alive, drowned them in cages, buried them alive, cut small children’s bodies in two, forced men to kneel in order to shoot them behind the head, and threw Christians from high buildings to their deaths.  In the last 2 years, ISIS has perpetrated 143 “Radical Islamic Terrorists” attacks in 29 countries, murdering 2043 people in “Hate Crimes” and “Crimes Against Humanity”; those murderous acts were executed to prevent Christians from exercising their “Freedom of Religion.”  

While Obama was ignoring the genocide in the Middle East, he minimized the 93 “Radical Islamic Terrorist” attacks in the United States (2/3rd of those attacks occurred in the last 4 years).  Yet for 8…

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We wish you a Healthy, Prosperous, and Happy New Year!


In the New Year we look forward to the following changes; the hollowed out US Armed Forces will be strengthened, there will be an improvement in the health care of Veterans, the US economy will recover at a 3% growth rate, that the massive violations of US Federal Immigrations Laws will finally cease, the repeated violations of the US Constitution will end, that there will be new affordable health care insurance program for all Americans, political correctness will be replaced by Freedom of Speech, and the subtle attacks against Judeo Christian religious beliefs in the US Armed Forces will no longer be promoted.


The creator of the “Peanuts” comic strip, Charles Schultz’s, below listed philosophy is appropriate as we enter the New Year.

Charles Schulz’s Philosophy


You aren’t expected to actually answer Charles Schultz’s questions. To get his point, just read his E-mail straight through. 


1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America. 

4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize. 

5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winner for best actor and actress. 

6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.

The point is-----none of us remember the headliners of yesterday, and they were not second-…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, December 16, 2016

In a last ditch attempt and an all-out blitz, Van Jones (the former Obama administration “Green Jobs Czar” who was forced to resign when it was revealed that he was a hard core Communist, with close ties with the Communist Terrorist Bill Ayers and other hard core Communists), John Podesta, the Chairman of Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign who was on the Board of Directors of one of Putin’s International Russian Front Companies, and Mike Morrell (who as Acting Director of the CIA, lied repeatedly about Benghazi attack was initiated by a YouTube video when he knew it was an attack by 125 Radical Islamic Terrorists, and was expecting a high paying position in the Clinton administration as a payoff for his bold faced lies) conspired to keep President Elect Donald J. Trump from becoming the 45th President of the United States.  

Podesta, Jones, and Morrell worked with John Brennan, the Director of the CIA to join in a Hillary Presidential Campaign conspiracy, to release intelligence reports from “unnamed” sources that Russia used cyber activities to favor Trump’s election, and to try to persuade the members of the Electoral College, and that Donald Trump knew about Russia’s cyber activities in his favor.  

The truth of the matter is that Russia has been trying to negatively affect every Presidential campaignsince President John F. Kennedy was elected, not to favor one candidate over the other, but in order…

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By clicking on the below listed link you will be able to view photos and videos of Dr Ben Carson, Cong Barry Goldwater, Jr. (Ret), Cong Duncan L. Hunter, Cpt/USA (Ranger/Vietnam) (Ret), Cong Steve Russell, LTC/USA (Ret)(Ranger) (R-OK-5), Connie Stevens, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, USA/MP (DEA), Master of Ceremonies Larry Elder, Col Robert Modrzejewski, USMC (Ret)(Medal Of Honor), Jack Scalia, Joely Fisher, Ron Fairly of the Dodgers, Patricia Smith (mother of Agent Sean Smith lost at Benghazi), Pearl Harbor Veteran EMC Stu Hedley, USN (Ret), endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, Wounded Warriors from the Wounded Warrior Battalion at Camp Pendleton, and invited guests at the VIP and General Receptions


We thank you for your continued and steadfast support of the 32 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress who have served the Republic in Congress over the last 8 years.  The Combat Veterans For Congress, listed on the Endorsements page of our Web site, are carrying on for the 11 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress who are no longer serving in Congress.  Those 11 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress are listed on the Alumni…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, December 12, 2016 

The demographic that may well have decided the presidential election of 2016, most probably came down to “The Angry Man.”  For 8 years his belief systems, religion, and patriotism had been undercut and marginalized by Progressives, Leftists, Socialists, Liberals, Muslim Brotherhood Front Groups, the Communists Party USA, Feminists Groups, and the left of center liberal media establishment.  

Radical interests groups like Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, ANSWER, Anarchists, and other Leftist Groups funded by George Soros Open Society Foundation, have been trying to reshape modern American politics, with the goal of destroying the conservatives principles upon which the Reagan Revolution was founded, but their radical policies were soundly rejected by the American voters in the 2016 election of Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States.  

Obama called “The Angry Man” a clinger to his Bible and the Second Amendment.

Hillary called him Deplorable

Bill Clinton called him a Redneck

The BLM called him a Racist
Feminist called him a Sexist
Radical Islamic Terrorists called him an Infidel  
Communists and Progressives called him a religious Judeo/Christian American. 

"The Angry Man” is impossible to stereotype.  He comes from different economic backgrounds---from dirt-poor to filthy rich.  He represents all geographic areas in America---from…

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The surprise attack on Pearl Harbor by the Imperial Forces of Japan, executed by Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto’s strike plan “Z”, commenced at 7:48 AM Hawaiian Time.  The base was attacked by 353 Imperial Japanese fighters, bomber, and torpedo planes in two waves, launched from six Japanese aircraft carriers.  All eight U.S. Navy battleships were damaged, with four sunk.  All but the USS  Arizona (BB-39) were later raised, and six were returned to service and went on to fight the Imperial Forces of Japan in the WWII.  The Japanese also sank or damaged three cruisers, three destroyers, an anti-aircraft training ship, and one minelayer.  In addition, 188 U.S. aircraft were destroyed; 2,403 Americans were killed and 1,178 others were wounded.  However, important base installations such as the power station, shipyard, maintenance, and fuel and torpedo storage facilities, as well as the submarine piers and headquarters building (also home of the intelligence section) were not attacked. Japanese losses were light; 29 aircraft and five midget submarines were lost, and 64 servicemen killed. One Japanese sailor, Kazuo Sakamaki, was captured.

In the wake of the attack, 15 Medal Of Honor, 51 Navy Crosses, 53 Silver Stars, 4 Navy and Marine Corps Medals, one Distinguished Flying Cross, four Distinguished Service Crosses, one Distinguished Service Medal, and three Bronze Star Medals were awarded to the American servicemen who distinguished themselves in combat at Pearl Harbor. …

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By Capt Joseph R. John, December 5, 2016 

Please click on the below listed link to listen to what the Progressives, Liberals, the left of center liberal media commentators, Hollywood celebrities, TV night show hosts, Pelosi, and Obama said about President Elect Donald J. Trump while he was running for President.


During the presidential campaign in 2015 and 2016, President Elect Donald J. Trump developed a strong relationship was with the silent majority of the Americans.  Their voices had been ignored for 8 years by Obama’s Socialist administration, by Pelosi’s Leftist Democrat Congressional Caucus, by the left of center liberal media establishment, by the Communist Party USA, The Muslim Brotherhood, the Left leaning Hollywood establishment, the Marxist Leninists Communist Workers Party (ANSWER), by the multiple Anti-American groups funded by George Soros’s Open Society Foundation, by Black Lives Matter, by Progressives, by Anarchists, and by Liberals.  


Radical Anti-America groups tried to abridge freedom of speech & Freedom of Religion, by force feeding “Politically Correct” language…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 24, 2016

George Washington was first in war, first in peace, and in November 1789, the first president to proclaim a national day of thanksgiving, openly acknowledging “God” as the source of all "the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us."

Among the "favors" were a Declaration of Independence that inspires us to the present day, a remarkable military victory over the most powerful nation in the world, and an ingenious Constitution of checks and balances that places "we the people" at the center of our government.

For the next fourscore and seven years, most states honored a November date as a day of prayer and fasting, but there was no national celebration.  Of the early presidents, only James Madison, in 1814 and 1815, issued proclamations.

Then in November 1863, with the Civil War still raging, President Abraham Lincoln officially declared the last Thursday of November to be Thanksgiving.  Echoing Washington, Lincoln asked Americans to "implore the interposition of the “Almighty Hand” to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it, as soon as may be consistent with the divine purposes, to the full employment of peace, harmony, tranquility, and union."

“God” heard the people's prayers for an end to war and the preservation of the Union.

Succeeding presidents issued proclamations in the same providential spirit of Lincoln and Washington, freely thanking “God” for His favors…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 14, 2016

The Pew Center found in a 2012 study that approximately 24 million—or one of every eight—voters registered were no longer valid or were significantly inaccurate.

Furthermore, it found that more than 1.8 million dead people were “still” listed as voters.  Additionally, approximately 2.75 million people were registered to vote in more than one state.

George Soros‘ Opens Society Foundation funded massive “Voter Fund” in the amount of $25 million in 2016 (he also funded violent riots in Ferguson, Missouri in in the amount of $33 million).  For 8 years, Obama had the Department of Health and Human Services pay the employees of George Soros’ ACORN groups to illegally register millions of Illegal Aliens to vote illegally (those ACORN organizations in 50 states had to change their names after ACORN was convicted of “Voter Fraud” in 11 states). 

More than 7.5 million voters listed above, most probably had their votes cast illegally for Hillary, in addition to the millions of Illegal Aliens who were illegally registered to vote by Soros’ former ACORN groups, whose salaries were paid for by the Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services.  

The American voters are now hearing the steady drum beat, by the left of center liberal media establishment, that Hillary got more votes than President Elect Donald J. Trump, in order to delegitimize President Elect Donald J. Trumps election.  She absolutely did not get…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 16, 2016


Obama, Bernie, and Hillary’s support for the redistribution of wealth was support for the primary philosophy “Communism” promotes.  


Over 60 million American Patriots, supported “The Free Enterprise System” form of government, and rejected Obama, Bernie, and Hillary’s support for the redistribution of wealth.  


Anarchists, Black Lives Matter demonstrators, Progressives, Leftists, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Communists trained by Obama’s Common Core Socialist Curriculum supported the redistribution of wealth and accepted Obama, Bernie, and Hillary’s Socialist philosophy.  


Many Americans voted for Hillary, even though for 4 years over and over again, nonstop, Hillary violated the National Security Laws of the United States by transmitting “thousands” of very highly classified messages on an unclassified server, endangering the lives of Americans and foreign allies.  They weren’t bothered by her repeated violation of the National Security of the United States, which endangered the safety of American citizens and the Republic.


For seven days, the American electorate have been witnessing large scale “violent riots” against “Law and Order” in several dozen cities, instigated and organized by George Soros’s Pro-Communist organization “Open Society Foundation”, and by the Marxist Leninist Communist Workers Party’s front, “ANSWER”.  “ANSWER” was funded by “Open Society…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 11, 2016

We “Honor” Veterans who have served in the US Armed Forces during the 240 year history of the Republic, and those who gave their last full measure of devotion in defense of the nation.

An average of 22 Veterans commit suicide every day, many of them are suffering from PTSD, and have not been able to obtain timely or proper medical treatment.


By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to listen to a powerful message delivered by President Ronald Reagan about “a soldier and his pledge.”


A Veteran, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”

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Today is the US Marine Corps 241st Birthday.  We Honor all US Marines, all US Marine Corps Veterans, and all US Marines who have gone before us.

 The United States Marine Corps Body Bearers: “Honoring” the fallen.

God Bless The US Marine Corps.  Happy Birthday Marines!  Semper Fidelis

By Capt Joseph R. John, November 9, 2016

This hard fought campaign was won against all odds!  The American people rejected failed liberal and Socialist policies.  President-elect Donald Trump offered Americans a vision of a secure nation. And America Chose!!

Now that the Republicans control both Houses of Congress, President-elect Trump will move quickly to: 

1)    Unify a fractured nation, and bring Americans together as they were 8 years ago

2)    Create an economic climate that will produce jobs to employ many of the 94 million unemployed Americans 

3)    Seal the wide open southern border preventing the entry of drugs and Radical Islamic Terrorists

4)    Rebuild the “Strength” and the “Combat Effectiveness” of the US Armed Forces 

5)    Force DHS and the US Immigration Service to abide by all US Federal Immigration Laws 

6)    Become energy independent with fracking, clean coal, natural gas, and drilling for oil

7)    Reduce the highest corporate taxes in the world from 35% to 15% 

8)    Ensure Veterans receive proper medical and other benefits 

9)    Defeat ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists

    10) Allow the FBI to screen Middle East Refugees, to ensure they don’t have terrorist ties

    11) Appoint Justices to the Supreme Court who will abide by and support the US Constitution 

    12) Repeal and replace Obamacare


For 16 months, President-elect Donald Trump goal has been…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 7, 2016

The nation has had a very serious Voter Fraud problem, going back to the Nixon Kennedy Presidential election of 1960, when Mayor Richard M. Daley of Chicago was accused of having his Democratic Machine perpetrate “Voter Fraud” in the city of Chicago.  The Chicago voting total tipped the state of Illinois into John Kennedy’s win column, and threw the Presidential election to John Kennedy.  The Democratic “machine” came up with 8,858 votes from Chicago graveyards and elsewhere to steal the election from Richard Nixon.  Even though Richard Nixon was provided with evidence of massive “Voter Fraud” perpetrated by the Chicago Democratic Machine, he refused to contest the election because he didn’t want to create a Constitutional crisis in the United States.


In 1982, Voter Fraud rose its ugly head again un Chicago and resulted in one of the largest “Voter Fraud” prosecutions ever conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice.  The telltale smoke arose out of one of the closest governor's races in Illi­nois history; and as for the fire, the U.S. Attorney in Chicago at the time, Daniel Webb, estimated that at least 100,000 fraudulent votes (10 percent of all votes in the city) had been cast.  Sixty-five individuals were indicted for federal election crimes, and all but two (one found incompetent to stand trial and another who died) were convicted.  …

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 3, 2016
Fifty years ago Ayn Rand so aptly described Hillary Clinton’s Corrupt Money Laundering RICO Enterprise

"Watch money. Money is the barometer of a society’s virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion — when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing — when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors — when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull, than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you — when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice — you may know that your society is doomed.” 

    ---philosopher and novelist Ayn Rand (1905-1982) 


The WikiLeaks E-mails revealed the magnitude of Hillary’s corruption, Hillary’s deceit, and her criminal transmission of over 2000 Secret, Top Secret, Top Secret Compartmented Special Access E-mails on a unclassified server located in the basement of her home.  The American people learned from the FBI and from WikiLeaks messages, that Hillary’s unclassified server was hacked 10 times, on one day alone, and according to FBI sources, there is a 99% chance that 5 foreign Intelligence Agencies hacked into Hillary’s unclassified server over a 4 year period.  The FBI is investigating those violations under the Espionage Act of the United States.  


Access to…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 1, 2016

The below listed article was written by one of the members of the Board of Directors of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, Capt R. Buddy Welborn, USNA Class of 1959, USN (Ret), PhD, who is a Trustee of the US Naval Academy Foundation. The article should be read by every American before they vote, in the up and coming national election.  Capt Welborn was motivated to write the article after reading Eric Bolling’s bestselling book, “Wake Up America!”, it supports “The Free Enterprise System” that created the most effective economic engine in the history of mankind, and encourages instilling the “Pride in America” in our nation’s youth.  


Over the past 8 years, Common Core has force fed its corrupted version of US History in grammar, Junior high, and high schools.  The teaching of Patriotic Pride, that once was uniform, has been downgraded and in some cases eliminated.  Some teachers have actually raised the Mexican flag over their schools, and in some schools the “Pledge Allegiance” to the flag has also been eliminated.   The “Pride In America” once instilled in all grammar, junior high, & high schools has been downgraded by the Common Core Curriculum being taught using US History books with a corrupted version of US History.  


The religious values upon which the Republic was founded are no longer taught to students.  That is partially responsible for the acceptance of Socialism by young…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 30, 2016

For a political party that loves to label their opponents as bigots, it’s remarkable how bigoted the Obama administration has been for the last 8 years against Christian religious teachings and Christians in the US Armed Forces who can’t fight back.  Christians who have deep religious convictions also have their well held and sincere religious beliefs with regard to abortion, homosexuality, males using girls bathrooms & showers in schools, and have their opposition to teaching very young & innocent grammar school students about homosexuality.  According to  former counter-terrorism training officer and American police detective, George Tobias, in the below listed article, the Clinton administration would continue Obama’s bigotry toward Christians.” 

The latest WikiLeaks dump of John Podesta E-mails shows that the Obama administration kept a list of high-profile Muslims it wanted to appoint to top Obama administration jobs, sub-cabinet jobs, outside boards, agencies, and policy committees.  The 2008 E-mails reveal that it wasn’t enough to be Arab American, you had to be Arab and Muslim to make it onto Obama’s list.

"Many Lebanese Americans, for example, are Christian," notes one E-mail written by Preeta Bansal, who worked on the Obama transition team headed by John Podesta.  John Podesta is now Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign Chairman.  “In the last list (of outside boards/commissions… Read More

By Capt Joseph R. John, October 27, 2016

By clicking on the below listed link you will be able to learn a great deal about the background of Huma Abedin and her strong affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Organization.  The Muslim Brotherhood is considered a dangerous threat by many countries because of its philosophy, and because it created Al Q’ieda, ISIS, and spawned many other terrorist organizations worldwide.   


The Muslim Brotherhood has been banned from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Jordan, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirate because it has been designated a “Terrorist” organization by those countries.  The Muslim Brotherhood tried to overthrow these countries and also the governments of Syria and Libya, and it has been infiltrating the government of the United States for 8 years, with the aggressive support of Obama and Hillary Clinton.  


Obama has been filling the Washington bureaucracy, including DHS, the CIA, the FBI, DOD, the National Security Council, the White House, the State Department, every Department of Government, every US Intelligence Agency, and the US Armed Forces, with thousands of members of Muslim Brotherhood, and the Muslim Brotherhood front groups.  Some of those front groups are the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim Political Action Committee (MPAC), and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); a number of the members of the Muslim Brotherhood & their front…

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Combat Veterans For Congress-----Embedded Integrity

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is endorsing the 112th Combat Veteran For Congress in 8 years.  Commander Mark Plaster, USNR (FMF) (MC), Esq. resides in Annapolis, Maryland is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to reduce the national debt, will focus on reining in the out of control spending by irresponsible members of Congress, will work toward unleashing the private sector to grow once again, create jobs, and stimulate private sector business investment.  Cdr Plaster has served 14 year in the US Naval Reserve Medical Service Corps.  Cdr Plaster won the Republican nomination to run for the Congressional seat in the 3rd Congressional District of Maryland.  He is running against Congressman John Sarbanes (D-MD-3), a 5 term member of Congress who has voted in lock step with Nancy Pelosi 99% of the time.  

Cong Sarbanes voted against the VA Accountability Act twice, and has the 4th lowest rating in Congress by the American Veterans score card.  Cong Sarbanes backed the Fast Track Trans Pacific Trade Bill (TPP), which cedes US sovereignty to an international tribunal, supported sequestration that has hollowed out the US Armed Forces; supported Obama’s Socialist Common Core agenda, supported Obama’s open border policy allowing millions of Illegal aliens to simply walk across the wide open border; supported Obama’s program to bring in the 900,000+ Muslim Refugees from the Middle East, while…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 24, 2016

By clicking on the below listed link, you can watch a video of Donald Trump pledging to follow his "Contract With America"; it outlines what he plans to accomplish within the first 100 days of his administration.  Mr. Trump also plans to put an end to the divisive policies that have divided the American people over the last 8 years; he will work to heal the deep divisions in unity that have been created in the nation by the occupant of the Oval Office and his Justice Department.


Mr. Trump presented his “Contract With America” in a speech on the Civil War Battlefield at Gettysburg, PA, where President Abraham Lincoln, made his famous Gettysburg Address in 1863.  The goal of President Lincoln’s speech was to bridge the deep divisions the nation was faced with at the end of the Civil War, and to begin the healing process in order to unite a divided nation.  


Donald Trump pledged to take the specific steps outlined in his “Contract With America”, in order to contribute significantly to reduction in unemployment among the 95 million unemployed Americans, and in order to lift many of the 46 million Americans on food stamps, out of poverty.  He said he wants to bridge the deep divisions in the nation, reuniting a divided nation.


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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 21, 2016 

By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to read an accurate explanation for why the FOX News polls have not been very reliable over the last year, and why both the Rasmussen and the LA Times/UCLA polls have been much more reliable during the same period.  The polling process being employed by FOX should be updated to improve the reliable and accuracy of its polling.


The below listed E-mail provides statistics from accurate data compiled on Social Media, that supporters the more reliable process outlined in the above iPatriot article.  The below listed E-mail provides substantial popular support for Mr. Trump and will contribute significantly toward verifying the reliability of weekly polls being taken by Rasmussen and the LA Times/UCLA.  The below listed information and the details in the above link, can defuse the left of center liberal media establishment drum beat that Hillary lead in the polls has been as much as 11% points ahead of Mr. Trump standing.  Reporting those figures as…

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