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The Combat Veterans For Congress September 24, 2016 Gala Event With Dr Ben Carson As Keynote Speaker

  • The Combat Veterans For Congress September 24, 2016 Gala Event With Dr Ben Carson As Keynote Speaker

By clicking on the below listed link you will be able to view photos and videos of Dr Ben Carson, Cong Barry Goldwater, Jr. (Ret), Cong Duncan L. Hunter, Cpt/USA (Ranger/Vietnam) (Ret), Cong Steve Russell, LTC/USA (Ret)(Ranger) (R-OK-5), Connie Stevens, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, USA/MP (DEA), Master of Ceremonies Larry Elder, Col Robert Modrzejewski, USMC (Ret)(Medal Of Honor), Jack Scalia, Joely Fisher, Ron Fairly of the Dodgers, Patricia Smith (mother of Agent Sean Smith lost at Benghazi), Pearl Harbor Veteran EMC Stu Hedley, USN (Ret), endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, Wounded Warriors from the Wounded Warrior Battalion at Camp Pendleton, and invited guests at the VIP and General Receptions


We thank you for your continued and steadfast support of the 32 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress who have served the Republic in Congress over the last 8 years.  The Combat Veterans For Congress, listed on the Endorsements page of our Web site, are carrying on for the 11 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress who are no longer serving in Congress.  Those 11 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress are listed on the Alumni page of our Web site; they have either retired, returned to their states to serve in another elective office, or weren’t re-elected.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Millions of American citizens, who felt they were not being heard for 8 years, are looking forward to a very different and brighter future for America!