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Obama, Hillary, & Media Display Bigotry Toward Christians

  • Obama, Hillary, & Media Display Bigotry Toward Christians

By Capt Joseph R. John, October 30, 2016

For a political party that loves to label their opponents as bigots, it’s remarkable how bigoted the Obama administration has been for the last 8 years against Christian religious teachings and Christians in the US Armed Forces who can’t fight back.  Christians who have deep religious convictions also have their well held and sincere religious beliefs with regard to abortion, homosexuality, males using girls bathrooms & showers in schools, and have their opposition to teaching very young & innocent grammar school students about homosexuality.  According to  former counter-terrorism training officer and American police detective, George Tobias, in the below listed article, the Clinton administration would continue Obama’s bigotry toward Christians.” 

The latest WikiLeaks dump of John Podesta E-mails shows that the Obama administration kept a list of high-profile Muslims it wanted to appoint to top Obama administration jobs, sub-cabinet jobs, outside boards, agencies, and policy committees.  The 2008 E-mails reveal that it wasn’t enough to be Arab American, you had to be Arab and Muslim to make it onto Obama’s list.

"Many Lebanese Americans, for example, are Christian," notes one E-mail written by Preeta Bansal, who worked on the Obama transition team headed by John Podesta.  John Podesta is now Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign Chairman.  “In the last list (of outside boards/commissions), most who are listed appear to be Muslim American, except that a handful (where noted) may be Arab American but of an unacceptable religion (esp. Christian).” 

In another indication of outright the bigotry against Christians by the Obama administration, a lawsuit was filed against DHS by the Heartland Alliance’s National Immigrant Justice Center, a progressive liberal advocacy organization.  Heartland is “dedicated to ensuring human rights protections” for immigrants and asylum seekers—including apparently for terrorists.  Heartland filed a FOIA lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security for discriminating against Syrian and Assyrian Christian refugees for the last 5 years.

In an otherwise unremarkable opinion, obtained after filing, a Federal Freedom of Information Act request, a Federal Appellate Court Judge issued a sharp rejoinder to the Obama administration over an issue that has been written about and broadcast in the national news media.  The Appellate Judge said there was almost a complete lack of Syrian Christian refugees being brought into the US—the numbers are included in the below listed article. 

The lawsuit also claimed that DHS was refusing to release the identity of Tier III terrorist organizations, unlike the identities of what are defined as Tier I and Tier II terrorist organizations that are publicly identified.

Tier III terrorist organizations “tend to be groups about which the U.S. government does not have good intelligence, making it essential that [DHS] be able to obtain information about them during screening interviews that are as focused and complete as possible.”  Despite the lack of information, Obama refused to let the FBI interview entering Muslim refugees to determine if they had terrorist ties.

To further reveal the bigotry against Christians practiced by Obama and Hillary’s State Department the following facts are submitted.  Although ten percent of the population of Syria are Syrian and Assyrian Christian, yet despite that fact, less than one-half of 1 percent of the Syrian Refugees admitted to the United States over the last 8 years were Christian.  Syrian and Assyrian Christians have been in desperate need of a safe haven from ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists who have been butchering, and slaughtering Christians for those 5 years.   

ISIS has been crucifying Christians, burning them alive, drowning them in cages, beheading them, burying them alive, and making them kneel before shooting them in the back of their heads.  Of the nearly 11,000 Syrian Refugees recently allowed to enter the United States by Obama, only 56 Christians were among them.  The Greek Catholic Relief Agency has over 300,000 Syrian and Assyrian Christians in camps seeking entry into the US, but Obama has refused to let them enter the US for the last 5 years.

Few if any of the ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists are being held accountable for their heinous crimes against Syrian and Assyrian Christians.  Besides slaughtering Syrian and Assyrian Christians, much of Iraq’s Christian community has been ripped from their ancient ancestral homes on the Plains of Nineveh. The ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists are also responsible for the destruction of their Christians’ cultural heritage symbols in their churches, ancient bibles, 2000 year old Christian churches, and Assyrian Christian monasteries.  However, while Obama frets over Islamophobia, hardly anything is said about the horrors faced by the defenseless followers of Jesus Christ.

So while the Obama administration has brought in over 900,000+ Middle East Muslim Refugees into the US, and has resettled them in 187 cities throughout the United States, much less than ½ of 1 percent of the entering refugees were Christians.  Obama has been concealing basic information about the entering Muslim refugees, behind a wall of government secrecy, and at the same time refusing to let the FBI interview entering Muslim refugees to determine if they have terrorist ties.

The 900,000+ Middle East Muslim Refugees that have been resettled throughout the US, without strict instruction to the resettling agencies not to inform elected local & state officials and their law enforcement agencies where those refugees are being placed.  Despite the fact that the Syrian refugee crisis is the catalyst that was responsible for the infiltration ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists into Western Europe, resulting in many murderous Radical Islamic Terrorist attacks against unsuspecting Europeans.   ISIS has openly bragged that the terrorists that they trained would also be infiltrated into the United States.   

Obama is threatening to veto the current Military Budget passed by Congress that is currently sitting on his desk awaiting his signature, because it protects Christians religious beliefs.  Obama wants the absolute freedom to discriminate against Christian social service providers who interact with the government—all because many of those religious organizations are unable to endorse the LGBT cause, because of their well held religious teachings and beliefs.  The Russell Amendment in the budget, authored by an endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong Steve Russell, LTC-USA (Ret) (R-OK-5), merely reaffirms the protection of Christians and Jewish members of the military, while clarifying that religious organizations (Jewish and Christian) have a right to employ people committed to authentically live and operate in accordance with their faith tenets. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act already specifically protects a religious organizations’ ability to hire based on religion.  In short, Christian and Jewish religious organizations are free to be religious organizations. 

Obama’s previously violated the Religious Freedom of Chaplins who were refused the right to read letters to their congregations from the pulpit from their Cardinals (the very reason why the Pilgrims left England and migrated to America in 1620).  That restriction imposed by Obama, not only violates the Chaplin’s Freedom of Religion, it also a violates their Freedom of Speech.  When it comes to sexual orientation and gender identity policies Obama’s restrictions of the religious beliefs of members of the US Armed Forces is egregious.  Obama is the first occupant of the Oval Office to refuse to guarantee Religious Freedom for members of the US Armed Forces.  

By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to watch a video of Dinesh D’Souza, who was a Keynote Speaker at one of the Combat Veterans For Congress Patriotic Gala Events, defend Christianity from Obama’s oppression.  Dinesh provides his “Words of Wisdom to Christians”, and details Obama’s and Hillary’s opposition to Freedom of Religion.

Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author. 



By Jim Kouri, CPP
September 7, 2016

President Barack Obama and his hopeful successor Hillary Clinton are continuing their open-door policy to Muslim refugees fleeing the turmoil in Syria, Iraq and other regions, but a number of American Christian organizations claim the two Democrat leaders have shown less sympathy for Syrian and Iraqi Christians. 

In fact, of the 10,801 brought into the United States by the end of September, only 56 of them are listed as Christians (see numerical breakdown below). The vast majority of the Muslims are part of the Sunni sect, which is the one represented by the likes of Al Q’ida, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Al-Shabaab (Somalia) and others.

Religious Denomination                         Number of Refugees

Catholic                                                    12
Christian                                                  29
Greek Orthodox                                      1
Jehovah Witness                                     4
Muslim (unspecified)                              90
Muslim (Shiite)                                        20
Muslim (Sunni)                                          10,612
No Religion                                               1
Orthodox                                                  6
Other                                                        5
Protestant                                                4
Yazidi                                                        17

Religious denominations of the 10,801 Syrian Refuges who have been admitted into the United States since the Obama Administration's announced plan to admit a n additional 11,000 Syrian refugees for FY2016 on September 10, 2015. Source: -Refugee Processing Center

“For a political party that loves to label their opponents as bigots, it’s remarkable how bigoted the current administration is and how bigoted the Clinton administration will continue to be against Christians,” said former counter-terrorism training officer and American police detective George Tobiaso.

According to several news reports from outlets in the United States and Europe, more than 70 mass graves were discovered in Iraq and Syria containing thousands of decaying bodies killed by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and other Islamic terrorist groups who buried the victims of their atrocities.

As many as 15,000 victims — men, women and children — slaughtered during the occupation of towns and villages by ISIS, a group known for executing Christians, may be buried in the sites across territory that was occupied by ISIS, Al Nusra Front or other radical Muslims.

According to the Homeland Security News Wire, “The [Associated Press] used satellite imagery, photos, and interviews, to find the location of seventeen mass graves in Syria and sixteen mass graves in Iraq – although the latter are in areas still too dangerous to excavate. AP says from 5,200 to more than 15,000 ISIS victims are buried in the graves it knows about.”

Few if any are being held accountable for the heinous crimes. Besides the killings, much of Iraq’s Christian community have been ripped from their ancestral homes in Nineveh. The jihadists are also responsible for the destruction of Christians’ cultural heritage. However, while Obama frets over Islamophobia, hardly anything is said about the horrors being faced by followers of Jesus Christ.

Many more mass graves may be found once Isis retreats after losing ground outside of Iraqi cities of Mosul and Raqqa which remain under jihadists’ control.

According to the watchdog group that's known for its accuracy and diligence: Earlier this year Judicial Watch uncovered State Department records confirming that “Arab extremists” are entering the U.S. through Mexico with the assistance of smuggling network “cells.”  



© 2016 Jim Kouri- All Rights Reserved

Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police. He's former chief at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed "Crack City" by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. 

He writes for many police and crime magazines including Chief of Police, Police Times, The Narc Officer, Campus Law Enforcement Journal, and others. He's appeared as on-air commentator for over 100 TV and radio news and talk shows including Oprah, McLaughlin Report, CNN Headline News, MTV, Fox News, etc. His book Assume The Position is available at Amazon.Com,, and can be ordered at local bookstores.

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