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Op-Ed Articles

By Capt Joseph R. John, on November 16, 2015 


On 29 June 2014, the group, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), proclaimed itself to be a worldwide caliphate, with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi being named its Caliph, and renamed itself  ad-Dawlah al-Isl?miyah (?????? ?????????, "Islamic State".  The attacks in Paris reflects what happens when Radical Islamic Terrorist take over a substantial part of a country, just as when Al Q’ieda and the Taliban took control of Afghanistan before 9/11 and Al Q’ieda attacked the Twin Towers in New York City.  


If you put a very large portion of a nation at the disposal of Radical Islamic Terrorists, major acts of terrorism become inevitable (e.g. the downing of a Russian airliner by an ISIS bomb on October 31st that killed 224 people,  the suicide bombing in a Shite militia stronghold in Beirut on November 12th that killed 43 and wounded 239, the murder of 129 and wounding of 354 people in Paris on November 13th), and the plan revealed by ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists to attack America can be listened to by clicking on the below listed link, and is intended to create thousands of casualties in the US.   


For over 7 ½ years, Obama and the inept Congressional Leadership on both sides of the aisle have stubbornly refused to close the wide open southern border that a tractor trailer could be driven through.  That wide open southern border has permitted the terrorist group, Islamic State of Iraq and…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on November 13, 2015 

In the below listed article a US Marine, James Erickson, with a feisty spirit was able to send a scathing Twitter message to the “Million Students Marching” for free college tuition and a minimum wage of $15.00/hr that is taking shape across the nation, by sending a simple selfie photo and message that succinctly expressed his view and those of his fellow Marines, in a way that 1,000 words could have expressed. 

Incidentally, James Erickson and his fellow Marines in their first years of service who are going “Into Harm’s Way” daily in Afghanistan, are earning less than $15.00/hour. 

Marine James Erickson, and all US Marines who not only march, but engage in combat to defend all Americans, ask nothing from their fellow countrymen in return for protecting the “Freedoms” all Americans enjoy.   Semper Fi.

God bless all members of the US Armed Forces who also march, are engaged in Combat and Anti-Terrorist Operations around the world, and are not demanding that all Americans cover the cost of their college education.  They are “earning” their college tuition for signing a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their lives.”


Copyright 2015, Capt. Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. This material can only be posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, on Veterans Day November 11, 2015 

On September 23, 2015, an endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong Kerry Bentivolio, SFC/MI-ANG (R-MI-11) (Ret) (Disabled American Veteran), who is the only Congressman to ever serve combat tours in Vietnam and Iraq, began his walk and biking for 570 miles, to travel from Walled Lake, Michigan to Washington DC, in hopes of waking up the American people and Congress about the urgent need to help Veterans in the Republic, to support Veterans Issues, and to request that their Congressional representatives provide Veterans with the health care benefits they were promised, before they went into harm’s way in defense of the Republic.  Cong Bentivolio also wanted to call attention to the fact that 23 Veterans/day are committing suicide, and that 300,000 Veterans have died across the nation, while waiting to get an appointment to see a doctor in VA hospitals.  

“I saw it firsthand when I was in the service. A fellow Soldier died in a stateside military medical holding unit that I was also in, and nobody noticed for four days,” Bentivolio said. “More than 300,000 American military Veterans likely died while waiting for healthcare, and nearly twice as many are still waiting, according to a new Department of Veterans Affairs Inspector General’s Report.”

Cong Bentivolio, served as Congressman from 2013 through January 2015, said “talking about the issue has not gotten…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 9, 2015

By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to view the activities of children in the dependent housing area playground on a Marine Corps military installation.  Their activities change when they hear the call to Evening Colors (the ceremony to lower the American Flag at the end of day)   The Army and Air Force call the ceremony Retreat.  Lowering of the American Flag ceremonies take place at early evening on all military bases. 

Notice the respect those young military dependents have for the American Flag.  Respect for the American Flag has been instilled in those young children by their Marine Corps parents.  If only all the young children in the Republic were as respectful toward the American Flag as the children of US Marines in the video.  At this period in the history of our nation, students in public schools are not required to stand up and Pledge Allegiance to the American Flag that members of the US Armed Forces have fought under for 240 years; today, public school students who do not want to participate are allowed to remain seated during the Pledge Allegiance by their teachers.  

Unfortunately, not only do students in public schools not have to say the Pledge Allegiance to the American Flag, but teachers only conduct the Pledge Allegiance ceremony once a week; we used to say the Pledge Allegiance every day.  The American History curriculum that was once…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 4, 2015


In the below listed statement, another endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong Steve Stivers, LTC-USANG (R-OH-15), expressed his firm opposition to the very dangerous International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement; which in fact is a “Treaty” according to provisions of the US Constitution, it is should never had been passed as a Congressional bill, renaming an International Treaty an Agreement.  Cong Stivers stated, “As a 30-year military veteran, I know that when America leads, the world is safer place. I opposed the nuclear deal with Iran because our negotiators lost sight of this fundamental principle.   The Obama Administration negotiated from a position of weakness.”  Cong Stivers went on to say, “We must also make it clear to Iran that the United States can and will use military force to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon...and we have to mean it.” There are two side provisions to the very dangerous Iranian Nuclear Weapons Treaty improperly referred by the liberal media as an Agreement; Obama has kept those two side provisions SECRET from the US Congress and the American people.  


It is getting to be standard operating procedure for Obama to keep provisions of what he mislabels, as an Agreement (that are in fact, International Treaties), SECRET from the American people.  Just like the SECRET provisions in the “Unconstitutional” 800 page Fast Track Trade Legislation (TPP), which was…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 1, 2015 


“The First Amendment was not written to protect people and their laws from religious values, it was written to protect those values from government tyranny.”          
                                                             Ronald Reagan

For 239 years, every Commander-in-Chief protected the Religious Freedom and Speech of members of the US Armed Forces and the profound religious beliefs of Chaplains, guaranteed to every American by the US Constitution and The Bill of Rights.  


Obama is the first occupant of the Oval Office who has not done so and violated the trust of American citizens!  His civilian appointees in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs have been violating the Freedom of Religion and the Freedom of Speech for members of the US Armed Forces and for patients in VA Hospitals.  They have been perpetrating the “government tyranny” President Reagan warned America about:


01 February 2912—Catholic Chaplains have had their Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion violated by being forbidden from reading letters to parishioners from their Archbishops and  Cardinals in the pulpit in Chapel on Sundays.


02    Military personnel have been prevented from having Bibles on their desks in their work places.


03    September 2011 – The Army issues guidelines for Walter Reed Medical Center stipulating that “No religious…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 19, 2015


The biography and photo of the newest member of the Board of Director of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, REAR ADMIRAL Edward S. McGinley, II, USNA ’61, USN (Ret) are listed on the Leadership page of our Web site.  RADM McGinley forwarded the below listed article “Disaster: The Warrior Purge In The U.S. Military” which deserves very wide distribution.    


The article discusses how the US Armed Forces’ need for warriors----men of rare talent, intellect, and courage that has always been essential for victory in any armed conflict by the US Military, have been systematically purged from the US Armed Forces by the occupant of the Oval Office.– the subtle purge has been underway for nearly 7 years.   Over the same nearly 7 years, China, Russia, Iran, and the ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists have grown in strength, modernized their military weapon systems, and have been honing their combat skills in Crimea, Ukraine, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, the Philippines, the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, and the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.


Obama’s priority has been to replace warriors in front line combat units with Illegal Aliens who are not proficient in English, women, transgender individuals, felons with police records, and gay members who are being recruited into Obama’s new “Politically Correct” US military.  Obama has turned the US Armed Forces into the first major openly gay…

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 The US Navy Motto  "Non Sibi Sed Patriae" (Not self but country)

On the 240th Anniversary of its founding, we salute the US Navy, and honor all Naval personnel who served from 1775 to the present day!!


“Give me a fast ship, for I intend to go in Harm’s Way.” 

                                                                        John Paul Jones  


By Capt Joseph R. John, October 12, 2015

The below listed article written by Col Lawrence Sellin, USAR (Ret)(PhD), he provides the unsettling and sordid details of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) case concerning the Deserted In The Face Of The Enemy, Bergdahl, and how the US Army, if it follows its current course, appears to be compromising the Uniform Code of Military Justice.  It is not enough that Obama has been violating US Federal Laws, US Federal Immigration Laws,  and the US Constitution for nearly 7 years, now he is forcing the US Army to violate the Uniform Code of Military Justice!!


The member of Bergdahl’s platoon reported that before Bergdahl “Deserted In The Face Of The Enemy” he sent all his personal belongings home, left his weapons and uniforms in the barracks, then “Deserted In The Face Of The Enemy”


The US Army has recorded communications of the Taliban talking on Bergdahl’s own cell phone, several days after Bergdahl “Deserted In The Face Of The Enemy”; the Taliban were saying the Deserter Bergdahl wanted to join them.


Deserter Bergdahl went from village to village asking to meet with the Taliban Radical Islamic Terrorists.  The Army has other recordings where the Taliban are speaking on their own cell phones, saying Bergdahl was trying to join them, and Deserter Bergdahl finally joined their ranks.


During the 45 day search the Army conducted for Deserter Bergdahl, a number of US…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 7, 2015


For nearly 7 years, the Obama administration has been covering up the numbers of murders, rapes, burglaries, robberies, car-jackings, muggings, drug related crimes, kidnappings, white slavery, arsons, pedophilia, and acts of violence against American Citizens by Convicted Criminal Mexican Illegal Aliens, in order to keep American Citizens in the dark about seriousness of the rampant crime wave they perpetrate in the Unites States each year. 


After completing an extensive research, Fox News came up with the startling statistics in the below listed article.  Those statistics will continue to be covered up by the Obama administration with the help of the left of center liberal media establishment, while Obama violates US Federal Immigration Laws.  We encourage the recipients of this Op Ed to give it wide dissemination to those in your address book who would want the occupant of the Oval Office to stop violating the US Federal Immigration Laws, he swore to uphold, when he was twice sworn into office.

Convicted Criminal Mexican Illegal Aliens account for about 13.6 % of all crimes committed in the United States, nearly 12 % of all murder sentences, 20 % of all kidnapping sentences, and 16 % of all drug trafficking sentences.  

Additionally, there are about 2.1 million Convicted Criminal Mexican Illegal Aliens living in the United States who are either in prison or living free, and are having their…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 5 , 2015 

For 26 years, the secular extremist American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) had been filing suit against the Mount Soledad National Veterans War Memorial in La Jolla, CA, in order to bring down the Memorial “Cross”, alleging that the Memorial “Cross” honoring Combat Veterans has been on “public land” and, therefore, violates the Establishment of Religion Clause of the First Amendment.  However, because of a bill authored by Congressman Duncan D. Hunter, Maj/USMC (R-CA-52) an endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, the Mount Soledad National Veterans War Memorial has now been transferred to “private land.” That has an enormous impact on the ACLU’s lawsuit, which is pending in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. 


With the Mount Soledad National Veterans War Memorial case pending in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, that the ACLU is demanding destruction of the Memorial “Cross”, Congressman Duncan D. Hunter took action to save the Memorial “Cross” by the introduction of a bill in Congress that authorized the sale of the Mt Soledad National Veterans War Memorial to a private organization, saving it “as it is, where it is” for the enjoyment of generations of Americans to come.  The bill authorized the sale of a half of acre of land in Mount Soledad Park on which the Memorial “Cross” is located to the non-profit and private hands of the Mt Soledad Memorial Association, and took ownership out of the hands of the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 30, 2015

With a US population of 350 million Americans to recruit from, the below listed article reports that the Obama administration is continuing to further degrade the “Combat Effectiveness” of another tip of the spear unit by forcing women into US Navy SEAL Teams. The US Armed Forces exists to deter the nations enemies, foreign and domestic, and to win the nations wars, is was not created to become a politically correct organization, in order to give women an opportunity to check off a qualification so they can advance in rank.  


Women can definitely perform very important military duties, and in some cases better than men, and they should definitely be assigned to preform those military duties to support the US Armed Forces (among those duties are as pilots in aviation billets, in intelligence, as astronauts, in offensive & defensive missile systems, as para medics, in nuclear weapons, in cyber security, in radar systems, in national security, in law, in medicine, in supply, in satellite communications, in logistics, in maintenance, military police work, high tech computer simulation, finance, and in so many other areas too numerous to list here).  If General Martin Dempsey displayed the competence that previous Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staffs demonstrated in their decisions making ability over the last 70 years it would have been appreciated by members of the US Armed Forces, instead of always doing…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September  28, 2015

The below listed article, posted on the special Operations Speaks Web site, it provides details of what an endorsed and elected Combat Veteran For Congress, Senator Thomas B. Cotton, Cpt-USA (R-AR-Senate) said with regard to the International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Treaty (called an Agreement by Obama).  


Senator Cotton has been a leading opponent of that very dangerous agreement, originally Hillary Clinton entered into negotiations with Iran in 2008, and John Kerry completed the agreement when he replaced her as Secretary of State.  The Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement has been termed the worst agreement in US History by the Republican Presidential field of candidates.  


Obama has been siding with Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, who has been murdering thousands of Americans for over 35 years, while opposing the United States’ Middle East Sunni allies over the last 70 years, including Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrein, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Morocco.  At the same time Iran has been sheltering Al Q’ieda and the Taliban terrorist fighters in Iran, the leaders of Iran have been leading demonstrators on a weekly basis shouting  “Death to America”, and providing the Taliban with IEDs to kill and maim thousands of US military personnel in Afghanistan.  While that was going on, Obama was facilitating Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons, surface to air…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 25, 2015


When the Pope Francis arrived in the United States, despite the fact that the left of center liberal media establishment has been reporting for many days, how his visit would somehow be very negative for Republicans seeking their nomination for the presidency, that the visit would be very good for Obama, Progressives, Socialists, and Leftists in the Democratic Party because of his heartfelt views of climate change and his support for immigration.  Pope Francis simply shredded the continued misleading reports coming out of the left of center liberal press trying to shape public opinion in favor of Obama----he spoke of the love of Jesus Christ, the importance of the family, his support for traditional marriage, nurturing & protecting life in all stages of development, his opposition to abortion, sharing the gospel, welcoming immigrants, and compassion for the less fortunate.  One of Pope Francis’ major messages was in support of the US Constitution, that the left of center liberal press has been ignoring and Obama continues violating: 

                                                                                                 “Freedom of Religion”


The US Armed Forces has been laboring under the relentless attacks by the Obama administration of their God given right under the US Constitution, of their   “Freedom of Religion” which continues to be violated and is under relentless attack by…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 24, 2015 

On September 23, 2015, Cong Kerry Bentivolio, SFC/MI-ANG (R-MI-11) (Ret) (Disabled American Veteran), an endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, who served combat tours in Vietnam and Iraq is now walking and biking 570 miles from Walled Lake, Michigan to Washington DC, in hopes of waking up the American people and Congress on the urgent need to help Veterans in the Republic, to support Veterans Issues, and to request that their Congressional representatives improve Veterans health benefits (23 Veterans/day are committing suicide).

“I saw it firsthand when I was in the service. A fellow Soldier died in a stateside military medical holding unit I was in and nobody noticed for four days,” Bentivolio said. “More than 300,000 American military Veterans likely died while waiting for healthcare, and nearly twice as many are still waiting, according to a new Department of Veterans Affairs Inspector General Report.”

Cong Bentivolio, served as Congressman from 2013 through January 2015, said “talking about the issue has not gotten the Veterans any closer to getting the aid they need.  It is time for action”, he said.

“We have a lot of World War II Veterans who are dying at 80 or 90 years old, but we have Vietnam Veterans who can’t make it past 70 years old. We have Marines that were stationed in Camp Lejeune in the ’50s and ’60s and they found out all that water was contaminated,” Bentivolio said. “Congress said they…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 23, 2015

In the below listed policy statement, an endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, Cong Jeff Denham, SSgt-USAF(R-CA-10), expresses his firm opposition to the very dangerous International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement; according to provisions of the US Constitution that Agreement is in fact an International Treaty, not an bill passed in Congress.  Cong Denham stated. “If sanctions are going to be removed, they should only be removed after Iran has earned our trust, with a gradual phasing out of sanctions. We should be able to have our own inspectors and a guarantee that Iran has no intercontinental ballistic missiles or nuclear weapons. Any deal must be verifiable, enforceable, and accountable.” 

Cong Denham went on to say, “Our nation faces greater danger than ever before, because the threat of a nuclear Iran remains all too real.  Iran has been the chief sponsor of terrorism across the globe.  The safety of the American people is not a partisan priority; it is an American priority.  After closely reviewing the details of the unveiled agreement, it is clear that the plan will not adequately deter the threat of a nuclear Iran, nor will it safeguard the well-being of our citizens and the National Security interests of the United States.”

It was recently reported that there are two side provisions to the very dangerous Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement; Obama has kept those two side provisions SECRET from the US…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 21, 2015

The Lebanese Education Minister told Prime Minster Cameron of England that two out of every 100 Syrian migrants are ISIS Terrorists being sent "under cover" to attack the West. "It's a very dangerous situation and the world should wake up and do something about that," Elias Bousaab said. "ISIS will not stop at the border with Lebanon."  


That may be the tip of the iceberg because 70% of the refugees are young single men, and a recent surveyfound that more than one-fifth of Syrians support ISIS.  One German official who has been receiving thousands of these refugees said yesterday, "At least a quarter of those refugees allegedly coming from Syria are not from Syria, but from other Arab or African countries."  Last year a study published by the RAND Corporation concluded that most significant threat to the United States comes from terrorist groups operating in Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

A Daily Mail: news reporter was able to purchase a Syrian passport, Syrian identity card, and a Syrian driver’s license in a Turkish border town where ISIS Terrorists have been buying those same identity documents with frightening ease, in order to be able to hide among refugees traveling to Europe and eventually to the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September  15, 2015

Capt William Keller, USN (Ret)(Seabee) wrote a Letter to The Editor to the San Diego Union Tribune, in response to the Obama administration aggressive effort to push US Marine Corps gender-integration efforts.  The Obama administration, in continuing its destructive Social Experiment on Diversity and Political Correctness that has been underway for nearly 7 years, and it has now turned its efforts to drive gender-integration into the combat arm of US Marine Corps Infantry Branch.  Over nearly 7 years, this very destabilizing and destructive Social Experiment on Diversity has been negatively affecting unit moral, unit cohesiveness, Combat Readiness, and Combat Effectiveness of the US Armed Forces.  


Capt Keller wrote the Letter to The Editor because he recalled what his father, a US Navy Gunnersmate Petty Officer during WWII, casually said in a simple comment, about his recollection of a major battle in WWII, during very heavy and sustained combat, “I thought my arms would fall off.”  It hits right at the heart of the inept issues being driven by Obama administration, force feeding women into tip of the spear units, like the US Marine Corps Infantry, the US Army Rangers Battalions, the US Navy SEAL Teams, and the DELTA Force.  


Women have been serving with the US military since the War of Independence in 1776, and have done an exceptional job in many areas of the US Armed Forces, they have been…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September  9, 2015

The below listed critique of the International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement was written by an endorsed and elected Combat Veterans For Congress, Congressman Ryan Zinke, Cdr-USN (Ret) (SEAL) (R-MT-1). In that article, he stated: 


“The Iranian nuclear deal is perhaps the greatest national security mistake of our time and represents a clear and present danger to America and our allies.   In just 13 years, the deal would give Iran as many as 100 ICBMs capable of destroying every city in America.“


By entering into this International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement Obama is setting the US up to have 100 Iranian ICBM missiles, topped with nuclear weapons, to be aimed at 100 US cities.  Only Democrats in the US Senate are voting for the most dangerous agreement in history of the Republic.  No other US President would have ever agreed to the provisions in that agreement that doesn’t allow for independent inspections of nuclear weapons development.  Over 200 Flag and General Officers have asked Obama not to agree to the Iranian inspection provisions, and oppose the agreement..  


Those Democrat Senators are knowingly putting the US in the nuclear cross hairs of the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, a country that has been murdering thousands of Americans for the last 35 years, a country that says every single week publically that it intend to destroy Israel and the United…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September  11, 2015

In the below listed article, speaking on the insanity of allowing Iran to self-inspect its own development of nuclear weapons, when the world community has already been aware that Iran has been cheating in the development of its nuclear weapons program for the last 12 years, an endorsed and elected Combat Veterans For Congress, Congressman Lee Zeldin, Maj-USAR (JAG) (R-NY-1), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, called attention to the duplicity of the flawed inspection regime, in the final draft of the International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement. 


Despite the fact that 79 % of all Americans oppose the dangerous Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement, and despite the fact that Iran’s leader, states on a weekly basis that Iran intends to destroy Israel and The Great Satan (the United States), 41 Democrat Senators have knowingly put the US in the nuclear cross hairs of the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world.  Incredulously, while Iran has been killing members of the US Armed Forces with Iranian manufactured road side bombs in Afghanistan, and refuses to release 4 Americans prisoners held on trumped up charges, Obama has ignored those facts, and is partnering up with the largest state sponsor of terrorism, who for the last 37 years, has been murdering more Americans than all the other terrorist groups in the world combined. 


In 13 years, Iran will expand the range of its…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 9, 2015

The below listed analysis details how Obama acted without the “consent of the governed” in his approval of the International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement.  The analysis was presented in a speech on the floor of the House by an endorsed and elected Combat Veterans For Congress, Congressman Steve Russell, LTC-USA (Ret) on Tuesday, September 8th.  He outlines how over the last 37 years, Iran sponsored terrorist attacks on Americans, prosecuted its murderous strikes against United States facilities & the allies of the US, and how the current ongoing actions by Iran in killing Americans in Afghanistan and elsewhere are unlikely to change.   Please click on the below listed link to listen to Cong Russell’s mesmerizing speech in the well of the House:


Cong Russell discussed how Obama has gone much further than by just urging Congress not to oppose his International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement; Cong Russell is convinced that Obama does not have the Constitution authority to approve the very dangerous International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement, or to send $150 billion to Iran without the consent of the governed, yet Obama is planning on doing it anyway—just as he as…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September  8, 2015

The first attack by terrorists on uniformed military personnel in a US Armed Forces Recruiting Center, occurred in March 2008 in Times Square where a bomb was detonated by an attacker, and a security camera recorded a bicycle rider rapidly scrabbling to leave the scene just before the bomb detonated.  Then the US Armed Forces Recruiting Center in Little Rock, Arkansas was attacked in June 2009 by a radical Islamic terrorist, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, who shot two soldiers, and killed one of them, PVT William Long, USA.  Then Maj Malik Nadal Hassan, a Radical Islamic Terrorist, killed 15 soldiers and wounded 30 others at Fort Hood. TX on November 5, 2009.  In October and November 2010, there were drive by shootings at two US Armed Forces Recruiting Centers in Northern Virginia, Quantico US Marine Corps Base, and the Pentagon by an Ethiopian Radical Islamic Terrorist, Yonathan Melaku.   

Recently, the FBI reported that callers identifying themselves as Muslims have been threatening the lives of military families in Colorado and Wyoming.  

There have been numerous other terrorist threats and plots against military installations and institutions.  Most recently, on July 16, 2015, there was an attack on uniformed military personnel at the US Armed Forces Recruiting Center in Chattanooga, Tennessee by a Kuwaiti born Radical Islamic Terrorist, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeeza.  The FBI reported that Muhammad…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September  3, 2015

The below listed article from American Thinker was forwarded from the Honorable Orson Swindle, III, Lt Col/USMC (Ret) (Vietnam POW), Senior Advisor to the Board of Directors of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, and is a current member of the Board of Directors of Citizens Against Government Waste. 

The Honorable Orson Swindle served as a Commissioner on the Federal Trade Commission from December 18, 1997 through June 30, 2005.  From 1981 to 1989, Mr. Swindle served in President Ronald Reagan Administration where he directed financial assistance programs to economically-distressed rural and municipal areas of the country. As Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development he managed the Department of Commerce's national economic development initiatives directing seven offices across the country. His impressive biology is listed on the Leadership page of the Combat Veterans For Congress Web site.

His comment in forwarding the below listed article are as follows: “Look at what our liberal, self-serving Democrats in Congress and this incredible Fraud in the White House have done to our Country!!!  Does it concern you?”

We encourage the wide distribution of the below listed article so the American people can fully comprehend how Obama continues to intentionally destabilize the Middle East while enabling Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, and how he is putting the US’ 70 year traditional Sunni allies…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August  31, 2015

For nearly 7 years, American citizens have been told by the Obama administration, the left of center liberal media establishment, pro-Illegal Immigration advocates, La Raza, and the elected Leftists and Socialists in Congress, that it is impossible to deport Radical Islamic Terrorists, drug smugglers, human traffickers, convicted Illegal Alien criminal felons, Central American children carrying infectious diseases, Illegal Alien overstays from 50 countries worldwide, and to prevent the annual massive influx of Mexican Illegal Aliens from entering the United States.  


The American citizens have been watching the business as usual & the inaction of the leadership in Congress on Illegal Alien Immigration.  They are determined to no longer put up with elected politicians who do nothing about the Illegal Alien Immigration; the problems resulting from illegal Immigration have reached crisis proportions, resulting in the establishment of Sanctuary Cities, the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars in the cost of welfare/Social Security/food stamps, and in the release of over 116,000 convicted criminal Illegal Mexican Aliens back into the general population by the Obama administration (resulting in hundreds of thousands of American victims being murdered, robbed, burglarized, and flooded with drugs).  The leaders of Congress could employ their legislative powers to build the already funded border wall across…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August  27, 2015

By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to view a message about what happened to Argentina that Congressman Barry M. Goldwater, Jr, the 

Co-Founder and Board of Directors member of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC would like every American Citizen to view.  In the early 20th Century Argentina, like the United States is today, was one of the richest and most economically developed countries in the world.   “Don’ Cry For Me Argentina” was composed in 1976 for the musical “Evita”, it was composed in the same year that the United States was celebrating 200 years of individual freedom and economic prosperity because of the success of The Free Enterprise System.  In 1976, while the US was celebrating, Argentina was in the throes of a civil war, whose seeds of destruction had been planted by Socialists and Progressives who had come to power in Argentina and changed their Free Enterprise System into a Socialist Welfare State.  By 2001, Argentina had a turbulent economic, social, and political crisis that resulted in an extended and severe depression, unsustainable international indebtedness, an unprecedented bank run, and the collapse of its economy. 


Like the United States is today, in 1902, Argentina was in a dominant position among the industrial nations of the world and was blessed with an abundance of natural resources.  Eventually the Progressives and Socialists took control of the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August  24, 2015

For nearly 7 years, American citizens have been told by the Obama administration, the left of center liberal media establishment, La Raza, and the leadership in Congress that it is impossible to build an effective border wall across the wide open southern border, in order to keep out Radical Islamic Terrorists, drug smugglers, human traffickers, convicted Illegal Alien criminal felons, Central American children carrying infectious diseases, Illegal Aliens from 50 countries worldwide, and a to prevent a new influx of Mexican Illegal Aliens from entering the United States.  


Although the funding required to build a border wall across the wide open southern border has been funded by Congress, the Obama administration refuses to build an effective border wall.  The San Diego Sector of the Border Wall was built as a result of the pressure placed upon the Department of Homeland Security by retired Congressman Duncan L. Hunter, USA/Ranger, when he was Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, and for over the last 9 years the San Diego Sector Border Wall has been proven to be very effective in excluding Illegal Aliens.  


The 5500 mile long Great Wall of China that is 21 feet high, was built in 476 BC and was effective for over 1700 years.  In 1953, the DMZ was created and spans the 160 mile wide Korean peninsula; it has been an effective border wall for 63 years.  The 87 mile Berlin Wall was built…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 15, 2015

In the below listed Op Ed, Admiral James L. Lyons, former Commander-in-Chief of the US Pacific Fleet, highlights a whole range of Obama policies that have intentionally weakened the Republic militarily and economically over the last 6 ½ years, with little opposition from members of the US Congress.  Obama’s dangerous intent to “Change” the very nature of the United States from a Republic to a Socialist State has also been free from exposure because the left of center liberal media establishment has been in league with Obama.  


Admiral Lyons exposes the Iranian initiative which Obama and Valerie Jarrett initiated in 2008 to change alliances in the Middle East in favor of Iran.   It didn’t matter that Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, had been killing and maiming thousands of members of the US Armed Forces for the past 35  years and continues in that policy today in Afghanistan—any agreement that didn’t simply demand that Iran stop killing members of the US Armed Forces in Afghanistan is a bad agreement on the face of it.  


Iran’s ultimate goal is to destroy the state of Israel, then attack the United States with nuclear weapons atop intercontinental ballistic missiles.  It has taken Obama nearly 7 years, but now it appears Obama and the Democratic side of the isle in Congress are well on their way to facilitating an international agreement to allow Iran to become a nuclear…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 8, 2015

Matt Amos spent 10 years in the US Marine Corps.. He was medically retired in 2013, after sustaining the loss of both of his legs in Sangin, Afghanistan in 2011, following multiple combat tours. He spent two years in recovery at the US Naval Medical Center (Balboa), San Diego, CA; where he was able to rehabilitate himself with the help of some of the best US Navy Corpsmen, Navy Nurses, physical therapists, and Navy doctors.  The below listed link at the end of this article relays Matt’s heroic story, and was forwarded by SA Robert M. Hamer, FBI (Ret) USMC, a Marine who works tirelessly to help Wounded Combat Veterans in the US Naval Medical Center (Balboa) and in the Wounded Warrior Battalion West at the US Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, CA.

He still tells everyone he was honored to serve in the US Marine Corps with 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, 24th Marine Regiment, and 1st Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Marine Regiment, where he recalls that he served with the finest men and women the nation has to offer. He lost friends in combat, who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the Worldwide War on Terrorism.  In honor of those fine men and the memory of their comradery, he continues to press on – despite his life changing injuries – and he does so with a positive attitude, while retaining a passion for serving others. 

Matt has been blessed to receive help from many others during his recovery and transition to civilian life.…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 6, 2015

Senator Tom Cotton, Cpt-USA, (R-AR-Senate), an endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, has alerted the US Senate that the occupant of the Oval Office, has already violated the International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Treaty (called an Agreement by the inept leadership in Congress) as explained in the below listed article, because portions of the agreement will remain SECRET.  Keeping portions of agreements that Obama enters into with foreign countries, seems to be the way he is able to prevent American citizens from seeing what he is up to, and the Congressional leadership can’t do anything about it.  


The Congressional leaders allowed Obama to reverse the Constitution safeguards, put in place by the Founding Fathers, which require a 2/3 vote of Congress, in order to pass the any International Treaty, including the Iranian International Nuclear Weapons Treaty.  Instead the Congress allowed Obama to reverse that process, and are now congress requiring a 2/3 vote, in order to be able to defeat the flawed Iranian International Nuclear Weapons Treaty.   


There is also a SECRET side deal in the Unconstitutional International Iranian Nuclear Weapons Treaty, called an Agreement, that the Republican leadership in Congress rammed thru Congress despite the American people’s objections.  It is a SECRET 800 page Fast Track Trade Promotion (TPP) Bill which Obama signed into Law on July 3rd.  The American…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 3, 2015


In President Ronald Reagan’s administration, and for 212 years prior to his Presidency, the amazing and unique US History of the Republic was taught to the nation’s youth in grammar, junior high, and high schools, using US History text school books that documented an accurate record of the Founding Fathers principles and the true US History of the Republic.  Under the Obama administration, the “positive lessons” previously taught about US History, extolling America’s support for human rights, freedom of religion, the value of the Second Amendment, the importance of the US Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and the independence of man from an oppressive government bureaucracy, have been effectively eliminated from US History text books.  


Many of the positive events that highlighted the greatness of America’s Founding Fathers, that were previously taught to the nation’s youth in US History classes are no longer taught in the nation’s schools.  The new redacted US History curriculum developed by the Obama administration presents a critical view of the Republic and the Founding Fathers.  An inaccurate version of US History is being force fed to the nation’s youth, at the direction of the Progressive, Left-wing Ideologues, Socialists, and Communists in the Obama administration who now control the education agenda.  They use the power of the purse to control the content of the curriculum in all 50 states…

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