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SSgt Matt Amos, USMCA Wounded Combat Veteran and Double Leg Amputee, Setting an Excellent Example by Pulling Himself Up By His Bootstraps

  • SSgt Matt Amos, USMCA Wounded Combat Veteran and Double Leg Amputee, Setting an Excellent Example by Pulling Himself Up By His Bootstraps

By Capt Joseph R. John, August 8, 2015

Matt Amos spent 10 years in the US Marine Corps.. He was medically retired in 2013, after sustaining the loss of both of his legs in Sangin, Afghanistan in 2011, following multiple combat tours. He spent two years in recovery at the US Naval Medical Center (Balboa), San Diego, CA; where he was able to rehabilitate himself with the help of some of the best US Navy Corpsmen, Navy Nurses, physical therapists, and Navy doctors.  The below listed link at the end of this article relays Matt’s heroic story, and was forwarded by SA Robert M. Hamer, FBI (Ret) USMC, a Marine who works tirelessly to help Wounded Combat Veterans in the US Naval Medical Center (Balboa) and in the Wounded Warrior Battalion West at the US Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, CA.

He still tells everyone he was honored to serve in the US Marine Corps with 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, 24th Marine Regiment, and 1st Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Marine Regiment, where he recalls that he served with the finest men and women the nation has to offer. He lost friends in combat, who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the Worldwide War on Terrorism.  In honor of those fine men and the memory of their comradery, he continues to press on – despite his life changing injuries – and he does so with a positive attitude, while retaining a passion for serving others. 

Matt has been blessed to receive help from many others during his recovery and transition to civilian life. He created his products, and founded his own company to market Admiral’s pennant.  While Matt operates his company, he has never forgotten, and also volunteers with numerous veteran’s charities and organizations. He is passionate about helping service member’s to transition smoothly into civilian lives, as well as working to raise funds in order to help other wounded combat veterans to help them obtain the same opportunities he received.  

Matt has a very professional Web site, is very serious about his business, has five separate blends, and is working hard to make his company a success. We admire Matt’s “I can do spirit”; he is an American Warrior, a patriotic entrepreneur, and hard-working businessman who created a new business to support his wife & children, and has been doing this with very little outside help,   He plans to release a line of men’s care products, including “beer soap”(the alcohol is boiled out and the remaining hops would be excellent for skin care).  


Matt’s main goal is to live his life in a manner that his Fallen Brothers would be proud of.  We encourage you to pass this E-mail on to your fellow US Marines, Combat 


Veterans, other members of the US Armed Forces, other veterans, and anyone else who would consider purchasing one of Matt’s products, in order to give Matt a boost.


Please consider purchasing one of this Honorable and Heroic US Marine’s products.  If you determine you can’t use it, please consider purchasing it as gift for someone you


respect and/or love-----the Good Lord will Bless you for your support for American Patriot who has given his all in the defense of the Republic.  Semper Fi.