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Op-Ed Articles

The below listed Op-Ed was written by Admiral James A. Lyons, USN (Ret), the former Commander-In-Chief of the Pacific Fleet; he discussed the unilateral disarmament of the US Armed Forces by the occupant of the Oval Office, while Russia, China, Iran, and Al Q’ieda are building up their military strength. 

Admiral Lyons discusses how the Obama administration’s 5 year foreign policy retreat resulted in Russia’s aggression in Crimea and Ukraine, China’s aggression opposing Japan ownership of the Senkaku Islands, Iran’s aggression against Israel & its development of nuclear weapons because Obama unilaterally lifted sanctions, Assad’s aggression against Syrian freedom fighters & his use of chemical agents again this past week against Syrian freedom fighters, and Egypt’s shift from its close relationship with the US to the establishment of a new military alliance with Russia…

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The below listed article with the links will enlighten you about how a corrupt Senator Reid was behind the land grab of the Bundy Ranch.  It turns out that Neil Kornze who was raised in Elko, Nevada, and was a former senior advisor on Majority Leader, Senator Harry Reid’s staff, joined the Bureau of Land Management  (BLM) in 2011 and had been leading the agency as the Principal Deputy Director; he was subsequently formally appointed Director of the Bureau of Land Management, by a US Senate vote of 71 to 28.  The BLM overseas more than 245 million acres of public lands nationwide, including 48 million acres in Nevada.  So why did Senator Reid’s aide who owed his appointment to his old boss go after Cliven Bundy’s cattle ranch that had been in the Bundy family since 1870?

It turns out that in 2012, Harry Reid’s son, Rory Reid who is lawyer with the prominent Harvey Whittemore law…

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Obama administration political appointees in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have been recruiting and appointing many pro-amnesty lawyers in key management positions throughout DHS.  The goal of the Obama administration in placing those pro-amnesty lawyers throughout DHS was to dismantle the deporting infrastructure it took 12 years for the US government to create.  Those pro-amnesty lawyers have been preventing ICE Agents, Border Patrol Agents, and CBP Inspectors from enforcing the Federal Immigration Laws they were sworn to uphold. Those pro-amnesty attorneys have instructed ICE Agents to “walk away” from hundreds of thousands of cases that should be prosecuted.  They eventually directed ICE Agents to release 68,000 “Criminal Illegal Immigrants” into the general public, thus completing the corruption of that once proud Federal Law Enforcement Agency.  The “Criminal…

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Another endorsed and elected Combat Veteran For Congress, Congressman James Bridenstine, Lcdr-USNAR (R-OK-1) uncovered another Obama secret scandal, the deal that was entered into behind closed doors by Obama with Putin, and was approved by Obama to give Russia “Free of Charge” crucial, mid-grade sensitive US military technology, used by US Special Operations Forces to get ready for combat operations. 

The National Nuclear Security Agency has been providing Multiple Intergrade Laser Engagement Systems (MILES) to Russia; the transfer has been facilitated by Obama’s democratic Secretary of Energy Ernest Moritz he is overseeing this treasonous act and illegal transfer of crucial, mid-grad, sensitive US military technology to Putin while he was invading Crimea and poised to invade Ukraine.  Moritz is continuing the transfer in the midst of Putin the mobilization of 150,000 Russian…

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The FBI executed a dozen arrest warrants against elected officials in 8 states across the nation in the past couple days.  They arrests all have one thing in common, that the left of center liberal media establishment has been trying to cover up, every one of those elected officials that the FBI have arrested, all over the nation, are all “corrupt Democrats” the arrests are explained in more detail in the below listed article. The arrests were executed by my former colleagues in the FBI in the states of New York, New Jersey, California, Rhode Island, Michigan, Alabama, Louisiana, and North Carolina. The American people must be wondering when Obama will try to interfere with the FBI and tell Holder to rein the FBI in;  it doesn’t look good to have so many corrupt Democrat elected officials arrested---with no Republicans being arrested.

The corruption and scandals which occurred…

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At a time when there is fear that all-out war may break out in Ukraine, Obama is taking action to disarm the US Navy.  Please review the below listed article, not only is Obama reducing the US Navy to less than 200 ships from President Reagan’s 600 ship fleet, but Obama is also effectively telling the Chinese, Russian, and Iranian Navies that we are raising the white flag, and they will be able to attack US Navy more easily after he leaves office.  The Navy’s tomahawk stock will be completely depleted by 2018, with no replacements missiles to come on line for 10 years. 

By his actions, Obama is minimizing the defense of US Navy ships at sea from shore based missiles and enemy fleets; he is putting the lives of all Naval personnel at sea and the entire fleet in extreme danger.  This certainly should be viewed as a plan make the US Navy a second rate Navy, as his plans to degrade…

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   The weak and inadequate leadership displayed by the occupant of the Oval Office, over the last 5 years, is responsible for, and has created the worldwide geopolitical destabilization we are witnessing.  When Obama came into office, he felt  the United States prior inordinate stature in the international community was an undeserved stature and a result of unfairly acquired advantage, Obama now believes that the US underserved stature has been reset by “changes” he instilled in US policies, and Obama is bent on continuing to bring the Republic down in its military and economic strength.  Obama sees US foreign policy as antithetical to domestic spending, since military readiness would be retained only at the expense of public entitlement. There is no Obama Foreign Policy or Obama Doctrine; just an intent to be sure that the United States will not be the only Superpower in the world…

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  From an intelligence stand point,  it does not make sense to turn over control of the Internet to the UN.  At a time when the US Armed Forces and the intelligence community are both trying to develop our national defenses against the threats of cyber warfare, to divest the nation of control of the Internet  is not in the best interest of the nation (the Pentagon, White House, and other agencies of government have been signaling the onset of cyber warfare).  Obama’s transfer of the Internet to the UN is just another illustration of how he continues to weaken the Republic, his goal seems to move the nation to a post-modern utopian world. The Obama administration has been informing the world that Putin is on the wrong side of history, that Putin is living in the 19th Century of nationalism, not in Obama’s 21st Century vision of internationalism.  Obama believes anyone espousing…

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We encourage you to watch this excellent message, every American should watch it: 



One of our responsibilities is to provide facts on issues that may negatively affect the safety of the Republic, in order that American Citizens will be provided with the truth on issues that the Obama administration and the left of center liberal media establishment, works at covering up many of those facts daily.  The below listed published article provides complete details on our summary of the new Rules Of Engagement issued to the US Border Patrol.

On the first day of his appointment, new Rules of Engagement were issued to the Border Patrol by Obama’s newly appointed Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, who has no Law Enforcement experience and is the first African American to head DHS.   The new Rules Of Engagement, bars self-defense from rock-throwers, and match the recommendation of a report by an Illegal Immigration advocacy groups and the Mexican government.…

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For 17 months, Speaker Boehner has refused to authorize the establishment of a House Select Investigative Committee on The Battle of Benghazi.  We executed the second letter on the Battle of Benghazi which was hand delivered to Speaker Boehner; it is in the attachment and was signed by 94 Patriotic Americans requesting that Speaker Boehner finally authorize the establishment of a House Select Investigative Committee on The Battle of Benghazi.  That House Select Committee is absolutely necessary; because only such a committee can issue the subpoenas required, to obtain information that has been intentionally classified by Obama, in order to prevent the 5 separate House Committees investigating Benghazi from gaining access to that classified information for the past 17 months.  That failure to gain access to information intentionally classified by Obama is preventing the House from…

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The assault on the US military continues unabated.  The long term goal of the Obama administration has always been to reduce America’s military power consistently and systematically, and they are doing it at a time when China, Russia, Iran, and Al Q’ieda military strengths are increasing.  In the below listed article you can read how the Obama administration continues its assault on military personnel who have repeatedly put their lives on the line in defense of the Republic, and many have been maimed for life.   The deepest and most draconian cuts in military pay and benefits in 40 years is being proposed by Obama’s civilian appointees at the Pentagon in their new budget.  It includes:

(1)   Increasing health care costs for retirees & military families (Tricare deductibles and co-pays are being increased)

(2)   Massive cuts in commissary benefits so the cost…

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In the 7 years, from 2001 to 2008, US Military Personnel engaged in combat in Afghanistan operated under the “standard” Rules Of Engagement (ROE) that the military always operated under; during those 7 years, 630 US Military Personnel were Killed In Action (KIA).  In 2009, Obama imposed new and “dangerous” ROE on US Military Personnel operating in combat in Afghanistan, over the next 5 years, from 2009 thru 2013, 2,292 personnel were KIA.  The increase in KIAs for Combat personnel who had previously operated under the “standard” ROE, jumped from 90/year during the first 7 years, to 458/year over the next 5 years employing Obama’s new and “dangerous” ROE-----an increase in 458% in KIAs.


According to CNS, 19,080 US Military Personnel have been casualties in Afghanistan since 2001; CNS further reported that 73% of all casualties in Afghanistan occurred…

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 With Obama removal 200+ highly qualified and combat tested senior and flag officers from key positions, we are now witnessing comments by some of the officers who were appointed to replace those Flag Officers.  Admiral Locklear, CINCPAC,  an Obama appointee, recently made another troubling statement, that can be read by clicking on the below listed link; he said he believes China will help the US Military with its security requirements in the Pacific region.  He previously stated “the greatest threat to the US in the Pacific is Global Warming.”

Obama also appointed former Chairman Adm. Mullen who surprised most Naval Academy graduates, who… Read More

The Obama administration, with the acquiescence of the Republican leadership in Congress, continue to reduce benefits and protection for US military personnel; when billions of dollars were voted today to go to Illegal Immigrants for food stamps, medical benefits, education in tax payer funded schools---the financial support for illegals increased again this year, and every year, and there are still tax loopholes for Illegal Immigrants while military personnel taxes increase each year.  

The Republican Congress led by Boehner not only approved the Balance Budget Act that allowed a 1% COLA cut of earned pensions benefits for military retirees that the US government executed a contract to guarantee (yet the Republicans led Congress did not cut the bloated government union retired pay by 1%).  In the below listed article, you can see how Obama’s civilian appointees at DOD is…

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We are occasionally asked, why should American citizens elect endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress. 

Combat Veterans know the vital importance of discipline, understands what teamwork can accomplish, understand the unshakable importance of loyalty, have demonstrated perseverance in the face of extreme adversity, have accomplished difficult missions in the face of armed opposition, and have repeatedly demonstrated their support for the defense of the Republic, like very few Americans have ever been called upon to do. 


If you click on the below listed link, you will be able to watch a video about US Marines in combat----the message one takes away from that video is that military personnel  are hardened on the battlefield in combat---all military personnel who served in the defense of the Republic over the last 238 years have been tested in the cauldron of combat…

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This Op-Ed by Admiral James A Lyons’52 USN (Ret) is on the strategic overview of the military defense of the Republic.  I first served with Admiral Lyons in 1967, when he was the Commanding Officer of the USS Charles S. Sperry (DD-698) and I was the ship’s Weapons Officer; SPERRY deployed to the Middle East in response to the “Six Day War”.  When Admiral Lyons was the Commander-in-Chief US Pacific Fleet, I was given command of a newly commissioned unit, COMUSFACSUBICBAYDET119.  We were tasked from June 1986 thru May 1988, to complete a series of security assessments in the Philippines, and make recommendations to the COMMANDER, USFACSUBICBAY, in order to contribute toward improving the Navy/Marine Corps defenses against NPA terrorist who were attacking US military personnel stationed in the Philippines.  Periodically, when directed to do so by his staff, I reported directly to…

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This afternoon, the below listed letter was hand delivered to Speaker of the House, John Boehner, it was delivered on behalf of millions of Americans, including three family members of the 4 fallen heroes of The Battle of Benghazi in Libya on September 11, 2012.  The three family members who signed the letter are Charles Woods, father of SOSC Tyrone Woods, USN (Ret) (SEAL): Patricia Smith, mother of Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, (USAF/Vet); and Michael Ingmire, the uncle of Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith.  The full text of the letter, co-signed by 78 Patriotic Americans, demands that Speaker Boehner and his Republican colleagues in the House use their Constitutional powers of oversight and investigate to extract the full truth of why Hilary Clinton repeatedly turned down desperate requests for security from the personnel…

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In 1997 Orson Swindle was appointed as a Commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission and remained in that position until 2005. 

The Honorable Orson Swindle is reminding the American people that the Federal Trade Commission is the federal government’s principal Law Enforcement Agency for enforcing antitrust and consumer protection laws.  The FTC deals with mergers and acquisition; with fraudulent, deceptive, & illegal business practices, and information system privacy & security.  In the below listed article, former Commissioner Swindle outlines a number of illegal aspects, in the Obama Health Care Web site’s ( ),  and how the Obama administration has been promoting the Obama Healthcare Law; he points out how the Web site runs afoul of Federal Regulations of the…

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One year and nearly four months after the Battle of Benghazi in Libya on 9/11/12 the American people still do not know:


Why Hillary Clinton cancelled the contract for the Ambassador Steven’s personal security detail and refused to fund a new contract?  


Why 8 desperate request for additional security to Clinton by the Ambassador Stevens from March to September 3rdwas turned down by Hillary Clinton?


Why Ambassador Stevens was sent into the Al Q’ieda terrorist caldron in Benghazi on the most dangerous day of the year without proper security?


Why the live video feed of the attack taken by aerial drones and cameras on the walls of the US Mission was withheld by Hillary Clinton, and are still being withheld by Obama & Kerry?  Those videos will prove there was never a demonstration against a YouTube video.


Why Susan…

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The following link is an mp3 audio file of an live radio interview by Larry Elder on his KABC Talk Radio Show after he read the below listed article published by WND.



'PURGE SURGE': OBAMA FIRES ANOTHER COMMANDERNaval Commanding Officer alarmed by 'relentless' attack on Armed Forces

BY  F. MICHAEL MALOOFF. Michael Maloof, staff writer for WND and G2Bulletin, is a former senior security policy analyst in the office of the secretary of defense.  WASHINGTON – After multiple top generals described to WND what they regard as a full-scale “purge” of the U.S. military by the Obama administration, the commander of U.S. Army Garrison Japan was summarily relieved of duty and his civilian deputy reassigned, pending a “misconduct” investigation.Nine generals and flag officers have been relieved of duty under Obama just this year – widely viewed as an extraordinary number – and several sources put the total number of senior officers purged during the five years of the Obama… Read More

Rear Admiral Lee displays the type of LEADERSHIP graduates of all the Service Academies are taught to emulate in their LEADERSHIP Courses over a 4 year period.  LEADERSHIP traits are further brought home to all newly commissioned officers in all branches of the Armed Forces by example in the course of operations by Senior Officers and Senior Enlisted personnel.   The US Military places great emphasis on LEADERSHIP, and one of the basic tenets that is instilled in all personnel is to “never leave a man/woman behind.”

Rear Admiral Lee’s discussion of the Freedom of Religion, guaranteed to all members of the US Armed Forces for 238 years in the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution, and his expression of opposition to the new Restrictive Regulations on Freedom of Religion will probably result in disciplinary action, because in the video, “he crossed the line.” If you never watch…

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The Free Enterprise System has prospered because US military personnel thru the last 238 years have fought to preserves our way of life, have given their precious lives in defense of liberty, and endured hardship away from their families to ensure that the American people would be able to maintain the precious FREEDOMS in the Bill of Rights that our Founding Father gave to their generation and future generations.  Please click on the below listed link to listen to what President Reagan has to say about the freedoms military personnel secured for us.

The premeditated policies of the Obama…

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 Please click on the below listed link to listen to an old friend.  For a brief period, he will help you receive some relief from the lies emanating from the Obama administration on the Battle of Benghazi, Obama Care, Fast & Furious, and so much more.


As the famous movie title states, how “Green Was My Valley”, it was so for all Americans when President Reagan and all the previous occupants of the Oval Office were Patriotic Americans who had the best interest of American citizens at heart, protected members of the US Armed Forces by ensuring reinforcements would be sent to Americans under attack, guaranteed Freedom of Religion in the US…

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 On Veterans Day of each year, America remembers the men and women who answered the call to duty, donned the uniform in one of the branches of the US Armed Forces, and served faithfully in far off lands and/or at home.  We thank them for their loyal service in defense of the Republic, and encourage all Americans to thank a Veteran you may know today and every day. 


The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness that our Founding Fathers envisioned.   A Veteran is a Patriot who at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”  Many military personnel gave the last full measure of devotion in defense of the Republic, we honor them and all Veterans today and every day. 


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 Thousands of Patriotic Veterans, from all over the country, made A historic descent on Washington DC arriving at 8:00 AM on Sunday, October 13, 2013 to demonstrate their opposition to the Obama administration’s cruel attempt to deny American Veterans access to open air war memorials and for playing politics with Veterans and deceased Combat Veterans!!   Through the below listed link you can view revealing photos that the left of center liberal media establishment will cover up to prevent the American people from knowing how deep the opposition is to the Obama administration’s treatment of Veterans, combat personnel “Killed In Action”, and the families of fallen heroes who had financial support intentionally stripped from them.  In the below listed photos, you will be able to see a Veteran without legs taking down the illegally placed barricades erected by the Obama administration at…

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 We strongly support the Million Veteran Memorial March supported by Special Operations Speaks; we encourage each of you who receive this E-mail to pass it on to those in your address book who would help generate a large turnout in Washington, DC on Sunday, October 13, 2013 at 9:00 AM.  The Obama administration has restricted American Veterans from visiting War Memorials for the first time in 238 years; it is unconscionable. Those same War Memorials had previously been open 24 hours a day with no requirement for admittance.  A Park Ranger, who was assigned along with extra manpower to erect barricades to keep American Veterans and US citizens out of national parks and from visiting War Memorial sites, told the press that they had been instructed to “make things as difficult as possible on the American people”. 

The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution ratified on July 9, 1868…

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 By clicking on the below listed link, you will be made familiar with the “Soldier’s Pledge” referred to in the recording!  In the face of the current assault by the Obama administration on the US Constitution----specifically in its violation of the 1st Amendment’s Freedom of Religion for members of the US Armed Forces by Obama’s civilian appointees at DOD, its violation of the 2nd Amendment’s Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms by Obama instructing Kerry to sign the UN Small Arms Treaty that was rejected by the US Senate, and its violation of the 4th Amendment’s Unreasonable Search and Seizure by the actions of Obama’s appointees at the IRS and NSA.   In the recording, you will be able listen to what a true patriotic US President believed in.  President Reagan supported the Free Enterprise System, the economy was booming with 10 million new jobs, his firmness & resolve…

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      The below listed article discusses the makeup of the rebels forces fighting Assad in Syria; many of the rebels were armed with weapons from Libya.   For over a year, the Obama administration was collecting the flood of arms in Libya taken from Gadhafi’s arsenals, the administration perpetrated another gun running operation to supply the rebels in Syria with the Libyan arms; the Libyan arms were first sent thru Qatar to Syria, then they were sent thru Turkey to Syria and delivered by a third party to the rebels.  There are 1000 different rebel groups in Syria, arming those rebels thru a third party, that the US has no controls over, proved to be a very dangerous and uncertain proposition, but the Obama administration did so anyway, just as they armed the Mexican drug cartels in the Fast and Furious Operation.  Because the Free Syrian Army continues to ask for the arms that the…

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