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President Ronald Reagan---We Are Americans!!!

  • President Ronald Reagan---We Are Americans!!!

 By clicking on the below listed link, you will be made familiar with the “Soldier’s Pledge” referred to in the recording!  In the face of the current assault by the Obama administration on the US Constitution----specifically in its violation of the 1st Amendment’s Freedom of Religion for members of the US Armed Forces by Obama’s civilian appointees at DOD, its violation of the 2nd Amendment’s Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms by Obama instructing Kerry to sign the UN Small Arms Treaty that was rejected by the US Senate, and its violation of the 4th Amendment’s Unreasonable Search and Seizure by the actions of Obama’s appointees at the IRS and NSA.   In the recording, you will be able listen to what a true patriotic US President believed in.  President Reagan supported the Free Enterprise System, the economy was booming with 10 million new jobs, his firmness & resolve were feared by Russia & America’s enemies throughout the world who gave deference to “Don’t Tread on Me”, when all American citizens were secure because they knew their President would guaranteed the freedom of the individual, and that he would firmly protect and defend the US Constitution.  The endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress listed on the Endorsement page of this Web site will continue to work in Congress to protect the freedoms our Founding Fathers accorded all Americans in the Bill of Rights, and that President Reagan ensured we all enjoyed when he was our Commander-in-Chief.

 The Congressional elections of 2014 is our last hope to prevent Obama from taking control of the US House of Representatives by taking 17 House seats away from the Republican majority.  The Obama administration’s foreign policy initiatives have been baffling for our NATO, Asian, and Middle East allies—over the last 5 years, because of Obama’s policy of leading from behind, and his weakness in dealing with enemies of the Republic, the sharks (Iran, Russia, China, etc.) are circling in the water.  By the 2014 election, there “should” be a sufficient number of Americans who have had enough of the scandals----the IRS Scandal, the NSA Surveillance Scandal, the Fast and Furious Gun Running Scandal, the Libyan Gun Running Scandal to Supply Terrorists in Syria, the Benghazi Scandal that resulted in the death of 4 Americans, the Associated Press Freedom of Press Scandal, the Food Stamp Scandal, the flawed Obama Health Care Bill putting millions of people out of work & millions of others on part time, the Fort Hood Terrorist Massacre termed a Work Place Accident by Obama, the changes in the Combat Rules of Engagement that resulted in the death of 17 Navy SEALs and hundreds of Combat personnel, dangerous cuts in the US Armed Forces budget destroying the strength US military, restricting the Freedom of Religion in the US Military, violation of the US Senate’s rejection of the UN Small Arms Treaty by directing Kerry to sign the Treaty at the UN, enacting policies that make it easy for Illegal Aliens to perpetrate Welfare Fraud, and so much more.  The above listed scandals and violations of the US Constitution are the results of the policies put in place over the past 5 years by the occupant in the Oval Office.  That third rate burglary in 1972 at the Watergate that didn’t result in the death of 4 Americans, but brought President Nixon down in 1974, pales in comparison to each one of the aforementioned scandals and unlawful policies perpetrated by the Obama administration. 

Over the past 5 years, the American voters have been lulled into complacency by the Obama administration’s promulgation of misleading information, and by perpetrating the ongoing cover-ups of the above listed scandals; those cover-ups have been enabled by the left of center liberal media establishment black out of the news.   The Obama administration’s leftist policies are designed to replace the Free Enterprise System, which created the most effective economic engine in the history of mankind, and replace it with the failed Socialist system of government that has never worked in any country in history.  We ask you to support the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress listed on the Endorsement page of this Web site, and the future Combat Veterans For Congress we will endorse over the next 13 months----they are all true American Patriots and have each sworn to protect and defend the US Constitution.