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Op-Ed Articles

By Capt Joseph R. John, November 10, 2019, Op Ed #457

The US Marine Corps was formed on November 10, 1775 by the Second Continental Congress with the first Marines enlisting under Commandant Samuel Nicholas, but it wasn’t until 1921 that the Marine Corps began celebrating that historic day officially as its birthday by reading Marine Corps Orders No. 47 (Series 1921).  


The Commandant of the Marine Corps, Major General John A. Lejeune, issued Order No. 47 on November 1, 1921, and instructed it to be read to the US Marine Corps on the 10th of November, 1921, and thereafter on the 10th of November of every year.  Should the order not be received by the 10th of November, 1921, it should be read upon receipt.


We honor all US Marines not only on this November 10th, the US Marine Corps’ 244th Birthday, but on every day.  Over the last 10 years, 35 of the 123 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress were elected to Congress, and 36 of those 123 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, were US Marines; they are listed on the Endorsements and Alumni pages of our Web site.  


Eight of the 36 US Marines that were endorsed as Combat Veterans For Congress were elected to Congress.  Those US Marines who have served their country in combat as US Marines, and subsequently continued their service to the Republic as members of US House of Representatives are Cong John P. Kline (Col-USMC/Ret), Cong Paul Cook (Col-USMC/Ret), Cong Duncan D. Hunter (…

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 By Capt Joseph R. John, November 7, 2019: Op Ed #455

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is calling for the support of homeless Veterans, at a rally to be held on the corner of Wilshire Blvd and San Vincente in West Los Angeles, CA on November 10, 2019 at 1:00 PM; the day before Veterans Day, November 11th.  The timing is appropriate to bring attention to the estimated 4,500 homeless Veterans sleeping on the streets of Los Angeles, among the 60,000 homeless people sleeping on the streets of the City and County of Los Angeles.

The below listed flyer includes a statement by the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, calling for authorities to take action to provide housing for homeless Veterans sleeping on the streets of Los Angeles.  The VA has a very large parcel of land in West Los Angles that was deeded to Veterans in 1888 for the purpose of developing housing for homeless and disabled Veterans.  Instead of providing housing for homeless Veterans, The Department of Veterans Affairs inappropriately developed the Veterans’ land as a public/dog park, rent-free, for the benefit of wealthy residents of Brentwood.  Senator Feinstein’s and Congressman Lieu’s (D-CA-33) won’t support construction of housing for homeless Veterans on Veterans land being used for a park for their wealthy supporters in Brentwood.

The City and County of Los Angeles must take action to preclude the spread of Medieval diseases by exterminating the rapidly growing rat population…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, November 4, 2019: Op Ed #454 

By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to listen to a “very powerful message” from Katie Hopkins, a courageous woman in Great Britain.  She has been exposing the devastating effect that the entry of millions of Muslim refugees flooding into Europe and Great Britain has had on civility, economic stability, and on law and order in the United Kingdom and in Europe.  She states, the United Kingdom has become a country most British citizens no longer recognize. 


Katie bluntly speaks about how the basic freedoms of citizens in Great Britain have been eroding because of the appeasement of political leaders.  The political establishment lacks the backbone to take a firm stand and fight against rampant crimes perpetrated by thousands of Muslim Refugees who refuse to assimilate.

Katie says the discrimination against whites in the UK has become institutionalized and systemic, and that politicians are supporting multiculturalism and the mass silencing of citizens who try to object to the politicians’ blind eye towards the violation of laws by Muslim refugees.  

In order to shut down the vocal opposition of British citizens to lax policies that are hurting traditional values and effectively permitting lawlessness of refugees, the authorities threaten to take legal action against the complainants, for opposing their lax policies.  

In Great Britain and elsewhere in Europe,…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 23, 2019: Op Ed #453 

For the first time in 243 years, a 4-star decorated and retired US Navy Admiral, Admiral William McRaven, violated the ethos of military professionalism by authoring an Op Ed for release in the New York Times.  McRaven openly attacked the President of the United States and brayed for the removal of the President, stating it is time for a new person in the Oval Office—“the sooner, the better.” 


What does he mean by “sooner”?  Despite the fact that Admiral McRaven knows the Presidential election will take place in one year, he wants the President removed hurriedly.  He is encouraging the public to remove the US President, before all American citizens can exercise their Constitutional right to vote to re-elect President Trump in 2020.  McRaven has been a consistent, vociferous critic of the President, even prior to his election.  McRaven is no longer content with being critical, he has joined with Democrat Socialists and others like George Soros, who for three years, has been funding the effort to void the election of President Trump.


McRaven is subtly alleging that he is a spokesman for current and former members of the military.  Consider his audacity, appropriating for himself the moral authority to speak for all members of the US Armed Forces, when a large majority of members of the US Armed Forces, retired career military personnel, and veterans voted for President Trump, and current…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 14, 2019: Op Ed #452

The letter sent to Speaker Pelosi and four House Committee Chairmen, from the White House Counsel to the President notified them that the Executive Office of the President will not cooperate with the secret “Impeachment Inquiry” that was initiated by a speech Pelosi made at a Press Conference.

The investigation taking place in the House of Representatives is taking place in secret, behind closed doors, that prevents Republican members of Congress from having any rights at all; the Democrat majority is preventing witnesses from being called by Republican members of the House to testify and contest the invalid testimony of Democrat witnesses.  

The “Impeachment Inquiry” should have been initiated by a vote of the US House of Representatives.  In response to the White House Press Corps questions, President Trump stated that he would fully cooperate with an “Impeachment Inquiry” if the US House of Representative would hold a vote to initiate it, in accordance with Congressional precedence that previously initiated the “Impeachment Inquiries” of President Nixon and President Clinton, with the then vote of the full House of Representatives.

Instead of releasing the full testimony of Ambassador Paul Volker, taken in secret behind closed doors, that exonerates the President of the false allegations made by Democrats that allege President Trump threatened the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, October 7, 2019: Op Ed #451

Over the last 3 years, President Trump has worked to improve the economy, reduce unemployment, improve trade agreements with foreign countries, strengthen the US Armed Forces, improve national security, reenergize production in the US, reduce job killing regulations, build a wall on the southern border to prevent hundreds of thousands of Illegal Aliens, terrorists, and drugs from entering the US, aggressively prosecute the worldwide effort to defeat terrorists, etc.  


Yet President Trump has been repeatedly and unmercifully attacked, non-stop daily, by the Democrat Socialist Party, the left of center liberal media establishment, the deep state, and left leaning network commentators.  The intent has been to disenfranchising the votes of 63 million Americans who elected candidate Donald J. Trump in the 2016 election. 


The deep state has had a non-stop impeachment obsession, which began even before President Trump was inaugurated.  Now the nation is faced again with another prolonged attempt to impeach President Trump, but not for High Crimes and Misdemeanors.  Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Tom Perez, George Soros, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, Progressives, Marxists, the Democrat Socialist Party, The Muslim Brotherhood International Terrorist Organization, the Socialist Party USA, the Communist Party USA, the left of center liberal media establishment, the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 30, 2019: Op Ed #450

Since the 1960s Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, and Marxists have migrated to, and have taken positions in every level of public school and college education, including in the National Education Association (the national teachers union), public school teaching positions, public school administrator positions, college professorships, college department heads, college deans, members of Boards of Regents, and in government positions at every level of The Department of Education.  


In 2007, four U.S. Communist groups formed an alliance in order to work toward taking control of the Democrat Party in California, and then in other states, with the ultimate goal of taking control of the National Democrat Committee.  The long-term plan included the indoctrination of students at all levels of public school education, and in colleges around the country, in order to convince millions of students that the Constitutional Republic had been a massive failure, while at the same time, painting a positive image of Socialism.  The goal was to gain the support of generations of naïve students, with the expectation they would eventually help the Communists gain control of local, state, and the federal government.  Their detailed plan was labeled The Inside/Outside Project.  


                   “Give me just one generation of youth and I'll transform the world.”

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 23, 2019: Op Ed #449

In 2007, four U.S. Communist groups formed an alliance, in order to first take control of the Democrat Party at every level in California, then in a number of other states, with the ultimate goal of taking control of the Democrat National Committee.  The long term plans included the indoctrination of students at all levels of public-school education to convince millions of students that the government of the United States has been a massive failure, while at the same time portraying a positive image of Socialism.  The programmed goal was to gain the support of generations of naïve students, who would help the four Communists groups gain control of local, state, and the federal government.  The detailed plan is labeled The Inside/Outside Project.  Communists have always focused on younger generations.


             “Give me just one generation of youth and I'll transform the world.”

                                                                                                                         -  Vladimir Lenin


In order to support the four US Communist Groups' Inside/Outside Project, Tom Perez was selected as the Chairman of the Democrat National Committee.  Tom Perez was Obama’s Radical Left Labor Secretary, and longtime leader of Casa de Maryland, a Communist militant “Immigration Rights Group”  that lobbies to give Illegal Aliens the right to vote.  When Perez was the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, September 12, 2019: Op Ed #448

The Worldwide War on Terrorism, Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and the war in Afghanistan has resulted in: 

….Over 1,600 Combat Veterans returned home having lost at least one limb or more. Many more have lost appendages (toes and fingers).

….Over 160 Combat Veterans returned home with a total loss of sight, and thousands now have permanent impaired vision.

….Over 177,000 Combat Veterans have suffered hearing loss, and another 355,000 are suffering from tinnitus.

….Over 400,000 Combat Veterans have returned home suffering from PTSD.

….And an average of 22 Veterans are committing suicide every day.


In light of the above listed statistics we would like to share the below listed video of a quadruple amputee and courageous Wounded Warrior, Staff Sargent Travis Mills, USA (Ret) 82nd Airborne.


SSgt Mills often tells people he never dwells on the past.  Travis’ Motto: “Never Give Up, Never Quit!”

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 29, 2019: Op Ed #447

This is a critique of an article published by the US Naval Institute  The author is suggesting the US Naval Academy (USNA) should have a more relaxed teaching environment, similar to the environment at Liberal Arts Colleges.  Some of the screened USNA applicants, illegally admitted as a specific percentages by sex and race of the Plebe class, in violation of a Supreme Court ruling, make up a percentage of Midshipmen matriculating at the US Naval Academy who, together with the USNA Female Mafia are continuing in their efforts to degrade the military character and training at the USNA.  


The Midshipman who wrote the article was lobbying to eliminate military drills/parades, and relax discipline at USNA; the article would never have been approved to be published by any of the former Superintendents.  The author and other Midshipmen ignore the fact that the US Naval Academy was established in 1845 for one purpose, and one purpose only, to commission US Navy & US Marine Corps Officers to…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 12, 2019: Op Ed #446

Beginning in April 1915 and continuing through 1923, 1.5+ million Armenians, 549,000 Assyrians, and 648,000 Greek Christians, in their ancestral homeland of Mesopotamia and Persia were systematically exterminated in the Genocide perpetrated by the rulers of Ottoman Empire; they unleased the Turkish Army, Kurdish Tribesmen, and Islamic Militants to murder every Christian, regardless of their ethnicity.   

Christians were brutally shot, beheaded, dismembered, crucified, drowned, buried alive, and their corpses were dumped into wells, in order to make the water supply undrinkable.  Some Christian villages armed themselves and tried to resist, with negligible success.  The most successful course of action was for Christians to flee their ancestral homelands, with the help of Christian missionaries, to legally migrate to the United States, Sweden, Austria, Germany, France, England, etc.   


The Genocide of Christians that began in 1915 has not ended.  It continues to this day in the Middle East, Europe, the United States, and Africa, with the support of The Muslim Brotherhood International Terrorist Organization.  The Muslim Brotherhood was founded by Hassan al-Banna in Egypt in 1928, and it subsequently facilitated the creation of countless Radical Islamic Terrorists groups worldwide.


The governments and parliaments of 31 countries, including Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, August 5, 2019: Op Ed #445 

The dishonest news media is at it again, trying to brainwash Americans into thinking that all mass shooters throughout the years have been by white male supremacists.  The photos and information in the below listed article will disprove the outright lies by the current crop of Democratic Presidential Candidates, and the Left of Center Liberal Media Establishment in their attempts to terrify Americans, and blaming yesterday’s 2 mass shootings on President Trump, because he wants to secure the wide open southern border.  


Despite the fact that there were 32 mass shootings when Obama was the occupant of the Oval Office---the press found it inconvenient to blame Obama for any of those 32 mass shootings.  There were also many mass shootings during the Clinton and Bush Administrations, yet the Left of Center Liberal Media Establishment didn’t blame President Clinton nor President Bush.  


Many of the activities that once took up the free time of America’s youth in their formative years have dramatically changed, and the interrelation between America’s youth, their classmates, with their schools, and with their parents has also changed, especially in families with fatherless homes.  Sand lot baseball, Boy Scouts after-school activities, attending the Boys Club activities, after school church activities, 4H Club activities, church and Boy Scout summer camps, bicycles riding, roller skating on…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 29, 2019: Op Ed #443 

By clicking on the below listed link, you will be able to listen to a riveting interview of former CIA Officer Kevin Shipp; he is a counterintelligence expert who worked on the seventh floor at Langley as protective staff for then-CIA Director William Casey. 


This is a CRITICAL listen!  It is an analysis that covers a range of sensitively important topics, improperly reported by the left of center liberal media establishment.  It is about one hour long, but it would be well worth your time to listen to an American who is still serving his country.  For the last 5 years, Kevin has been a strong supporter of the Combat Veterans For Congress.

Kevin previously stated, that there is a - huge - grassroots movement brewing in our country.  These are not fanatics; they are pastors, priests, moms and dads, good government employees, military men and women, and CIA officers he worked with, who cannot speak for themselves.  Kevin has been speaking out, and has felt repercussions for speaking out, including affecting his retirement pension.

Kevin discusses the attempt by specific individuals to take down the President of the United States (prior to and after his election), the serious National Security Threat posed by the massive and increasing national deficit, the corruption of the deep state motivated by money and supported by the left of center liberal media establishment, the…

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Rep. Ilhan Omar Shows her true colors by referring to Somalia As "Our Nation Back Home"; watch video clip here:

Rep. Ilhan Omar married her brother to Violate US Federal Immigration Law:

Rep. Ilhan Omar tweeted two weeks after the Benghazi attack that killed four Americans, "Allah Akbar :) #Life is Good" in support of the Radical Islamic Terrorists who tortured, then murdered the US Ambassador:

Democrat Ilhan Omar was defiant, handcuffed and arrested in 2013 for trespassing at the Ivy Hotel, and booked at Hennepin County Jail, Minnesota:…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 10, 2019: Op Ed #441

Every American citizen who values their precious freedoms outlined in The Bill of Rights, should read the article listed below by Dr. Sam C. Holiday, USMA ’48, Col USA (Ret), especially millions of millennials who for over 20 years, had been misled in classroom instruction by leftist teachers and professors about success of Socialism in comparison to the failure of the Constitutional Republic of the U.S.  


Socialist governments have suppressed, enslaved, and murdered hundreds of millions of people throughout the world for over 100 years in Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia, Castor’s Cuba, Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela, Mao’s China, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Ho Chi Minh’s Vietnam, Nyerere’s Tanzania, Jaruzelski’s Poland, Najibullah’s Afghanistan, Ortega’s Nicaragua, Ceausescu’s Romania, Dubcek’s Czechoslovakia, Zinvkov’s  Bulgaria, Tito’s Yugoslavia, etc.  Most recently, The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights issued a report on Venezuela, noting that between January 2018 and May 2019, Nicolas Maduro’s Socialist thug-regime murdered nearly 7,000 people.


Millennials should have been able to easily compare the failures of brutal Socialist regimes in the 37 countries where they gained control, with the success of the Founding Fathers Constitutional Republic, which has freed so many oppressed people in the world and received so very little in return.   Unfortunately for over 20 years, the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 3, 2019: Op Ed #440

On November 24, 2018, Lcdr Ed Hiner, USN (Ret) (SEAL) contacted the Combat Veteran For Congress seeking support, and explained that Chief Edward Gallagher, USN (SEAL), a highly decorated Combat Veteran who had completed 8 combat deployments to both Iraq and Afghanistan and had been awarded two Bronze Star Medals (both with Combat “V”), a Navy and Marine Corp Achievement Medal (with Combat “V”), and other medals for his combat service during 19 years of Honorable service, was being charged with crimes by several poorly performing SEALs in his team, who were lying about Chief Gallagher’s actions in Iraq. 


Those SEALs, who were deployed with Chief Gallagher’s SEAL Team SEVEN, had been removed from the fight in Mosul, Iraq by Chief Gallagher because they were not performing adequately in extremely heavy and brutal combat; they subsequently charged the Chief with crimes and using drugs in combat.   Lcdr Hiner, whom we respect, assured us that Chief Gallagher was not guilty of those charges and the disgruntled SEALs who had been removed from the fight, were not telling the truth.  We believe every member of the US Armed Forces deserves the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, so we were inclined to get involved.


Upon further investigation, we learned that in 2017, the year Chief Gallagher was accused of crimes by those disgruntled Navy SEALs, who had been removed from combat because of…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, July 4, 2019: Op Ed #439

On the first Fourth of July in 1776, delegates from the 13 Colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, drafted by Thomas Jefferson.  On that day, American Colonists celebrated securing their individual freedoms from oppressive British Rule and their freedom from the heavy taxes levied on them by The King of England without representation.  

Since 1776, Americans have been celebrating the Fourth of July as the birth of American Independence, and their achievement of self-rule by and for the people.  Since 1776, the annual celebration on July fourth has been called  “Independence Day.”  Each year on Independence Day, Americans express their support for the freedoms they enjoy and how blessed they are to live in a Constitutional Republic.  

In their celebration on the Fourth of July, American citizens also express their support for governance under the US Constitution, self rule by and for the people, and for their support for one nation under God.   

Americans appreciate the unlimited opportunities they have to improve their stations in life, because of their individual freedoms, and because of their opportunity to establish a new business venture under The Free Enterprise System.  Americans today, even low income citizens, have more benefits and better living standards than royalty lived under 100 years ago, and they also have better living standards than most…

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Combat Veterans For Congress-----Embedded Integrity 

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is re-endorsing the 86th endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress, former Congressman Kerry Bentivolio (SFC-MI-ANG/Ret ) who resides in Milford, MI, to run for his former seat, in the 11th Congressional District of Michigan.  He is a 27-year veteran of the US Army and the Michigan Army National Guard, and is the only Congressman to have served in combat in both Vietnam and Iraq.

Cong Bentivolio will strongly support Veterans rights; he believes in a leaner government, lower taxes, will work to reduce the national debt, and will focus on reining in the out of control spending by irresponsible Progressive, Socialist, and Democrat members of Congress.  Cong Bentivolio will work with President Trump to secure the-wide open Southern Border, in order to stem the flow of opioids and other killing drugs, violent MS-13 gang members, human traffickers, Radical Islamic Terrorists, and Illegal Aliens from countries throughout the world entering the United States.

Cong Bentivolio is running against Cong Haley Stevens (D-11) who opposes construction of a wall to close the wide open southern border, supports Sanctuary Cities as safe haven for convicted criminal Illegal Aliens, and opposes cooperation with ICE Agents in their attempts to apprehend & deport convicted criminal Illegal Aliens.  Stevens voted No on (HR 1), the bill to cut taxes, voted No on HR 3354 to…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 17, 2019 Op Ed #438

At one time mumps, chicken pox, and measles were eradicated in the United States.  Now with hundreds of thousands of Illegal Aliens flooding across the wide open southern border from every country in the world, those infectious diseases have broken out across the US.

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement have placed 5,200 immigrants who are infected with mumps, chicken pox, measles, and other infectious diseases into quarantine in 39 immigrant detention centers nationwide.  The number of quarantined detainees has jumped dramatically from earlier this year; ICE Health Services reported that on March 7th, there were 2,287 detainees in quarantine for "exposure to contagious diseases".

Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan urged lawmakers to provide the US Border Patrol and Customs and Border Protection with additional funding to assist operations, calling the crisis "unlike anything our country has ever faced."  McAleenan told lawmakers this past week that the increasing number of Illegal Aliens has hurt the morale of border…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 11, 2019 Op Ed #437

Twenty eight years ago, in September 1991, after the Philippine Senate rejected a new military-bases agreement, the US Navy hauled down the American Flag in Subic Bay Philippines and vacated the Naval Base complex.  The United States fulfilled its obligation to withdraw all US Naval forces, and ceased all US military operations in the Philippines. 


For ten years, a serious conflict has been developing between the United States and China, as a result of the creation of missile and naval bases by China on Philippine claimed shoals and other reefs & shoals in international waters in the South China Sea, which is a threat to restrict the sea lanes of communication.   In addition, China has been rapidly expanding its navy in order to have the capability to fulfill its long range goal of threatening to invade Taiwan, unless it agrees to unite with mainland China.  


For 8 years, the Obama administration did nothing to blunt the growing threat being posed by China in the South China Sea, and to oppose its increasing threats to Taiwan.  The Trump Administration recognized the strategic threat posed by China, and the need to have shipyard repair availabilities for its ships in the Western Pacific.  Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been negotiating with the government of the Philippines to permit ships of the Seventh Fleet to operate out of seaports in the Philippines; he informed Philippine…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, June 6, 2019 Op Ed #436

75th Anniversary of the Normandy Landing is commemorated today, June 6, 2019, to honor the sacrifices of a generation of allies that made up the invasion force of over 150,000 military personnel from the United States, Britain, Canada, and Free France.  The 80 photos in the attachment depict some of the real time historic wartime photos taken during the historic Normandy Landing.


In the weeks following the invasion, Polish forces and contingents from Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Greece, and the Netherlands, participated in the ground campaign; most also provided air and naval support alongside elements of the Royal Australian Air Force, the Royal New Zealand Air Force, and the Royal Norwegian Navy.  (From Wikipedia Invasion of Normandy)

The Western Allies of World War II launched the largest amphibious invasion in history when they assaulted the beaches at Normandy, located on the northern coast of France, on June 6, 1944.  The invaders were able to establish a beachhead as part of Operation Overlord after a successful “D-Day,” the first day of the invasion.   (From Wikipedia Invasion of Normandy) 

The Normandy invasion began with overnight parachute drops and glider landings, massive air attacks, and naval bombardments.  In the early morning, amphibious landings commenced on five beaches code named Sword, Juno, Gold, Omaha, and Utah, with troops from the United States landing on Omaha and Utah,…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 27, 2019 Op Ed #435

It is fitting today, that we celebrate the life of the most famous Naval Academy Football legend, Captain Joseph M. Bellino, USNA ’61, USN (Ret), who resided in Bedford, MA, and in 1960 was the first Naval Academy football player to be awarded the Heisman Trophy.  Capt Bellino, courageously battled cancer for an extended period and was in the Care Dimensions Hospice House in Lincoln, Massachusetts, when he passed away from stomach cancer on March 27, 2019 at age 81.  He is survived by his wife, the former Ann Tansey, his son John who is a 1989 graduate of the US Naval Academy, and his daughter Therese who is a public school teacher in Cambridge, MA.

Born in Winchester, Massachusetts on March 13, 1938, Joseph Michael Bellino was the son of Michael Bellino, who emigrated from Sicily at age 16, and the former Sarah Corabi.  Joe Bellino attended public school in Winchester; his older brothers were his sports heroes.  Joe played on the Winchester High School football team which only lost two games in the three seasons Joe lettered on the team; his nickname was the "Winchester Rifle," a reference to his explosive running style.  Joe also was also the point guard on a basketball team that won two Eastern Massachusetts championships, as well as a power-hitting baseball catcher who was being scouted by professional baseball teams.

Joe’s brother, Michael of Woburn, recalled a time when a professional baseball…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 27, 2019: Op Ed #434 

Since General George Washington commanded the Continental Army, forty-two million Americans have served under the American Flag.  In the past 243 years, one million American military personnel have been killed in the defense of the Republic, and another million and a half have been wounded.

Each year on Memorial Day weekend we honor American Patriots who have given the “last full measure of devotion” in their service to the Republic, so their fellow Americans could live their lives in freedom.

We not only honor American Combat Veterans who gave up their tomorrows, we also honor Veterans who were wounded, and other members of the US Armed Forces who were separated from their loved ones for long periods, often going into “Harm’s Way.”  

On this Memorial Day weekend, the Republic’s most sacred and cherished Patriotic holiday, the nation solemnly pays homage to the thousands of Gold Star Families for the loss of their loved ones, and the enormity of their sacrifice!   

On Memorial Day, and every day throughout the year, we also honor 23 million Veterans who served in the defense of the Republic.  America owes those Veterans a debt of gratitude that it can never repay!  

At one point in their lives, all those Veterans wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their lives.”

By clicking on the below listed link, you…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 20, 2019: Op Ed #433 

Presidents Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, and Johnson would not recognize the radical left Democrat (Socialist) Party of today.  Americans can easily get a sense of how a number of today’s Democrat Party leaders feel about the Constitutional Republic, created by the Founding Fathers.


    “America was never that great”-----NY Governor Andrew Cuomo


    “America was never as great as advertised,”-----South Bend Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg  


    “When was America ever Great?”-----Former US Attorney General Eric Holder 


They and the radical Chairman of Democrat Party, Marxist Tom Perez, promote Socialism and demean the America:


That went to war and saved the lives of millions of people in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Operation Desert Storm, etc.  


That was one of the first countries in the world that was involved in a civil war to ensure its slaves were freed. 


That created NASA, that then put the first man on the moon, and created a Space Station whose research benefits mankind.  


That created technology knowhow that benefitted mankind—the lightening rod, the cotton gin, the steamboat, the metal plow, the harvesters for farmers, vulcanized rubber, the sewing machine, the telegraph, the telephone, the electric light, countless medical lifesaving devices, countless advances in computer technology, and so much more.


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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 14, 2019: Op Ed #432     

“It was a cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.”  Thus began that prophetic novel, “George Orwell’s 1984”, written forty years earlier, preparing the reader for a dystopian future under “Socialism” – a society of great suffering and injustice, and bereft of reason.  This symbol of the thirteenth stroke brings into question what transpired through all the previous twelve hours, when inhumanity (i.e. Socialism) triumphed over our society, destroying our time, our common sense, and our history itself.  

In Orwell’s tale, words were constantly being removed from the language and history was repeatedly being revised (as it has been revised over the last 15 years, in Common Core US History textbooks with inaccurate facts being force fed to unsuspecting grammar and high school students by Progressive, Socialists, and Marxists teachers), so that the citizens could no longer formulate independent thoughts or reason, nor use common sense---common sense was no longer common.  

The character, Winston Smith, explains, “He who controls the past, controls the future." (That is exactly what radical teachers and professors in public schools and in college have been doing for over 15 years in order to indoctrinate students in Socialism.)  They have been encouraging students to get involved in violent street demonstrations to demolish historic monuments.  They have been white washing the accurate…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 6, 2019: Op Ed #431     

Because religion is critical for a functioning of Democracies, Religion and “People of Faith” have been under the relentless attack by Marxists, Socialists, Progressives, Communists, and atheists.  By clicking on the below listed link, you can watch and listen to Professor Clay Christensen of the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration as he discusses the importance of religion in a democracy.



Persecution of “People of Faith” in the United States has been increasing over the last 12 years.  There is open mockery of prayer at athletic events and in public schools.  Saying or advertising “Christmas parties”, “Christmas sales”, “Christmas decorations”, “Christmas holiday”, “Christmas plays”, and labeling “Christmas trees” is suppressed and we are warned that it is not politically correct.  

There are ongoing attempts to destroy Christian memorials, crosses at veteran memorials, nativity scenes, burn churches, shoot worshippers at Churches & Synagogues, and the attempts by leftists, with the obvious help of the…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, May 2, 2019: Op Ed #430     

For the last 75 years, the US Congress voted hundreds of billions of dollars to fund the US Armed Forces to protect the borders of many foreign countries, and funded the construction of the border walls in those foreign countries.  To date, 65 countries and the Vatican have built border walls that actually work; they have successfully prevented the incursion of unwanted and dangerous entrants.  


Americans Citizens have grown weary of the intentional lies being repeated by Pelosi, Schumer, the Socialist Democrat Party, and the left of center liberal media establishment, that there is not an out of control “Crisis At The Wide Open Southern Border.”  The massive influx of Illegal Aliens from all over the world, now entering the United States is not a figment of the US Border Patrol’s imagination.  There has been a 300% increase in family units crossing the border each month, over the numbers of family units recorded as having entered during the same months one year ago.


While 38,000 US Veterans, who repeatedly put their lives on the line to defend their fellow American citizens, remain homeless, sleeping on the streets, and in need of food, medical care, shelter, and financial aid, the Democrats in House and Sanctuary Cities are facilitating the arrival of thousands of illegal aliens, as documented in the below listed article.  Social Services in over 400 sanctuary cities and states are…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, March 29, 2019: Op Ed #427     

A Latin phrase, “Laus Deo”, which translates to “Praise be to God” has significance in the history of the Republic.  Those words were often intoned by the Founding Fathers and especially on October 19, 1781, following General George Washington’s victory over General Charles Cornwallis at Yorktown.  It was decisive battle that ended the Revolutionary War.  The Founding Fathers lives were no longer at risk for leading in the effort to break away from Great Britain’s oppressive rule, heavy taxes, and for signing the Declaration of Independence.  “Laus Deo” is more fully explained in the below listed article by Gil Borgardt.


In 1888, “Laus Deo” was engraved on the aluminum cap, placed above the tip of the giant obelisk, the Washington Monument, which to this day, remains the highest point in the capital city of the most powerful nation on earth.  Construction on…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, March 19, 2019: Op Ed # 426(b)    

In October 2018, a distinguished member of the Board of Directors, Capt R. Buddy Welborn, USNA '59, USN, (Ret), PhD, recipient of the US Naval Academy Thompson Trophy upon graduation for having done more during the year for the promotion of Naval Academy Athletics in football, and a Trustee of the US Naval Academy Foundation, passed away, after 7 years of service on the Board of Directors.  Capt Welborn was designated a Director Emiratis, and after waiting respectfully for an extended period of time, new Board members were nominated. 

In February 2019, LTC Dennis J. Gillem, USMA'64, USA (Ret) (Silver Star, 5 Bronze Stars, 2 Purple Hearts, Combat Infantry Badge) is the Director of Frontline For Freedom Radio (the largest Military Network in the nation with 137 cooperating Talk-Radio Stations), was nominated as a new Board member.  LTC Gillem notified the Board that he will be attending the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC Board of Directors meeting in Beverly Hills on April 12, 2019; his bio is attached.  

In March 2019, Cong Paul Broun, Cdr-USNR (MC) (Ret), who had been endorsed in 2014 as the 83rd Combat Veterans For Congress, was nominated to serve on the Board of Directors.  Cong Broun notified the Board that he will be attending the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC Board of Directors meeting in Beverly Hills on April 12, 2019.  Cong Broun’s bio is listed on the Alumni page…

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By Capt Joseph R. John, March 8, 2019: Op Ed #425    

The first Ten Amendments to the US Constitution make up “The Bill of Rights”.  They further define “Freedom of the Individual”, establishes "Justice”, “Insures Domestic Tranquility”, “Ensure the General Welfare”, and “Secures the Blessings of Liberty” under the US Constitution, for all American Citizens and for their posterity.      


James Madison wrote those Ten Amendments, which lists specific prohibitions on governmental power, and provides for greater Constitutional protection for ”Individual Liberties” in the Republic.  For example, the Founding Fathers saw “Freedom of Speech” and “Freedom of Religion” as natural rights protected by the First Amendment.  The Second Amendment provided “The Right to Keep and Bear Arms.”  The Fourth Amendment safeguards citizens with the “Right From Unreasonable Search and Seizure.”  


The Bill of Rights protects individuals from corrupt ideologies such as Nazism, Fascism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Alinskyism, “Progressivism”, etc. that through the centuries have taken away individual wealth, individual freedoms, and religious freedoms from millions of oppressed people, and subjugated hard working employed people, in order to distribute the wealth they created in their lifetime, to the masses of people under their control.  


Americans need to understand who “Progressives” really are.  The “Progressive” philosophy was created in the…

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