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Why Should You Support Conservative Combat Veterans For Congress

  • Why Should You Support Conservative Combat Veterans For Congress

 “Just 86 of 435 members of the House are Veterans, as are only 17 of 100 senators.  This is the lowest percentage of Veterans in Congress since World War II.  It’s no coincidence that this same period has seen the gradual collapse of our ability to govern ourselves, a loss of control of the national debt, and a disabling partisanship.  Because so few serving in politics have worn their country’s uniform, they have collectively forgotten how to put country before party and self-interest.  They have forgotten a “cause greater than self”, and they have lost the knowledge of how to make compromises for the good of the country.  Without a history of sacrifice and service, they’ve turned politics into war.” 


Please click on the below listed link to see what Obama has promised in his ”Fundamental Change” for the America you once knew, followed by what President Ronald W. Reagan has to say to you today about a vision of the big government, deficits, and out of control spending.

To preserve the freedoms in the Republic, the American legal residents of this country, need to go to the polls in large numbers to elect more Conservative Combat Veterans For Congress.  All American citizens who want to right the Ship of State should support the campaigns of the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress to rein in the out of control spending by the irresponsible members of Congress and they will stay true to their sworn oath as members of the US Armed Forces to protect and defend the US Constitution.