Opposing Democrat Voter Fraud in the 2020 California Election, Supported by Two Major Events
By Capt Joseph R. John, January 16, 2020, Op Ed #464
California Democrats voted to make Ballot Harvesting legal in California. It is the only state in the nation where it is now legal (Ballot Harvesting is illegal in every other state in the union, and practicing it would result in prosecution and jail terms for violators in the other 49 states). The new destructive California voting regulations, along with the passage of Ballot Harvesting by the Democrat-controlled California Legislature, has made Voter Fraud very difficult to detect or oppose in California.
By understanding the new California voter regulations and distributing the below listed recommendations by Cole Patterson, the campaign manager for Col Greg Raths, USMC (Ret) (running in the 45th Congressional District), Congressional candidates will be better prepared to understand and deal with the new California voting regulations, and will be able to better inform their supporters how to overcome attempts to disenfranchise Republican voters in the 2020 election.
We are strongly recommending that candidates for Congress and other elective offices in California, review and understand Cole Patterson’s below listed recommendations, then encourage them to brief their campaign staffs, and to also encourage the Republican leadership in their Congressional Districts to help their campaign staffs alert voters about the very destructive changes in California’s voting regulations and how Ballot Harvesting is designed to put Republican candidates at a disadvantage in the 2020 election.
One potential defense against Ballot Harvesting would be to seek as many volunteers as possible to support your campaign, and motivate them to walk precincts in order to make contact with “every single voter” in their Congressional Districts, regardless of party affiliation. The voters should be asked not to give their Absentee Ballots away to the Democrats who will again be knocking on their front doors, as they did in the 2018 Congressional election, and ask the voter for their absentee ballot if they weren’t intending to vote, so they could fill out the Absentee Ballot, sign them illegally with the voters name, and submit the Absentee Ballot as the recipient's illegal vote.
As an alternative, the Democrat Party worker would also ask the Absentee Ballot recipient if they could assist them in filling out the Absentee Ballots, in order to help them understand how to vote on certain issues that may be confused about, then they will offer to deliver the Absentee Ballot to the Registry of Voters for them. The Democrats will again employ the above listed Ballot Harvesting procedures that they followed in 2018 election when they flipped 9 former, very safe, Republican Congressional seats, and used Voter Fraud to take those seats away from the Republican Party. That is how in the 2018 election, they moved those 9 formerly safe Republican Congressional seats into the Democrat column.
The goal of Republicans in California in the 2020 election, must be to retake those 9 formerly safe Republican seats back from the Democrat Party. That can be accomplished with the diligent effort by Republican leaders and Republican Party workers in the 2020 Congressional campaigns. Unfortunately, the Democrat Party has illegally registered 4 million Illegal Aliens to vote through the DMV motor voter registration program, and the new voter regulations will make Voter Fraud difficult to detect. However, Judicial Watch has taken legal action to ferret out the Illegal Aliens who are registered to vote in California, and is making excellent progress in holding the Registry of Voters' feet to the fire with the threat of lawsuits.
A major 2020 initiative that the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC has initiated, in addition to electing the 24 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress in 2020, is to mobilize national support for the election of the 9 California Congressional Republican candidates running in the 9 formerly safe Congressional Districts, to retake those 9 Congressional seats back from the Democrats in 2020. We will help generate financial support for those 9 Congressional campaigns by holding two major Gala Fundraising Events, first in Livonia Michigan with Sarah Huckabee Sanders as the keynote speaker, Charlie Kirk, and one of the members of the Trump family as a “Surprise Guest” on February 28th,
and then we are planning to hold a second major event in San Diego in September 2020.
We hope to have Vice President Mike Pence agree to be the keynote speaker at that major Gala Event in San Diego, California in September 2020. We are planning to have the 9 Congressional candidates appear with the Vice President at the San Diego Gala Event, in order to get those 9 Congressional candidates promoted by the 48 National Press Representatives who cover our San Diego Gala Events. That San Diego Gala Event would help motivate and encourage California Republican voters to get out the vote and encourage them to provide financial support for those 9 Congressional campaigns we are supporting.
Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. The material can only be posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author. It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author.
NEW VOTING PROCEDURESA Brief Overview on Voting in 2020
The Primary Election is March 3, 2020 and Orange County will be using a new voting process approved by the state legislature in 2016, known as the Voters’ Choice Act. The Orange County Board of Supervisors approved the change based on a report from the Orange County Registrar of Voters (ROV) that predicted 91% of voters in Orange County would use a Vote-By-Mail (VBM) ballot by 2022.
Under the new Vote Center Model, voters will no longer go to an assigned neighborhood polling place as they have for decades. Instead, every registered voter will receive a VBM ballot in the mail that they may use to vote or instead go to a Vote Center anywhere in Orange County to cast a paper or electronic ballot.
Your ballot will be mailed to you on February 3rd. You can expect your ballot to arrive in the mail between February 3rd and February 9th. If you have failed to receive your ballot by then, you can check your registration status with the California Secretary of State here: https://voterstatus.sos.ca.gov/
Voters will still be able to mail or deliver their VBM ballot to the Orange County Registrar of Voters as they had in the past, but in February you will also be able to drop off their VBM ballot into one of the 110 ballot drop boxes available 24 hours a day during the 28 days prior to or on Election Day.
You will be able to drop off VBM ballots on Election Day at one of the 188 Vote Centers throughout the county, or they will also be able to drop them off at one of the 188 Vote Centers open 4 days prior to Election Day or at one of the 38 Vote Centers that will be open 10 days before Election Day.
In addition to dropping off VBM ballots at Vote Centers on or before Election Day, voters may also request a replacement VBM ballot, vote in person, reregister, or register to vote and then vote using a Conditional Ballot at any Vote Center in the county. Conditional Voting allows a person to register to vote and vote that same day after the registration deadline 15 days prior to the election.
This is going to be a very different voting process than ever before and we are aware of the confusion that this may cause. If you have any questions or concerns about the new voting procedures, please reach out to me at: cole@gregraths.com
Thank you.
Cole Patterson