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Obama Administration's Muslim Brotherhood Policy & Muslim Brotherhood's History

  • Obama Administration's Muslim Brotherhood Policy & Muslim Brotherhood's History

 After Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood came to power and took control of Parliament, they didn’t practice the democratic form of government they were elected to conduct in Egypt; they were co-opting the laws of the nation and were slowly destroying all possible opposition.  During their rule basic necessities became scarce, electricity became sporadic, long lines of autos at gas stations were common, poor Egyptians were being hurt by the decline in value of the Egyptian Pound, food became scarce, Morsi polarized the once-united people & incited violence against Christians, and unemployment was rampant.  Finally 30 million Egyptians took to the streets to demonstrate that they had had enough (when Obama demanded Mubarak be replaced by Morsi only 1 million Muslim Brotherhood supporters were demonstrating in the streets).  The Egyptian military had were having difficulty keeping order with 30 million Egyptians demonstrating in the streets; they finally had enough, overthrew Morsi, and installed a civilian caretaker government until elections could be held.  

Muslim Brotherhood supporters erected two massive protest camps to put pressure on the Egyptian military to try to bring Morsi back to power, large amounts of ammunition and heavy weapons were brought into those protest camps, demonstrators brought traffic and daily activity to a complete standstill with sit-ins; the sit-ins were far from peaceful (Amnesty International found evidence that many opponents of the sit-ins were tortured to death in the vicinity of the sit-ins).   The Egyptian military finally cleared the two massive Muslim Brotherhood protest camps to restore order; armed Muslim Brotherhood demonstrators ran wild, 73 police officers were murdered & many more were seriously injured, the demonstrators burned schools, burned police stations, burned government buildings, terrorized peaceful Egyptians, executed 24 unarmed soldiers at close-range with bullets to their heads, and then the demonstrators directed their violence against Christians throughout Egypt. The attacks against Christians by Muslim Brotherhood demonstrators were barbaric (rapes of Christian women were common, they beheaded a Christian priest, they murdered children in a Christian orphanage, they looted & burned a Franciscan School, nuns were tied up & paraded thru hostile crowds in the streets like POWs, they kidnaped then tortured Christians, Christian homes were looted & burned, Christian businesses were looted & burned, and over 100 Christian churches were looted & burned; some of those historic churches were 1600 years old.  Simply put, the Muslim Brotherhood proved itself to be a terrorist organization that had been holding Egypt hostage for over a month and continuation of its violent atrocities from the sites of two massive camps and their sit-ins had posed a serious threat to the stability of Egypt.  The western press was portraying the Muslim Brotherhood as peaceful activists seeking democracy in the face of a brutal Egyptian military; that  reporting was utterly untrue.  


Obama’s response to the burning of 100 Christian churches and the murder of hundreds of Christians had been a deafening silence; the Coptic Christians began demonstrating against Obama for not condemning the murderous actions of the Muslim Brotherhood; those Coptic Christian demonstrations against Obama were not covered by CNN and the left of center liberal media establishment (photos of the Coptic Christian demonstrations are listed below); the  Coptic Christians were asking what Obama would have done if Christians in Egypt burned down 100 Mosques.  Unfortunately, Egyptians are convinced that Obama is backing the Muslim Brotherhood and deposed President Morsi.   At lunch at the Egyptian Ambassador’s residence on Thursday, in Washington, Dr. Mohamed Abou El-Ghar, head of the Egyptian Social Democratic Party, bluntly warned a small gathering of journalists and US government personnel that he fears “America is losing Egypt………. There is a very strong perception that the Obama administration is supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and they are against other parties,” he said.  Obama had made outreach to the Muslim Brotherhood the centerpiece of his Middle East policy, so the reaction of other Egyptian parties could have been predicted.   Obama had pushed for Mubarak’s ouster and supported Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood government; Muslim Brotherhood members of the Obama administration supported the ouster of Mubarak.  In addition, Malik Obama, Barrack Obama’s brother in Kenya, is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, and an Egyptian report quoted Tehani al-Gebali, the Vice President of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, as stating Malik Obama is in charge of controlling the Muslim Brotherhood international investments    Next week’s there will be a trial of Muslim Brotherhood leaders on criminal charges; Morsi will be charged with siphoning off $850,000/year of US aid in cash to distribute to top Muslim Brotherhood leaders thru senior Egyptian government ministerial level officials, and it will be charged in the trial, that those funds were distributed with the direct involvement and knowledge of the US Embassy in Cairo.


The spokesman for ranking Democrat Senator Patrick Leahy said the Obama administration had already suspended the disbursement of $1.3 billion in military aid to the Egyptian Military because of its crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood demonstrators.  Obama’s response to the Pro US Egyptian Military who were protecting Christians was to cut off the military aid he had been giving to Morsi’s government.  The Egyptian Military that has received military assistance and training from the US military at US military bases for 40+ years is strongly pro-US.  Once Morsi was deposed, the Egyptian military guaranteed that US Naval vessels would be allowed to continue transiting thru the Suez Canal to supply the US military personnel in combat in Afghanistan (the right of continued transit became a concern for the US military).   For the first time in 50 years, the Saudi government’s official policy has openly broken with US on its Middle East policy.  Riyadh encouraged the Egyptian military to crush the Moslem Brotherhood, and once Morsi was deposed, the Saudi government transferred $10 billion in financial aid to support the action of the Egyptian military, that was done in order to replace the $1.3 billion in US military aid that Leahy said was suspended.  Saudi Arabia let Obama know they strongly support the Egyptian military, and assured the Egypt’s Military Chief, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, that they would replace any and all US military aide that Obama threatens to suspend.   


Last Sunday, the Saudi Kingdom warned the West that it should not try to pressure the Egypt military to cease their crackdown on the violent Muslim Brotherhood rampage. Further the Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal stated, in a press conference in Paris; that threatening the Egyptian military by the Obama administration will “achieve nothing.”  The Saudi divergence from Obama’s policy on Egypt represents the first major break with the Kingdom’s historical support for the US.  Previously, Obama “warned” Egypt’s former Intelligence Director, who was now its Military Chief, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, against imposition martial law; Gen al-Sisi ignored Obama’s warning, and appointed 19 generals as provincial governors to take complete control of Egypt.  Gen al-Sisi’s ramrod posture, gold embossed red-brimmed general’s cap, starched uniform, and stern gaze embodies stability, authority, and protection to the Egyptian people; he is regarded as a hero and savior by over 30 million Egyptians who were relieved to see the Muslim Brotherhood crushed and are hoping for a more stable future.   Gen al-Sisi’s portrait is now hung in stores, businesses, government buildings,  and homes across Egypt and even adorns the backs of thousands of vehicles; signaling to the world that Egyptians are anxiously seeking a return to normalcy.  General al-Sisi’s crackdown and the killing of hundreds of armed Moslem Brotherhood demonstrators who were killing police officers, burning down 100 Christian churches, and who were killing hundreds of Christians has had the intended results---the streets are free from Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood demonstrators.  Even after Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian President Morsi replaced, was released from prison by the Egyptian military there were very few demonstrations.  The Israelis have been openly supporting the Egyptian military in complete disregard for Obama’s foreign policy in Egypt, and is providing Gen al-Sisi with intelligence on Al Q’ieda terrorists in the Sinai Peninsula and in Egypt who have been openly supporting the Muslim Brotherhood attempts to restore Morsi to power.


A number of US Senators called for the cancelation of military aide to the Egyptian military, because they stated they were supporting a democratically elected government, but they still don’t understand that Morsi’s government was undemocratic and was crushing all opposition.   That they still support the Muslim Brotherhood over the vital interests of the United States, displays a surprising misunderstanding of Middle East politics; they have also been strangely silent on the burning of 100 Christian Churches, on the murder of hundreds of Christians and policemen by Muslim Brotherhood thugs.  Some of the same US Senators have been repeatedly calling for providing military aid to terrorist in Syria who have been wiping out entire Christian villages, and had previously called for the overthrow of Gadhafi that led to Al Q’ieda terrorist destabilize Libya. It has been reported by intelligence sources and the press that there is a video a journalist took of terrorists in Benghazi who were asking for safe passage into the city, because they were sent by Morsi to join with Al Q’ieda terrorist in attacking the US Mission on the anniversary of 9/11.  Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood supporters are alleged to have participated in overrunning the US Mission in Benghazi, which ultimately led to the killing 4 Americans, including 2 Navy SEALs.  The below listed background on the Muslim Brotherhood, goes back to King Farouk’s rein in Egypt; the Muslim Brotherhood came to power during his rein in support of Adolf Hitler’s anti-Semitism policies.  The US media has kept the fact that the Muslim Brothers (Ikhwan Muslimi), grew prominent through their alliance with Adolf Hitler when he was killing European Jews, and they have been covering up the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood has been working closely with Al Q’ieda and has the same goals.  The below listed article will provide you with the “documented historic information” on the violent policies of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Unfortunately, the left of center liberal media establishment’s has conveniently feigned Geopolitical amnesia about the true nature of the Muslim Brotherhood, so they can continue to endorse Obama’s policies.  The Muslim Brotherhood is made up of radical Islamists who are the sworn enemy of the US, they killed Anwar Sadat, they spawned Al Q’ieda, they participated in the murder of Americans in Benghazi, they have been killing Coptic Christians in Egypt for over a year, and they support Al Q’ieda’s goal to murder the Royal Family in Saudi Arabia. 

Obama’s Middle East Policy, directed by Hillary Clinton for the last four years, in her diplomatic relations with Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Oman, Qatar, Morocco, Turkey, Syria, Libya, and Bahrain has degenerated into an incoherent foreign policy that lacks direction and stability.  Obama repeatedly stated when he was running for president in 2007, that if he were elected, he would remake the world; he has been doing that for 4 years, and the US is suffering for it.  Russia has promised the Egyptian military that it will gladly jump in to replace US military training and financial aid that they once provided in support for the Egyptian military 45 years ago.
Commentary:  Muslim Brotherhood History


WASHINGTON, Aug. 19 (UPI) -- The powers that be in the nation's capital, including the dominant media culture, are suffering from collective geopolitical amnesia.

CBS's Ned Calmer and this reporter (for Newsweek) arrived in Cairo Jan. 25, 1952, acting on a tip picked up in Tunis, that something "big" would soon take place in Cairo.

Next day, Cairo erupted in what became known as "Black Saturday" and the "Big Cairo Fire." It was huge. Some 300 buildings were torched, including the old Shepherd's Hotel where we were staying.

Martial law was decreed throughout Egypt in 1952. Losses to fire included 30 major companies and banks (including Barclays), 310 stores, 117 residential units, 92 bars, 73 coffee shops, 13 hotels, 40 movie theaters, eight automobile showrooms, 10 weapons stores and 16 clubs.  Casualties were comparatively light -- 26 killed and 552 injured.  In the “Big Cairo Fire” of 1952 the arsonists were the same Muslim Brotherhood demonstrators who have burned down 60 Christian churches in Egypt today.

It was the handiwork of the banned Muslim Brotherhood. The plan was to create maximum chaos as a way of forcing a degenerate King Farouk and a weak coalition government to bow to the "religious saviors."

Three weeks before the big fire, Muslim Brotherhood terrorists torched three Christian churches in the Suez Canal zone, under British control until 1956. The Egyptians blamed the British, always reluctant to take on the Muslim Brotherhood.

The terrorists assigned to torch buildings were well-prepared. A jeep with four men pulled up in front of the gleaming modern Air France building. Alerted about what was already being set ablaze in other parts of Cairo, the French Ai France manager was hovering near the front door of his building with a bundle of dollars.

He noticed the arsonists were consulting a list and then looking up at the building. He raced down the steps and asked them in Arabic how much they had been paid to set fire to his building. Ten Egyptian pounds, they replied. He gave them each 50 and they drove off mission unaccomplished. It was one of the few modern buildings spared from the Big Cairo Fire.

The Turf Club, where King Farouk dropped in occasionally for a game of bridge, was also leveled. Fire engines were in desperate short supply, and many buildings burned to the ground.

By noon that day, we had made the rounds of several major fires and decided to walk back to the Shepherd's Hotel to write a story for Newsweek's Sunday deadline (moved eventually to Saturday forMonday publication).

By the time we got to the Shepherd's, it had been leveled almost to the ground by the fire. No typewriter, no clothes. Pandemonium in all directions. All communications with the outside world had been shut down. Ned Calmer and I then moved to the Semiramis Hotel on the Nile to figure out our next move.

Finally linked up with Newsweek's regular Middle Eastern correspondent, Sam Souki. My plan was to get a suit from anywhere that hadn't been torched, a tarboosh (truncated cone shaped cap with a tassel, also known as a fez), a dark suit, and an impressive Packard limo from the hotel.

I decided my best bet was to get to the Suez Canal zone and file from Tel el Kebir, a huge British base 110 kilometers northeast of Cairo and 75 south of Port Said. Partly hidden by a wide open Arabic newspaper I was pretending to read, an unlit cigar firmly clenched in my mouth, we drove off.

Ned Calmer suggested I would be stopped and turned back at the first roadblock on the way out of Cairo.

Comfortably ensconced in the back of my Packard, I peered around the paper to see why we weren't moving. I could see a few Egyptian soldiers in a small cluster, oblivious to what must have looked like an official car. We were waved on.

There was one more roadblock before speeding to the British Canal Zone. At the first British roadblock, a young British officer asked me who I was and when I replied "Newsweek's chief European correspondent based in Paris," he cast a skeptical look at my tarboosh and asked me to step out of the limo.

My passport didn't say I was a foreign correspondent and my SHAPE press credentials out of Paris were six months out of date.

Mercifully, there was a dog-eared copy of Newsweek in the officers' mess and a check of the masthead cleared me. My story about the Muslim Brotherhood's "Big Cairo Fire" was the only one that got out of Cairo that weekend.

More surprising is that the Muslim Brotherhood's Big Cairo fire circa 1952, didn't rate a mention in all the background stories about the current Cairo fires -- done by the same organization that is now cast as the misunderstood innocents who won an election fair and square only to be deprived of the spoils by a supreme commander, Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

Sisi was born in 1954, two years after Black Saturday in Cairo. But he knows that a Muslim Brotherhood government would be neither democratic nor enlightened. He has told visitors the Brotherhood would set Egypt back to the dark ages. The business community agrees.

Sisi also knows it was the Muslim Brotherhood upheaval in January 1952 that triggered seven months later the Free Officers military coup July 23 led by Gamal Abdel Nasser who abolished a totally corrupt monarchy and dispatched King Farouk on his yacht to exile on the French Riviera. And when Nasser died of heart disease Sept. 13, 1970, his deputy Anwar Sadat became president until assassins (Brotherhooders) gunned him down Oct. 6, 1981.

Sadat's successor, President Hosni Mubarak, was arrested in 2011, after almost 30 years in power. The Muslim Brotherhood was part of the group of Islamist extremists that advocated a trial -- and the death sentence. Mubarak was just freed.


Surprised that we haven't seen any of this in the news?  It must not be that important.


 Photos from Tahrir Square in Cairo 


Curiously, a massive wave of anti-Obama sentiment in Egypt has been utterly ignored by mainstream media - even though the protests may be the largest in all of human history.