Maj Andrew Raczkowski
MajRaczkowskiis a combat veteran of the USArmy.He is running for United StatesHouse of Representativesin the state ofMI.Active Status:Reserve

The Combat Veterans for Congress PAC is endorsing the 25 th Combat Veteran for Congress in 16 states; he is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to rein in the out-of-control spending by the Pelosi Congress. A patriot, not a politician, Maj. Andrew Rocky Raczkowski, USAR (R-MI-9) http://www.rockyworksforus.com of Farmington Hills, Michigan served in the U.S. Army and Army Reserve from 1986 to 2010 and is running for election to Congress in the 9th Congressional District of Michigan. Rocky recently won the Republican nomination by the largest spread of any major campaign in Michigan and is now poised to unseat first term Liberal Democrat, Gary Peters (D-MI-9). Rep. Peters has been an ally of Nancy Pelosi in promoting the Obama Administration’s policies including votes in support of the Stimulus Bill, Cap and Trade, Health Care Reform and Finance Reform. Born in Detroit, Michigan, Maj. Raczkowski was raised in Farmington Hills, Michigan and graduated from Harrison High School in Farmington Hills in 1987. He graduated from Eastern Michigan University in 1990 with a B.A. in Political Science and Psychology, completed his Masters Studies in 1996 and subsequently earned a JD Law Degree from Michigan State University (DCL) in 1998.
On April 4, 1986, at age 17, Maj. Raczkowski joined the U.S. Army Reserve. After serving 4 years as an enlisted soldier in the Infantry, he was quickly promoted to the rank of Sergeant. In 1990, he went on to Officer Candidate School where he received a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Infantry. He is a Paratrooper and Pathfinder and has served in many leadership and command positions, including two tours of duty overseas in Operation Enduring Freedom. Maj. Raczkowski served in the Horn of Africa where he completed his second overseas tour of duty in September 2009. During his first tour in 2003, Maj. Raczkowski served as an A-Team Leader conducting Civil Military Operations, and it was during that mission that he earned the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious service during combat operations. He was promoted to his current rank of Major on June 2, 2004. Maj. Raczkowski was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, The Meritorious Service Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal as well as numerous other service and campaign awards.
Maj. Raczkowski is the former Chairman and CEO of Star Tickets, a Michigan corporation serving the ticketing and entertainment industry all across North America. He is an active member of his community, with service at his local Chamber of Commerce, Optimists, Jaycees, ALS of Michigan and many other organizations that give to others. Even during a tough economy, Maj. Raczkowski steered the business he leads to greater profits and he has always protected the jobs of those he works with and for. He will bring to Congress the perspective of a soldier who has lost many friends and experienced the horrors of battle firsthand, an elected representative and leader who knows how to get things done and a business owner who understands a P&L statement and believes that low taxes and free markets are the key to job creation.
Maj. Raczkowski’s military service is complemented by his three terms of service in the Michigan House of Representatives. A lifelong citizen of Michigan, he volunteered on his first campaign at the age of 11 and won election to the Michigan House of Representatives in 1996. After winning re-election in 1998, Maj. Raczkowski was chosen by his fellow legislators to serve as the youngest Majority Leader in the nation. In 2002, he waged a spirited battle against Sen. Carl Levin, a campaign that gave him valuable experience building coalitions and running on a statewide level.
Experience in small business, the military and in the legislature has prepared Maj. Raczkowski to be a voice of the people that will take control out of the hands of politicians and put it back into the hands of the people. He has been endorsed by The National Defense PAC and the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, and is a member of American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the DAV. Maj. Raczkowski is a member of St. Fabian Church in Farmington Hills, Michigan and married his wife, Amelia, in April 2010.