Maj Gen David Evans
Maj. Gen.Evansis a combat veteran of the USArmy.He is running for United StatesHouse of Representativesin the state ofTN.Active Status:Reserve

Maj. Gen. David Evans, USAR (R-TN-6) of Wartace, Tennessee is a fiscally conservative candidate who filed to run against Congressman Bart Gordon (D-TN-6); Gordon just announced he will not run for reelection. Maj. Gen Evans has a BS in Business Administration from the University of Tennessee and has an MA in Public Administration from Middle Tennessee State University.
Pvt. David Evans joined the US Marine Corps in 1968 and in 1972, he transferred to the Tennessee Army National Guard. He was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant on June 29, 1974, and was transferred to the Army Reserve in 1979. In January 1991 Maj. Evans deployed to Saudi Arabia during Operations Desert Storm and served as the Operations Officer (S-3) of an Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW) Camp. In addition, he served as Officer-in-Charge of a Refugee Processing Task Force attached to 2nd Armored Division (FWD) and, later, as Officer In Charge of the EPW Liaison team with U. S. Central Command (FWD). Maj. Evans was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious service. In February 1996, Lt. Col. Evans deployed to Operation Joint Endeavor as part of the NATO Implementation Force where he served as Operations Officer with the 1st Armored Division in Bosnia and in July 1996 became Commander of Task Force Sava, 1st Armored Division in Croatia. Col Evans was promoted to Brigadier General on May 2, 2003, and to Major General on May 26, 2005. His last assignment was Commanding General, 80th Division (IT) / 80th Training Command (TASS), US Army Reserve. In addition to the Bronze Star Medal, Maj. Gen. Evans’ awards include the Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, and other medals. Maj. Gen. Evans activities in the community have included participating in the 2008 United Way Campaign and serving as the Bedford County Chair for the McCain for President Campaign. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce graduating from Leadership Bedford serving as President of his class. He is also former Chairman of the Bedford County Republican Party. Maj. Gen Evans’ statements on his Web site agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement.
Pvt. David Evans joined the US Marine Corps in 1968 and in 1972, he transferred to the Tennessee Army National Guard. He was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant on June 29, 1974, and was transferred to the Army Reserve in 1979. In January 1991 Maj. Evans deployed to Saudi Arabia during Operations Desert Storm and served as the Operations Officer (S-3) of an Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW) Camp. In addition, he served as Officer-in-Charge of a Refugee Processing Task Force attached to 2nd Armored Division (FWD) and, later, as Officer In Charge of the EPW Liaison team with U. S. Central Command (FWD). Maj. Evans was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious service. In February 1996, Lt. Col. Evans deployed to Operation Joint Endeavor as part of the NATO Implementation Force where he served as Operations Officer with the 1st Armored Division in Bosnia and in July 1996 became Commander of Task Force Sava, 1st Armored Division in Croatia. Col Evans was promoted to Brigadier General on May 2, 2003, and to Major General on May 26, 2005. His last assignment was Commanding General, 80th Division (IT) / 80th Training Command (TASS), US Army Reserve. In addition to the Bronze Star Medal, Maj. Gen. Evans’ awards include the Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, and other medals. Maj. Gen. Evans activities in the community have included participating in the 2008 United Way Campaign and serving as the Bedford County Chair for the McCain for President Campaign. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce graduating from Leadership Bedford serving as President of his class. He is also former Chairman of the Bedford County Republican Party. Maj. Gen Evans’ statements on his Web site agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement.