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Combat Veterans For Congress PAC Nominees to The Board of Directors

  • Combat Veterans For Congress PAC Nominees to The Board of Directors

By Capt Joseph R. John, March 19, 2019: Op Ed # 426(b)    

In October 2018, a distinguished member of the Board of Directors, Capt R. Buddy Welborn, USNA '59, USN, (Ret), PhD, recipient of the US Naval Academy Thompson Trophy upon graduation for having done more during the year for the promotion of Naval Academy Athletics in football, and a Trustee of the US Naval Academy Foundation, passed away, after 7 years of service on the Board of Directors.  Capt Welborn was designated a Director Emiratis, and after waiting respectfully for an extended period of time, new Board members were nominated. 

In February 2019, LTC Dennis J. Gillem, USMA'64, USA (Ret) (Silver Star, 5 Bronze Stars, 2 Purple Hearts, Combat Infantry Badge) is the Director of Frontline For Freedom Radio (the largest Military Network in the nation with 137 cooperating Talk-Radio Stations), was nominated as a new Board member.  LTC Gillem notified the Board that he will be attending the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC Board of Directors meeting in Beverly Hills on April 12, 2019; his bio is attached.  

In March 2019, Cong Paul Broun, Cdr-USNR (MC) (Ret), who had been endorsed in 2014 as the 83rd Combat Veterans For Congress, was nominated to serve on the Board of Directors.  Cong Broun notified the Board that he will be attending the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC Board of Directors meeting in Beverly Hills on April 12, 2019.  Cong Broun’s bio is listed on the Alumni page of our website, and can be viewed by clicking on the below listed link:  Cong Broun’s bio will be updated for Board members to review.  

Cong Paul Broun, Cdr-USNR(MC) (Ret)

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is fortunate to have the support, leadership, and benefit of the experience of the members of the Board of Directors listed on the Leadership page of our website, and fortunate to include the two newly nominated members listed above to join the Board.  Over the last 10 years, they have had a great deal to do with helping elect 35 endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress (3 US Senators and 32 US Congressmen) listed on the Endorsements and Alumni pages of the Combat Veterans For Congress website.

In the next 18 months, Patriotic Americans will be enjoined in a battle for the survival of the Republic, against the “Progressive Coalition”, consisting of Nazi collaborator George Soros’ “Tides Foundation”, Marxist Tom Perez’s Democrat (Socialist) Party, Radicals,  Leftists,  Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, Communists, The Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, 50 Socialist/Communist members of Congress, and the left of center liberal media establishment.  The “Progressive Coalition” is asserting that the US Constitution is no longer valid; they fully intend to replace the US Constitution as the basis for the law of the land and ultimately intend to replace the Constitutional Republic with a Socialist State.

They were funded and supported by Nazi collaborator George Soros’ “Tides Foundation”, Marxist Tom Perez’s Democrat (Socialist) Party, the “Progressives Coalition”, Obama’s “Organization For Action”, Hillary’s “Onward Together”, The Ford Foundation, The Kellogg Foundation, Act Blue, The California Endowment Fund, The Women’s Donor Network, The Bauman Foundation, The Arkay Foundation, New Media Ventures, The Philanthropy Project, Propel Capital, The Public Welfare Foundation, The Compton Foundation, The Solidarity Network, The Threshold Foundation, etc.    

Over the next 18 months, the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC will be recruiting, endorsing, and campaigning for a new slate of Combat Veterans For Congress to run for Congress in 2020.  The ultimate goal of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is to help replace as many as possible of the 40 Radical Socialist Congressmen who defeated Republicans in the 2018 mid-term election. They are Veterans who, at one point in their lives, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their lives.”