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The Annual Request Seeking Your Support

  • The Annual Request Seeking Your Support

                               September 2018

My fellow Americans,

Only once a year do we seek your support to help us recruit and elect endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress.  This year it is extremely important that you assist us in the support of endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, so they can help in their retention of endangered seats from being lost to Democrat Socialists, who will vote for Nancy Pelosi as the Speaker of the House.

As we approach the most important Congressional election in 242 years, endorsed US Senator Tom Cotton is not running for re-election this year, Cong Ron DeSantis is running for Governor of Florida, Cong James Bridenstine was appointed as the new NASA Administrator, Cong Ryan Zinke (SEAL) was appointed as Secretary of the Interior, and Senator John McCain recently passed away.  With those 5 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress not running, we are still supporting 21 endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress running for election and for re-election in November 2018.  We will continue our efforts to recruit a new slate of Combat Veterans For Congress to run in November 2018.

President Donald J. Trump is not on the ballot in November 2018, but his agenda will be voted on.  Voters will determine the makeup of Congress, and Congress will in turn, determine if:

The Border Wall will be built to prevent drug smugglers, human smugglers, MS-13 gang members, terrorists, Illegal Aliens, and opioids from flooding across the wide-open southern border.  “Abolish ICE” will be approved, and if ICE will be prevented from capturing dangerous convicted criminal Illegal Aliens. Federal grants to 350+ Sanctuary cities will continue, even as they continue to violate US Federal Immigration Laws, while releasing dangerous convicted criminal Illegal Aliens into the general population, instead of turning them over to ICE. The newly proposed tax cuts will be approved; if the previously approved tax cuts will be retained.   The Trump administration economic policies that grew the quarterly economic numbers from 2% to 4.1% will continue.  Support for The Free Enterprise System, that built the most effective economic engine in the history of mankind will be supported; or if economic policies that support Democratic Socialism will be voted in.  Funds to rebuild and modernize the US Armed Forces and to safeguard National Security will continue to be approved.  The Social Experiment On Diversity in the US Armed Forces that is negatively affecting unit moral, unit cohesiveness, personnel retention, and “Combat Effectiveness” will be terminated.age1image1646288 Measures to institute penalties to prevent rampant voter fraud by non-US Citizens will be enacted.  There will be a vote to Impeach President Donald J. Trump. The “Endorsements” page of our Web site lists the bios and photos of the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress; they have pledged to protect and defend the US Constitution. The “Endorsements” page of our Web site lists the bios and photos of the endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress who have pledged to protect and defend the US Constitution.

To quote President Ronald Reagan, “Some people spend a lifetime wondering if they made a difference.”  You can make a very important difference this year; with your contribution to support endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, you will be able to help the President retain control of Congress.

This PAC does not have any paid employees, we have always been supported by volunteers.  Donations will be used to recruit, endorse, and campaign for endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress, not for anyone’s salary.

At one time in their lives, each endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including their lives.”  You can thank them for their service by helping to elect and re-elect them to Congress.  

A contribution can be made by going to the Donate page of our Web site.  With kindest regards, and best wishes, I remain: 


Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62
Capt. USNR (Ret)/ Former FBI//Reagan Administration Alumnus

Co-Founder and Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC