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Actions/Inaction/Comments by Obama Appointed Flag Officers

  • Actions/Inaction/Comments by Obama Appointed Flag Officers

 With Obama removal 200+ highly qualified and combat tested senior and flag officers from key positions, we are now witnessing comments by some of the officers who were appointed to replace those Flag Officers.  Admiral Locklear, CINCPAC,  an Obama appointee, recently made another troubling statement, that can be read by clicking on the below listed link; he said he believes China will help the US Military with its security requirements in the Pacific region.  He previously stated “the greatest threat to the US in the Pacific is Global Warming.”

Obama also appointed former Chairman Adm. Mullen who surprised most Naval Academy graduates, who support and endeavor to live by the Naval Academy Honor Concept, when Mullen refused to testify forthrightly in response to Cong Trey Gowdy’s very simple questions in Congress.  His answers can be viewed in the video by clicking on the following link ; as the Co-Chairman of the Accountability Review Board on The Battle of Benghazi, Mullen refused to include in his report that the only reason a military rescue was not dispatched to save the lives of the 4 Americans who were killed in Benghazi was because Obama refused to issue “Cross Border Authority” that would be required to permit the US military to launch the prepositioned rescue forces that were between 90 minutes and 2 hours away. 

According to the written findings of a US Senate “Bipartisan” Committee Report on Benghazi, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, another Obama appointee, exhibited “poor leadership and insufficient planning for the 9/11/12 predictable Benghazi terrorist attack and showed significant deficiencies in command.”  On February 7, 2013, General Dempsey in testimony before the US Senate blamed the US State Department leadership for the attack on the US Mission in Benghazi; he stated that the Pentagon never received a request to place military forces closer to the US Mission in Benghazi on 9/11/2012, and that he wasn’t aware of the existence of the CIA Annex in Benghazi.   

The Reid controlled Senate will continue to confirm politically acceptable senior flag officers that the civilian appointees at the Pentagon hand pick who are being forced to preside over the steadily eroding US Armed Forces.  Some of the decisions being made in the Pentagon affecting the US Armed Forces are the new proposed increase in the cost of military medical benefits, the pending loss of Commissaries, the violation of military Chaplain’s freedom of speech & their well held religious beliefs, the decrease in physical qualification for Tip of the Spear Units so women can be assigned, forcing new & dangerous Rules Of Engagement in Combat resulting in casualties that could be avoided, the relief of hundreds of Commanding Officers/Officers/senior enlisted from ships on extended deployment over the last 5 years because of sexual improprieties at sea, and failure to take appropriate corrective actions that would prevent 14,000 straight male military personnel from being sexually assaulted annually, are all indications that Obama’s civilian appointees at DOD are only promoting Flag Officers who can be counted on to comply with the aforementioned policies that are collectively eroding the Combat Effectiveness of the US Armed Forces.