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Loss of Freedom of Religion in the US Military

  • Loss of Freedom of Religion in the US Military

Rear Admiral Lee displays the type of LEADERSHIP graduates of all the Service Academies are taught to emulate in their LEADERSHIP Courses over a 4 year period.  LEADERSHIP traits are further brought home to all newly commissioned officers in all branches of the Armed Forces by example in the course of operations by Senior Officers and Senior Enlisted personnel.   The US Military places great emphasis on LEADERSHIP, and one of the basic tenets that is instilled in all personnel is to “never leave a man/woman behind.”

Rear Admiral Lee’s discussion of the Freedom of Religion, guaranteed to all members of the US Armed Forces for 238 years in the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution, and his expression of opposition to the new Restrictive Regulations on Freedom of Religion will probably result in disciplinary action, because in the video, “he crossed the line.” If you never watch any other video on Freedom of Religion in the US Military, please watch this video, if it doesn’t affect you, nothing will.    Kindly pass it on to every American citizens you know, who believes in “Freedom of Religion.”  


We suspect that Rear Admiral Lee will soon be added to the long list of Flag Officers who have been inappropriately relieved of duty by Obama over the last 5 years because of his failure to knuckle under, and comply with the “Social Experiment On Diversity” being force fed to all members of the US Armed Forces.  The “Social Experiment On Diversity” has negatively affected moral, unit cohesion, and Combat Effectiveness in the US Armed Forces.  Rear Admiral Lee’s removal will be initiated at the White House, executed by Obama’s civilian appointees in the Department of Defense, and will be covered up by the left of center liberal media establishment. 

We are counting on everyone who receives this information to help us inform the American people about what has been happening to the oppressed men and women in the US Armed Forces over the last 5 years; they have no defense against the new military regulations that restrict their freedoms and no longer protect them from sexual assaults.  New Military Regulations issued by the Obama administration restrict Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, have been responsible for the sexually assaults on 14,000 young straight males in one year (read the Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military–May 2013), have changed the Rules of Engagement in combat resulting in many more deaths, and military personnel are concerned because no re-enforcements were sent to save the lives of two former Navy SEALs during the Battle of Benghazi.  In light of the previous discussed issues, the stress level has been ratcheted up on active duty personnel.  At least one of active duty military member committed suicide each day last year, and 22 Veterans who left active duty commit suicide every day.  What the Obama administration has been doing to oppress members of the US military for the last 5 years has not been in the best interest of the defense of the nation.