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The Real Communicator

  • The Real Communicator

 Please click on the below listed link to listen to an old friend.  For a brief period, he will help you receive some relief from the lies emanating from the Obama administration on the Battle of Benghazi, Obama Care, Fast & Furious, and so much more.


As the famous movie title states, how “Green Was My Valley”, it was so for all Americans when President Reagan and all the previous occupants of the Oval Office were Patriotic Americans who had the best interest of American citizens at heart, protected members of the US Armed Forces by ensuring reinforcements would be sent to Americans under attack, guaranteed Freedom of Religion in the US Armed Forces, prevented the administration appointees in the IRS from attacking conservative Americans, ensured Americans retained the Right to Secure & Bear Arms in accordance with the 2ndAmendment, and defended “The Free Enterprise System” that built the most effective economic engine in the history of mankind. 


Obama’s brand of Socialism and Marxism, that he has been trying to get  his 33 appointed Czars (one is a confirmed Communist) to change the nation’s 238 year old Republic to, has FAILED in ever country it has ever been tried in----in Adolf Hitler’s Germany, Benito Mussolini’s Italy, Mao Tse-Tung’s China, Josef Stalin’s Russia, Josip Broz Tito’s Yugoslavia, Francisco Franco’s Spain, Walter Ulbricht’s East Germany, Wladyslaw Gomulka’ Poland, Alexander Dubcek’s Czechoslovakia, Ho Chi Min’s North Vietnam, Janos Kadar’s Hungary, Nicolae Ceausescu’s Romania, Georgi Dimitrov’s Bulgaria, Fidel Castor’s Cuba, Khmer Rouge’s of Cambodia, Hugo Chave’s Venezuela, Daniel Ortega’s Nicaragua, etc.  

We hope you will share President Reagan’s light video with those in your address book who admired the Gipper and will support our efforts to protect and defend the US Constitution.