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"Liberty or Tyranny"---Cong James Bridenstine, Lcdr-USNR (R-OK-1)

  • "Liberty or Tyranny"---Cong James Bridenstine, Lcdr-USNR (R-OK-1)

 One of the 20 elected Combat Veterans For Congress attacks Obama continuing attempt to move the Republic from the “Liberty” our Founding Fathers gave  American citizens with the US Constitution and Obama’s 45 appointed Czars who are bypassing Congress to move the Republic toward “ Tyranny,” by issuing thousands of regulations that violate the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, that attack our freedom of religion including the cancelation of the National Day of Prayer, have been destroying the Combat Effectiveness of the US Armed Forces, are perpetrating voter fraud, continue to fail to support the voting rights for Combat Forces in the field, have been employing the IRS to restrict the voting rights of US citizens, proposed a new Immigration Bill that wipes out the criminal records of 400,000 Illegal aliens with felony warrants issued for serious criminal offenses so they can be processed as US citizens, have used Executive Orders to bypass Congress in their goal to restrict the 2nd  Amendment rights of citizens, that perpetrate supporting the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt, Libya, and Syria with money & arms for them & their Al Q’ieda affiliates, that Obama’s out of control & irresponsible spending is driving the national debt from $9 trillion to $17 trillion & ultimately to $24 trillion,  filed a law suit against Arizona in support of Mexico for trying to prevent illegal immigrates from crossing the border & operate freely in its state, that has driven the cost of health care for a family of 4 under the flawed Obama Health Care Law to $20,000/year, using the NSA to compile detailed information on conservatives Americans from their private E-mails & phone calls, have been illegally obstructing oil drilling & the keystone pipeline driving the cost of gas from $1.48 to over $4.00/gallon, violated Federal Bankruptcy Laws by giving control of public auto companies to unions to the detriment of stockholders, stopping the deportation of thousands of criminal Illegal aliens by using the Dream Act to give them freedom from deportation in violation of Federal Immigration Law,  continuing in the cover-up on the death of 4 Americans (including 2 Navy SEALS) who were abandoned in Benghazi when military support was just 2 hours away, and so much more. 

We seek your support to help us re-elect the 20 elected Combat Veterans For Congress and for support of our quest to recruit, do the background investigations on, endorse, campaign for, and help elect a new slate of Combat Veterans For Congress who will be running for election in the 2014 mid-term election.  Anything you can do to support our effort would be greatly appreciated.


 U.S. Rep. Jim Bridenstine: “Are We Moving Toward Tyranny or Liberty?”


29 Jun 2013

AmericaBarack Obamaliberty and tyranny

by News Editor


United States Representative Jim Bridenstine, R-Oklahoma, took a minute on Friday to lambast Obama’s fundamental transformation of America, contending that we are rapidly moving away from liberty, toward tyranny:

The president decided to raise energy prices on all Americans, which adversely affects the poor the most and he didn’t ask Congress. The president decided to unilaterally reduce our strategic nuclear deterrent when more countries than ever have nuclear weapons, no treaty that would require consent of the Senate. The president has decided which health insurance plans the people are allowed to have. The president didn’t ask congress or the people for that matter. The list goes on.

In America, we are either moving more towards liberty or more towards tyranny. Well I think, we should ask ourselves what tyranny would look like in the United States of America. An executive branch that picks and chooses which laws it wants to enforce. A judicial branch that would allow to do so on grounds of the executive branch did not defend the laws in the court. The legislative branch would have very limited power because they turned it all over the president and the people would feel like they had no representation.