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Obama Administration Advertising in Mexico; "Those who Enter America Illegally Are Entitled to Food Stamps"

  • Obama Administration Advertising in Mexico; "Those who Enter America Illegally Are Entitled to Food Stamps"

 This is another inept & misguided Obama Administration policy that is undermining the fragile financial stability of the Republic.  Adding Illegal Aliens to US Welfare rolls is fiscally irresponsible.    The two Chechens terrorists who set off the bombs in Boston had been on the same programs being advertised in Mexico by the US Agriculture Department, in order to recruit and encourage more Illegal Aliens to violate federal law by sneaking across the Southern US Border, then to file for food stamps.  Please review the below listed article.   


BY DAVE THE SAGE ON APRIL 28, 2013 • ( 0 ) -by John Semmens-

Administration Brochure Touts Food Stamp Benefits for Foreigners

It was recently discovered that the Obama Administration has been working jointly with the Mexican Government to inform that country’s illegal migrants to the United States of their “rights to government food assistance.”

The product of this cooperative undertaking is a Spanish-language flyer supplied to the Mexican Embassy by the US Department of Agriculture. The flyer asserts that “even those who enter America illegally are still entitled to certain benefits” and explains how these “undocumented persons” may secure these benefits through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) called the revelation “evidence of a dangerously misguided policy. We are $16 trillion in debt. Adding foreign nationals to our welfare rolls is fiscally irresponsible.”

US Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack defended the outreach program saying “it clearly falls within the nation’s proud tradition of welcoming newcomers to our shores. Doesn’t our Statue of Liberty ask the world to give us their poor and hungry masses yearning to live free? How can we not feed them once they get here? Wouldn’t that be breach of promise?”

Vilsack hastened to point out that “our efforts aren’t confined to Mexicans. We’re very ecumenical in our outlook. One of the guys who bombed the Boston Marathon was a beneficiary of the SNAP food subsidies. We didn’t pry into his private life. We didn’t question his beliefs. To us he was a human being in need of help. That he may have been ungrateful for that help is something we can’t control. Should we let this unfortunate turn of events change who we are? Isn’t this when we’re supposed to turn the other cheek?”

John Semmens spent 30 years working behind “enemy lines” where he gained the insight into the idiocies (statism, repression, collectivism) that dominate the leftist mindset. Semi-News has been skewering their dangerous and stupid ideas and policies since 2005. The archives of these previously published articles can be found at: