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The New Immigration Act and Safeguards from Future Terrorist Attacks (2)

  • The New Immigration Act and Safeguards from Future Terrorist Attacks (2)

 This is the second of a three part discussion of the new 884 page Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act; the first article is posted on the Home page of the Web site. 

According to the Border Patrol, the southern border is exploding and out of control with thousands of illegal immigrants streaming across that borders, in order to be present in the United States prior to passage of the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act.  In order to stem the massive flow of illegal immigrants across the border, the US Government must use the press to publish the fact that a cutoff date requiring proof of residency of December 31, 2012 will be used to prevent future Illegal Immigrants from applying for amnesty.   In 1984, after President Reagan gave 3 million Illegal immigrants amnesty; since 1984, we have been repeatedly assured that there will not be another Amnesty of Illegal Immigrants until after the borders are secure; for 29 years the American voters have been demanding that the US borders be made secure, like the borders are secure for every other country in the world.  For the last 12 years, the American voters have not believed assurances from the US Administrations assurances that DHs will make the US borders “secure”.  Before the 18+ million Illegal Immigrants in the US are allowed to apply for a work permits, and then for a green card to start the process of applying for US citizenship, the borders must first be made secure.  For 29 years, the porous borders permitted 18+ million  illegal immigrants to take up residency in the US, so the American people will find it hard to believe there will be a “new plan to make the borders secure.”   Certification that the borders are now secure will only be believed if that fact is guaranteed by an unbiased government agency, not by Obama, DHS, or the Congress, only 17% of the American people believes that Congress will do what it says it will do.  The Office of Inspector General in the Government Accountability Office should be employed to verify the border is finally closed, and should produce a report agreed to by the Union representing ICE, only then will it be believed that the borders are finally secure.  However once the borders have been certified to be secure, there must be a fail-safe program to collect penalties and fees from all illegal immigrant applicants for citizenship, the payments should be collected by the IRs, not by DHS. 


The new Act gives 18+ million Illegal Immigrants an advantage in gaining employment over the estimated 3.5 million unemployed Veterans; so unless the same provision in the new Act that give employees a $3000 grant for employing an illegal immigrant with a work permit, and absolves them from having to cover that illegal immigrants with work permits from being covered by the flawed Obama Health Care Bill are also accorded to all unemployed Veterans, those provisions must be removed from the Act—that provision is unconscionable by the face of it and discriminates against all unemployed American citizens.  The number of Illegal Immigrants currently in the US that will be allowed to start the long process starting from issuing of a work permit, then a green card, that will leading to citizenship, should be regulated, only allowing a specific numbered to start the process in a quota system not exceeding 1 million illegal immigrants each year, over a 15 year period, in a measured and easily controlled approach (trying to process 18+ million illegal Immigrants all at once would be virtually impossible—the US government hasn’t even be able to process 900,000 VA claims over the last 4 years---that is 225,000/year, so how could they process 18+ million immigrants).  The numbers of Illegal Immigrants authorized to become citizens each year, must be carefully controlled on a priority basis, in accordance with the pre-approved annual numbered quota, and should be carefully integrated in with the number of “legal” immigrants who are allowed to apply for citizenship each year.  The legislation being proposed assures the American people that there will be no federal or medical benefits for the 18+ million Illegal Immigrants until they become citizens—so the 18+ million Illegal immigrants, most of whom who are currently on the welfare rolls and receiving federal food stamps, housing benefits, and medical benefit, must be removed before they are allowed to apply for citizenship.


The terrorist threat against the Republic has shifted from external attacks, to attacks by immigrants who are being taught to blend in with the population, build explosive devices in secret, and strike targets of opportunity. Immigrants from regions such as the Caucuses, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia must be carefully screened before they are allowed to apply for a work permit eventually leading to US citizenship.  Many terrorists who in thru the wide open borders, are hiding in plain sight (possibly as foreign students); this new Immigration Act must take into account those potential threats.  The members of the Senate can’t put their head in the sand, and demand the immediate passage of this Act without trying to set up a tracking mechanism to know where the 18+ million illegal immigrants are located.   There were some recent comments by Federal Law Enforcement personnel, referring to the two Chechen Terrorists as amateurs-----every new Al Q’ieda and Taliban terrorist killing American military personnel are also amateurs; that fact doesn’t make them any less dangerous.   As part of this Act, there “MUST” be a requirement that each of the 18+ million Illegal Immigrants be issued a tamper proof National Federal ID card that could be easily scanned to track the whereabouts of “every” of the 18+ million illegals, in the same manner passports are scanned at ports of entry.  IF THE DEMOCRATS IN THE SENATE REJECT A TAMPER PROOF FEDERAL ID CARD TO KEEP TABS ON EVERY ONE OF THE 18+ MILLION ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, THE NEW ACT SHOULD BE REJECTED BY THE REPUBLICANS IN THE SENATE AND IN THE HOUSE---IT SHOULD BE REJECTED BY FILERBUSTER TO PREVENT ITS PASSAGE!!!!  Issuance of a tamper proof Federal ID card would make it much easier for Federal Law Enforcement to locate the whereabouts of potential threats hiding within the 18+ million illegal immigrants. It is estimated that 400,000 of the 18+ million illegal immigrants have felony warrants—an area where DHS is also failing to protect all Americans; dealing with that issue must also be dealt with in the new Immigrations Act.  The national tamper proof Federal ID card would help law enforcement to ensure those 400,000 illegals with felony warrants are located, and ensure they will not be issued workers permits.   That tamper proof Federal ID card would also prevent, would be terrorists, from swimming undetected within that 18+ million Illegal immigrants residing in the US, and stop them from flying under the radar scope of DHS and the FBI’s radar scope like the two Chechnya terrorists and Major Hassan did for many years as they were being affected by the Islam jihadists outreach program underway in the US.  This new Immigration Act must also correct the flawed current immigration system that is allowing 400,000 illegal immigrants with felony warrants to roam freely;/ the current system in not working, and to overload it with 18+ million new illegal immigrants will compound existing problems and must not be structured to permit terrorists to hide as resident immigrants with  a worker permit to give then the freedom to plan and execute further attacks against innocent civilians and to damage the National Security of the Republic.  Senator have to use their intelligence to protect the American people from imbedded terrorists among us---they must not to rush to pass another flawed piece of legislation, in order to be politically correct, to appease the demands of left of center liberal media establishment, and to cave in to Obama’s demands.