Col Robert Elliott
ColElliottis a combat veteran of the USArmy.He is running for United StatesHouse of Representativesin the state ofCA.Active Status:Retired

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC endorsed COL Robert V. Elliott, USMA '71, USA (Green Beret) as the 123rd Combat Veteran For Congress in 10 years; he is running for Congress in the 10th Congressional District of California. Colonel Elliott resides in Tracy, CA and served in the US Army for 30 years. COL Elliott is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to reduce the national debt, to strengthen the US Armed Forces, to protect the Freedom of Religion and Speech guaranteed in the US Constitution, will defend traditional Family Values, and will provide “true” representation for Veterans and the average American voter in his Congressional District. He understands issues facing our Veterans and will take action to ensure they are cared for both while serving their country and in retirement. Col Elliott supports The Free Enterprise System, will work to stop the out-of-control spending by irresponsible members of Congress, and will support securing our borders, in order to prevent the entry of drugs, MS-13 gang members, terrorists, human traffickers, and others who want to enter our country illegally.
COL Elliott is running for election against far left progressive, first term, Congressman Josh Harder. Congressman Harder was given a very low rating of 11% out of a possible 100%, by Heritage Action for America because of his radical and far left voting record in Congress. He voted to defund The Department of Homeland Security, voted against HR 962 the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” that required proper medical care be provided to protect infants who survived in a botched abortion, and voted for HR 124 condemning the Department of Defense policy on transgender individuals.
Harder voted for HR 1644 to impose draconian government controls on the Internet. He voted for HR 1, which would weaponize the Federal Elections Commission by eliminating its bi-partisan make up and imposing controls on the freedom of political speech. Congressman Harder was the ONLY member of the CA Congressional delegation to attend the announcement of the introduction of the Medicare for All Act of 2019, which provides for a government controlled Universal Health Care program. According to the nonpartisan Mercatus Center at George Washington University, this would cost $36 trillion, or approximately $232,258.00 per household.
Robert Elliott was born on May 8, 1949 in Russell, Kansas, and grew up on a farm near Osborne, Kansas. The family’s primary business was raising purebred Angus cattle. Robert comes from a family with a long history of service in the US Armed Forces. His Great-great grandfather, Hugh Kirkpatrick, and his Great grandfather, Nathan Elliott, both served with the Union Army during the Civil War. His Grandfather, Avery Post, served in the US Army during World War I, and his Uncle, Arvis Elliott served during World War II.
Robert earned 10 varsity letters in Osborne High School—3 in football, 3 in basketball, and 4 in track & field. He graduated from Osborne High School in May 1967. He earned an appointment to the US Military Academy at West Point, New York, and entered West Point in July 1967. While at West Point, Cadet Elliott lettered o n the Varsity Track & Field. He also played intramural sports. Cadet Elliott graduated from West Point in the top 5% of his class on June 9, 1971 with a Bachelor of Science Degree.
In June 1985, Major Elliott received a Master of Arts Degree in National Security Affairs from the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. In July 1995, Col Elliott graduated from the U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania.
Cadet Elliott was sworn into the US Army as a Second Lieutenant on June 9, 1971 at the US Military Academy at West Point, New York. In August 1971, 2LT Elliott reported to Airborne School, Fort Benning, GA. After earning his Airborne wings, 2LT Elliott reported to the US Army Infantry Officer Basic Course at Fort Benning, GA, followed by Ranger School, where he earned his Ranger Tab in January 1972. 2ndLT Elliott then reported to Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, and over the next three years he served in various junior officer leadership and staff positions. He was promoted to First Lieutenant in October 1972, was promoted to Captain in June 1975, and was awarded the Army Commendation Medal.
Following his promotion, CPT Elliott was assigned to Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He completed the Special Forces Officer Course as the Distinguished Graduate in December 1975, and was given command of Operational Detachment A, in Company B, 1st Special Forces Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group at Fort Bragg, NC. During this period he completed Special Forces Underwater Operations Course at Key West, FL and qualified as a Jumpmaster. During this tour he was responsible for the planning and conduct of participation in a major overseas Special Warfare exercises in conjunction with other services and allied elements. In July 1977, CPT Elliott was selected as the Aide De Camp to the Commanding General, US Army John F. Kennedy Center for Military Assistance, Ft Bragg, NC.
From March 1978 through May 1979, CPT Elliott was assigned as Detachment Commander/Team Leader, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta at Ft Bragg, NC. After assuming command of a detachment, he took it from its formation through advanced training and extensive evaluation. In March 1980, CPT Elliott assumed command of an infantry company in the 2nd Battalion, 47th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division at Fort Lewis, WA. In December 1981, CPT Elliott was assigned as the Battalion Operations Officer (S-3) for the 2nd Battalion, 2ndInfantry, 9th Infantry Division at Fort Lewis. In February 1983, he was promoted to Major, and in June 1983 was awarded his second Army Commendation Medal.
In July 1983 MAJ Elliott reported to the Naval Postgraduate School, and subsequently to the Defense Language Institute (to study Japanese), in Monterey, CA. In June 1985, he was awarded a Masters Degree in National Security Affairs. In July 1985, MAJ Elliott reported to the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, KA, and graduated in June 1986.
In June 1986, MAJ Elliott reported to Camp Zama, Japan as the US Army Training and Doctrine Command Liaison Officer, to the US Army, Japan, and the Japan Ground Staff Office. He represented the Commanding General US Army Training and Doctrine Command, to the US Army, Japan and to the Japan Ground Self Defense Force, and was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal. From August 1988 through April 1992, MAJ Elliott was assigned as the Assistant Army Attaché, US Embassy, Tokyo, Japan where he interacted with representatives of foreign governments. In February 1989, MAJ Elliott was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. In July 1992, LTC Elliott was awarded the Defense Meritorious Service Medal.
In July 1992, LTC Elliott became the Deputy Commander, 1st Special Warfare Training Group (Airborne), USA JFK Special Warfare Center and School, Fort Bragg, NC. He served as second in command of a brigade-sized unit, consisting of approximately 2,600 soldiers and 220 civilian personnel. In May 1993, LTC Elliott was awarded his second Meritorious Service Medal.
In June 1993, LTC Elliott reported to Fort Shafter, Hawaii, as Commander, 4th Special Operations Support Command (Theater Army) (Airborne). He exercised responsibility for planning and coordinating support and sustainment of Army Special Operations Forces in the Pacific Command’s area of responsibility, to include coordination for support and sustainment of Army Special Operations Forces’ participating in 20 exercises in 10 countries. LTC Elliott also served as the US Army Pacific, Special Staff Officer for Special Operations. He provided assistance in the planning and coordination of the US Army, Pacific Terrorism Counteraction Program. In March 1994, LTC Elliott was promoted to Colonel. In July 1995, COL Elliott was awarded the Legion of Merit for exceptional meritorious service.
In June 1996, COL Elliott reported as the Defense and Army Attaché, US Embassy, Seoul, Korea. He served as the senior US Embassy Korea military affairs advisor and senior military staff assistant to the Ambassador, and interacted with high-level representatives of foreign countries. In September 1998, Col Elliott was awarded a second Defense Meritorious Service Medal and the Republic of Korea Order of National Security Merit Small Medal.
In October 1998, COL Elliott reported as Chief, Force Development Division, US Special Operations Command, MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, FL, and led the Force Development Division in a unified combatant command composed of over 45,000 military and civilian personnel. He supervised three branch chiefs, and was responsible for the development, review, and management of force structure and manpower for all elements of the U.S. Special Operations Command. In June 2000, COL Elliott deployed from MacDill Air Force Base, to Stuttgart, Germany, in support of Operation Fervent Archer.
He served as C/J-3, Director of Joint Operations, USEUCOM (U.S. European Command) Combined Task Force. In this assignment, he received hostile fire pay for further multiple deployments of varying durations into Bosnia, they still are classified operations. He returned to MacDill Air Force Base in November 2000. COL Elliott was awarded the Joint Service Commendation Medal for service as the Director of Operations, Combined Task Force Fervent Archer, from 18 June 2000 to 1 December 2000, and was awarded the NATO Medal for service with NATO on Operations in relation to the former Yugoslavia during the period 17 June 2000 to 1 September 2000. In June 2001, he was awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal.
Colonel Elliott was Honorably Discharged from the US Army on June 30, 2001. His military awards include the Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal (Oak Leaf Cluster for 2nd award), Meritorious Service Medal (Oak Leaf Cluster for 2nd award), Joint Services Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal (Oak Leaf Cluster for 2nd award), Joint Meritorious Unit Award (Oak Leaf Cluster for 2nd award), Overseas Service Ribbon (4th award), the NATO Medal, Master Parachutist Badge, Military Freefall Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, Ranger Tab, Special Forces Tab, Scuba Diver Badge, other awards/decorations, and various Service and Campaign Medals.
In July 2001, upon being Honorably Discharged from the US Army, Bob Elliott accepted the position of Project Manager, with GE Nuclear Energy in San Jose, CA and provided project management, coordination, and administration for projects providing repair, enhancement, or upgrades to Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors, both domestically and internationally. In 2003, he accepted the position as the Commercial Program Manager-General Electric International, Inc. (GEII), where he managed the commercial interface between GEII and GE for GE Energy‘s nuclear energy business, with primary focus on Asia, encompassing combined 2006 orders for Reactor& Field Services and Performance Services of over $70 million. In 2008, Bob was appointed Manager, Global Installations Services for GE Security, Homeland Security. He and his team successfully accomplished the installation, relocation, and decommission of explosive detection systems using computed tomography X-ray technology at numerous locations throughout the United States, as well as in Japan. From July 2009 to February 2013, Bob served as Program Manager for BWR In-Vessel Modification and Repair at Westinghouse Electric. He coordinated projects, budgetary estimates, and proposals to provide solutions to mitigate, modify, or repair in-vessel components of Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors at multiple locations both within the United States and abroad.
Bob was first elected to the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors on November 6, 2012, and was sworn in on January 7, 2013. He represents the Fifth Supervisorial District, which covers portions of south San Joaquin County, including Tracy, Mountain House, half of Manteca, a portion of Lathrop, and associated unincorporated areas. He was re-elected in 2016 and is now serving in his second term. Prior to his service on the Board of Supervisors, Bob served on the Tracy City Council from December 2010 until December 2012.
Colonel Elliott has been endorsed by Humboldt County Supervisor Virginia Bass, who is President of the California State Association of Counties; Orange County Supervisor Lisa Bartlett, who is also 1st Vice President of the California State Association of Counties; Kings County Supervisor Craig Pedersen; Shasta County Supervisor Leonard Moty; Sacramento County Supervisor Susan Peters; Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson; Fresno County Supervisor Ernest Buddy Mendes; Stanislaus County Supervisor Dick Monteith (Ret); San Joaquin County Supervisor Miguel Villapudua; San Joaquin County Supervisor Tom Patti; San Joaquin County Auditor-Controller Jay Wilverding; Tracy Mayor Brent Ives (Ret); Former Chair, of San Joaquin County Republican Party Mary Park; San Joaquin County Planning Commissioner Stan Morri; Escalon Mayor Robert Swift; Escalon Mayor Pro Tem Ed Alves; Escalon City Councilman Jeff Laugero; Escalon City Councilman Walt Murken; Escalon City Councilman Peter Krumeich; Mountain House Community Services District Board Member Brian Lucid; Mountain House Community Services District Board Member Bernice Tingle; Ripon Mayor Don Moyer (Ret.); Ripon City Councilman Dean Uecker; Ripon City Councilman Charlie Gay (Ret); Manteca Vice Mayor David Breitenbucher; Manteca Mayor Willie Weatherford (Ret); Manteca Mayor Steve DeBrum (Ret); Manteca Mayor Jack Snyder (Ret); Manteca City Councilman Richard Silverman (Ret.); Manteca City Councilman Mike Morowit (Ret); Lodi Mayor Pro Tem Doug Kuehne; Port of Stockton Commissioner Elizabeth Blanchard; Port of Stockton Commissioner Gary Christopherson; Tracy Arts Commissioner Taranjit Singh Sandhu; Lammersville Unified School District Principal Debbie Wingo; President of GFWC, Mount Diablo District Cindy Sanders; numerous other community leaders; and the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC.
Bob is a member of the West Point Association of Graduates, American Legion, VFW, NRA and the American Veterans. Bob and his wife Debbie of 38 years attend Central Valley Baptist Church, Manteca, California. They have 3 daughters Judy, Kathie, and Erika, and 8 grandchildren. Judy is Vice President of Marketing Communications for Advantest America, Inc.; Advantest America is the North American subsidiary of Advantest Corporation, the world’s leading provider of automatic test equipment (ATE) to the semiconductor industry. Judy was selected as one of the 10 most inspiring women in business in 2019 by Insights Success magazine.
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is pleased to endorse COL Robert V. Elliott, USMA'71, USA (Green Beret) who will bring to Congress his extensive experience in public policy and business skills, and common sense to better solve problems in government and represent the 10th Congressional District of California and the Republic. If you review COL Elliott’s positions on his website, you will be pleased with his policy positions; they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look forward to working with COL Elliott, and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber is running for Congress.
If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in the 10th Congressional District of California, kindly pass this message on to them, and ask them to support COL Elliott by working on his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign. The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned. We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of. He is a Combat Veteran who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”