SgtMaj Juan Hidalgo Jr
SgtMajHidalgo, Jr.is a combat veteran of the USMarine Corps.He is running for United StatesHouse of Representativesin the state ofCA.Active Status:Retired

The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is re-endorsing SgtMaj Juan M. Hidalgo, Jr., USMC (Ret) to run for Congress in the 51stCongressional District of California in 2020, he was the 105th previously endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress. SgtMaj Hidalgo, resides in San Diego, CA and served in the US Marine Corps for 31 years. He is a fiscally conservative candidate who will work to reduce the national debt, to strengthen the US Armed Forces, to protect the Freedom of Religion guaranteed in the US Constitution, defend traditional Family Values, and will provide “true” representation for the average Americans in Washington, DC. He will support the Free Enterprise System, and will work to stop the out of control spending by irresponsible members of Congress. SgtMaj Hidalgo is running for a seat held by four term Congressman Juan C. Vargas (D-CA-51), who has voted along party lines with Nancy Pelosi 98% of the time, and has contributed to the irresponsible out of control spending by the Democrat controlled Congress. The incumbent voted to reduce Tricare benefits for military veterans & retirees, and joined the far left Progressive/Socialist Caucus in the House of Representatives with Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Rep Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rep Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Rep Ayanna Pressley (D-MA). They all support the sweeping “New Green Deal”; the Socialist program was proposed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, at a cost of $93 trillion, or approximately $600,000.00 per household, according to a study co-authored by the former director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.
Vargas and the 4 above listed Congresswomen are also proposing the elimination of all private and business health insurance, to be replaced by a government controlled Universal Health Care program, and according to the nonpartisan Mercatus Center at George Washington University, at a cost of $36 trillion, or approximately $232,258 .00 per household. Vargas voted against cutting any taxes, against closing the wide open southern border, voted to restrict gun rights granted by the 2nd Amendment, voted to give 1.2 million Illegal Aliens amnesty, regardless of their criminal records. Vargas also voted for HR 5, the Equality Act, that eliminates civil right protections for women, eliminates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Juan Hidalgo, Jr. was born in San Diego, CA on February 26, 1966. He spent his youth in National City, CA and on January 15, 1984, he obtained a high school diploma from National University High School in National City. Juan attended Central Texas College in Killeen, TX and received an Associate Degree in General Studies. He attended Park University in Parkville, MO and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice (Summa Cum Laude) in May 2014. He also attended National Defense University in Fort Lesley J. McNair, DC and is a graduate of the KEYSTONE Command Senior Enlisted Leader Course in joint and combined studies.
Juan Hidalgo was sworn into the US Marine Corps at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) in San Diego on April 3, 1984. He began basic training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, and completed recruit training as a Marine Rifleman on June 22, 1984 and was meritoriously promoted to Private First Class (PFC) on July 2, 1984. In August 1984, PFC Hidalgo was ordered to Marine Detachment, Armor School at Fort Knox, Kentucky for Basic Tank Crewman Course; he completed training on October 5, 1984. Upon completion of training he was meritoriously promoted to Lance Corporal (LCpl).
In December 1984, LCpl Hidalgo reported to Recruiting Station, San Diego, Recruiting Sub-Station National City, CA as a Recruiter’s Aide and, upon completion of the tour, was meritoriously promoted to Corporal (Cpl) on September 2, 1985. In October1985, Cpl Hidalgo reported to Tracked Vehicle Company C, 1st Tank Battalion, Camp Pendleton, CA, where he served as a gunner, tank commander, and section leader. Cpl Hidalgo was promoted to Sergeant on September 1, 1988 during this assignment.
In October 1989, Sergeant Hidalgo received orders to MCRD, San Diego. He was assigned to Company A, First Recruit Training Battalion. While at MCRD, he served as a Drill Instructor and Senior Drill Instructor in Company A and Receiving Barracks. In January 1992, Sergeant Hidalgo reported to Company C, 3rd Tank Battalion, Twenty-nine Palms, CA. He served as a platoon sergeant, platoon commander, and tank leader during this tour and was promoted to Staff Sergeant (SSgt) on February 1, 1995.
In February 1995, SSgt Hidalgo reported to Marine Detachment Fort Knox, KY, as a primary military occupational specialty instructor. During this tour, he served as a tank commander, company master gunner, section leader, tank leader, and special projects staff noncommissioned officer. In August 1998, SSgt Hidalgo reported to Company B, 1st Tank Battalion, Twenty-nine Palms, CA. During this assignment he served as a platoon sergeant and company master gunner. In 1999, he was promoted to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) on September 1, 1999. Also during this tour, he twice prepared and deployed his tank platoon with the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) and served as company gunnery sergeant and First Sergeant, Headquarters and Service Company.
In December 2002, GySgt Hidalgo was assigned to Company A, and on January 25, 2003 deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). During his combat tour GySgt Hidalgo was a Tank Commander/Platoon Sergeant in 2nd Platoon, A Company, 1st Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division. He was engaged in combat operations throughout Iraq. The 1st Tank Battalion combat operations started as they crossed into Iraq at Safwan Hill, Iraq, then moved on to Al Basrah, Iraq, and then up Highway Seven into Baghdad. On May18,2003, the Battalion redeployed to Twenty-nine Palms.
On September 1, 2003 GySgt Hidalgo was promoted to First Sergeant, and assigned to Support Company, Combat Service Support Battalion-10. In February 18, 2004 First Sergeant Hidalgo again deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom II (OIF 2). During his second combat tour, First Sergeant Hidalgo was the Company First Sergeant with Combat Service Support Company-119 (CSSC-119), Combat Logistic Battalion 7, 1st Fleet Service Support Group. CSSC-119 was tasked with moving from Kuwait to Al- Asad Air Base. From the Al Asad Air Base they ran supply convoys throughout Iraq on a daily basis, at a time when the entire area of operations was involved in constant combat hostilities. On September 2, 2004 his company redeployed; he filled the billet of Sergeant Major, Combat Service Support Battalion-10. In July 2005, First Sergeant Hidalgo reported to Company F, Second Recruit Training Battalion, MCRD San Diego.
In January 2007, Sergeant Major (SgtMaj) Hidalgo reported to Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 169 (HMLA 169), Camp Pendleton, CA. On June 1, 2007 he was promoted to Sergeant Major. On October 19, 2007 the Squadron deployed in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom 06-08 (OIF 06-08). During his third combat tour, he was assigned as the squadron Sergeant Major with Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 169 (HMLA 169), Marine Air Group 39, 3rd Marine Air Wing; the squadron is a Huey/Cobra squadron which was based at Al-Taqaddum Air Base, Iraq. The squadron was tasked with providing air support throughout Iraq, and flew daily combat missions, and did not lose one aircraft, one Marine, or Sailor during the deployment. The squadron redeployed to Camp Pendleton on May 14, 2008.
In August 2008, SgtMaj Hidalgo reported to the 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion, 1st Marine Division to serve as the Battalion Sergeant Major. On March 15, 2010, SgtMaj Hidalgo reported to 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit and he deployed for his fourth combat tour from February 21, 2011 to September 29, 2011 with CENTCOM West PAC, as the Senior Enlisted Leader, of the forward deployed Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Sergeant Major. In May 2013, SgtMaj Hidalgo reported to Joint Task Force, Guantanamo Bay (GTMO), Cuba, US SOUTHCOM, and assumed the duties as the Joint Task Force, Guantanamo Bay (JTF GTMO), Cuba Sergeant Major. At the end of his two-year tour in GTMO he returned to the Continental United States and on October 1, 2015, Sgt Maj Hidalgo retired and was Honorably Discharged after 31.5 years of faithful and honorable service in the United States Marine Corps.
Sergeant Major Hidalgo’s personal awards include the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal (3 Gold Stars in lieu of 4thaward), Joint Service Commendation Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with Combat "V" (3 Gold Stars in lieu of 4th award), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (2 Gold Stars in lieu of 3rd award), the Army Achievement Medal, the Combat Action Ribbon, the Presidential Unit Citation, various unit awards, Campaign and Service Medals. SgtMaj Hidalgo holds a First Degree Black Belt from the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program.
Since retirement from active duty, SgtMaj Hidalgo who strongly believes in giving back to the community he was raised in, has volunteered to serve as a member of several committees and boards, continues to support others as a mentor and motivational speaker, and is active in the Seventh Day Adventist Church of San Diego, where he serves as an local elder, and board member. He has been very active along with his family, continually volunteering for causes such as Toys For Tots, Volunteers of America, and feeding the homeless. He is a member of the Marine Corps Association, the NRA, the VFW, the American Legion, the AMVETS, the Marine Corps League, the Navy League, the 1st Marine Division Association, San Diego Latino American Political Association, the Marine Tankers Association, the West Coast Drill Instructors Association, and the Fleet Reserve Association. SgtMaj Hidalgo and his wife of 29 years, Francisca, have three children. Juan Hidalgo 3rd who works as a Boys Dean at Pacific Union College and an ICU Registered Nurse at age 27, Gabriel is currently attending medical school at age 25, and Alyssa is a college senior at age 22.
On November 20, 2015, shortly after retiring from active duty in the US Marine Corps, Sergeant Major Hidalgo declared his candidacy for Congress for the 51st Congressional District of California, where he was raised in his youth, graduated from high school, then raised his right hand and swore to protect and defend the US Constitution on entering the US Marine Corps. SgtMaj Hidalgo honored his steadfast commitment to defend the Republic while in the US Marine Corps for over 31 years in combat and during peaceful operations. The 51st Congressional District includes portions of San Diego County, all of Imperial County, and the entire US/Mexican Border across California.
SgtMaj Hidalgo has been endorsed by Cong Duncan L. Hunter (Ret), USA/ Combat Ranger Vietnam, LTG Marty Steele USMC (Ret), BGen Mike Neil USMC (Ret) Esq., BGen James C. Lettko USA (Ret), Former El Centro Police Chief Eddie Silva Madueño (Ret), New Jersey State Police Officer Karel Brobst, BMCM/USCGR (Ret)-NY Harbor, Jill Barto-Governing Board Member of El Cajon Valley Union School District, Lincoln Pickard-SD Republican Central Committee 80th Assembly District, Julio DeGuzman-SD Republican Central Committee 78th Assembly District, Lynette Williams-SD Republican Central Committee 77th Assembly District (former President of the Women Volunteers in Politics), Col Craig Candelore, USMA'76, USA(Ret) Esq-SD Republican Central Committee 80h Assembly District, Hector Gastelum-Otay Water District, Bob Maupin-Seat #1 Boulevard Planning Group, Marcos Cisneros, Chairman Greater Logan Heights Neighborhood Counsel/Candidate for the SDUSD School Board, Claudia Camarena-Candidate for Imperial County Board of Supervisors, District 2, Erin Cruz running for Congress in the 36th Congressional District,CMDCM Larry Wilske, USN (Ret) (SEAL) a former congressional candidate for the 53rd Congressional District, GySgt Nick Popaditch, USMC (Ret) (Wounded Warrior) (Silver Star) and former congressional candidate for the 51st and 53rd Congressional Districts, Sgt Daniel Casara, USA (Ret) (Wounded Warrior) former candidate for the 52nd Congressional District, Ernie Griffes, USAF (Ret) former congressional candidate for the 51stCongressional District, Pastor Ray Smith (D)-San Diego United Missionary Baptist Church, Fallbrook Pastor Jose Garcia,. Senior Pastor Dennis Hodges-San Diego Church of Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Hebrew for Jesus The Messiah), Pastor Amado Huizar, Doris Rivas-Brekke (“Daily Dialogue with Doris”, WsRadio.com), Richard Rovsek-President and Founder of Spirit of Liberty Foundation (Host WsRadio.com Radio Talk Show), Dran Reese-President The Salt and Light Council, David Burton-Director San Diego East County Conservatives, Baron Partlow, Founder Environmental Group “Stop The Poop", Former Councilwoman Helen Noriega (D-Brawley), Former President, La Mesa Spring Valley Board of Education David Chong (Owner AO Sword Fire Arms), Former Democrat Candidate for Calexico City Council Morris Resin, Don Floyd-Imperial Valley Community Activists, Danny Ramirez-Calexico Democrat Activist, Alfredo Hueso-Democrat Catholic ProLife Advocate, and the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC.
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is pleased to endorse SgtMaj Juan M. Hidalgo, Jr., USMC (Ret) who will bring to the US Congress his extensive experience in the US Marine Corps and wisdom to better solve problems in government and represent the State of California. If you review SgtMaj Hidalgo’s positions on his Web site, you would be pleased with his stands; they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look forward to working with SgtMaj Hidalgo, and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber is running for US House.
If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in Southern California, kindly pass this E-mail on to them, and ask them to support SgtMaj Hidalgo by working in his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign. The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned. We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of. He is a Veteran who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”
Vargas and the 4 above listed Congresswomen are also proposing the elimination of all private and business health insurance, to be replaced by a government controlled Universal Health Care program, and according to the nonpartisan Mercatus Center at George Washington University, at a cost of $36 trillion, or approximately $232,258 .00 per household. Vargas voted against cutting any taxes, against closing the wide open southern border, voted to restrict gun rights granted by the 2nd Amendment, voted to give 1.2 million Illegal Aliens amnesty, regardless of their criminal records. Vargas also voted for HR 5, the Equality Act, that eliminates civil right protections for women, eliminates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Juan Hidalgo, Jr. was born in San Diego, CA on February 26, 1966. He spent his youth in National City, CA and on January 15, 1984, he obtained a high school diploma from National University High School in National City. Juan attended Central Texas College in Killeen, TX and received an Associate Degree in General Studies. He attended Park University in Parkville, MO and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice (Summa Cum Laude) in May 2014. He also attended National Defense University in Fort Lesley J. McNair, DC and is a graduate of the KEYSTONE Command Senior Enlisted Leader Course in joint and combined studies.
Juan Hidalgo was sworn into the US Marine Corps at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) in San Diego on April 3, 1984. He began basic training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, and completed recruit training as a Marine Rifleman on June 22, 1984 and was meritoriously promoted to Private First Class (PFC) on July 2, 1984. In August 1984, PFC Hidalgo was ordered to Marine Detachment, Armor School at Fort Knox, Kentucky for Basic Tank Crewman Course; he completed training on October 5, 1984. Upon completion of training he was meritoriously promoted to Lance Corporal (LCpl).
In December 1984, LCpl Hidalgo reported to Recruiting Station, San Diego, Recruiting Sub-Station National City, CA as a Recruiter’s Aide and, upon completion of the tour, was meritoriously promoted to Corporal (Cpl) on September 2, 1985. In October1985, Cpl Hidalgo reported to Tracked Vehicle Company C, 1st Tank Battalion, Camp Pendleton, CA, where he served as a gunner, tank commander, and section leader. Cpl Hidalgo was promoted to Sergeant on September 1, 1988 during this assignment.
In October 1989, Sergeant Hidalgo received orders to MCRD, San Diego. He was assigned to Company A, First Recruit Training Battalion. While at MCRD, he served as a Drill Instructor and Senior Drill Instructor in Company A and Receiving Barracks. In January 1992, Sergeant Hidalgo reported to Company C, 3rd Tank Battalion, Twenty-nine Palms, CA. He served as a platoon sergeant, platoon commander, and tank leader during this tour and was promoted to Staff Sergeant (SSgt) on February 1, 1995.
In February 1995, SSgt Hidalgo reported to Marine Detachment Fort Knox, KY, as a primary military occupational specialty instructor. During this tour, he served as a tank commander, company master gunner, section leader, tank leader, and special projects staff noncommissioned officer. In August 1998, SSgt Hidalgo reported to Company B, 1st Tank Battalion, Twenty-nine Palms, CA. During this assignment he served as a platoon sergeant and company master gunner. In 1999, he was promoted to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) on September 1, 1999. Also during this tour, he twice prepared and deployed his tank platoon with the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) and served as company gunnery sergeant and First Sergeant, Headquarters and Service Company.
In December 2002, GySgt Hidalgo was assigned to Company A, and on January 25, 2003 deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). During his combat tour GySgt Hidalgo was a Tank Commander/Platoon Sergeant in 2nd Platoon, A Company, 1st Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division. He was engaged in combat operations throughout Iraq. The 1st Tank Battalion combat operations started as they crossed into Iraq at Safwan Hill, Iraq, then moved on to Al Basrah, Iraq, and then up Highway Seven into Baghdad. On May18,2003, the Battalion redeployed to Twenty-nine Palms.
On September 1, 2003 GySgt Hidalgo was promoted to First Sergeant, and assigned to Support Company, Combat Service Support Battalion-10. In February 18, 2004 First Sergeant Hidalgo again deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom II (OIF 2). During his second combat tour, First Sergeant Hidalgo was the Company First Sergeant with Combat Service Support Company-119 (CSSC-119), Combat Logistic Battalion 7, 1st Fleet Service Support Group. CSSC-119 was tasked with moving from Kuwait to Al- Asad Air Base. From the Al Asad Air Base they ran supply convoys throughout Iraq on a daily basis, at a time when the entire area of operations was involved in constant combat hostilities. On September 2, 2004 his company redeployed; he filled the billet of Sergeant Major, Combat Service Support Battalion-10. In July 2005, First Sergeant Hidalgo reported to Company F, Second Recruit Training Battalion, MCRD San Diego.
In January 2007, Sergeant Major (SgtMaj) Hidalgo reported to Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 169 (HMLA 169), Camp Pendleton, CA. On June 1, 2007 he was promoted to Sergeant Major. On October 19, 2007 the Squadron deployed in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom 06-08 (OIF 06-08). During his third combat tour, he was assigned as the squadron Sergeant Major with Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 169 (HMLA 169), Marine Air Group 39, 3rd Marine Air Wing; the squadron is a Huey/Cobra squadron which was based at Al-Taqaddum Air Base, Iraq. The squadron was tasked with providing air support throughout Iraq, and flew daily combat missions, and did not lose one aircraft, one Marine, or Sailor during the deployment. The squadron redeployed to Camp Pendleton on May 14, 2008.
In August 2008, SgtMaj Hidalgo reported to the 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion, 1st Marine Division to serve as the Battalion Sergeant Major. On March 15, 2010, SgtMaj Hidalgo reported to 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit and he deployed for his fourth combat tour from February 21, 2011 to September 29, 2011 with CENTCOM West PAC, as the Senior Enlisted Leader, of the forward deployed Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Sergeant Major. In May 2013, SgtMaj Hidalgo reported to Joint Task Force, Guantanamo Bay (GTMO), Cuba, US SOUTHCOM, and assumed the duties as the Joint Task Force, Guantanamo Bay (JTF GTMO), Cuba Sergeant Major. At the end of his two-year tour in GTMO he returned to the Continental United States and on October 1, 2015, Sgt Maj Hidalgo retired and was Honorably Discharged after 31.5 years of faithful and honorable service in the United States Marine Corps.
Sergeant Major Hidalgo’s personal awards include the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal (3 Gold Stars in lieu of 4thaward), Joint Service Commendation Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with Combat "V" (3 Gold Stars in lieu of 4th award), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (2 Gold Stars in lieu of 3rd award), the Army Achievement Medal, the Combat Action Ribbon, the Presidential Unit Citation, various unit awards, Campaign and Service Medals. SgtMaj Hidalgo holds a First Degree Black Belt from the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program.
Since retirement from active duty, SgtMaj Hidalgo who strongly believes in giving back to the community he was raised in, has volunteered to serve as a member of several committees and boards, continues to support others as a mentor and motivational speaker, and is active in the Seventh Day Adventist Church of San Diego, where he serves as an local elder, and board member. He has been very active along with his family, continually volunteering for causes such as Toys For Tots, Volunteers of America, and feeding the homeless. He is a member of the Marine Corps Association, the NRA, the VFW, the American Legion, the AMVETS, the Marine Corps League, the Navy League, the 1st Marine Division Association, San Diego Latino American Political Association, the Marine Tankers Association, the West Coast Drill Instructors Association, and the Fleet Reserve Association. SgtMaj Hidalgo and his wife of 29 years, Francisca, have three children. Juan Hidalgo 3rd who works as a Boys Dean at Pacific Union College and an ICU Registered Nurse at age 27, Gabriel is currently attending medical school at age 25, and Alyssa is a college senior at age 22.
On November 20, 2015, shortly after retiring from active duty in the US Marine Corps, Sergeant Major Hidalgo declared his candidacy for Congress for the 51st Congressional District of California, where he was raised in his youth, graduated from high school, then raised his right hand and swore to protect and defend the US Constitution on entering the US Marine Corps. SgtMaj Hidalgo honored his steadfast commitment to defend the Republic while in the US Marine Corps for over 31 years in combat and during peaceful operations. The 51st Congressional District includes portions of San Diego County, all of Imperial County, and the entire US/Mexican Border across California.
SgtMaj Hidalgo has been endorsed by Cong Duncan L. Hunter (Ret), USA/ Combat Ranger Vietnam, LTG Marty Steele USMC (Ret), BGen Mike Neil USMC (Ret) Esq., BGen James C. Lettko USA (Ret), Former El Centro Police Chief Eddie Silva Madueño (Ret), New Jersey State Police Officer Karel Brobst, BMCM/USCGR (Ret)-NY Harbor, Jill Barto-Governing Board Member of El Cajon Valley Union School District, Lincoln Pickard-SD Republican Central Committee 80th Assembly District, Julio DeGuzman-SD Republican Central Committee 78th Assembly District, Lynette Williams-SD Republican Central Committee 77th Assembly District (former President of the Women Volunteers in Politics), Col Craig Candelore, USMA'76, USA(Ret) Esq-SD Republican Central Committee 80h Assembly District, Hector Gastelum-Otay Water District, Bob Maupin-Seat #1 Boulevard Planning Group, Marcos Cisneros, Chairman Greater Logan Heights Neighborhood Counsel/Candidate for the SDUSD School Board, Claudia Camarena-Candidate for Imperial County Board of Supervisors, District 2, Erin Cruz running for Congress in the 36th Congressional District,CMDCM Larry Wilske, USN (Ret) (SEAL) a former congressional candidate for the 53rd Congressional District, GySgt Nick Popaditch, USMC (Ret) (Wounded Warrior) (Silver Star) and former congressional candidate for the 51st and 53rd Congressional Districts, Sgt Daniel Casara, USA (Ret) (Wounded Warrior) former candidate for the 52nd Congressional District, Ernie Griffes, USAF (Ret) former congressional candidate for the 51stCongressional District, Pastor Ray Smith (D)-San Diego United Missionary Baptist Church, Fallbrook Pastor Jose Garcia,. Senior Pastor Dennis Hodges-San Diego Church of Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Hebrew for Jesus The Messiah), Pastor Amado Huizar, Doris Rivas-Brekke (“Daily Dialogue with Doris”, WsRadio.com), Richard Rovsek-President and Founder of Spirit of Liberty Foundation (Host WsRadio.com Radio Talk Show), Dran Reese-President The Salt and Light Council, David Burton-Director San Diego East County Conservatives, Baron Partlow, Founder Environmental Group “Stop The Poop", Former Councilwoman Helen Noriega (D-Brawley), Former President, La Mesa Spring Valley Board of Education David Chong (Owner AO Sword Fire Arms), Former Democrat Candidate for Calexico City Council Morris Resin, Don Floyd-Imperial Valley Community Activists, Danny Ramirez-Calexico Democrat Activist, Alfredo Hueso-Democrat Catholic ProLife Advocate, and the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC.
The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is pleased to endorse SgtMaj Juan M. Hidalgo, Jr., USMC (Ret) who will bring to the US Congress his extensive experience in the US Marine Corps and wisdom to better solve problems in government and represent the State of California. If you review SgtMaj Hidalgo’s positions on his Web site, you would be pleased with his stands; they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. We look forward to working with SgtMaj Hidalgo, and are pleased that a Combat Veteran of his caliber is running for US House.
If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in Southern California, kindly pass this E-mail on to them, and ask them to support SgtMaj Hidalgo by working in his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign. The military is one of the few remaining institutions producing the caliber of men and women needed to restore this nation to the greatness our Founding Fathers envisioned. We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of. He is a Veteran who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount “up to and including his life.”