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New Immigration Act and ICE Agents File Lawsuit Against DHS (3)

  • New Immigration Act and ICE Agents File Lawsuit Against DHS (3)

 This is the third of a three part discussion concerning the new 884 page Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act (S. 744); the first two articles are posted on the Home page of the Web site at

According to the research completed by the Heritage Foundation, if those 18+ million Illegal immigrants are given the ability to follow the lengthy procedure leading to citizenship, it will cost the American taxpayer $6 trillion dollars in new debt over the next 15 year period (the Democratically controlled Senate is misleading the American voter by saying it will cost $23.5 billion).  This new massive debt is being forced on the American taxpayer, a time when the National Debt is rapidly approaching $17 trillion, and that does not include the $6 trillion in new debt the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has said the flawed Obama Health Care Bill will cost the American taxpayers, and the $1 trillion/year in new projected debt over 4 years, the proposed Obama budget will cost the American taxpayer.  The Republic is already on the verge of bankruptcy, without the proposed new debt of $16 trillion in new debt (the $4 trillion the Obama budget will cost, the $6 trillion the Obama Immigration Act will cost, and the $6 trillion Obama Health Care Bill will cost the American taxpayer).  Despite these massive new debts, the US Senate is going headlong to pass this new Immigration legislation (S. 744) with no way to pay for it (charging each illegal immigrant $500 + fees which is in the bill, won’t cut it, even if the charge per illegal immigrant were $10,000, the cost to the American taxpayer would still be $5.9 trillion).  The new Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act being pushed by Obama Administration will eventually make the 18+ million Illegal immigrant citizens; they in turn will then bring in roughly 80 million new unskilled relatives.The 98+ million Illegal immigrants (80 million relatives of illegal immigrants and 18”+ million illegal immigrants applying for a work permit) will demand that the out of control government be expanded even more than it has been over the last 4 years, will demand more government handouts, and will result in Obama’s Socialist Administration distributing a larger share of the wealth that hard working Americans earn.

The illegal immigrants issued applying for citizenship will give millions of their elderly family members an opportunity to enter US under UN mandated family unification programs, qualify them for Section 8 housing, food stamps, health care, temporary assistance for needy families, low-income assistance for prescription drugs, federal housing subsidies, and will give the elderly relatives of illegal immigrants applying for work permits, the opportunity to fill senior citizen housing facilities and, because of their financial status, to receive free care in government provided nursing homes (no elderly American citizen will be given these benefits , no matter how desperate they are).The legislature being proposed assures the American people that there will be no federal or medical benefits provided for the 18+ million illegal immigrants until they become citizens, yet 4.5 million children of illegal immigrants who were born in the US, living with their illegal immigrant parents, will receive federal and medical benefits.  That massive immigration of 80 million new unskilled workers will be very destructive for the economy of the Republic.   The current “legal” immigration system designed to bring in skilled & educated immigrants, who would reinforce the skilled workforce in the US, will be stressed and undercut.  There must be a provision in the new Immigration Act (S. 744) authorizing only a specific number of relatives of Illegal Immigrants who are skilled and educated to emigrate into the US each year, so the US federal welfare programs will not be overwhelmed by the 80 million relatives of the 18+ million applicants for citizenship.  No other country in the world would do what the US Senate leadership is doing, pushing to make 18+ million Illegal immigrants U S citizens, which would result in those 18+ million illegal immigrants bringing in 80 million unskilled relatives, that action will not only bankrupt the Republic, but it will also reduce the nation that the Founding Fathers established,  to a third world nation like Argentina with massive numbers of unemployed personnel.

The new Immigration Act (S. 744) will create a “crush” of applications when 18+ million Illegal immigrants apply. The Obama Administration’s inability to properly handle that new influx of 18+ million applicants of illegal immigrants all but guarantees that most applications will be rubber-stamped by overwhelmed DHS staff.  Given the aforementioned crush, it is unlikely few will be interviewed, resulting in the approval of 99.5 % of applications.  Fraudulent affidavits will be common, as they were in 1984 when 3 million illegal immigrants were given amnesty; the temptation to commit fraud will be great in any program giving illegal immigrants US citizenship.  The ability to investigate fraudulent affidavits, on the true source of their countries of origin will be extremely limited, given that there will be 18+ million applicants and there is no realistic estimate and or method to collect of the true cost of processing applications and doing background investigations from each applicant, there will not be enough money to hire the required staff to follow up on questionable affidavits.  It therefore appears that most applications will be approved with little or no background checks, as they were in 1984, absent specific proof that their applications are fraudulent.  The current bill contains a confidentiality clause, prohibiting the use of any information provided by the illegal immigrant for any other purpose (such as using fraudulent information provided as a basis to arrest and deport the applicant in Immigration Court because of fraud).  That provision means that applications by illegal immigrants with most likely be approved, so every illegal Immigrant, whether they meet the residency requirement would try their luck with nothing to lose, knowing there‘s no downside, but a significant upside, and that will drive up the administrative costs. There is no mention of how penalties and fees will be collected in advance of processing an application for a work permit (the first step to possible citizenship); the IRS may be able to handle the massive financial burden.  There is no provision, in the bill, that rejected applicants must be immediately taken into custody and deported; in fact, the bill specifically states that the failure of an illegal immigrant to qualify “does not require DHS to commence removal proceedings”---this provision in the flawed Immigration Act (S. 744) would ensure that the illegal immigration issue that has been on-going for 29 years, would not be solved.  Unqualified applicants would have nothing to lose in applying, in the hope that they would fall thru the cracks and get approved because of the crush of applicants, something that is expected to happen to a significant number of illegal immigrants.  There is another incentive for a fraudulent application, because the bill provides for de facto work authorization, for anyone who merely applies, pending the final adjudication of the application; application alone, forestall deportation from the US, making frivolous application, with no chance of ever being approved, an attractive option for illegal immigrants.  We don’t have to speculate about the consequences of such widespread fraud being built into the flawed provisions of this legislation. 

There are specific examples of where terrorists have taken advantage of the current Immigration regulations and perpetrated terrorist acts against the Republic; there must be provisions in the new Act to prevent the type of the following terrorist attacks from occurring after the new Immigration act is signed into law, i.e.: Mahmoud "The Red" Abouhalima was an Egyptian illegal immigrant driving a cab in New York City when he fraudulently — and successfully — applied for amnesty as a farmworker. This legal status allowed him to travel to Afghanistan for terrorist training, which he put to use in the first World Trade Center attack in 1993. A co-conspirator, Mohammed Salameh, also applied for the 1984 amnesty but was, remarkably, turned down. But since that Amnesty, like the one being proposed in S. 744, did not mandate the removal of failed applicants, Salameh was able to remain in the US and assist in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.  Since Mahmoud “The Red” Abouhalima, Mohamed Salameh, the Time Square Bomber, Major Hassan--the Fort Hood Terrorist, and the two Chechen terrorists were radicalized by Islam Jihadists this new Immigration Act (S. 744) must have a provision to deport anyone who fails in their application, do a background investigation on the Mosques the applicant worships in, analyse photo IDs/fingerprints/criminal records/felony warrants of suspicious applicants, and interview applicants from certain countries.  S 744, as it is drafted, thus places amnesty before enforcement, and ensures an amnesty process that would reward fraud and not ferret out potential terrorists, nor deal with the search for the 400,000 fugitives from justice with felony warrants. If any Senator endorses the above listed irresponsible and fraudulent provisions in the new flawed Immigration Act (S.744), the American voters should hold them responsible for enabling 18+ million illegal immigrants with the opportunity to perpetrate fraud on the American people, and should be held accountable at the polls in the 2014 mid-term election and subsequent elections.

In light of the fact that 400,000 illegal immigrants are fugitives with felony warrants who are hiding among the 18+ million illegal immigrants; there is no way of telling how many Chechen and other terrorists may have infiltrated thru the porous southern border and are also hiding in plain sight. One of the many ways to determine if the applicant may be a terrorist threat is to contact the Imam of their Mosque and/or other worshipers to determine if they were overly aggressive or expelled from their local Mosques for promoting Islamic jihad (Tamerlan Tsarnaev was almost expelled from his Mosque for a very violent outbursts against a sermon about Martin Luther King).  Certain provisions of the new Immigration Act (S.744) must be changed as previously discussed; the changes must be inserted with a view of strengthening existing Immigration Regulations.  The borders must be certified to be closed by the Inspector General of the Government Accountability Office & the ICE Union, illegal immigrants must not be provided with gaining an employment advantage over 3.5 million unemployed Veterans, there must be provisions in the new Act to issue a tamper proof national Federal ID cards for each applicant, there must be a provision to locate & arrest the 400,000 fugitives from justice with felony warrants, the new Act should provide annual quotas to process applicants so the crush of applicants won’t bring the process to a full stop, and there must have provisions in it to do a thorough background investigation of applicant from high threat countries/regions.  Please read the below listed article and listen to the tape by a Special ICE Agent (the Law Enforcement arm of the US Border Patrol) explaining why ICE Agents have filed a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security.
Now that the new Immigration Act (S. 744) is looming, ICE Agents have filed a lawsuit against DHS, claiming that U.S. borders are exploding now, (it doesn't help that our government has billboards in Mexico advertising Food Stamps), and there is going to be a run on the border as implementation nears.  They also claim that the figures regarding illegals are false and misleading. 

Chris Crane.mp3